Finding a Roommate Pt. 05


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Maddy took me to Vincenzi's the next evening - the posh Italian restaurant that marked so many special moments for us. She sat opposite me in an elegant dress that wrapped around her figure invitingly with the darkness of the green material drawing out her blonde her and the beauty of her features. The hearts on her earrings sparkled in the light and it made me think of the future, as Maddy continued on about how she thought I should best resign tomorrow and whether we should just make out infront of everyone afterwards.

"I am joking, you know?" she asked me suspiciously when I was slow to respond.

I came back to reality and nodded. "I know. Sorry, I got distracted there. But yeah, this is going to be a fun couple of months at work," I grinned.

Maddy returned my grin, but her suspicion didn't fade. "Go on, what had you zoning out? You rarely do that to me, it's one of the many reasons I love you."

I paused, deciding what to say. It felt like given we were in Vicenzi's it might be symbolic in some way to talk of the future and let her know what I was working towards - or more accurately, why I hadn't started it yet. I sipped my wine and wondered if we could finish the conversation before the main course arrived.

Pressing ahead, I let out a sigh. "You're just so fucking beautiful Maddy."

Maddy raised her eyebrows but smiled magnificently. "Thank you, that's very random but thank you."

"No, you are," I pressed. "You're absolutely beautiful, inside and out." Maddy's look moving from bashfulness to polite confusion, but I continued on. "I just want you to know that and know that I see you as the absolute pinnacle of a partner."

"Okay, what's happening?" Maddy asked, now worried but blushing.

I put my hand up to calm her worries. "I want to talk about that but not do that right now. Ah shit, what am I even trying to say?" I laughed and Maddy joined me.

"What are you trying to say?" Maddy couldn't stop laughing at my clumsy sentences, thankfully.

I composed myself. "I'm just trying to say Mads, that in no world should you think certain things are not on my radar or that I'm hesitating getting there. I'm just trying to balance us moving home and growing into what we want to be, while not adding anything more to our load. I want to give you that more than anything, but I don't want to rush it and I want us to be able to properly enjoy the moment when it happens. We don't need to rush it, you know? I just wanted you to know that."

All through my monologue, Maddy was smiling. When I finished, she closed her eyes for a beat and shook her head upon opening them. "We're so good for each other, it's unbelievable. You balance my impulsiveness with your calmness and vice versa. Just so you know, I can wait but I also can't wait." I grinned but before I could reply, Maddy leaned in and I joined her in the middle of the table so that she could whisper her next thought. "I hope I'm not in too much pain later so we can make love."

I agreed but saw her face start to fall, in the way it always did at the same time every month but even more so since the news, when she stopped and thought about the impact of her pain. "Don't go there Maddy," I pleaded. She shook herself out of it and kissed me.

We didn't make love that night, Maddy was in too much pain. Instead, I held a hot water bottle to her body while she was dosed up on painkillers and breathed a sigh of relief when I assured her I wouldn't be proposing to her in Vencenzi's.


Before we knew it, it was our house-leaving party. The weeks leading up to it had been extremely busy for us on all fronts - work, my job interview, social activities and tons of paperwork related to buying our new house. After having our house offer accepted, we realised that was the easy part. Then came the legal parts - solicitors, mortgage advisors and all the people that never seem to be able to give you a clear answer about how long things will take and only what you have to do next, teasing you along the path slowly. Depending on who we spoke to, we were either weeks away from getting the keys, or months.

Maddy and I were also busy preparing for the party. I was the better organised one generally and secretly felt I would have made a great party planner but Maddy wanted to own it so I'd let her, only chipping in to help occasionally and being the designated driver to pick up alcohol, drinks and food. Maddy had such a buzz on about it, I wished I'd suggested something sooner. The timing worked extremely well as it allowed Maddy to be busy and focused on something that was bringing her joy and not reminding her of things she couldn't have as we edged closer to our new life together.

We'd gone around to the neighbours, many of whom we'd not actually spoken to before and of those that I had, some thought I was still with my ex who had left many months prior. I tried not to be too offended and suggested to Maddy that we should make more of an effort with future neighbours.

Maddy took the continued reminder that our neighbours knew my ex better than her, pretty well. Infact, she didn't make comment on it at all until the night before the party. We had sorted everything out and for the first night in weeks, we had no forms to fill out or things to do and was instead watching a film on TV with a glass of wine each, with Maddy's legs on my lap and both our attention on the Sci-Fi.

When it finished, neither of us were quite ready for bed but not awake enough for another film so I found a channel with a comedy show we liked and put it on in the background.

I resumed my gentle massage of Maddy's legs, and we sat quietly for a spell until she said, "I'm really going to miss this place. It's weird that you moved in here with one girlfriend and now you're leaving with another."

I won't lie, that observation caught me off guard. I could see that Maddy wasn't upset by that thought though and that made it much easier to respond with a joke. "You know me, ever the player," I replied with a wink, trying to make light of it. Maddy rolled her eyes at the ridiculousness of that concept.

We did make it to bed soon after but there was still enough energy between us that neither of us were quite ready to sleep. Instead, we sat up on our pillows reading. I had another page-turning thriller and Maddy had her eyes hooked on her phone.

"How's your book, figured out the plot yet?" Maddy asked eventually. I was pretty good at that.

"I think so..." I replied eventually, keeping my eyes on the page until I finished it. "What are you reading anyway?"

Maddy turned her phone towards me while self-conscious.

"How to be your best sub-self," I read aloud from the screen.

I looked at Maddy who was grinning awkwardly.

"Is this a blog that you follow?"

"Yep," Maddy replied, keen to clue me in. "I follow the posts quite a bit. Some of it doesn't apply to what I feel but some of it does. I've been reading up on submission since Jess, and even more so since I started getting feelings for you. It just helps me hugely to have something like this to relate to. It's about time you knew, so now you know."

I put my book down and looked over, "Why now?"

Maddy grinned and pointed at the title of the blog post. "It's all about owning your submission, being happy with who you are."

"And you're happy?" I asked bluntly.

"Very," Maddy replied instantly. "I'll be your submissive for as long as you want me," she added casually.

"I'll always want you Mads," I said pointedly, trying to say it without words. "Whether you're submissive to me or not."

I got a loving kiss for that and Maddy went back to her phone. I put my book down and said, "I've been thinking a lot about you wanting to have more of your sexual boundaries pushed. I've also been thinking a lot about giving you more of the rules and structure that you need."

Maddy sat up in attention, not even attempting to hide her excitement. She locked her phone and flicked it aside, blog forgotten. "Go on?"

"I think things have settled enough now that we've got into a good routine, and it feels very comfortable. So, after we get tomorrow's party out of the way and perhaps assuming an almighty hangover for both of us on Sunday, I want us to spend some time on Sunday evening looking at what we might want by solidifying this deeper submission. As in, what we both want. I want you to make a list of things you definitely want to happen now, things you might want to happen in the future and things you don't want to lose control of. I want you to look at every aspect of our day and I'll do the same. We'll spend the next week working it through and then we'll go from there."

Maddy was riveted and almost giddy. "Yes Sir," she breathed.

I grinned, ready to let her know I'd been thinking about it quite a bit. "I've made us a template to use, it's saved on our laptop." Maddy's eyes widened in surprise, and I continued, "As well as a list of examples that we can use to start populating those 3 areas."

Maddy was now on her knees. "Could I maybe have a look?"

I laughed out loud. "You want to start it now, don't you?"

She nodded keenly, blushing.

"Okay, but if you're knackered for our party tomorrow, that's your fault."

Maddy skipped off the bed and left me to it. She was still on the laptop when I eventually drifted off to sleep, a while later.

I awoke the next morning to the sound of Maddy in the kitchen. She would have snuck past me with ease, the ninja that she was. I went to the bathroom and washed my face before joining her in the kitchen. Her hair was tied up messily and her face looked tired, but she smiled brightly when she saw me. I returned the smile.

"How'd you sleep?" Maddy asked gently, pointing to a dining chair and guiding me into it.

"I slept well, did you get any sleep at all?"

Maddy grinned and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm making you breakfast, not as your submissive, but your very appreciative girlfriend because of what you did for me with that template and list."

I smiled and sat as instructed. "Was it helpful?"

"Very," Maddy replied immediately, dishing up the eggs. "I can't wait to show you, even though I'm slightly nervous about one or two."

We ate in comfortable silence, both of us knowing we needed to line our stomach for the day ahead.

"We don't really have enough time to look at it today as I don't want to rush it and I'm guessing you're going to want a bath beforehand?" I asked when we'd finished eating.

Maddy grinned, "You know me so well."

"That I do, my Goddess. Let's discuss your list tomorrow. I have something for you in the meantime..." I paused and Maddy looked over at me questioningly.

"What?" she asked.

"Come," I said simply, taking her hand and leading her to the spare bedroom and the drawers we kept in there.

"What are we looking for?"

"Something I had to properly hide under all these bedsheets," I replied, pulling out the small box. "Time's getting away from us this morning, so I've had to switch my plans around. I got you this as a little something to say thank you for being so amazing."

Maddy blushed and took the wrapped gift. "What is it?"

"Open it, silly," I teased.

Maddy unwrapped it and saw the gift vouchers for two at a very upmarket spa. "Oh my God!" she squealed. "I've heard about this place! Thank you!"

I chuckled. "You're welcome. Take Jane, not me though. You should have some girl time," I encouraged.

"Are you sure?" she asked tentatively.

"Of course," I affirmed. "You drink together, you go shopping together, I'm pretty sure you should spa together too," I quipped.

Maddy smiled, squeezed me and then gave me a passionate kiss.

We went back to the living room and turned on the TV, digesting our food while watching morning cooking shows for an hour. This part of the morning was exactly what I expected we'd be doing when I planned my pre-party conversation before Jane's arrival to help us set-up.

At the end of the show, I turned to Maddy who looked over with a smile. "What?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the party later," I opened casually, trying to fight-off a smug grin.

"Sure, what's up?" Maddy replied excitedly. I think she could sense I was leading to something.

"I've been thinking about how I want my woman to look tonight," I teased.

I saw Maddy's eyes light up, exactly as I expected they would. "How do you want me to look?" She asked with no restraint on excitement.

"Oh, you know," I carried on. "I want you to be irresistible to look at, without even trying," I said airily.

"So demanding," Maddy replied, while biting her lip.

"That means lots of you on show while you wear something appropriate," I continued. "I even want Jane to feel a little flustered around you. Can you manage that?"

Maddy's eyes were a little glassy, no doubt as she thought of what to wear. "Yes Sir, thank you," she replied huskily.

"There's more," I said firmly. "I want every single inch of you to drive me crazy. I want your hair, nails and make-up done to perfection. I'll be watching you all night, going crazy from how much I want you. I want you to be thinking of that whenever you feel me looking at you."

Maddy's eyes were now closed and she was breathing slowly. My hand found its way under her top and I ran my fingers gently along her skin.

"It's like you're reading my mind," she breathed.

"Stand up and take your clothes off," I said sharply.

Maddy jumped up and stripped, taking both her thin garments off and showing she had no underwear on. She looked over at my groin hungrily.

"Turn around, spread your legs and bend over," I demanded. So far everything was going as I planned, right down to Maddy's frantic movements.

I stood up and moved behind Maddy, who was visibly shaking with anticipation. I licked my finger and ran it along her outer lips, making her gasp and groan. I played with her outer lips for a minute while I listened to the sounds of her increasing arousal before taking my finger into her waiting hole. By then, it was wet and only going to get worse.

"I arouse you so easily, don't I?" I teased.

"Yes-s," Maddy gasped again, my finger reaching into her depths.

I tutted at her and added another finger, more easily than the first, despite how tight Maddy was. Once I had both fingers in there and had fucked her needy hole a couple of times, I took her by the hair and manoeuvred her to the sofa with my fingers still inside her. Maddy groaned at my treatment of her as I pushed her face down.

I slapped her hard on the arse cheek and sighed dramatically. "Are you an innocent, sexless woman who doesn't want my cock?" I asked.

"N-no?" Maddy replied in confusion.

"So why aren't you spreading your cheeks and offering me your holes like the slut you are?" I questioned with bite.

Maddy reacted immediately, reaching behind and spreading her cheeks shamelessly so that her filled pussy and rosebud were now on show.

"Better," I praised. She moaned as I fingered her with more force, cheeks spread wide.

I gripped her cheek with my free hand, leaned closer and spat onto her arse. Maddy gasped as I slowed my finger-fucking and then pulled out. She stretched her cheeks further, inviting me towards her other hole without hesitation. That small act increased my arousal considerably.

"Who owns this hole?" I asked, gently running my finger around the entrance.

"You do, Master. You own every bit of me," Maddy gushed.

I rubbed my drying fingers around her hole, eyeing it with barely contained excitement.

"How many cocks have you had in your holes?"

"Just yours Master," Maddy breathed.

"So you're a pretty exclusive Slut?" I asked while pushing the tip of my finger in.

Maddy started to pant, excitement now unable to be contained. "Completely exclusive, I'm made for one cock only."

It was my turn to moan. "I'm aching to fuck your tight arse, Maddy."

"Please Adam, please," Maddy begged, in the breathless voice that was turning me on so much.

"Ah, but here's my challenge," I said slowly, working my finger in with yet more spit and stopping at the second joint before it became too uncomfortable for Maddy. "I want you desperate and needy all day, so that you can't wait to have me inside you after the party. If I fuck you now, you might cum and you might be satisfied. That's no fun," I teased.

"Oh God, I won't cum, I promise I won't, just please use me," Maddy begged, wanton. She pushed back against my finger, gasping as she did so and it pushed my finger in slightly further.

I pushed my hand back against her so she wouldn't hurt herself in her desperation. "Hm, you do seem quite keen. Perhaps we can compromise," I bit my lip, loving how this had played out and knowing I'd pushed Maddy's buttons.

"Anything," she pleaded.

"Well, if you put a plug in this tight little hole all evening, that'll show me you really want to be used after the party when I've been eye-fucking you all night. Then I can fuck your stretched hole while you lay on your front and take it, and I enjoy myself."

Maddy groaned loudly and stamped a foot against the floor in lust and frustration. "What was that?" I questioned her behaviour firmly.

"My pleasure, Master," Maddy replied after taking a slow, steadying breath, correcting herself.

"Good," I finished cheerily, slowly pulling my finger slowly from her hole. Maddy began to breathe deeply so I gave her a few moments to come down from the adrenaline high. While she did, I took out the voucher I'd left in my wallet and sat it beside her. It was one of the sex vouchers Maddy had made for me at Christmas with that request on it. She grinned when she saw it, leaning against the sofa.

I sat down beside Maddy, with her face pressed against the seat and her cheeks flushed. She looked spent but delighted. "I think we've got a few minutes before Jane arrives. You need to make me cum before she gets here or I'll ask her to finish the job."

Maddy looked up at me with wide-eyes that were full of lust and got on her knees between my legs, pulling my shorts down. I took my phone from the side table and checked my messages while Maddy got to work, encouraged by the moans I couldn't suppress. When I looked down at the approach of orgasm, Maddy had her eyes closed as she stroked my cock firmly, edging my cum towards the tip of my cock which sat on her tongue.

"Not a drop on the carpet Maddy, I don't want anyone noticing and thinking my slut can't handle a load of cum," I told her firmly.

Her eyes snapped open and she looked up at me in adoration at my words, just as my cum came rushing from my cock into her eager mouth. I moaned my way through it until Maddy licked me clean and slowly stood up, her eyes locked on me as she stood.

"That was mind-blowingly good, Adam. I love what you do to me," Maddy gushed. I grinned and slapped her ass to hurry her along to the bathroom.

Jane arrived half an hour later, to help with the set up and to get ready herself. I greeted her at the door having changed into gym shorts and a running top. It felt like Jane checked me out as she pulled away from our hug but then she was moving into the house and dropping her bags in the hall while I was left wondering who she'd end up sleeping with in our spare bedroom, having got Maddy's permission to stay there.

"Where's Mads?" she asked on entry.

"In the bath, want a drink?" I walked towards the kitchen and Jane followed.

"Tired her out, have you?" Jane teased.

I turned with a glass in my hand. "We need to get you laid," I laughed.

Jane laughed too. "Is it that obvious?"

I grinned, "Well now you've said it, you could have been a bit more subtle at the door."

Jane, in her defence, looked mortified. Her cheeks blushed brilliantly, and she grabbed at a bunch of her hair awkwardly. "Shit, I'm sorry, don't tell Maddy," she pleaded.
