Fiancé Seduced By Roommate Pt. 02

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As roommate settles in, new side of fiancé is revealed.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 03/09/2024
Created 08/02/2023
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Author's note: This story is Part 2 of my first serialized work. Read Part 1 if you haven't already. The concept behind this story, including generalized characters/names and premise, was suggested by Literotica user Rav09. The story's development and specifics are my own.

This story will contain themes of cuckolding, voyeurism, reluctance/seduction, and interracial connections. You've been warned.

And the usual disclaimers: all characters are fictional, similarities to real-world people/events are purely coincidental, everyone involved is of legal consenting age, etc.

After Amanda and I decided to let Dante move in with us, a weight fell off our shoulders. With his rent to support ours, we paid less overall even with the apartment's price hike. No longer stressed about our finances, Amanda and I returned to living our lives and focusing on our upcoming wedding.

Dante moved in a short time after we gave him the official sublet offer. He didn't bring much in the way of furniture or other belongings... basically clothes, toiletries, a bed, and a few other essentials. The only odd item was a portable massage table that he stored in his room. Dante explained that as a massage therapist, he liked to have it on-hand just in case it was needed. Dante didn't say so outright, but I suspected that "as needed" was code for "when I have girls over". Momentarily, I wondered if we'd have to worry about a series of strange women coming into our apartment at Dante's invitation. I suspected Dante, an attractive and charismatic black man, would have no shortage of women who would be willing to accept such an invite.

That proved not to be the case, however. In fact, I don't think Dante took home any girls at all. Maybe he was embarrassed by his relatively humble lodgings or maybe he didn't want to invite women over knowing Amanda and I were always around. Or maybe he just wasn't the womanizer I imagined him to be.

And I would have known if he did try to sneak someone in. It embarrasses me to admit it, but after we offered Dante our extra room, I ordered some hidden cameras to place in the apartment. I liked Dante well enough, but he still was basically a stranger to us. I didn't want to risk something happening when Amanda and I were gone and not having any proof. And so, using my hidden cameras, I could now keep an eye on the apartment, even when we weren't there. Or at least most of it--I left Dante's room and the bathrooms alone; I felt cameras there would be too much of an invasion of privacy.

With the cameras up, I felt better, even if slightly ashamed by resorting to this secret step. I decided against telling Amanda about the cameras too... partially because I didn't want to worry her, but also because I didn't to admit I'd been insecure enough to place them.

As it turned out, I needn't have worried. Dante proved to be a great roommate. He largely kept to himself, but whenever we did cross paths, he was always polite and seemed to take a genuine interest in us. He also kept the apartment clean, which I know Amanda appreciated deeply. Adjusting to a stranger living with us proved easier than expected, and by the time Amanda started her semester a couple weeks later, we'd fallen into a comfortable new routine.

But once Amanda started school again, Dante was left alone in the apartment for long periods of time. I told myself I wouldn't use the hidden cameras to spy on Dante--I only planned to use them for their recordings if something went missing or was damaged--but curiosity got the better of me. Whenever Dante was in the common area of the apartment, I found myself checking in on him, just to see what he was up to. My work could be pretty mindless, so it seemed like an easy way for some light entertainment... with the added bonus that if my boss caught me staring at my phone, I could just claim to be keeping an eye on a new roommate.

For the most part, Dante stayed in his room, but even when he did come out, he didn't do anything particularly interesting.

But one day, as he was lounging on our couch watching TV, Dante received a phone call. That was new... so I turned my attention to his conversation.

"Hey man! What's going on? Uh huh. Uh huh. No, no, the new apartment is good. The money I'm saving means I should be able to put a down payment on a house in just a couple years."

He paused, letting the other person talk.

"I mean, yeah, normally I'd rather live alone too. But at least Dan and Amanda are pretty chill."

The other person said something intelligible.

"Yeah, no, much better than my last roommate. Dan's a bit quiet but seems like a nice guy. Amanda's more talkative, but she's a bit awkward. I don't know if it's just me, though, or if she's like that all the time.

Dante paused again and then laughed. "Man, you gotta stop with that. You're gonna get me in trouble. I mean, yeah, if I ran across Amanda at a bar or something, sure I'd try and pick her up. She's one of those girls that's got a great body but doesn't seem to know it, you know? She's got curves like you wouldn't believe. Her chest and hips... mmmm... let's just say they don't make them like that anymore." Dante bit his lips and closed his eyes, as if he was savoring the mental image.

After a second, he continued. "But she's engaged. I'm not looking to be a homewrecker. Besides, I'm pretty much their guest."

Dante shook his head as the other person talked. "Yeah, sure I'll see if I can get you a picture. But don't expect me to set you guys up or anything. I don't play those games. But hey man, I gotta go. I'll catch you later? Yeah. Cool. Bye."

Dante ended the call.

I looked away from the camera feed, trying to process what I'd just overheard.

In all my time with Amanda, I had never heard anyone express an attraction to her so openly and casually. Sure, I knew she caught the attention of other guys, but hearing another man rave about her body was something else. The fact that Dante was an objectively attractive man himself only amplified the effect on me. I wondered how Amanda would feel if she heard Dante salivating over her like that.

I should have been jealous, but Dante was just expressing his opinion to a friend, rather than actively making a move on Amanda... and somehow that made it okay. If anything, Dante's attraction to Amanda gave me a sense of pride, similar to a neighbor admiring your fancy new sports car. And just like with a fancy car, I realized that part of me wanted to show Amanda off even more. If Dante thought she had a great body now... he should try seeing it when it wasn't hidden under clothes.

It was just a passing thought--I didn't actually want Dante to see Amanda naked--but it gave me a thrill nonetheless.

Still, the moment was over, and I returned to my work.

I might have forgotten the situation entirely, if not for a series of encounters a couple weeks later.

It started on a weekday evening. Amanda and I were prepping for bed, when Amanda realized she'd left her water bottle out in the kitchen. After making sure she was decently clothed--a new routine we'd become used to now that we had Dante--she left our room to retrieve it. Seconds later, I heard her make a surprised gasp followed by an apology. Then came Dante's voice... then silence, until Amanda returned a moment later.

I could see she was flushed.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just didn't realize Dante was out there," Amanda said as she sat her water bottle down by the bed.

"He does live with us, you know," I pointed out.

"I know, it's just..." Amanda paused, trying to find her words. "He wasn't wearing a shirt." Her flush deepened as she said it.

Ah, that explained it. Amanda was embarrassed. But was she embarrassed by Dante's lack of modesty? Or was she embarrassed by how it had made her feel? As I said before, Dante was an attractive man. I couldn't blame Amanda for liking the view, assuming that was the case.

Amanda noticed my internal monologue going on, but she misinterpreted its content. "He had pants on, don't worry," she quickly added. "I'm just not used to having a strange man shirtless in my kitchen."

"Well, I guess that's part of having a roommate," I shrugged.

"Yeah..." Amanda agreed hesitatingly. "I just don't think I should be seeing any half-naked men where I live, other than my wonderful fiancé, of course." Amanda patted me affectionately.

"I appreciate it," I said, kissing her back. "For whatever it's worth, I don't mind if Dante makes himself at home. Our apartment is his apartment too, after all. Besides, Dante's a good-looking guy. It's okay to look.

I don't know what prompted me to add in those last lines. I think I was trying to show Amanda that I wasn't jealous or upset, but once the words left my mouth, I realized it sounded like I was encouraging her.

And that's how Amanda took it.

"Dan, I'm not going to enjoy looking at another man," she said, shaking her head. "That's weird."

Oops. Time to backtrack.

"I'm not saying you should enjoy it. I'm just saying a quick appreciative glance isn't a big deal. It's human nature. Besides, I know Dante's looked at you."

"What?" Amanda asked disbelievingly. "What do you mean you know Dante's looked at me?"

Shit. My mind raced on how to get out of the hole I'd dug for myself. I couldn't mention the cameras now, without getting into even more trouble. And so, I improvised.

"I've seen him check you out on occasion," I lied.

"On occasion? You mean more than once? And you haven't told him to cut it out? I'm your fiancé, for crying out loud. You shouldn't be okay with other guys staring at me!" Amanda said incredulously.

"He wasn't staring. Just the occasional eye run-down. You're a good-looking woman... any straight guy would do the same. How could I hold it against him?" I protested.

Amanda stared at me, as if she suspected I was hiding something else. Finally, she spoke. "Do you look at other women?"

I sighed internally. Fuck. I didn't know if Amanda was picking a fight with me on purpose or if she legitimately thought that I never noticed other attractive women. I was tempted to blame Amanda's homeschooling again, but I couldn't be sure.

I needed to pick my words carefully.

"Do I look? Yeah, sometimes. It's my reptile brain. All guys have it. But stare? Or compare them to you? No. You're the only woman for me, Amanda. There's nobody else I'd want to spend my life with."

Amanda stared at me for a moment, trying to gauge my sincerity. She must have decided I was telling the truth--or that it wasn't worth arguing about--because she sighed.

"Okay, fine. Sorry if I came on a little too strong. I just didn't expect you to be so cavalier about Dante being shirtless around me."

"I didn't want you to think that I was mad at you for it," I explained, feeling the tension in the room begin to dissipate.

"And I appreciate it. A little jealousy about me is okay though," Amanda winked, and I knew we were back to normal.


We finished our nightly routine and climbed into bed. As we were about to turn off the light, Amanda turned to me.

"Could you talk to Dante sometime? Maybe ask him to keep his shirt on when he's out of his room?"

"Sure, babe," I agreed, kissing her on the cheek.

"Thanks. I love you," she said, turning back over.

"I love you too."


Normally, I didn't see Dante in the mornings. He stayed in his room whenever I came out for breakfast and never emerged until after I left for work. I suspected he slept in, much like Amanda when she didn't have early-morning class.

The morning after his shirtless encounter with Amanda, though, I found him in the kitchen, quietly eating some cereal. He saw me approach.

"Hey, man. Good morning."

"Morning," I responded. "I'm surprised to see you up so early."

"Yeah, one of the other massage therapists is on vacation this week, so I'm picking up some of her shifts. I don't see how you do this every day, Mr. 9-to-5. I'd die in a week." Dante made a disgusted face.

I laughed. "You get used to it. Besides, it could be worse. You could have to stand all day touching people who only shower once a month."

Dante stared at me for a second, then chuckled. "You know what, Dan. You're all right. Here, pull up a seat." Dante motioned to the empty chair across from him. The gesture was ironic since the table set was Amanda and mine's, not his.

I sat.

We ate breakfast together while we chatted. Our conversation reinforced my earlier impression of Dante that he was supremely self-confident, but he didn't lord it over anyone. He made you feel included rather than like you were beneath him. He was funny too, in a restrained sort of way.

As we finished our food, I remembered Amanda's request for me to talk to Dante about his shirtless-ness.

"Hey, man. Before we head off to work, there's something I'd like to talk with you about."

"Yeah, sure, Dan. What's up?" Dante leaned forward, his interest piqued.

I sighed. "You're gonna think I'm crazy, but I promised Amanda I'd say something. Last night, she went to get her water bottle from the kitchen, and she ran into you, right? When she came back, she was all sorts of flushed, so I asked her what's going on. I figured maybe she'd said something embarrassing. But turns out, it was just because you weren't wearing a shirt."

I paused, letting Dante catch up.

"Oh, shit, man. I didn't mean to offend anyone," Dante said. "I was just hot."

"No need to apologize. I don't know if you know this about Amanda, but she was homeschooled, so she's got more old-school views on certain things, you know? You seem like an upstanding guy, but it just made her uncomfortable. You think you could keep your shirt on if you're out in the common area?"

"Oh, yeah, no problem, man. I'll run off to my room first whenever I feel the urge to give my chest some air."

From someone else, I might have taken this as snide sarcasm, but from Dante it came off as a tongue-in-cheek joke.

"Thanks, man, I appreciate it. For whatever it's worth, I don't care where you go shirtless, but like I said, I made Amanda a promise."

"No worries, man. Gotta do what the soon-to-be-missus wants. I understand. Been there."

"Oh, you've been engaged before?" I asked, legitimately surprised.

Dante laughed. "No, but I still know what that part of it is like."

I laughed too.


I went to work thinking that the issue of Dante's shirtless-ness had been resolved. And in a way, it had, but our conversation would have lingering consequences.

The following week, Dante returned to his normal working hours, which meant he and Amanda had overlapping time in the apartment again. So far, they'd not had any real encounters as they both stayed in their rooms, Amanda working on her schoolwork and Dante doing God-knew-what. But that was about to change.

I'd fallen in the habit of keeping my camera feed pulled up while I was at work. It was almost a comfort-habit at this point. It made me feel better simply to see my apartment, even while nothing was happening. Just a little reminder of home, basically. It might have been a wasteful battery drain, but I kept my phone on its charger, so I never worried about it dying.

And, as it turned out, I did manage to see something interesting that week.

It was early afternoon on Wednesday. Amanda had just returned from school and headed straight to our room, like normal. Soon after, I saw Dante pop out of his own room, a few minutes after Amanda's arrival. I expected him to head out the door like he normally did, but instead he went to the kitchen and began gathering various items. That caught my attention. I hadn't seen Dante cook anything beyond what he could microwave.

Still, even out of the ordinary, there's nothing especially exciting about cooking food, so I only half-watched as Dante bustled around the kitchen. Eventually, I realized he was baking some cookies from one of those store-bought packs that he had hidden away in the fridge.

Again, odd for Dante, but not too crazy, relatively-speaking. What did catch my attention, though, was when the cookies had cooled slightly, he stacked them on a plate and headed towards our room. He knocked at the door.

Amanda had been seated at her desk, typing away at her laptop when Dante's knock startled her to attention. For a moment she seemed panicked--no doubt wondering what Dante could possibly want with her. The fear of being alone with him must have been on her mind, because I saw her retrieve some hidden mace before she approached the door. She cracked it open, just enough so Dante could see her face.

"Oh, hey, Dante. You need something?" Amanda sounded casual, but she still held the mace tightly in her hand.

"Hey, Amanda. Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to apologize." If Dante was offended by Amanda not opening the door fully to him, he didn't show it.

"For what?" Amanda asked, clearly surprised by Dante's statement.

"For making you feel uncomfortable last night. Dan passed on your request about wanting me to wear a shirt when I'm out of my room. I didn't think anyone else would be up, so it didn't even occur to me to put one on. But to make it up to you, I baked you some cookies. Here." Dante pulled the plate of cookies from behind his back and held it to the door.

Amanda discreetly set the mace on a nearby shelf before opening the door fully to Dante. "Oh, that's so sweet of you, Dante, thanks!" Amanda gushed, taking the plate from Dante's hands. "You definitely didn't have to do that. They look delicious!"

"They are. I snuck one earlier," Dante said, shrugging and flashing his white smile. "I couldn't resist."

"I don't blame you. They smell fantastic," Amanda laughed, before trying one herself. She made a noise of approval. "I'll just say apology very much accepted."

She finished the rest of her cookie, and then turned serious. "Listen, Dante. I don't want you to think I was making a big deal out of you being shirtless. I know it's just a shirt, and this is your home now as much as it's ours. But with Dan and I being engaged, I thought it might not be a good look, you know? I bump into a shirtless man late at night in my apartment, and he's not my fiancé? Besides, I wouldn't want Dan to feel jealous or anything."

"No need to explain. I understand," Dante reassured her. "If it helps, Dan told me he wasn't bothered by it at all. I don't think you have to worry about him feeling jealous. He doesn't strike me as the type."

"Yeah, I don't think he'd be jealous of you either," Amanda agreed, then quickly added, "Not you specifically, I mean. Just in general. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was calling you ugly. You're obviously far from it."

Amanda took a breath. Her face turned a bright shade of red. "Sorry, that came out weird. Sometimes my sentences jumble up in my brain and then I word-vomit. What I'm trying to say is that I agree with you that Dan isn't the jealous type."

Dante had watched Amanda's awkward digression silently, but a slow smile crept over his face as she tried to recover herself. "Amanda, it's okay. You don't have to worry about offending me. Besides, I appreciate the compliment."

"What compliment?"

"Saying I'm far from ugly. I know you probably didn't mean anything by it, but I'm choosing to take it that way. Coming from an attractive girl like you, it means a lot."

Amanda started to protest, either in response to Dante's forwardness or out of a sense of modesty, but Dante cut her off.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to hit on you, just stating a fact. But I'm gonna get back to my room now. Got some stuff to work on. Enjoy your cookies." Dante smiled and turned away.

Amanda watched him leave for a second before she shouted after him. "Thanks, Dante! For the cookies and your apology. That was a sweet gesture."