Festival of Fools

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A co-worker and I attend a party that gets out of control.
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This is my entry into the April Fools Day Story Contest 2024. I always like to reinforce that like my author name says, all of the stories I tell here have a basis in truth and are always based on actual events from my life. That being said, I do like to add some twists & embellishments to keep them interesting for the readers.

Please remember, authors & our stories thrive on ratings. We get better with feedback, so PLEASE leave your comments on our stories. I also love when people guess in the comments what parts are "Truth" and what I added for "Twists"

Everyone in the story is 18 years of age or older.


I sat down at the large conference table at the hotel for the weekly staff meeting. I was part of a team that was installing a new management structure for my boss who had just purchased the hotel. As part of my job, I was the temporary Hotel Manager. I was teamed up with Claudia my on-again, off-again WFWB (Work Friend with Benefits). Over the course of a year or so, we had hooked up in various cities when we were assigned to the same projects.

She was of Spanish decent (and pronounced her name with a, "juh" sound in the middle, making her even more exotic) with a mane of dark brown hair with blond highlights. She was always perched on high heels and dressed like she stepped off a fashion runway. Her skirts danced on the line of "work appropriate" and her blazers did just enough to conceal the large set of tits that were under her tight tops. She wore makeup that seemed like it was professionally applied to highlight her blazing eyes and pouty lips.

When the meeting got to her turn, I perked up a bit. Not only because I loved the sound of her accent but also because she oversaw sales, convention bookings and I was the Manager on Duty for the weekend. That meant that I would be spending Friday and Saturday nights staying at the hotel and if anything happened that required management (at any hour) I was on call.

"On Saturday" she started, "The Carrie May convention will have their final event. Since it's April 1st, they are doing a 'Festival of Fools' celebration. It's from the movie 'Hunchback of Notre Dame' the Disney one. It's basically a version of a Mardi Gras party with games, dancing, contests. They've booked some acrobats, jugglers, magicians - that sort of thing.

"They're using all three parts of the ballroom, plus the foyer. Total count is 470. Starts at 7:00, ends at midnight. They want desserts brought out in a "parade" at 11:00. That's when they are crowning the 'King and Queen of Fools'."

"So let me get this straight" I interjected. "I'm going to have 300-plus women who sell cosmetics, drinking from 7:00 until midnight, at a Mardi Gras party, with a dessert parade? What did I do to offend you, Claudia?"

"Considering they are bringing in over a half a million dollars in revenue, I think you'll manage." she shot back.

Claudia was a sales superstar and if I'm being honest, drove me crazy when I first met her. She was demanding, could be rude, and spoke to everyone like they were slightly beneath her. The facts were that she backed it all up by bringing in high-priced clients like this convention that kept us all employed. She ran through the rest of the details for the group, including the brunch scheduled for Sunday morning. The rest of the meeting progressed as normal and we all picked up our folders and went back to work.

As we left the boardroom, Claudia turned to me and said quietly, "You should be thanking me. The group is mostly women who will be drinking and partying all night. Plus, you have a room here. Even someone with your lack of skills should be able to pick up someone that night."

Before I could even come up with a retort, she gave a wink and blew me a kiss before striding down toward her office. At least I was able to watch her ass sway as she walked.

As the week progressed, the feeling of dread about Saturday night continued to grow. The convention was 80% women - all who sold makeup in home parties to other women. Because of this, they were all extremely outgoing and energetic. They spent the week cheering and singing and having motivational meetings with outside trainers. Every day when I came in, I was hearing the stories of late-night parties in suites that had to be quieted down.

On Friday, I went to Claudia's office to check-in with her prior to the weekend.

"The good news is," she started, "they are going off-site Friday night. So, it should be quiet. Saturday is a different story. You should see what they are bringing in. They have a whole area for carnival games, food stations everywhere, they are putting a float on the stage for the band and for pictures. Oh, and the 'King and Queen' thing? They have one of those thrones that they are going to put them on and have them carried around the room, leading the dessert parade."

"Fuuuuuuuuck." I replied. "Please tell me this is an April Fool's joke on me? Maybe it's really a convention of nuns that will all be in bed by 9pm?"

"Sorry, baby." She said as she closed her laptop. "Good news is, I must be on site for this one, then back again in the morning for their farewell brunch. You mind if I crash in your room?"

"Not a problem. I just hope I'm there enough to make use of the time."

Claudia was correct. Friday night was a breeze. They hotel was quiet until the convention's buses came rolling back in around 11pm. I was in my room by Midnight and the only call I got was at 1:30 because someone's husband had passed out in the lobby. We managed to wake him up and get him on his way back to his room.

The next day was a bustle of activity in the ballroom. In addition to our staff trying to set-up the buffets and dance floors, there were multiple outside contractors setting up the room for the "Festival of Fools" party. Claudia was also 100% correct in her preparations for the meeting. Being built on the stage was a giant Mardi Gras float adorned with the company's trademark purple, white and green color scheme. There were streamers being strung along the ceiling and balloons everywhere. An entire carnival was set up on one side of the ballroom. Standing in the middle of all of this was Claudia. She wore her usual fitted top and pencil skirt but had sacrificed her heels for a pair of sneakers.

As I approached her, she was directing traffic with our staff and the contractors reminding them of the timelines.

"Anything else I need to know?" I asked.

"No. Nothing has really changed from the event overview. I just want to make sure it's all set up in time."

"Cool. I'll be back down around 6:00. I have a radio if you need anything before then. Oh, and here." I handed her a room key card. "I'm in 233. Feel free to put your stuff in there whenever."

Claudia said a quick "thanks" before she walked off toward someone who was letting a bouquet of balloons come a little too close to a chandelier for her liking.

When I returned at 6pm, I was amazed at the transformation of the room. Our team was putting the final touches on the tables and the ballroom was a sea of purple, green and white. I had a quick meeting with the servers and captains, and we steadied ourselves for the upcoming party. A few minutes before seven, we could literally hear the party approaching us. Like a wave of sound, the partygoers were singing and chanting to drums and music toward us. The banquet manager ordered the team to open all the doors and when we did, we saw the group coming toward us.

All 400+ attendees were being led down the halls by small bands with drums, horns, and noisemakers. They swamped us like an invading army as they spread out to the various food stations and activities around the massive room. In all my years of working in hotels, I had never seen a group as energic as this one. As the drinks from the open bar flowed, the group partied harder and harder. Then, at 8:00, the company's founder took the stage.

Carrie May was a 70-ish woman with a mane of platinum blonde hair, perched on a set of high heels. She wore a jumpsuit in the company's trademark purple and was truly electric in her speech. She talked about hard work, motivation, and why the company was something special. She had the crowd laughing, cheering, and crying for nearly 30 minutes. Even I was watching in rapt attention as she extolled the virtues and rewards of the company. At the end of the speech, someone handed her a tote bag (purple of course).

With the flair of a showman, she exclaimed, "Let the Festival of Fools officially begin!" She then reached into the bag and threw something into the air toward the crowd. Before I could see what they were, I saw similar things flying from all corners of the room, glittering in the lights. It was when some fell to me that I caught them and saw what they were: beads. Just like at Mardi Gras, beaded necklaces in purple, green and white were being thrown to the crowd. Women were scooping them from the air and floor, decorating their arms, necks, and hips in various ways.

One woman ran by me, screeching to her friends, "OH MY GOD! I CAUGHT ONE FROM CARRIE MAY! I CAUGHT ONE FROM CARRIE MAY!" In her hands she was gripping a strand of beads that were bigger than the rest and seemed to be glowing in her hands. Apparently, the necklaces being thrown by Carrie May had some sort of glowing liquid in them, making them even more desirable to her acolytes.

Within minutes, the dance floor was full of pulsating bodies moving to the beats of 70s hits. Virtually every member of our team had a beaded necklace or two around their necks, getting into the spirit of the party. As the party continued, various people were brought up on stage to "audition" to be King and Queen of Fools. The 'acts' ranged from bad karaoke, to dancing to a rotund fellow doing a dance that ended with him doing the worm across the stage. Everything took a turn, when one woman got up on stage did a rather provocative dance and at the crescendo yelled, "give me your beads!" and proceeded to lift up her shirt and expose her large breasts.

The crowd erupted and a shower of beads flew toward her on stage. As she gathered them up, some of the Carrie May staff members converged on her, seemingly not too happy with her actions. Unfortunately, despite their efforts, she inspired some members of the crowd with her antics. We were now being forced to manage random women walking up to our servers and bartenders, flashing them boobs and butts, and asking for their beads. A few times I had to intervene when some partygoers were getting a bit too handsy with our staff.

I was in the midst of helping a bartender restock his bar when two women approached me. One was a shorter brunette who would best be described as "Rubenesque". Her friend was a redhead who was slightly taller and slimmer.

"Hey shexxy!" the brunette slurred. "Can we get those beads from you?"

Before I could respond, both women lifted their shirts and exposed their breasts to me. The brunette's tits flopped out of her bra and sort of slapped and fell against her body. The redhead, on the other hand exposed nearly translucent skin tones and a perky set of boobs that sat high on her chest. They both wiggled and shimmied making their boobs jiggle, before lowering their shirts.

As professionally as I could, I draped a set of beads around their necks and sent them on their way. Behind me, I heard an accented voice pipe up.

"Are you sure you want me in your room tonight? Looks like you made some new friends."

I turned to see Claudia standing there with beads around her neck and a smirk on her face. Amazingly, there was even a set of large purple ones glowing across her chest.

"Who'd you flash to get those?" I asked.

Claudia lifted her lips up to my ear and whispered, "You should know my tits are so good...I don't even have to show them to get beads."

I couldn't help but watch her ass sway as she walked away from me again. For the next couple of hours, the party continued. There were still the occasional flashes of boobs and butts and the dance floor was packed. At 10:45, my earpiece rang out, "All managers to the kitchen to prepare for desserts."

I joined the 5-6 other managers in the kitchen, and we all got on the same page for the night's payoff - the crowning and the dessert parade. The way it would work was they would name the King and Queen of Fools who would get on the thrones. They would lead a parade around the room, followed by our team, all holding platters of desserts. Once the throne was put on the stage, our servers would place the trays on nearby tables for attendees to enjoy.

Sure enough, when the winners were announced they were the "worm guy" and the woman who flashed her tits. They were crowned, given sashes and scepters, and took their places on the thrones. Then, 8 muscular men lifted them into the sky and started to carry them around the room. The newly crowned royalty reached down and started throwing more beads out to the crowd, creating a bigger frenzy.

As the parade looped back on to the dancefloor, the "King of Fools" started gesturing to someone below. Before it could register what was happening, I saw him holding a platter of desserts. Just as he had with the beads, he started throwing them out into the crowd.

"Fuck" I exclaimed and I started to push through the crowd to get to the dance floor. My worst fears were realized when I saw some people grab the cakes and eclairs off the 'parade platters' and return fire on the king and queen. When the Queen was hit squarely in the shoulder by a flying éclair, I saw its cream filling explode on her. She sat, stunned, for a second before yelling a drunken, "YEAH!" and lifted her shirt up for the second time that night.

I then saw a hail of beads, desserts and waves of liquid being thrown toward the dance floor and the throne. People on the ground started to slip on the slick surface and I saw the king's throne start to teeter a bit. If the handlers lost their grip or fell, the dance floor was so congested, someone was bound to get hurt.

I pressed the call button for my radio on my hip and yelled into the microphone on my lapel, "MOD to all managers and security. All managers to the dance floor, now! Security to ballroom!"

As I broke through to the stage area, I saw Claudia in a similar state of urgency.

"Get those people down NOW!" she yelled at the throne-bearers. Meanwhile, the banquet manager and I were instructing our servers to put the dessert trays down and form a sort of human barrier to prevent more people from getting to them until we got the situation calmed down. The King of Fools was living up to his name, unfortunately, and although he was off his throne, he continued to goad the crowd on.

I was heading toward to him to tell him to knock it off (or give him a good knock with his scepter) when my shoe hit a slick spot and I tumbled to the floor. My momentum and the various things that had spilled on the floor carried me forward and I slid a few feet before skidding to a stop.

"Motherfucker" I muttered under my breath as I picked myself up. Fortunately, some of the Carrie May staff had made their way to the stage and were getting control of the King, the Queen and the attendees. Our security team had rolled in and their presence helped to calm things down.

Meanwhile, I was soaking wet from my slip and slide on the dance floor. My suit was covered in icing and cream from the desserts, and I could feel wet fabric pressed against my skin. As politely and professionally as I could, I pushed my way through the crowd, toward the kitchen, to try to dry off and put myself back together. I saw Claudia in a corner with the event planners from Carrie May and she seemed to be in full Latina fury, giving them a piece of her mind.

By the time I dried off, cleaned up and calmed down, the party had returned to the dance floor for the home stretch of the night. Our security stayed nearby, just enough to keep the party under control while allowing everyone to have fun. I was doing my best to stay in a corner, hoping to ride out the last 30 minutes or so.

Of course, my two 'friends' from earlier, the brunette and the redhead, picked that time to make one more appearance.

"Can I get one more set of beads from you, baby?" the brunette blurted out.

"Sorry" I said. "You already showed me your stuff. I think we're done."

"I didn't show you everything!" She then proceeded to lift her sundress up and expose her bare, hairy pussy to me. Both women giggled and jumped with glee at her boldness. With a combination of disgust and defeat, I took the last two necklaces from around my neck and placed them on the women who ran off into the night.

The rest of the night passed without incident and once the music stopped, the attendees filed out quickly. I checked out with the banquet team and decided to finally head up to my room.

The door to my room opened with an electronic chime and I walked in to see Claudia stretched out on the bed in a white hotel robe. Her hair was wet and wrapped in a towel making it evident she had grabbed a shower. Her smooth legs and bare feet were exposed and stretched out in front of her while the top of the robe was wrapped around, covering her ample cleavage.

"Holy shit" she said as she looked up at me. "You look like hell. You should take a shower before you even think about climbing into this bed with me."

I started to peel off my clothes, the damp shirt already getting sticky and musty on my skin. Looking in the bathroom mirror, I saw that I had some frosting from the desserts solidifying in my hair and some random colorful frosting marks on my exposed skin.

Peeking back out to Claudia, I said, "Too bad I don't have any beads left. I'd give you some for a peek under that robe."

Giving me a sultry look, she replied, "Well, I have some left, so I'll give a look on credit." She untied the belt on her robe, reached up and pulled the top apart, showing me her breasts tat were large and had been artificially enhanced. They sat like a pair of firm melons on her toned torso, without being obnoxiously oversized. There were no tan lines, so both her globes were fully bronzed. Her nipples were small and pointing straight out, looking tight enough that they could cut glass. Even though I had seen her tits on multiple occasions, I still found myself staring in admiration.

She ran her hands down the length of the opening in the robe, separating it as she did. She exposed more skin, first her toned abs, her navel, her pelvis and then opened the robe more to show her pussy. Again, there were no tan lines to interrupt the view when she showed her mostly-bare pussy with only a small landing strip of brown hair on her.

Rubbing her legs together to keep my attention, Claudia lifted her knees up and planted her feet on the bed. Slowly, she spread her legs wider and I saw some glimmering white spheres appear between her legs. As she opened herself up more, I saw that she had had pushed one of the necklaces into her tunnel with just the end of the strand poking out.

"April Fool" she said. "Looks like you found a prize. Better hurry up and get back in here."

I proceeded to take the world's fastest shower, getting all the frosting and various liquids off my skin. I washed my hair, dried off and walked naked back into the bedroom. Claudia had completely removed the robe and had propped herself up on the pillows. She was nude, except for the glowing strand of large purple beads around her neck.

"Tell you what, you have to earn your foolish beads. Turn off the lights and let's see if you can get the other set from me. But no hands. What do you think?