Finding Goddess Ch. 17

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Carol gets some relief at the office. But will it be enough?
4.9k words

Part 17 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/07/2019
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She tingled furiously, so much it hurt. A fire burned all throughout her loins, from the tip of her clitoris all the way to her rapidly contracting cervix. Her insides were so wet that she could feel them slosh with every step she took, and the only thing keeping her from dripping all over the floor was the emergency tampon inside her purse that she jammed inside herself. But it only added to her pleasure, added to her wetness as her muscles pulsed all around it, stimulating the already flaring nerves. She felt like cumming, like she was going to cum, that she would cum any minute, that no force on Earth would be able to prevent her from cumming.

But Carol's orgasm still did not come. It did not come in the break room. It did not come in the restroom. It did not come during her trek back to her desk, it did not come when she returned to her seat, and it likely would not come for a long time.

Why is this happening to me? It shouldn't be. It's physically impossible. HOW DO I STOP IT?

She tried crossing her legs. A shock of pleasure, a buzzing of electricity in her core. No good. She tried spreading them out. More pleasure, more ripples, emanating from her vaginal walls peeling off one another. She tried closing her legs. Everything mashed wetly together again, wall against wall, fold against fold, nerve against nerve. She nearly fell to the floor.

So horny...want to masturbate. Want to fuck. Want to CUM! But can't. CAAAANNNNN'T!

She was still tingling. Still throbbing. Still sopping. Still sweating. And her clothes were closing in around her like hands around her neck. It was all Carol could do just to keep herself from bursting, from fainting, from ripping all her clothing off and jumping the first person she saw!

"Um, Miss Connors?"

FUCK ME! Carol bit back a scream at the familiar voice that spoke to her. Why her? Why did it always have to be HER? Was this girl the only intern in the whole damn office? Why couldn't they just send some bony, nerdy boy with acne to relay a message to her? Anyone would be better than this...this...innocent, bespectacled temptress that kept driving the vestiphobic woman wild.

"Miss Connors?"

" you...want?" Carol seethed, keeping her eyes glued to her monitor. One look...that was all it would take for her to lose control, and that was not something she could afford to do again with people milling about all around her now.

She could hear the poor girl flinch and shiver, frightened that she just made a coworker, and a superior at that, angry. "I...I just came to inform you that you're needed at Writer's Room 3 right now. You were specially requested for a meeting by Elaine Cassidy."

"Elaine...Cassidy?" Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! Not her, not again, not now. It was too much even on her best days, and this was one of her worst. "Son of a Goddess-damn BITCH!"

Fortunately, the intern didn't stick around. By the time Carol was able to look up, she was already long gone. However, that meant Carol now had no choice but to speak to the she-bitch; she couldn't just tell the intern to relay a message to tell Elaine to go fuck herself. Then again, that would likely just get her fired, and Carol knew she was skirting very dangerously close to the line between "employed" and "out on her ass" after her...misadventure in the break room. It was honestly a miracle no one saw what she did in there. At least, she hoped no one saw what she did in there. So with great reluctance, she pushed herself to her feet once again and made her way to the Writer's Room, limping as though she was in pain.

Elaine was waiting for her, dressed more casually than the last time Carol saw her. Casual for her in any case, as her outfit consisted of a sleeveless maroon shirt, matching miniskirt, black tights, and a beret on her head. She couldn't have looked any more like a stereotypical pretentious artist if she tried. Which she very much was.

"Ugh, about time you showed up," Elaine sneered. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to see you? Twenty-five hours! And do you know what they told me when I asked why I couldn't see you yesterday? It was because you weren't available! Can you believe that? How could they possibly not find one of their own employees? Is this company really that incompetent?"

" you...want?" Carol grunted between her breaths, in no mood to explain the entire concept of sick days or the definition of absence to the spoiled princess.

Elaine only looked at Carol the same way one would look at a fart. "You're...dressed today," she said, half surprised and half disapprovingly. "Of all days."

"Yes, I am...dressed. Because that's how...people are...supposed to be." The words hurt to say. Carol had to wrestle them out. But they were true. People were...supposed to wear clothes. It was normal. They were not supposed to run around naked. Ever. At all. Even if a higher being wanted a specific half of them to.

"Well...whatever," the younger girl huffed, waving her hand in front of her face like an impromptu fan. Clearly, she was feeling the effects of the heat wave and the lack of air conditioning as well. "I need to talk to you more about my book."

"Just write and the words will come to you," Carol grunted, unable to hide her complete disinterest in the aspiring author. She knew it was the wrong thing to say and that it wouldn't have the desired effect, but she couldn't help it. She was hot, she was horny, she was tingling like a vibrator and dripping like a faucet, struggling to stay on her feet, and just having to look at Elaine's stupid pretty face was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now.

"I tried!" Elaine cried, throwing her arms theatrically up in the air. "Lord knows I tried, but I just couldn't find them sitting all by myself in front of my computer! I need my muse, my inspiration. I!"

"Me?" said Carol, taken aback. "What do you need me for? I'm just an editor. Someone you've only spoken to a handful of times."

"No, there's more! When you showed yourself to me the other day, you told me something." Elaine's trademark irritation was nowhere to be heard in any of her words. She sounded excited now, like a kid at Christmastime who knew she was on the verge of getting something really good. "I realized just what it is my story was missing. The kind of raw...fiery...naked emotion that it truly needs to be worth publishing at this venue. It needed..."

The girl paused as if stumbling over her words. Her face screwed up as the irritation came back to her, her hands clenched into frustrated fists, and like a petulant child, she stomped her foot on the floor. "I...I can't think with you like this!" she shouted, and in a flash, she was on Carol like a guard dog.

"Wh-what the...what are you doing?" Carol cried as the younger woman pulled at the hem of her shirt, exposing her midriff.

"Getting these infernal things off of you!" growled Elaine as she wrestled the garment higher up Carol's form. She pulled and she pulled until the fabric got caught under Carol's sizeable breasts, where it stopped nearly cold. Then she gave it a harsh tug, yanking it clearly over them. Carol's creamy white globes spilled upon Elaine's face, and the older woman couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise and ecstasy as her darlings, her precious, sensitive, bouncy darlings, tasted the air for the first time since...since...

Since Goddess-damned forever!

They bounced against Elaine's face and nuzzled her cheeks before falling again to equilibrium. The feeling was so wonderful, so blissful that what little fight Carol had in her faded in an instant. She fell into a state of complete relaxation, raising her arms up to make the act of fully removing her shirt that much easier for the younger woman. At last, it was off and she was now completely bare from the waist up, feeling only the hot air all around her and the slight fluttery breeze of the garb falling to floor as it was tossed to the side. In a few more seconds, the same feeling came over her lower half as her skirt was also removed, leaving Carol totally...completely...stark-ass...


"Hahhhhhhhh," she breathed, feeling like a tremendous weight had just been lifted off her shoulders.

"Yes, that's much better," said Elaine. "This is...what I...needed to see again." She circled Carol, drinking in every detail of the older woman's body with her eyes, looking her up and down as if she were an art exhibit. "Amazing. Gorgeous. Beautiful. This is truly what a woman is like when she is..."

She stopped abruptly in her tracks as her gaze sank lower, eying the string dangling conspicuously between Carol's legs. She scowled reproachfully. "Are you on your period?"

Carol jumped, her previous relaxation gone as quickly as it had come. "What? N-no, I'm not!"

"Then get rid of that ridiculous thing!"

"Y-yes, of course! Whatever you say!" Carol stammered, yanking the tampon out of her vagina and tossing it into the nearby wastepaper basket. Her innards tingled with the motion, a small murmur escaped her lips, and for a second she even considered jamming her fingers back inside to masturbate again before she caught both herself and her hand. Then she realized just what she had done without even thinking twice.

Did I just let this brat boss me around?

She didn't have time to answer her own question before Elaine spoke again, her lips twisting into a more approving smile. "Ah, that's a relief. I would have hated to put up with menstrual blood spilling all over the place. Can you think of anything less romantic? I certainly cannot."

She continued her inspection, circling Carol's form, examining her every inch of bare skin as if she were a prized horse, even kneeling down to take a closer look at her legs, her thighs, her hips, and especially her pussy, which was showing visible signs of dampness. She stared at it closely, her face mere inches away, so close the naked woman could feel her pubic hairs flutter with the younger girl's breath. Her insides clenched harder, her nerves tingled hotter, and her clit seemed to throb so hard that it very nearly threatened to pull itself and the rest of her crotch forward.

"M-Miss Cassidy?" Carol breathed, feeling her legs start to tremble. One moment more, and she would definitely fall. Or start riding Elaine's face. Whichever came first.

Elaine growled impatiently. "That is IT! I just cannot WORK in this place! It's too hot!" In a flash, she was back on her feet and had Carol's hand clasped in her own. "Come with me! We're going to continue this conversation in my car. I know it may not be very professional, but it will have air conditioning, I can guarantee you that!"

"Wh-what?" gasped Carol. She knew she had to protest. She knew she had to pull her hand away. She knew she had to escape from the aspiring writer before she opened that door and dragged her out of the room. Unfortunately, she knew all that two seconds too late because before she knew it, she was out in the open, where the spaces were widest, the lights were brightest, and her coworkers were most concentrated. Staring wide-eyed at her completely naked form.

"What the heck?"

"Is that...?"


"The hell's going on?"

"Nothing to worry about," said Elaine as she pushed her way past all the gawkers. "I just need to borrow her for a bit. Once I'm finished with her, she'll be all yours again!"

Everyone stared aghast as Carol was herded past them, naked as the day she was born. Nothing covered her body. Not her shoulders, not her stomach, not her round and hearty derriere, and most certainly not her large, bouncing bosoms. Even her heels had mysteriously disappeared leaving her feet completely bare, though Carol couldn't recall when she took them off. Everything about her was in open view, and she could feel the eyes of all her fellow coworkers boring into her as she passed them by, many so close they could touch her. In fact, some of them did, if you could call Carol slightly bumping into or brushing against them touching.

And every little contact of her skin on another person made her tingle all the more fiercely. On her clit, within her every pulsing fold, up her spine, on the tips of her toes, and on the nubs of her very hard nipples. It burned her so hotly that she couldn't hear the voices of her stunned coworkers anymore or see their shocked faces. Nor could she tell when the exit doors flew open, when the sun's light spilled all over her glistening, sweat-soaked form, or when she was pulled butt-naked onto the blazing-hot pavement of the parking lot. She just continued to move along like an automaton, content to go wherever her master bade her to go, do whatever she ordered her to do. It was only when she felt a sudden blast of cool air upon her breasts that her mind finally returned, and after taking a few moments to blink and reorient herself did Carol realize she was out of the office and in an unfamiliar car.

"Ahhhhh, that's so much better," cooed Elaine as she stretched her arms in the driver's seat, enjoying the sensation of icy air on her face. "I really ought to file a complaint to your managers for the way they are treating their employees. Forcing them to work in those is simply barbaric, do you agree?"

"I guess," said Carol, who was still feeling rather dizzy from her most recent whirlwind of fast, carnal excitement. Dizzy and very, very horny.

"I knew you would see it that way," said Elaine with a nod of approval. "Now, getting back to the topic at hand...when I saw you in all your bare glory the other day, I had an epiphany. I was devoting so many words to describe my heroine's thoughts about her love that I lost sight of what love truly is! It is not thought, there is no thinking or excessive words involved! Love is about emotion! Desire, reluctance, warmth, heat, fear, and more than anything else...feeling!"

Carol had the faintest feeling that the girl was only repeating what the naked woman had told her previously and taking all the credit for it herself, but she was too out of it to respond properly. So instead of pointing it out, she settled with giving Elaine an obedient nod.

"And what is feeling?" Elaine continued. "What else but sensation? The way one experiences the world, through sight, touch, and sound! I believe it was Nietzsche who said the soul is an instrument of the body, but I am not sure I agree with that. For upon looking on your form, I realized that it is the other way around, that the body is an instrument for the spirit. For what the soul feels, the body must reflect."

Her eyes descended onto Carol's breasts, which rose and fell with the older woman's labored breaths. They bore into her nipples, each as red as a rose and standing tall and erect upon the pale mountains of rippling woman flesh on which they inhabited. Elaine took a laborious breath herself as if she was awestruck by them. "And when a woman is in love...what does her body reflect her soul's inner wanting?"

She didn't wait for Carol to give her a verbal answer. She instead chose that moment to grab the nude woman's breasts as though that was the answer she was seeking. She squeezed the orbs in her hands, kneaded the flesh in her fingers, watched how they jiggled, watched how they bounced, watched how they rose and fell and contorted at her touch. Carol could only gasp at the contact.

"Do you feel it, Miss Connors?" Elaine asked. "Is this the feeling of love coursing through your body?"

"I...OHHHH!" Carol tried to respond, but Elaine stole her moment when her fingers heartily pinched on her very sensitive nipples.

"Her nipples harden...a reflection of her now solidified desire," Elaine said, her tone excited and observational, like she was a scientist on the verge of a breakthrough. A very young, pretty, mad scientist. "They stiffen and vibrate ever so minutely with want, like an electrical storm concentrated within such a small point of focus."


Elaine lowered her whole head, shoving her face into the two pillowy globes of flesh. She rubbed them all over her features, molding them against her nose and her cheeks and her brow and her chin as if she was trying to shape them in her image. She breathed deeply, smelling their essence through her nostrils, tasting them through her tongue.

"The heart beats loud and fast," she breathed. "There's warmth all over. Warmth and slippery, wet slickness!"

She opened her mouth. She sucked in the flesh, pulled Carol's skin inside of her. The mother gasped again as the younger girl explored her features with her mouth, rolling her delicate skin against her lips and her tongue and her teeth. She bit down, nibbled on it slightly, raked the flesh with the contours of her molars. Carol gasped again.

"They quiver...they shake. Is that the heart thumping against them? The woman's quickened breathing? Or is it something else?"

Elaine rolled her tongue upwards, semi-circularly upon the areola of Carol's nipple. She licked the reddened flesh, savored its taste, tested its hardiness against the flesh around it. Then she licked the nub. Laid it against her fleshy appendage, raked the sharpened point against her moistness. Carol had to bite her own tongue to keep herself from moaning, but she could not suppress the shudder that shook her whole body and that Elaine undoubtedly felt as well. But Elaine didn't say anything. She just murmured as though that was another thought she was airing out loud. Then she pulled the whole tit in between her lips and suckled thoroughly.

"Oh Goddess," Carol uttered, finally finding her voice. It was happening, she was being touched and felt up by another woman. And it! "Oh Goddess, oh Goddess, oh Goddess!"

"But it's not just the breasts where a woman in love gets...excited," said Elaine when she finally pulled herself back, releasing Carol's nipple with wet pop. "She feels a stirring in...other parts of her anatomy."

She set about touching Carol's other parts. She brought her hands up on either side of Carol's neck and slid them daintily to her shoulders. Carol inhaled deeply as the younger girl's well-manicured nails gently tickled her skin. Elaine then ran her hands further down the nude woman's form, on both sides of her collar and along the slopes of her breasts, now wet with sweat and saliva. She dug her nails ever so slightly into the globes, tickling them as well. Carol could feel the jiggle within them as her breath hitched again, knowing they likely looked like two mounds of lemon-flavored gelatin. Noting the reaction and nodding approvingly, Elaine continued down the nudist's sides, tracing the curve of her well-toned stomach.

"Wow, you feel very...strong," said Elaine, her voice sounding uncharacteristically shocked. "I...didn't notice before, my attention was drawn...elsewhere. Your abdominals are so firm and defined. This is beyond what most people first imagine when they think of a woman...and yet they don't make you look any less feminine."

She rubbed her face on the naked woman's stomach. She rubbed with her right cheek. She rubbed her left cheek. She twirled circles around the flesh with her fingers, tickling Carol some more, and watched as the muscles rippled and twitched with the nudist's involuntary jolts. Elaine leaned even closer, breathing hotly all over the bare skin, pouring the air sultrily down the nooks of Carol's abdominals. Then she kissed them. Once, twice, and thrice at different points around her navel.

"Huhhhh...mmm!" Carol could only murmur.

"You like that. The feeling of another's lips on your skin," said Elaine. "I used to think kissing was something to be done only on the face, but I can see that's wrong. Kissing evokes something on a woman's body no matter where it is performed."