Finally Found the Bastard


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One thing that I was currently admiring about Jeff was his predictability and how he is a creature of habit. I hated it when we were together, but I loved it now. Being so predictable and knowing his habits, it was literally child's play for me to hack into his company's computer system. The only reason that it took more than two minutes for me to get all the financial data on starting up the business was that the transfer rate to copy everything was rather slow over the internet that evening.

So, I 'paid' my little goth girl to hack in and get me all of the filing information with the State for his company. It seems as though she was also good friends with a forensic accountant that was able to trace the money trail for the start-up. Yeah, I 'paid' her too. Come on, people. What do you guys want from me? They asked, and I was horney. Besides, I kind of had good reason to be off men for a while. Give me a break.

OK. Now it was time to get the lawyers involved. Of course, I realized that a lot (OK, most) of the information I had couldn't be used legally. Fortunately, I had enough legal information to get things moving and get court orders for the rest. Using the documentation showing that he had emptied our accounts, and that almost 70% of that money was actually mine, I was able to make the case that 70% of his business belonged to me. Further, 70% of all the profits that the business made from the time it was created were mine. I also was suing for back child support for the last four years, and maintenance, since he abandoned us. We were still legally married, and the law didn't say that a husband was legally required to live with his wife, so I wasn't sure where that was going to go. I was pressing charges of bigamy, though. We were still legally married, and he had married her as well. Even if I didn't get the back support, I was still going for a hefty child support and maintenance, since his listed income was well North of $250,000 per year, compared to my humble $70,000 a year. I figured that I would also throw in a grand theft charge against her, since she used money that was rightfully mine.

So, two days later, everything was filed, and court orders were sent out to procure the needed information. The orders to freeze their accounts was set to begin the nest day. With a smile on my face, I stepped onto the plane for California. When I got to my row, I slid over to the window seat. A little goth girl liked the aisle seats. My forensic accountant was fine in the middle.

"Are you a member of the 'Mile High Club'? the little goth asked.

I had a feeling that this was going to be an interesting flight.

The receptionist for the business watched as three attractive women, all wearing Navy Blue power suits and a man dressed in a rather nice black suit entered and approached her desk precisely at 7:00 AM. The woman in the center and slightly ahead of the others appeared to be in her mid-thirties, Fiery red hair and rather attractive. The woman to her right was younger. The suit didn't quite go with the coal black hair and extremely pale complexion. The woman on her right was also a bit younger. She was attractive, but in a cute librarian way. All three were strutting as if they owned the place. The man was a bit older, distinguished and very confident. They looked like high-powered clients, but the owners hadn't arrived yet this morning.

"May I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes, you may." I replied. "This gentleman is our local lawyer. He has several court orders freezing the business and all accounts until my forensic accountant can get all of the financial documentation for the business and complete her investigation. What you need to do right now is two-fold. First, you will let me into the company owner's office and get me a secretary that I can use. Also, you will show my assistant here where the financial documents are and get her someone to assist her with whatever she needs. I suggest you accomplish those two tasks POST-HASTE!"

"Uuuummmmm. I need to call...."

"Sweetheart, That document my attorney is holding says that in less than two seconds you are going to either do exactly what I just told you, or your sweet little ass will be bouncing off the pavement in the parking lot. Whomever you think you need to call will be informed of what is happening all in due time. Clear?"


In a funny side bar to this, it turns out her name actually is Crystal.

So, Amy, my forensic accountant was shown into a spare office and assigned a rather attractive brunette to assist her. Her new assistant made sure that all the bean counters were fully briefed on the fact that Amy was now in charge of everything, and they shouldn't assume that they would be allowed to use the restrooms without a personal note with her notarized signature. Actually touching a phone without her express permission would probably get you drawn and quartered. There was a lot of soiled underwear that morning.

Our lawyer made his way to the legal department. See the paragraph above. He was not hired for his warm and fuzzy nature. He was hired because he was a cross between the nastiest parts of a barracuda, famished great white shark, a particularly irritable rottweiler, and a severely bad-tempered school of piranhas. His reputation was also very well known in the legal community. He got all the assistance he wanted.

So, Crystal was standing beside my desk after fetching Raven (my little goth girl) and I our coffee. Raven was sitting in the couch along the wall. Yes, she had Crystal fetch a box of Clorox wipes and cleaned it extensively before sitting down. I was sitting in my soon-to-be ex-husband's $5,000 desk chair going through the company's files.


Juliette and I had just walked into our office building. She had changed her name as soon as we arrived here in California. She used to be known as Jacki Kincade. I had changed my identity as well. We had used the money that I had taken from my former wife's and my accounts to start up what turned out to be a very successful engineering firm. We got married right after we arrived here. No, I wasn't worried about any stupid bigamy charges. We had completely changed our identities. While Jeff Adams was still married, Jonas Jones was not. Besides, there was no possible way that my former wife could ever find me. We stayed off social media. We used totally different identities. We used social security numbers that we purchased off the dark web. We literally were completely different people. The only thing we didn't do was have plastic surgery.

As we walked through the lobby, we noticed that Crystal was not at her desk. It was slightly odd, but we figured that she probably just stepped out for some coffee. Nothing seemed amiss. Julia and I were discussing a possible trip to the Caribbean when we got to my office. I gave Julia a kiss as she slid behind her desk outside my door, as I prepared to walk in. I was perplexed to discover that the door was already unlocked.

"Huh. I thought that I locked it last night." I said.

"What's that, Babe?" Julia asked.

"Oh, my door is unlocked, and I'm sure that I locked it when I left last night."

Julia got up to join me at the door. "I called down to security to send someone up. We need to go in and make sure that nobody went in there and stole anything." She said.

I opened the door -- and got the shock of my life.


"Good morning, Jeff. Oh, you go by Jonas now. Sorry. And hello to you as well, Jacki. Oops. I'm sorry, I meant Juliette, or do you prefer Julia?"

It appeared that Jeff and Julia were having a difficult time announcing their words. I couldn't imagine what their problem might be.

"Well, whatever you call yourselves now is immaterial. I'll just use Jeff and Jacki. So, you two look well. Come in and have a seat."

"Mandy! What the hell are you doing sitting at my desk?" I seemed as if Jeff finally managed to find his words.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean."

"My desk. You are sitting in my chair at my desk!"

"Hmmm. Yes. I think I understand your issue now. You somehow believe that this is your chair and your desk. You see, the problem is that this chair and desk are for the owner of this company."

"Exactly. So, why are you sitting there. This is my company, and that is my desk and chair."

"No. This chair and desk are for the owner of the company."


"Agreed. So, why don't you and Jacki take a seat there so we can talk."

"Better yet, why don't you move your fat ass out of MY chair and waddle yourself out of MY company?" Jeff practically screamed.

"Because you fucking moron, this little piece of paper sitting on MY desk is a court order giving ME controlling interest in this company until the court decides otherwise. Now sit your asses down over there while I explain to you two idiots what is going on."

I was about to call 911 because it looked like he was about to stroke out. Thankfully, two rather large and beefy security guards came through the door. Security had been fully briefed a half an hour ago.

"Is there a problem, Mrs. Adams?" the larger one asked.

"Not at the moment, but one never knows what the future may hold." I answered.

They thought that it would be wise to stay for a bit while I discussed the future with Jeff and Jacki.

"OK, Jeff. First off, these are the divorce papers. Since I have ironclad proof of your adultery, and that you stole from me, I am demanding 70% of all community property. You can fight it if you want, but that won't really matter. Oh, and since we are still married, those assets include this business, that large house you live in, all three vehicles, all bank accounts -- yes, even the one in the Cayman Islands (I couldn't help the smirk at that). I am also demanding the return of the $50,000 that my grandmother left me, which was supposed to be exempt from the community property. If I were you, I would just sign the documents. I honestly believe that you will be too busy with other things than to fight me on this."

He went white as a sheet. "You can't"

"Can and did." I countered. "Regardless of that, I am in the process of performing a forensic accounting of the company. I already performed an unofficial one, and that showed that at least 70% of the funds used to start this company belonged to me. That means that I am 70% owner of the company regardless of what happens in the divorce. If you decide to try and push it, I will take my 70% from the start-up, then use the divorce to take 50% of your remaining 30%. That will leave you with only 15%."

"We will fight you on everything. We have a hell of a lot more money to drag this out until you can't fight anymore." Jacki hissed.

I looked at her as if I was actually contemplating what she said. God, I can be a bitch at times. "Hmmm. You do make a very good point. It really would be stupid of me to try and fight against that kind of money but look what I just found." I announced cheerfully. "Here is another court order freezing all of yours and the company's bank accounts. Oh, it even includes that account in the Cayman Islands."

"You fucking bitch." Jeff muttered.

"Oh, you haven't even seen how much of a fucking bitch I am yet. You see, I had to deal with the sudden departure of what I thought was a loving husband without the slightest hint about what was happening. Imagine me coming home hoping to cuddle with the love of my life and father of my children only to find that he had totally abandoned us without a word. Imaging me having to try to explain to our children why daddy wasn't home when I had no idea either. Imagine my utter humiliation when I was talking to your former boss and discovered that you disappeared with you bimbo whore. Imagine how I felt when I discovered that you had completely emptied all of our accounts -- including the money my grandmother gave me in case of and emergency. No! you haven't even begun to see what a fucking bitch I am, but you will. Very soon."

Just then, I saw my lawyer walk in.

"I just got off the phone with my paralegal. She just finished up at the bank. She showed up with two deputies and got access to the safe deposit box. All contents have been documented and sent to the court for filing. The contents have been secured and access is frozen until the court releases it." He said.

"OK." I acknowledged. "Now that you're here, how about we open the safe in the wall and document what's in there. Jeff, would you care to do the honors?"

He actually did care. I'm sure that it was the last thing in the world that he wanted to do, but he didn't have much choice. At least, he thought that it was the last thing in the world he wanted to do. It turns out that there was something even worse than that Once everything in the safe was documented and secured, it was time for some more bad news.

"OK, just so you are aware, the IRS has taken an interest in that Cayman Island account of yours. They have also been informed of the safe deposit box, the safe her in the office, and the safe in your home. Hope your documentation is complete. Also, they have been informed that there may possibly have been a bit of fraud on your taxes over the last four years. It seems that you have been filing ad Married filing Jointly. Unfortunately, it seems as though you have been filing using a stolen social security number -- actually, two of them -- and you were not filing with your legal spouse. I may have kind of let that slip to them when I asked for their advice on what to do to protect myself from that. They seemed REALLY interested.

"Oh, and did you know that being married to two people at the same time is a felony? Yeah. It's called bigamy. You can actually go to jail for that. Too bad the two of you didn't wait for a divorce. That really sucks for you. You probably won't have to worry about that, Jacki. After all, it wasn't you that was married to two people. Still, you may have some other issues. You see, using money that you know was stolen from someone else is called theft. I have some pretty compelling evidence that you at least assisted in using quite a bit of the money that Asshole stole from me. Sure, you can fight the charges, and you probably have a decent chance of winning. Unfortunately, that's still going to cost you quite a bit of money. Either way, I don't care, because at least this time it won't be my money that you will be spending.

"Now, shall we go and inventory what's in the house? Who knows, maybe you will be able to purchase my 70% share of it from me."

6-months later:

The DA was still trying to figure out how Jeff's DNA and fingerprints were at the crime scene where a rather vicious drug dealer was assaulted and robbed. As an interesting side note, drug dealers tend to not really care about alibis. They also are not really big on Miranda rights. I was rather shocked to discover that criminals of that nature really don't like to wait on the justice system to work its way through the evidence. It seems that this particular drug dealer thought that there may have been a reason that Jeff's DNA and fingerprints were at the scene and thought it would be a good idea to ask him about it. I decided to ask Raven exactly what she did while in that database earlier.

Amy, Raven, Crystal, and I were sitting out on the deck with a couple bottles of wine enjoying the warm California evening. The kids were inside watching TV and fighting with each other for control of the remote. We had moved out here to California to run the business that I got in the divorce. I fell in love with the house when I saw it, and I paid Jeff and Jacki their 30% to get it free and clear. The kids loved it too.

"Heard Jacki managed to beat the theft charges." Amy mentioned.

"Yeah? Good for her. I really never expected that to stick anyway. I just wanted her to burn though a bunch of cash fighting it. Speaking of Jacki, where is our maid anyway? Shouldn't she be out here serving us our wine?" I asked wiggling my empty glass.

"Normally I would have Jacki out here to take care of us, but she is busy right now licking a bunch of our toys clean. Amy and I kind of got a little rambunctious this afternoon. I told Jacki to lick them clean, then wash them in my bathroom sink." Raven explained.

"OK. That's fine. By the way, where did you find her uniform? I really like it." I questioned.

"Fredricks of Hollywood." Raven answered. "I thought about the Victoria's Secret one, but I thought that one covered too much."

"OK. Good choice."

"Yeah. Jeff wasn't so lucky. He got probation on the bigamy, but the IRS went for blood." Amy added.

"They do that when it becomes obvious that there is no money to go after. Sucks for him."

"Yeah, especially because it's federal charges. At least with State, you can get early release for good behavior and parole. Feds don't do that. With them, you serve your entire sentence behind bars -- TO THE DAY."

"Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. By the way, you brat, you need to stop hacking into the federal prison's computer system." I grinned.

"What? Come on, it was just a simple, very minor cell reassignment." Raven explained.

"Yeah, well it wasn't minor to him. I don't know how you managed to video it, but the look on Jeff's face when he was introduced to his new cellmate was priceless. What was Bubba in there for, anyway?"

"Kidnapping across state lines. It seems that his 'partner', in both the kidnapping as well as his personal life, turned on him. It's not my fault if Jeff just happens to look a little like Bubba's ex. And, if you liked that video, I have another one from when Bubba consummated their 'marriage'. I've never seen anyone's eyes bulge out like Jeff's did when Bubba first penetrated his ass."

"Yes, that would explain Jeff's modifications."

"Yeah, he kind of looks good with that Kool-Aid red blush on his cheeks and the blue eye shadow. I notice he's also letting his hair grow out too."

"They make such a cute couple, even if Jeff is walking a little funny now."

I heard the door close and turned to see our maid on her way over. I mentally tipped my hat again to Raven's choice of her uniform. The bodice was cut so low that Jacki's nipples played hide-and-seek with the lace. The poofy skirt was so short that she constantly flasher her panties as she walked -- or she would have if Raven had allowed panties as part of the uniform. I had overruled that one while the kids were around. Couldn't be shocking the kiddies by having the little slut showing off the goodies. The panties would be removed when the kids went to bed. Of course, the tiny white lace apron really was nothing more than a decoration, as was the cute little maid's cap pinned to her hair. Her legs were encased in the standard black seamed stockings, held up by the garter straps of the uniform. The ensemble ended with her gloss black 6-inch stiletto pumps. Yes, Raven picked well.

"Mistresses, I have finished cleaning all your toys." Jacki said as she kneeled beside Raven.

"Very well. Are the dishes done, laundry folded and pit away, vacuuming and dusting finished?" Trust Amy, the accountant to be the detail oriented one.

"Yes, Mistress. I have completed my chores for the day." Jacki answered politely. I noticed a couple of fresh red stipes on Jacki's ass. She had apparently misbehaved today. Odd, she seemed to be doing that a bit more lately. I would need to look into that.

"Very well. Under the table you get."

You may be wondering how Jacki, a strongly heterosexual woman, found herself as a sexy maid to four bi-sexual (OK, at least two are full on lesbian. Not sure about Crystal, and I'm still in the process of working things out for myself) women. Granted, she struggled with the choice for a while, but after she used all her money on her criminal defense, and still owed more, she found herself about to be evicted from her crappy one room apartment. After being fired and getting a very bad letter of reference from the firm that I now owned, she struggled to get any kind of job that didn't include the sentence 'Would you like to Super-Size that?'. Raven convinced the rest of us that Jacki would probably make a great maid for us. Besides, none of us were really keen on doing all that housework in this huge house. So, we offered her room and board, a little over minimum wage, and health insurance.