Field of Blooms: The Beginning Ch. 02


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"I don't think so, I can't remember." Austin sat up against the bed. "My head is killing me."

"I'll go get you something for it." Joan said as she walked out of the room.

A few minutes later she returned holding two Aleve and a bottle of water. She handed all three to Austin. Once he had taken the meds he laid back down and tried to fall asleep. Thankfully, it wasn't long before he was sound asleep but Eric was wide awake. He spent the rest of the night watching over Austin. Anytime Austin would move or make a sound his heart jumped and by the time morning came around he was a nervous wreck. He had dark bags under his eyes and his entire body felt heavy.

"You look like you didn't get any sleep last night?" Mark asked as he sat next to Eric.

"I didn't. After that episode there was no way I could sleep. I tried but every time Austin would move or make a sound I'd wake back up." Eric rested his head on his hand as he stared at his breakfast.

"One of us can call out of work and take Austin to the doctor if you want to rest."

No, it's okay. I'll be able to take him. In fact, I want to." Eric said as he thought about asking the doctor for a private conversation.

Thankfully the appointment was at nine and he didn't have to wait long to leave.

"I'm sorry about last night." Austin said as Eric helped him put his shirt on.

"Austin, you have nothing to be sorry about." Eric kissed him. "Come on let's get going."

As they pulled into the parking lot Eric noticed there was only a few cars and relief washed over him. Maybe they wouldn't be there too long and he could go back home and try to nap.

"I have to use the bathroom." Austin said as they walked in.

"Do you need me to help you?" Eric offered.

"I'm good. Thanks though." Austin said as he walked down the hallway.

"I'll tell them you are here." Eric walked up to the counter, "Good morning, Austin Montgomery is here for a follow up." He told the receptionist.

"I'm sorry Mr. Mason, the doctor had an emergency at the hospital, seems another young man has been attacked. So, unfortunately, he'll be running about 45 minutes or so behind. Would you two mind waiting?"

"No problem, of course. We appreciate everything he and the staff here have done for Austin. Oh, I brought you guys some pastries as a small token of my appreciation." Eric gave her a warm smile as he put the box on her desk.

"Wow, what a treat! You didn't have to do that Eric but you can bet they'll be gone in no time," The receptionist grinned as she welcomed the unexpected treat.

"Excuse me, while Austin's in the bathroom I was hoping to speak with the head nurse."

"I hear her down the hall, hold on a sec."

A few moments later the head nurse met with Eric.

"Good morning Eric, nice to see you. The receptionist said you wanted to talk to me." Nurse Penn said with concern.

"I was hoping it might be possible for me to speak with Dr. Stratford in private, while we're here."

"That shouldn't be a problem. The expression on your face tells me something is wrong."

"Frankly, I'm really worried about Austin. He's been having horrible nightmares and is flinching at the slightest sounds when we are out. And, don't even get me started on what car headlights do to him!"

"Not to worry, I'll be sure the doctor takes time to address your concerns."

"Thank you very much." Eric walked over and took a seat.

After an hour of waiting, Dr. Stratford finally arrived and took them back into the exam room. He checked over Austin's injuries and saw that they had healed completely. He informed them that the cast could come off that day if they had a few minutes to spare. While Austin was getting the cast sawed off Dr. Stratford met with Eric.

"Nurse Penn mentioned some of the difficulties you shared with her that Austin is having. Let's step in here for a couple of minutes."

Eric followed him into an empty exam room. "Thanks doc, I really am getting worried."

"From what you've described so far, I can tell you with some assurance that Austin is experiencing PTSD."

"What's that?"

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, it can show up with many different kinds of symptoms, a vast range from visual memories to sensory."

"What do you mean sensory?"

"Well, for example, smells or even physically feeling as if he is reliving the attack."

"Oh shit! I didn't know it was that serious."

"Yes, it can be very serious, and if you don't know what to do you could make things worse."

"What can I do to help if it happens again."

"Unfortunately, it will happen again but this time it could be a certain smell. Here is some information on PTSD that I want you to read. It fully explains what can trigger a memory and what to do when it happens. Austin has a long road ahead of him but, with you by his side, I have no doubt he will make it though."

"How long does PTSD last?"

"There is no time frame. For some people it only lasts a short time but for others, a lifetime."

"So he could be like this for the rest of his life, jumping at sounds, and having these horrible nightmares?"

"Yes, it is always a possibility. But do not let that deter you guys from enjoying life. As long as you know how to handle it you can still fully enjoy your lives."

"I want to thank you for everything you've done for us. I will be sure to read this information and share it with his parents."

"I'll have the front desk give you a number to the answering service so that if Austin has a really bad episode you can call me. We do want to monitor the frequency and severity of these occurrences because if they are too severe, we'll need to discuss him seeing a therapist."

"Thank you again." Eric offered as he stood up and shook the doctor's hand.

As he was walking back to the front desk he pulled out his phone and dialed Becka's number.

"Hey Eric, how are you?"

"Tired as hell. Could you do me the world's biggest favor?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"That depends on what it is?"

"Can you please come over and entertain Austin. I haven't been sleeping much this week and I desperately need some rest." Eric basically begged her.

"Is everything okay?"

"The short story is Austin has PTSD."

"Say no more! My brother has PTSD from being in the service so I know all about it. I can be there in thirty minutes."

"Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me. I don't want Austin to know how drained I am. You know he'd blame himself and that is the last thing I want."

"Hunny, I completely understand. You don't have to explain a thing to me. You know, you could have called me sooner if you needed a break."

"I know but I don't want people to think I'm pawning him off on them."

"Lord Jesus, it's not pawning him off. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. This is an incredibly difficult time right now and it would be a challenge for the strongest of people."

"Thank you for understanding."

"Anytime hun. I'll see you in a few minutes."

Eric still felt a little guilty about asking Becka to come over, but he didn't know how much longer he could keep going on so little sleep. As they walked out to the parking lot, Austin snatched the keys out of Eric's hand and jumped in the drivers set laughing.

"I'm cleared to drive so don't even think about stopping me." He grinned as he clicked his seat belt.

"Does it look like I'm trying to stop you?" Eric was too tired to argue and didn't mean it to sound as harsh as it did.

"You can drive if you want too." Austin started to unbuckle the belt.

"It's fine. I know you've been dying to drive your car."

"YAY!" Austin squealed as he started the car and revved the engine. "I think I just got a hard on."

Eric just shook his head and laughed.

When they arrived home Becka was already waiting for them. Austin was thrilled to see her since they hadn't been able to spend much time together. Eric mouthed thank you to her as he walked in the house. She just smiled back at him. Eric figured that now would be a good time to read up on the information he had gotten about PTSD, while Becka had Austin distracted. He went into their temporary bedroom and started reading. He didn't make it far before sleep over took him.

Austin and Becka spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon talking and relaxing in the pool. It was the first time he had been able to get in since the attack, and he had really missed it. He remarked how nice it was to finally be rid of that god awful cast. Around one o'clock they went inside to make some sandwiches for lunch. That's when he realized that he hadn't seen Eric since they had gotten home. He went looking for him and found him sound asleep on the bed, resting on his chest was the information about PTSD. He took it and brought it back to the kitchen.

"What's this?" He asked as he sat at the table with Becka.

Her heart sank knowing that she was going to have to break it to him as to why Eric had the brochures.

"You see Austin, when someone has gone through a horrible trauma, be it our servicemen and women overseas or someone, such as yourself, who's survived a brutal attack, they can develop what is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. You know my brother, right? He is dealing with PTSD as a result of his time in the service and; unfortunately, it's what you have due to the severity of the attack."

"It sounds horrible."

"It can be. Like I said, my brother, Jeremy, has it. He has a very severe case of it but not everyone is the same."

Becka explained what triggers are and how they can be a certain smell, place, taste or something he sees. She told him that triggers could possibly change. Something that caused a trigger one day may not the next and vice versa.

"I overheard Eric telling the nurse that I've been having a lot of nightmares the past week. The thing is I don't remember them."

"It's pretty common for people not to remember their dreams or nightmares."

"I guess that would explain why I get jumpy around loud sounds and sudden movements. Why didn't anyone tell me this?"

"They probably didn't know. Most people only think PTSD is something people in the service get when they come back from war, but really anyone who has had a traumatic experience can have it."

"I feel like shit. I'm sure I've been keeping Eric up all night with these nightmares. Ever since I came home from the hospital he's been running himself ragged. That just isn't fair to him."

"Austin, he loves you with all his heart and wouldn't do anything he didn't want to. Don't beat yourself up over something you can't control."

"How can I not? He's in there knocked out right now because I'm keeping him up at night."

"How about this, we make him his favorite dinner to show him how much you appreciate all that he's been doing?"

"Okay, I know he loves homemade stuffed shells."

"Perfect, then that's what we will make." She smiled as she got up and gave him a hug.

Being of Italian decent, she showed him how to perfectly prepare the entire meal from start to finish. They made homemade garlic bread to go along with the pasta. She told him you always need bread to sop up the left over sauce. Austin started to set the table for three but Becka told him that she wouldn't be staying for dinner. He tried to protest but she told him that they should have a nice meal together, just the two of them. Austin was slightly disappointed but he knew she was right. Just before dinner was ready, she said good-bye, and told him she would give him a call the next day.

He pulled the stuffed shells out of the oven and set them on the table to cool. After he lit the candles and poured some sweet tea into two glasses, he went in their room and woke Eric up with tender butterfly kisses.

"Hey sleeping beauty, I have a surprise for you."

Eric sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Oh man, how long was I out for?"

"About six hours. Come in the dining room, I have a little surprise for you." Austin took Eric's hand and led him into the dining room.

Eric's eyes grew wide as he took in the beautiful setting, "Austin, what is all this?"

"This is my way of saying thank you for everything you have done for me. I hope you like it." Austin smiled.

"Like it, it is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." He couldn't help his eyes welling as he pulled Austin into a hug and kissed his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too. Let's eat before it gets cold."

They sat in the flickering candle light as they enjoyed the delicious food and each other's company, Eric couldn't wipe the smile from his face. After they had finished dinner, and cleaned up, they retired to the bedroom where they made passionate love. Even though Austin had been the one to make the night romantic, Eric kept his promise to Austin, and took his virginity. That night they fell asleep in each other's arms. Austin laid his head on Eric's chest and listened to his heart beat as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep..................

Thank you for reading chapter two of Field of Blooms: Precious Life. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it. Keep an eye out for chapter three of Field of Blooms: Summer's End.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This chapter showed a more living side of Eric, but there were still very telling and upsetting signs of his future self. His temper while destroying his bedroom after the call with Jennifer. His name calling and violent fight with Austin prior to the attack. And his insensitivity initially about Austin’s attack and injuries. He ignored Austin for many days and then only got snapped into shape when Becka called him on being a selfish asshole. Even in the best of times. Eric was not a great boyfriend. So far he’s had glimpses of it surrounded by a lot of shittiness. And Jennifer and her goons need to go to prison.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Wow the transition of the character's personality

Austin's always been a sweetie but his BF, that guy really got under my skin. I can't believe how sweet he was in the beginning.

CE300CE300almost 7 years agoAuthor
@ Anonymous

Thank you for your comment about the conjunctions, I will take it into consideration. As for the counseling part, I've been talking to someone who has suffered from PTSD, not everyone goes for it at the beginning. Just let the story keep going to see what Austin does next. I want to thank you for reading the story, I hope you will continue. Thank you again for your comments!

Much love,


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A couple things

People speak in contractions and incomplete sentences, not like this: "That is fine with us." It makes the dialogue sound awkward and unrealistic. It also slows the story down. Also - and this is important - Austin need some counseling. There's no "if it's bad enough." He needs counseling - period.

CE300CE300almost 7 years agoAuthor
A message from the author.

First I would like to thank everyone for their comments, all are welcome, constructive and positive. I have been toying around with the idea of giving Now Or Never a slight rewrite, nothing drastic, just adding some details here and there. I'll have to talk it over with Ti to see if she is up to the challenge! Trust me, when I tell her, she will make sure it happens. Again thank you all for your comments! Keep an eye out for chapter which is coming soon!!!

TexWritingRiderTexWritingRideralmost 7 years ago
A zinger promising more delivers!

Wow, the way chapter one ended promised a great continuing story and you sure are delivering!

Have to admit, I am secretly (okay so, not so secretly now) hoping you go back and give Now or Never a bit of a rewrite to include reference to the great stuff you have going on thus far.

Kudos C300, don't stop now!!!

Reader777Reader777almost 7 years ago

What a heart wrenching and heart warming story, and so well written. Love it. Keep writing and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good story

Having already read "Now or Never", I have a heavy heart. The story is so good. It is eye opening in that this scenario has played out in reality in this world somewhere. Probably multiple times, with heart rending results. Watch "Bridegroom". Keep up the good work and thank God you have good support riding your butt to continue writing. Thank you .

RichBauerRichBaueralmost 7 years ago
teriffic story

what a lovely story cannot wait for the next chapter keep up with the good writing

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