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Brittany broke into tears, clutching at John with apparent desperation, like he was going to float away again. John reached under the water, scooping her into his arms, planting his lips on hers, he tasted her saliva, smelled her skin and brushed away her tears, all in a simple heartfelt moment. John pulled away, smiling at her, like she was everything to him, her heart fluttered just thinking about his lips pressing on hers.

"I will protect you."

It was morning before they were disturbed, John groaned, extracting himself from Brittany's cool embrace, the slight frown on her face only mirrored his own while he dressed quickly. As he approached the door, a flashback from the dinner quickly leapt to mind, John paused, realising there was nothing around he could use as a weapon.

"Who is it?" he called softly.

"It's Janet, I'm alone, we need to talk." She called, clearly amused.

John opened the door, smiling at Janet as she strode in, carrying a long box. John motioned for the table, and Janet quickly sat, watching him move back into the bedroom. Brittany was still asleep when he kissed her, but her beaming smile let him know she wasn't upset as he wrapped her in his arms.

"We have a guest my Queen," John whispered, kissing her ear, "I'll put on some coffee while you dress."

John quickly moved back into the main room, he had found that the several cupboards around the walls basically contained a kitchenette. By the time he had a pot of coffee set on the table with milk and sugar, Brittany had joined them and together they sat, taking a sip of the delicious brown liquid.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" Brittany said quietly.

"I'll be frank, we need to hold the coronation as soon as possible, but there is whispers of an attack."

"What kind of attack?" John asked slowly, placing his cup on the table.

"It... It seems the clanless are no longer... Well... Clanless..." Janet sighed. "The clanless are mostly power hungry fools who see humans as fodder for their ambitions, this goes against the council, so they are cast out on their own... It appears someone is rallying them... Trying to turn the clanless into a clan of it's own, without the blessing of the council. They fear the rise of a Queen will threaten their little rebellion." Janet looked uncomfortable for a few moments, "well... You saw the power of their little rebellion..."

"What exactly are we dealing with?" John asked, gripping Brittany's hand tightly.

Janet stared at her cup, unable to look up, "we honestly don't know, it could be a few dozen, it could be thousands, their members have infiltrated the clans... You bore witness to that."

"What do you need me to do?" Brittany asked quickly.

"You? My dear, you must survive, grow, prosper, become the Queen you are destined to be." Janet grinned, turning to John, "and you... Without you this all falls apart."

Janet pushed the box towards John, who looked at it blankly for a minute. Reaching out, he lifted the top open, inside was something wrapped in silk, and flipping the top layer off, he smiled. Inside was a cusped falchion, he could see the wire wrapped hilt, a single emerald embedded in the cross guard, John smiled, thinking it was the same shade as Brittany's eyes when they glow. He lifted the weapon from the box, admiring the black scabbard and the ornate silver swirls that ordained it's length. John quickly drew the sword, remarking at it's almost silent slip from it's scabbard. The blade was polished perfection.

"It's custom made, based on your old sword, it's the same weight, same length, but with a carbon fibre core, apparently it should hold up to gun-fire... Or so I'm told." Janet chuckled, "just... Don't get ahead of yourself."

John smiled slightly, sliding the blade back into it's scabbard, he quickly attached it to his hip, finding like his jacket, there were hidden clips woven into the material that would affix perfectly to the scabbard. With a sword, he could protect his Queen... His love...

Janet waited for them to dress properly, John back in his dark leather jacket, cape draped over his shoulder. Brittany this time decided on a flowing gown, black with silver swirls, John smiled, noting the similarities between her dress, and the ornamental scabbard of his new weapon. Janet escorted them back into the council meeting room, inside were several familiar faces, and several new faces, but the thing John noticed was the guards, dozens of them, around the entire room, quiet, unmoving, obviously concealing weapons.

John smiled to himself, knowing how much the council was taking seriously, the attack on Brittany amused him, on one side, they were determined to keep her safe, on the other, there was reason to keep her safe... Only then did he realise the room was silent, all eyes were on Brittany and himself, he knew he was being watched because he couldn't feel that familiar itch. Janet lead them to the table, where John had sat previously, and he pulled it aside, allowing Brittany to take her place beside Janet, John took up position standing behind his love.

Janet smiled, taking her seat, "I thought you would prefer to stand."

John smiled, nodding, "It seems you and the council know much about me."

A woman he hadn't met before, red hair and eyes greyed over, Blind... chuckled to herself, "we see much, hunter, some more than others."

John couldn't shake the look of her obvious grin, something about her... he liked.

"Maree," she said quickly, "I'm the clan leader for Victoria, please, if there is anything you need, please let me know... In writing of course."

John wasn't sure if he was being mocked or not, but his thoughts were interrupted when Brittany cleared her throat.

"We shall let you know if we see anything." she said softly.

The entire room fell to perfect silence, John gripped the hilt of his sword as Maree quickly stood up.

"My... It has been a long time since I have had the pleasure of speaking with someone who has a sense of humour," her beaming smile relaxed everyone in the room, "You majesty, it will be an honour to serve you."

John stood in silence, listening to the council members bicker and moan about their current predicament, they really didn't know how many clanless members there were rising up, but even more of a worry, was they didn't know how many were infiltrating into established clans. Talk of espionage was rife, there was even a quick discussion about attempting to enforce marshal law, which Maree quickly shot down, explaining the impossibilities of enforcing a city wide shutdown amongst all the humans.

Around what John could only assume as noon, they broke for lunch. Nobody actually left the room, but everyone got up to stretch as sandwiches, tea and other items were brought in. John made it his business to retrieve Brittany some food, as he collected a cup of tea, he turned to bring it back, when he found himself face to face with Maree, grinning like a she demon.

"I've never seen a blind vampire," John mused

Maree's smile seemed to grow even larger, "I was blind before I was changed, but be warned young hunter, one does not need eyes to see." She winked at him, still grinning.

John watched in amazement as she deftly picked up a plate and began piling it with sandwiches, seeming to know exactly what she was grabbing, but he put it out of his mind, just another mystery to solve when the time was right. John placed the food before his Queen, feeling lighter at her smile, before standing behind her as he was.

"You aren't eating John?" she asked quietly, twisting in her seat to look at him.

"I'm not really hungry my love, I'll eat something later."

Brittany wasn't having it however, picking up her plate she offered it to him.


John didn't bother arguing, he just plucked a sandwich, and popping it in his mouth, the flavour exploded in his mouth. He should have known better than to think simple sandwiches would be simple here.

"They're good huh?" Maree said suddenly, standing beside John.

John jumped a little staring in shock, but then he felt it, and meeting Brittany's eyes, she could too. The sound of steel being drawn from its scabbard, no matter how softly, drew the attention of everyone in the room. Maree finally dropped her smile, taking a step away from him, but he ignored her, she wasn't the problem.

"John what is-" Janet tried to speak, but the look John shot her shut her up immediately.

The room was silent, the only sound was the soft breathing of the people in attendance. John turned, looking in all directions, he could feel something, but what was it? Where are you coming from?... A soft, low rumble shook the walls, a second slightly louder made a few vampires gasp. The guards drew combinations of knives and handguns, but unsure of the direction to aim, pointed them at the floor.

John turned to Janet, "we need to leave, now."

She nodded, snapping her fingers for attention, "code black everyone, the Queen is our priority."

Suddenly the room grouped around Brittany, placing her in the centre, she stood between Maree and Janet, the rest of the attendees in front or behind them, and in turn the armed guards at the far ends. John himself seemed to gravitate to the head of the group, standing beside a man of average height, who took the lead. Pushing through the doors, it was apparent they were not heading towards the garage, but further down. John was surprised when a hidden panel opened up into a staircase, and the group descended in silence.

Another boom shook the walls, this one much closer, there was no denying it now, they were under attack, and the enemy was using some kind of explosive to get in. John growled in frustration, it had been a long time since he had killed a vampire, he almost missed it... A second panel opened up, allowing the group to enter an old stone corridor, Must be off the grid... Walking in silence was difficult here, the stone floors echoing every sound, but the group continued. A shout behind them went out, followed by a series of loud bangs, John spared a glimpse back, seeing the rear guard firing on a pair of cloaked vampires running towards them.

"MOVE!" Screamed John.

The entire procession surged forwards, they were sprinting now, if not for the security member with John, he realised he would be lost down here. But the man seemed to know exactly where he was going, taking every turn without hesitation. Soon John realised the corridor they were in sloped downwards, This must be the destination... Out of the corner of his eye, John spotted a cloaked figure coming out of a side corridor in front of him, the vampire didn't even raise his weapon before John sliced him in half, he was impressed with the sharpness of his blade, not even pausing in his step as he continued running.

A scream tore through the crowd behind him, John spun on the spot, feeling Brittany's fear, he could see a glimpse of a cloaked figure holding a sword, coming from the opposite corridor to the one John killed. He watched the silver flash of the sword striking out, followed by an ear shattering scream that shook the walls. But this also broke everyone's attention. That's all he needed...

Tearing apart the plane of time, John leapt into action, one thing John always kept in his mind, was that although his manipulation of time only affected him, it didn't affect the nature of the world, gravity still held him firmly to the ground, but acted sluggishly. He used this, taking a running leap onto the wall, he forced his legs off the wall, sending him rotating onto the ceiling, from here he could see Maree, her face twisted in agony, her arms thrown out by her sides, protecting Brittany with her very body, quite literally, by the sight of the sword poking out the back of her ribs.


She could only just see John, running ahead with the security chief, As Janet mentioned... The gunfire had only just stopped, she didn't look back, she didn't want too, she just wanted to get closer to John, where she felt safe. But he had a job to do, and a flash of silver told her he was doing it, as she ran, the quickly dusting figure came into view when Maree shoved her sideways. Brittany turned, spotting a cloaked figure cut a young male vampire across the chest, she shuddered watching the flecks of dust fall from the wound as he fell without a cry.

The cloaked figure then stepped towards her, pulling back the blade to stab her, Maree suddenly jumped between them, screeching like a banshee as the blade went right through her. Everyone clutched their heads at the sheer intensity of the sound that lingered through the tunnels longer than it should have. Brittany watched in horror as the figure reached out, grasping Maree by the throat, She's going to die... I have to do something... Brittany took a deep breath, mustering all her courage, she only made a single step, before a blur of motion appeared, followed by a dull crack and the sound of flesh meeting a blade.

"John!" Brittany cried.

He quickly wrapped his arms around her, kissing her cheek, before turning back to Maree. She was grimacing, but still standing, the blade embedded in her chest was held by a hand, with no arm attached. John turned to her, watching her grimace turn to a pained grin, and she started moving forwards. Brittany's hand was grabbed by John as he pushed back through the crowd, and the procession continued. It was only a few hundred meters before the corridor opened up into a subway with a single train carriage.

"Everyone onboard," Janet called out.


John waited, watching a few guards climb onboard, making sure the carriage was clear, before Brittany entered with everyone following her lead. John waited, watching everyone board, before turning back and checking down the corridor one last time. Satisfied, he turned making his way to the train.

"Stop!" roared a man's voice.

John didn't hesitate, grabbing the doors she slammed them shut, turning to face the intruder. John stood in shock, standing before him was a middle aged man, dressed in similar clothing to himself, his long, black hair covered his neck and shoulders, his eyes the deepest jet, but the clothing he wore, even the design was almost identical to what John was wearing, down to the half cape draped over his shoulder, no doubt concealing a sword.

"Bastard!" the man swore.

John moved by instinct, there wasn't time to react, but just like with Jason's revolver, John seemed to know exactly what was about to happen before it did, right to the last detail. So when the train lurched into movement, allowing for a brief moment when nobody was directly looking at the pair, John had only the barest moment to react as the stranger simply disappeared. But John's instincts were on key, bringing his sword up to deflect a blow he couldn't see coming, a line of sparks flashed through the air followed by a crack like thunder.

Now John felt the tickle, diving into the plane of time, he could see the intruder racing towards him, John blocked his attack easily, and now the intruder stopped and they both allowed the passage of time to continue.

"I must inform you that this is not personal, but by my right I am king, and I will not bow to a pretender." the man said quickly.

"You threatened my life, so be it... You threatened my love, that is unforgivable." John growled

The man had a momentary pained expression on his face, but covered it quickly, "I am afraid, that there is simply no other option."

John was only a split second behind the man when he changed planes, but it was enough that John simply had to duck the blade swung at his head, the pair, wheeling around one another, using momentum to try and force their opponent to make a mistake. John could see every time their blades connected, a great flash of light and sparks. This kind of duel was nothing he had ever experienced, most of his fights were either at the normal pace of time, or completely one sided, hell, John didn't even understand how he could use his power while in sight of this man.

It became quickly apparent however, that John was the better swordsman, barely making any effort to block the wild swings of his opponents sword, the problem he had however was stamina, he'd never manipulated the passage of time for quite so long, and the strain it was placing on his body was intense. It was with a growl John did something stupid, feinting a misstep, the intruder lunged, trying to cut out his heart. John was expecting this, and he stepped into the path of the blade, allowing it to pass into his upper shoulder, while simultaneously plunging his falchion through the intruders abdomen.

The pair fell back into the normal plane of time, long enough to stare hate filled daggers at one another, before John quickly raised his knee into the hip of the intruder, throwing him backwards and pulling both their blades free at the same time. John watched the man rolling on the floor in agony for a moment, before stepping forwards, aiming to end him now, when instinct kicked in, throwing himself backwards to he managed to avoid the round from a high powered rifle. Backup had arrived, John turned, sheathing his sword and dropped onto the tracks, and feeling that tickle, raced to catch up with the train.


... Brittany...

She sat in a seat, sobbing, the last she could see of John was a blur of movement flying towards him, and a flash of lightning. She watched in terror as the train began to speed up, the continuing flashes and booms for several minutes before it all stopped. She didn't think John was dead, she'd have felt it, but anything could have happened, I need to be strong... For him... Turning her attention, she looked down at Maree, gripping Janet by the hand as the guards pinned her down to remove the blade. Her screech in pain deafened everyone in the carriage, but Brittany sat beside her, holding her other hand and stroked her face while the wound was packed with gauze.

A few minutes later, and Maree had passed out from pain, Brittany just sat, miserably beside her limp form, until Janet caught her eye.

"He's not dead?"

"... No..."

"Then he's coming back."

Brittany smiled, a sad smile, when a loud thud made her jump. All the guards turned their weapons to the rear of the train. Loud banging came from a door at the rear, and Brittany heard all the guards cock their weapons, ready to fire through the door.

"Stop!" she cried.

"Brittany!" called a muffled voice.

She stood, pushing her way through the guards, ignoring their protests and ripped the door open.


When the door flew open, he smiled, standing before him was the woman of his dreams. Rushing into her arms, he ignored the pain from his shoulder as she attempted to crush him. But several kisses later followed by her wondering hands, she found his wound, and quickly pulled him inside.

"John is wounded," she called out.

He found himself being pushed into a seat by Janet, who quickly pulled his jacket open, examining the wound.

"This is going to hurt." she smiled apologetically.

John just grunted, ignoring her as he felt Brittany's soft hand enclose his. He held Brittany's eye contact, puffing and wincing through the pain as the thick gauze was pushed through both sides of his wounded shoulder, letting out a snarl when they pushed the final piece into place. Now he was light headed, and as he slumped in the seat, he felt cool hands catch him, the scent of Brittany's skin comforted him as he drifted into uneasy sleep.

John woke to hard bump, his eyes snapping open, he tried to pull his sword, immediately finding Brittany grabbing his wrist. It took a few moments for him to realise he was in the back of a limousine with Brittany, Janet, George and Grace, the latter was staring at him with a look of fear.
