February Sucks in Counseling

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A therapeutic take on the George Anderson classic.
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It seems like everyone has their own take on this well-known George Anderson Tale. I am thankful he has invited the whole Literotica community to put their own unique spin on his tale. The problem with most (and I say most, not all) is that they seem to ignore key plot points of the original. My take on the ending comes from a place of failed marriages, experience with cheating spouses, and a lot of couples therapy sessions. I did my best to keep the characters, and the situation true to the original. I do use a lot of dialog because it unfolds primarily in a therapy session.


It has been a particularly cold February and I was trying to psych myself up while reviewing my notes for another couples counseling session with Jim and Linda.

"What a shit show," I sighed under my breath as the intercom buzzed and my receptionist let me know they were waiting for me.

By way of introductions, my name is Arvin Johansson. I'm a family therapist. I have been one for many years, for the most part enjoy trying to help people in their time of crisis, and I have seen some real unexpected turnarounds of what I was sure would be failed marriages. I have been working with Jim and Linda both as a couple and individually as part of court ordered counseling for their pending divorce. The judge being a good-natured person did send me a note warning me that this one was a "doozy."

"Who the hell talks like that anymore?" I thought at the time. He was right however this was a doozy, and I myself was hoping to wash my hands of the joint sessions after tonight.

As I buzzed and asked for them to be sent in, I couldn't help taking one last deep breath and praying for both patience and some inner peace. This was only their third joint session since we had started this nightmare journey 6 weeks ago, and I was finding it harder and harder to bite my tongue while trying to find a bridge of trust and understanding with these two.

I think most of you out there know the basics of the story. They had a belated Valentines night out with friends for what was supposed to be a romantic evening for the two of them, Linda gets caught up with Marc LaValliere first on the dancefloor of the club they were all attending, and then sneaks out of the club with the assistance of her "friend" Dee, leaving a dumbstruck Jim to deal with the fact that she not only was going to cheat on him, but without even having the courage to tell him. She returned the next day blissfully unaware that Jim would not accept the dalliance and had despite her claims that it was a one off, and she "still loved him," didn't seem to feel the same way about her or her actions.

Since this case generated so much local media attention when attached to the young and up until that point very popular local football hero, I know that you may have heard all kinds of speculation as to what happened afterwards. Some have spun tales of retribution and others of forgiveness, really all that has happened is hopelessly spinning wheels.

The nuts and bolts?

Jim tried to eliminate contact with the people he thought were their friends that supported Linda in her belief that she should get an automatic celebrity hall pass from her marriage and that their marriage of many years should be able to weather a single night of adultery.

Linda has continued to not only glow about the sexual encounter she had with Marc, but also documented it at Jim's request where she claimed she was "overwhelmed" in Marc's presence and "not making conscious choices." She holds onto the assertion that it was the best sex she has ever had and lost track of all the climaxes she had with him, but that her marriage should be just fine because of the "strong" love she and her husband share and the fact that they are "too perfect for each other." She has also continued to be in contact with their friends, despite numerous requests by Jim not to.

Jim was a broken man from the moment she abandoned him and her marriage, actually broken would be an improvement. He is trying his best to keep things civil for the sake of his children, but he cannot see past the choice Linda made to leave him that night. He had an old family friend draw up the divorce paperwork bit didn't initially file it. His "friends" tried to convince him that he and Linda were the "best of them" and that they should be able to make it work. Marc actually continued to try and pursue Linda for a relationship and to "provide a better life for her and her children," which definitely threw fuel on the fire. Eventually she rebuffed him, got tested for STD's and they tried to keep things together for their children.

Finally pouring gasoline on this dumpster fire, Jim was even setup by his friend L.W. with some escort named Ellen to try and balance the scale. She asked him to dance and seduced him to the point where he was ready to leave with her, but sent him back to Linda to "teach them both a lesson". Linda was insanely jealous and claimed she understood the depth of the pain caused by her actions but once they found out it was all a clever trick, the imbalance in the relationship returned and now a couple years later, he filed, she wanted counseling, and the judge sent them to lucky ol' me.

As they sat down very distant from one another, I asked myself the same question I ask about every marriage I encounter: Is this relationship worth saving and do I honestly believe there is any chance it could be?

"Linda, I would like to begin with you," I said after a rather awkward silence, "There are many reasons that typically cause a woman to cheat on their spouse, however you maintain that none of those apply to your situation. You weren't dissatisfied with your relationship?"

"No not at all," she said.

"You didn't feel that the marriage was imbalanced someway, that you or Jim were somehow better than each other?"

"No, I thought we had a very good marriage. Different roles, but we both contributed to make it work. He was always my dependable "hero" before," she said, but I noticed she looked down after that statement.

"We will come back to that I think, but you have maintained you weren't looking for an affair before all this happened and you had no previous contact with Marc before that night correct?"

"Correct, if you would have asked me before that night, I never would have thought it was possible to even consider what I did that night," she said raising her head.

"And you maintain this was purely physical, not an emotional affair?" I asked.

"I believed that for a very long time. I have come to understand that it was emotional for me, and caused great emotional damage to Jim. I thought we would just get over it together. I mean, I thought we would have some trouble. Our usual small fight, makeup sex, and move on with our lives like we always did. I did feel connected to Marc as he used me for his pleasure. Obviously, he wanted more after that night, so I must have been pretty good for him as well." She stated as she started blushing.

I could see Jim turning red as well, but obviously in a different way.

"OK, so lets explore that a little more," I quickly said, "You wrote Jim how you weren't thinking about betraying him, you just felt caught up and felt overtaken, but let's discuss who you were thinking about at the time."

"I have told you multiple times, I wasn't thinking of Jim, or even my children. I was only wrapped up in the essence of Marc that night!" she stated, obviously upset we were treading over the area again.

"What about Dee?" I asked.

"Oh, that bitch could eat her heart out! I knew she wanted him, but he picked me! Plain and simple me. I knew I looked good that night in that dress, but Marc didn't even look at her when he came to the table." She boasted with a smile.

I sat back and felt the air suck out of the room collectively. Jim started clutching his hands together.

"So, this wasn't pure unthinking reaction to seduction, this was pride. You were validated as the most desirable in your group. You claimed the prize that all the other ladies desired?" I asked as matter of fact as I could.

"Well no...maybe...I wouldn't say I was..." she stammered, "Oh god!" she looked at Jim again, "I'm sorry I think I see where you are going with this." She looking back at me.

"Where do you think that is?" I asked with I am sure what had to be a noticeable smirk.

"I have always said that Marc just took me because I was what he wanted. He felt he could take me so he did. You are saying I somehow wanted him to take me, or even that I took him because I could!" she said somewhat desperately.

"And did you?" I asked. But she quickly slumped back into her couch cushion.

"Let's change direction here. Jim, I can see your reaction to what Linda has been saying, I would like to table that for a moment and focus on you and your new living arrangements if I may? Is that alright with you? I promise we will come back to it." I said.

"Alright, I guess," replied Jim quietly.

"You are on your own, in your own place now correct?" I asked.

"When the kids aren't with me," he stated.

"So the kids are the only company you have had over at your new place?" I asked knowingly.

"I'm not sure I want to discuss that," Jim said, "I thought that was more between us in our sessions."

"Well as we are coming to the end of these mandated sessions, I think it's important to get everything out on the table. I'm asking you to trust me. I think it's time you let Linda know you have been seeing someone else," I said.

Who else have you had over at your apartment Jim?!?" Linda asked.

"Ellen" Jim said quietly.

"Oh the escort!" Laughed Linda, "I didn't know you were paying for company now. I'm sorry sweetie you could have had me for free you know!"

"I haven't paid for anything not now, not then!" Jim stated firmly.

"Yes that's right L.W. paid the last time, is he footing the bill now?" she asked, obviously still amused.

"Let me butt in here for a moment Jim," I said, "Linda you and I have talked about how the two of you were trying to make it work, you said you finally started to understand the betrayal and hurt you caused Jim that night Ellen asked him to dance. But after you found out it was a setup, things changed between you two."

"Well yes, of course, I mean he wasn't really in her league, she was an escort. I was relieved. I was happy for the perspective at the time I guess, but it wasn't really like my Jim could attract someone like her." She said with a smile.

"We have been dating a few weeks now," Jim said, "I think at first she felt bad for me when L.W. told her I had finally filed."

Linda looked gobsmacked.

"She called out of the blue. Knew I was trying to move on with my life," he said matter-of-factly, "We honestly have a lot in common, and the lovemaking has been beyond amazing. I mean she is a Lamborghini in the sack."

Linda laughed again, "Bullshit Jim, you are trying to make me jealous again. You almost had me. Look I know it hurt you that Marc picked me on our night, and you are a good husband and father, but let's face it, Ellen is not going to pick the 'Family Truckster' for a good ride.

"You know I was skeptical at first too Linda," I said, "I even asked Jim to invite Ellen to our last private session."

She looked at me.

"The thing is she came with Jim last week," I continued, "and she really wanted to know how long it was going to be until he was a 'free man.'"

The blood actually did look to be draining from her face.

"I may not be an exotic car, but she has never given me her second best smile the way you have. She might be out of my league, but she sure as hell doesn't treat me like it. She told me that she loved me last week, and I didn't have to wonder if it was because I was a house fixture or part of your fucking perfect idea of how life should be post-asshole!" spat Jim.

"For what it's worth here's what I think Linda, I think you got what you wanted from Marc validating your alure as a woman. The minute you took his hand you set the emotional and physical affair in motion. You got what you wanted from your circle of friends victory wise, but you never once trusted or thought of Jim as your equal the moment Marc reached out his hand to take you away from your husband," I said.

Jim looked like he was about to jump out of his seat and leave, but I gestured for him to stay put.

"You humiliated him, you abandoned him, you enjoyed the pleasure of what was in your mind a younger, stronger, more exciting partner, and then worried how you were going to keep a hold of Jim when both you and reality returned that afternoon," I continued.

She looked like she wanted to speak, but I pulled a form from the binder I was holding and held my hand up to silence her with my other hand. Pulling out a pen I checked a few boxes and signed the form.

"I'm returning this to the Judge tomorrow morning. I'm recommending he grant Jim his divorce. I'm going to recommend you continue some counseling, Linda. But I don't really want to work with you. I think you have a long way to go before you really understand what you did and why, and Jim here deserves the freedom to see where things go with Ellen." I said as I rose from my chair and walked over to open the door. "That's it for me, for what it's worth I am very sorry it didn't work out between you, I don't think the chasm was too wide to bridge, it was more about the elevation difference of each side."

Jim rose, smiled, shook my hand and left. It looked like a weight had been removed from him. I hoped he was finally on his way to some peace.

Linda sat there for a moment stoically. Then the tears came. For a moment I felt bad for her. In her current reality it was going to take blasting through many more layers of ego and self-deception to help her find the truth of the situation. Someday she might understand and honestly own her need to feel desirable, and the competitive obsession over a fantasy man, that drove her to jump into Marcs arms on the dancefloor, and his bed. I brought her some tissue and sat next to her until she got up to leave. Which eventually she did without another word.

The problem with these things we do to each other as people sometimes is that there is no way to balance the books, forgive and forget completely, find an ending that is satisfying, or give us closure that feels right for everyone involved. Someday some angry husband might give Marc the physical spanking he deserves to balance out the extremely hurtful man-child he seems to be, and I do in some small way hope I hear about it.

After she left, I flipped off my office light, reminded myself to pick up some flowers and a bottle wine for my wife on the way home, and hoped deeply that she and I are really as open and honest as I think we are with each other, because I never would want to go though something like this with her.

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luverlybubblyluverlybubbly4 days ago

I like it, but I sill see Linda as a spoilt selfish brat, who enjoys taking the wings off butterflys

l0ver0tical0ver0tica16 days ago

One of, if not THE best in what has become its own genre in the pages of Literotica. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Excellent. Cannot believe the negative commenters who deem it trash. Wtf? 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good to see a marriage counsellor with some sense. If someone did what Linda did, says there was no reason for it and refuses to take any responsibility the only path left open is divorce no matter how much you may want to reconcile. The counselors that take Linda’s side in some of the versions are just as crazy as she is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

That was the kind of story that I was looking for and hoping for because it was needed. To see how big of a cunt Linda is just proves that Jim is correct to get as far away as possible. She thinks she is superior because she fucked a football player which only makes her a cheating whore and one of many that this guy has fucked and dumped after destroying another marriage. If she is proud of this fact then she is an emotionally fucked up skank that needs to grow up and stop thinking with her pussy and her ego. Five stars +

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Another bad take on a bad story

26thNC26thNCabout 2 months ago

Outstanding story, and one of the best of the hundred sequels. You nailed the narcissistic Linda for exactly what she was. An entitled, needy bitch who loved no one but herself. People who think that I do nasty comments should read Rottenweiler’s comments. At least I like about 40% of the stories I read. Rottenweiler hates everything and everyone.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1about 2 months ago

About time a marriage counselor is shown as something other than a tool for cheating wives to force husbands to roll over and accept cuckoldry or get their clock cleaned in a divorce.

jkthekatjkthekatabout 2 months ago

Excellent, down to earth and soooo believable!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


It is not in line with Marc's character to fall for a woman and want to pursue it, granted. But the major part of his psyche is humiliating the husband and tainting, if not destroying the relationship.

So it's more than plausible that Marc, seeing how good they were as a couple... "the best of us"... he would continue his efforts to compromise Linda and cause Jim to divorce her,.. to THEN unceremoniously dump her.

It wouldn't take much work. No commitment. He'd get more free fucks out of a married woman, get more sadistic joy from hurting Jim, and there's nothing to say he still wouldn't be out on the prowl. There's also nothing to say that he hasn't kept up his disruptive campaign with others before.

All of that does fit his character to a 'T'.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd24 months ago

Overall a decent story and the idea of writing from the couselor's POV.

But the whole idea of Marc actually continuing to try and pursue Linda for a relationship and to "provide a better life for her and her children was way over the top absurd and contradictory to Marc's whole schtick of picking up women and taking them away from their husbands. One night in bed and Marc falls in love with Linda?? I don't think so, but maybe you needed that to feed Linda's massive ego.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great take. In my case it was her boss.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Your story went over well troden ground even though the PoV was somewhat unique, I still found it both derivative and repetitive. Good news I suppose that I'm in the minority so don't worry about it

inka2222inka22224 months ago

Wow, a therapist that isn't just a mouthpeace for the cheater. How refreshing. And Jim gets his happily ever after instead of idiotically mooing like a spinless worm that he's "in love with his wife". THANK YOU and an easy 5 stars. Would have been 10 stars if you added an epilogue of a lonely future Linda, who sabotaged her life.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy4 months ago

Sometimes it's hard to get past destructive behavior!


xtc5xtc54 months ago

I reread this story again and changed my rating to a 5. Again thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Nicely done. 5 stars! This Linda never advanced whatsoever from the original Linda when she first came home.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Veeerrryy realistic. Well done. 5 stars.

RePhilRePhil7 months ago

Good ending. Please keep writing and ignore the annony trolls

SteelPaperTSteelPaperT7 months ago

Except for the implied timing one of the better endings to GA's gut-wrenching masterpiece.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This started downhill almost immediately when you alluded to Jim not filing for a divorce after "a couple of years". In that toxic evironment why would he wait that long? You almost immediately show Linda to be an egotistical, delusional and self-centered woman when she doesn't realize or own up to the fact that she made a mess of her own marriage and STILL has no self realization a "couple of years" later. The rest was filler for a poor job writing.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196911 months ago

this type of story should be in the non-erotic category

luverlybubblyluverlybubblyabout 1 year ago

Linda is a very arrogant woman,who doesn't think her shit stinks

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Short, sweet, and good

This is a nice ending to the original, with the beginning of this piece particularly apt for the end of the other.

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