Feliformia Ch. 05


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"Meow! Not before I get my feeding kiss."


Erika was staring at me, almost in disbelief.

"You guys are insane!"

"Is that why you were humping my hip the whole time with your crotch?" I retorted.

"I ... I didn't ... do that ... Did ... Did I?"

"You totally did."

Her face turned beet red before she had time to hide it into a pillow. Her body betrayed her, and It was adorable indeed. She was more of a pervert than she would have liked to admit. However, I was not here to embarrass her, so I needed to say something nice. No, I needed to do something nice for both of us.

"Hey, Erika, there is something I'd love to do with you right now. Something I never had a chance to do with Kitty."

"What? Anal?" she asked with a smirk.

"You are very funny. No. Not anal. I would like to serve you breakfast in bed. Do you have time?"

Some shiny stars appeared in her eyes. Was she secretly a romantic?

"Hell yeah! I have nothing to do at all today. Serve me all you want! This is awesome."

"Perfect. Would you like some coffee?"

"Yep, with milk."

It didn't take long to prepare everything, Erika stayed in bed browsing her phone and answering some messages until I showed up again with a serving tray filled up with various food items. I sat beside her while she was holding the tray, then we found a sweet spot for it on top of our lap.

"There you go. All for you, cute girl."

"I know, right. I'm super cute."

Her sarcasm had no boundaries. We shared some croissants, fruits, cheese, eggs, and potatoes. It was great to have someone that could do things themselves. I mean, I wouldn't trade Kitty for anything in the world, I loved her even if she became useless. Well, that was not fair to say it that way. Yes, she was mostly helpless, and she let me control her whole life and her body in general, but that made her more and more interesting to me. Her growing happiness due to her extreme situation just made her increasingly fun to be around. It was an exciting game to find new ways to entertain each other. Every little moment spent with Kitty was joyful, and she was the reason for it. I was continuously thinking about her, even now, while sharing breakfast in my bed with another girl.

Trying everything from the tray, Erika looked super happy.

"Hey Mark, this is good. Thanks so much."

"You are welcome."

"So now, tell me. What am I doing here?"

I sighed heavily. She was right. I had to give her a bit more to work with. I promised her I would.

"Well, first, you were very nice to me. Else you'd not be here. You are awesome. I'll try to put this into words. I think I gave you enough info about Kitty to give you a good idea of what kind of girl she is, right?"

Erika nodded. "Oh yeah, she is a perverted latex catgirl, like you said."

"Yes, she likes to be controlled a lot, hence why she spends so much time inside the crate or in bondage. That is many, many hours for me to be alone. I love her so much. I don't want to take her hobby away. But at the end of the day, it is eating me up a bit inside. I'm lonely. Pleasing her means sleeping alone most of the time. I want to sleep with someone all the time like we did last night. No need for sex every night, but feeling a warm person next to me, a presence, is all I ask. Kitty enjoys sleeping in her crate so much. I don't want to take that away from her. She wouldn't be the kitty I love if she couldn't do what she liked. I'm torn."

Erika chewed on a croissant some more and nodded again.

"Yes, I can see that happening. So what? You guys talked about it, I hope?"

"Yes, we did. Actually, no ... Kitty did. She is the one that started to feel guilty about leaving me alone so often. She knew that I loved taking care of her, but also knew I was a human being. She understands very well that I am not like her. Her goal is to find a way to combine all the fantasies she loved so much with my need for basic affection."

Erika nodded some more. I was getting the feeling she was analyzing every bit of my whining. Her reaction felt as if this was a non-issue.

"Ah ... so Kitty told you to check if you could find someone to do things with when she was not available. That is a bold move," she said.

"Yes, she convinced me, to a certain degree. She is not jealous, and she trusts me a lot. She knows I will never abandon her."

"Of course not. But, it will be pretty hard to find another girl that is not Kitty, and that accepts that kind of arrangement, that kind of lifestyle. I suspect that finding a girl that doesn't want to spend days inside a small crate might be easier, though."

I laughed. Indeed, Kitty was unique in that aspect.

"Mark, let me give you a different perspective here. I think I know what you should be looking for."

"Oh? You do?"

"I think so. Listen. What you want is not another girl. What you want is Kitty."

I lowered my head, thinking about it. She got that right.

"... yes ..."

"So, don't go around, trying to fish for girls to add to your fuckfriend list. It is not going to work for you. Even if you have a different girl in your bed every night, you'll continue to feel like shit and be miserable. I know you loved holding me all night, but once I'm gone, you'll be back swimming in your lukewarm soup of loneliness. Your real relationship is only with Kitty, and you love her too much to be satisfied with anything less."

A ball of emotion was swelling up inside my chest. Erika was so right. Every single word she had said was accurate. It was useless to pretend otherwise. I even felt a bit dejected for even trying.

"You are right. But it doesn't help me. What do I do now?" I said.

"No, no. Listen. I wasn't done. How to put it? It is as if you are stuck in a game of Tetris. You and Kitty are piling up some tetrominoes, but neither of you has the "I" shaped one that would allow you to complete a Tetris."

"Erika, are you a nerd?"

My reward for asking that was a slap behind the head.

"Dumbass! No. I'm not a nerd. What I mean is that you need a nice person that you will take care of and slowly integrate into your family and lifestyle over time. She would be different from Kitty, but yet, complementary. I'm talking about building another precious relationship that would include the three of you. Then you can complete a Tetris."

I tried to make sense of what she was explaining to me. I scratched my head a bit.

"But, that would mean I'd have two girls at home."

"Maybe, maybe not. There are all kinds of possibilities. But because of your current atypical relationship, I'd say you are a good candidate to make something like this work. Plus, you said that Kitty was not jealous."

A three-person relationship. I never looked at it this way. When Kitty told me to look for someone else, she just wanted me to have a good time while she was enjoying her hobbies. But here we were talking about a couple, Kitty and I, falling in love with a new person. And that person would need to fall in love with the two of us in return. Was this even possible?

"Thanks, Erika ... for the advice. I think I understand what you mean. I am not sure how we could make something like this happen, but ... it is food for thought. I will talk to Kitty about this. She is way smarter than I am for those things."

Erika put the food tray aside and started to cuddle with me.

"Hey, Mark, you'll be ok. For now, give me an incredible make-out session. I want us to kiss for the next hour or so and forget about all this. I didn't come here just to chat, you know."

"That sounds like a perfect plan."

We spent a few hours cuddling and making out on the bed. Erika was so different from Kitty. She was in absolute control of her sex drive while Kitty had zero control over it. I never had a make-out session that long without feeling the need to relieve my partner of some sexual tension. Erika was calm, warm, and relaxed. She was soothing. We didn't do much outside cuddling. We watched a movie. We went out for a bite, we came back and cuddled some more. Before I knew it, the red-haired girl announced that she had to leave.

"Alright, Mark, I had a blast. Seriously. I didn't find someone to cuddle like this in a very long time. You are so nice. Do you know that? Kitty is a lucky one, and I'm sure she knows it. That is probably why she declared her love to you on your first date."

"Thanks. I enjoyed it a lot too. You helped me with my guilt. Thanks for everything. Can ... Can we see each other again?"

"Yep. For sure. I want to hear more about Kitty and you. Will she be here next weekend?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Why do you think? I'd love to meet her. That is why. Don't tell me she is not allowed to meet new people."

"No ... It's not that. Kitty is just different. You know what, let me talk to her, and I'll text you. I think I'd like her to meet you. I'll tell her exactly what happened and see how she reacts. It was the first time that I tried what she suggested after all."

"Sounds like a plan, text me later. Thanks again."

It was over. Erika walked out. What a nice girl.


It was so silent in the house now. A feeling of loneliness was weighing on my soul once more. Erika was right, little encounters like this wouldn't solve my issue. But right now, It was better to check on Kitty.

I went down to the storage room below the main floor and turned on the light. Next to one of the walls, resting on a thick carpet, there was a coffin-shaped wooden box, large enough to contain a small human being. On top of it, there were many devices such as a heart rate monitor, a blood pressure monitor, a sizable cooled container half empty of liquid food, and a large container of water. Those two last items were connected to a pump and a timer. Everything looked good at first glance.

A laptop and many wires were taking care of the rest. I logged on the system, and I could see what the program was doing. Right now, it was executing one of the random pleasure modes. But that was not what I was looking for. I went to the communication section of the software and pressed the red button to activate the microphone and speaker.

"Aaaaanh aaaaanh ... aaaahn mmmmm ...aaanh ..."

That was Kitty's moans, being tormented by this whole set up. She was a prisoner of this box. We named it the sex coffin.

It was the reason why I was a bit too lonely these days. It was the reason why I met this new girl last night. I was not completely honest with Erika. But yet, how could I have explained this to her? An innocent lie was all I could do. Just telling her that Kitty was away instead of telling her that she was stored in here.

"Kitty ... Kitty ... it's me ..."

"Aaannh .. Mark ... aaaanh ..."

Her little voice could be heard through the laptop speakers.

"Listen, I need to talk to you."

"Has .. has it been ... 15 days already? aaaanh!!"

"No, only 10. Listen. I need to let you out."

"No, no, no! ... Why? It's so early. I'm fine! I have a lot of fun here." she whined.

"I know you are, but this is important. I can put you back in later."

"O .. ok ... AAAAHH!! AAAAAH!! Oh, my God!! AAAAAH"

Kitty started screaming in her microphone. I swapped windows to see what the program was doing to her, and it had switched to maximum punishment mode. It only had a one percent chance to be triggered per day and was going to last for 15 minutes.

Kitty was screaming inside the box as the electrodes glued everywhere on and inside her body were attacking her relentlessly with shocks and vibrations. I knew she didn't like pain very much. I told her not to use it, but she wouldn't want to listen to me. Ah well.


"Kitty, it turns out your computer decided to have a bit of fun with you. I'll let you enjoy yourself a bit longer, after all. I'll come back tomorrow."

"AAAH NO NO ... IT HU" click!

I ended the communication. I felt a bit bad about it, of course, but it was not the first time this happened. If I stopped it now, Kitty would be mad at me later. We built that box four months ago, and she used it a lot already. We decided on all those settings in the computer program together.

This maximum punishment mode, at first, was added just for the thrill of it. We initially set it to zero point one percent chance to be triggered in a day. We knew it was there, but it was more of a psychological thing. The fear that it would trigger was adding a little bit of excitement. But it never did. Only in the past month, she decided to increase it to one percent. This was her third session this month, the longest, and it was the second time that it activated. She didn't learn her lesson the first time. I was pretty lucky to witness it live.

I decided to stay there for a bit longer, to listen to her muffled screams through the box, and to make sure the feeding pump that just activated was working fine. It was now pumping liquid food directly to her stomach. I could see a lot of pee flowing through the tube connected to her catheter, thanks to the decision to set her daily water intake to four liters. That, too, was her idea. We, of course, added some electrolytes in it to be on the safe side. The whole system worked very well. I was not worried about leaving her alone for an extended period.

The next morning I went to see her again, this time to let her out of the box. After disconnecting and moving all the equipment aside, I unlocked the coffin and opened the cover. I removed one by one, all the foam pieces that were specifically carved to hold her tight inside the box. When the lid was down, she couldn't move an inch.

And there she was, wearing her pink, latex catsuit, and being extremely cute in it as usual. I missed her so much. A big bundle of wires came out of her crotch zipper. They all led to the different electrodes that were glued to her skin all over her body. It was not permanent by any means, but the glue lasted a couple of weeks in case there was a need. When we wanted to use them, we just had to connect wires to the pads. Of course, she did that herself because, even after a full year together, she still refused to let me see her without her suit.

It always took a while to unplug her. I removed the VR goggles that were resting over her eyes. Those could be a lot of fun too. The videos could be a quiet grass field to a rough BDSM scenario.

She blinked a bit and looked at me, not moving. It was useless to talk to her as her ears were plugged with wax, and her earbuds were disconnected. She looked so confused. Sometimes I wondered if she was going to lose her mind with this insane self-inflicted treatment. But no, she would always be confused for an hour or two, then she would be back to normal and would ask for more. I was not as worried as the first time.

Now that I was looking at her, lying there in the foam, I agreed with myself that the forced feeding was the best thing that could have happened to her. She regained a good 20lbs during the past year, and her weight was now stable. She looked much healthier than when I first met her. Additionally, her sex drive skyrocketed. She suspected that this would happen. From an insane sex drive, she went to ultra crazy sex drive. Just pronouncing her name unexpectedly was a risk to make her come. It was absurd.

The box was, initially, an attempt to calm her down. But Kitty was an endless reservoir of sex now and couldn't have enough of it. I guess one of the reasons why I accepted to put her in there was so I could get a break.

I lifted her out of the box and carried her limp body upstairs. I laid her down on the bed. I grabbed a book and sat next to her. In an hour or two, she would slowly regain her composure. I would unzip her suit, and then she would disappear in the bathroom for a long, long shower and self TLC. Only after this routine, she would come back and talk to me about her experience, as fresh as before.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

i have to admit,

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

FWIW, I was beginning to feel like some of the previous commenters that the story line was getting too weird for my tastes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Meanwhile, as a guy who keeps finding most stories insufficiently extreme to satisfy my total control itch, I'm really enjoying this. Thanks for the writing!

NellymcboatfaceNellymcboatfaceover 3 years ago

Tigerstretch, thanks, I am so glad of your comment, The previous chapter and this on is getting a bit too dark for me at this point. Although oddly I did want to read more, but now I know it is ok, I will continue thanks for the reassurance.

TigerstretchTigerstretchabout 4 years agoAuthor
Reply to anonymous

Yep, this is the first story I ever written. I tried things, even if i didn't like them that much myself. If you keep reading, Chapter 6-7-8 you will observe a return to a more realistic story line. I encourage you to keep reading and ignore the weird stuff and just focus on the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
just too much now

Enjoyed at the beginning but the catheter and forced feeding stuff? enough... no longer fun for me, just a bit gross. Sorry...

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