Finding Her Way in a Storm Ch. 13-21


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The wink sent a funny shiver down Bree Ann's spine, but she barely had time to register it, much less think about what it might mean before Kaia appeared in the doorway with a concerned look on her face.

"Uh, Mom..."

"What's wrong, Kaia?" She asked, feeling suddenly scared by the look on the former Marine's face."

"It's time to go, Mom. Skyler's water just broke."

After that, things just happened in a blur.

Terri and Calista agreed to stay in case a sleeping Macey woke up, which was unlikely. One of the child's many virtues was the ability to sleep through almost anything.

Bree Ann and Lisa helped Skyler into the backseat of her mother's SUV. Once they had her buckled in safely, Kaia got in the driver's seat and quickly had the four of them on the road. While Bree Ann held her daughter's hand and offered her encouragement, Lisa called ahead to the hospital to alert them of her pending arrival and the fact that her membranes had ruptured. Skyler's contractions had gone from almost nothing to coming every four minutes on regular intervals.

Fortunately, the traffic was light, and they made excellent time arriving just inside of fifteen minutes. By then, Skyler's pain had intensified, and the mother to be was beginning to panic a bit.

Hospital policy would only allow two people at a time back with Skyler. Bree Ann insisted that her two mates go back with her first, promising her daughter that she would swap out with one of them soon.

Bree Ann had barely been seated in the maternity waiting room for a half-hour when someone took the seat next to hers. The familiar smells of vanilla and lavender filled Bree Ann's nostrils and caught her attention.

"I thought you might use some company."

Bree Ann looked to her left and found a familiar face and smile, holding out a coffee cup towards her.

"Sadie, what in the Marissa with you?"

That got a shake of the head from Sadie, who said, "No, I dropped her off at her place." Leaning in and taking on a low and conspiratorial tone, Sadie added, "Marissa is a lot of fun in bed, but outside the bedroom, I can only take her in limited doses."

That got a giggle from Bree Ann, who shook her head and said, "And what's that like? Being so casual, I mean. It's been since early in college before I was with anyone other than Jon. And even then, those were relationships I thought might go somewhere."

"Oh, it's fine, for now. Marissa and I both know that it's not going anywhere long term. We're just keeping each other company for now."

"Haven't met Miss Right, yet?"

Sadie shook her head and said, "Not yet, but I'm still hopeful."

Bree Ann was about to ask what type of woman would constitute her ideal mate out of idle curiosity when Lisa came through the doors leading back to where they'd taken Skyler.

"It's your turn, Mom. Your little girl is requesting your presence. She's in the second room on the right. The nurse at the desk will buzz you through," Lisa said, her eyes fluttering between Bree Ann and Sadie.

"Lisa, did you meet Sadie earlier tonight?" Bree Ann said, looking between the pair of women. "She was actually the therapist I was seeing up until a few months ago."

"We talked briefly, I think. Why don't you go on back and take care of Sky? I'll stay here and keep your friend company."

Bree Ann waited to be buzzed through the door and then found the appropriate room, knocking before slowly opening the door to peek inside. She found Kaia leaning over Skyler's bed as she held the mother to be's hand. Kaia's free hand was resting on the back of her lover's neck, supporting it as Skyler breathed her way through another contraction.

Once Skyler opened her eyes and saw her mother standing there, she held out a hand to the woman who'd undergone the same rigors for her. Bree Ann went to her, their fingers interlocking as she leaned down to kiss Skyler's forehead. It was then that Bree Ann felt her heart catch in her throat. There was a picture of Bree Ann and Jonathan taped to the plastic railing of Skyler's bed. It made her swell with pride, knowing that Skyler still felt she needed them both, even if it was merely in the form of a picture.

"Hey, sweetie, I know this is tough. But I want you to know that I'm so proud of you and your dad would be too."

"Thanks, Mom," Skyler said as Kaia wiped at the sweat on her brow and offered the auburn-haired beauty a few ice chips.

"How far apart are they now?" Bree Ann asked Kaia.

"Two minutes regular now. The doctor should be in soon to check and see how dilated she is. The nurse checked her a few minutes ago and said she's almost a hundred percent effaced and both baby's heartbeats are strong. She didn't think it would be long now."

Skyler groaned and began her breathing exercises again as another contraction hit. Bree Ann and Kaia began offering her encouragement and support.

Less than thirty seconds later, the door to her room opened, and two nurses came inside the room, followed by a rather rotund and severe-looking woman that Bree Ann instantly recognized as Skyler's obstetrician. Despite her almost troll-like appearance, she'd come highly recommended within the lesbian community. Apparently, there'd been quite a baby boom among aficionados of sapphic love in recent years.

Bree Ann watched as the nurses attached stirrups to the end of the bed and began helping Skyler get situated lower in the bed. They positioned her legs in the stirrups and began erecting surgical drapes as the doctor took a seat on a stool between her legs.

"Okay, Skyler, you're going to feel a bit of pressure here. I'm just going to see if we're about ready to start pushing," said the doctor, whose voice was surprisingly petite for her frame.

"Okay," Skyler said with a groan before looking at her mother. "Mom...Lisa...would you mind?"

Bree Ann gave her daughter another kiss and said, "Of course not, sweetie. I'll have her in here in just a moment." Bree Ann started towards the door and stopped briefly to look back at Kaia. The two exchanged an entire conversation without actually saying a word, and then Bree Ann was out the door to retrieve her daughter-in-law.

The next forty-five minutes went slowly as Skyler sat with Sadie, the two mature women holding hands. The two hardly spoke, but Bree Ann couldn't help feeling a bond with the woman that went beyond their former therapist/patient dynamic.

Bree Ann literally jumped when the maternity unit doors swung open, and a very tired yet relieved looking Kaia came walking through. The smile present on her face spoke volumes.


"She's fine, Mom," Kaia said, wrapping her arms around Bree Ann and giving her a hug. "And so are your grandsons. Jonathan Andrew was born first; he weighed five-pounds and ten-ounces and had a healthy set of lungs. Aaron Micheal had a little harder time making his entrance into the world. He's a bit of a runt at only five-pounds-two-ounces, but he can always tell his older brother that Mama K said his junk was longer when he was born.

That got a muffled giggle from Sadie and a look of half-serious reproach from Bree Ann.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Those little boys are patiently waiting to meet their Mimi, and I need to give Terri and Calista a call."

Bree Ann turned to Sadie and stepped forward, wrapping her former therapist in a hug as she said, "Thank you so much for tonight. It really meant a lot to me."

"You're very welcome, Bree Ann. And don't be a stranger. Maybe we could have coffee sometime, and you can show me pictures of the new babies."

"I'd like that," Bree Ann said, feeling strangely elated at the prospect of seeing her friend again soon.

She turned to see Kaia watching the two of them, and as she walked away, Bree Ann was reasonably sure she'd been holding back a smirk.

Getting to meet her two newest grandkids was perhaps the proudest moment of Bree Ann's life. It was quickly surpassed a mere twelve hours later as she watched Macey stare in awe at her new baby brothers. The little girl didn't seem to know where to look first. And for one of the few times since she was a toddler, Macey appeared at a loss for words.

Both boys were officially deemed healthy enough to be released from the hospital on the third day following their delivery. Skyler herself was recovering well and seemed more concerned with the weight she'd gained postpartum than with any residual soreness. Lisa was able to reassure her, though, promising to set her up with the same nutritionist and trainer she'd used after having Macey.

Their first month of life went quickly and quietly. They decided to limit visitors during that time to only the closest of friends. Bree Ann was continuously by Skyler's side, helping her daughter acclimate to motherhood as seamlessly as possible. The new mother was a natural in Bree Ann's eyes, continually doting on her children with minimal complaint. Even the few groans she emitted when feeling a little overwhelmed seemed done halfheartedly.

And although she didn't understand why it was necessary. Macey did return back to school a couple of days after her new brothers arrived. And true to her word, she never did complain about helping out. Macey did quickly point out, however, that she was too young to change a poopy diaper. And having three mothers and a grandmother present meant that Macey always had someone to shower her with attention. So there was no reason for her to ever become jealous of the new arrivals.

Bree Ann did manage to sneak away on Saturday morning to have coffee with her new friend Sadie. She would share pictures of the kids with her former therapist and catch her up on the day to day goings-on in her life. Sadie would sit and listen raptly, her eyes seldom leaving Bree Ann's. The pretty blonde would laugh at appropriate times, her blue eyes shining, and occasionally offer an insight or two.

Sadie talked about her younger life, marriage, and divorce in more detail. She even discussed in a little more detail the chain of events that enlightened her about her sexuality. Sadie casually mentioned that she was still seeing Marissa but said it was evident that things were quickly winding down between the pair.

For her part, Lisa took to her second round of motherhood like a seasoned old pro. She would breeze in from work and immediately send Skyler off to soak in a bath or enjoy a short nap. It gave Lisa ample time to bond with her sons and Macey at the same time while Kaia added support and Bree Ann handled dinner preparations.

Of them all, Bree Ann thought it was Kaia who was most content in her new life. The older woman knew that the former Marine had a clear vision in mind of what her life was going to be like back when she'd boarded that flight to Afghanistan. And when it appeared to have been ripped away, it hadn't been a foregone conclusion that Kaia would make it. But God had given her back what she lost and so much more, and it was plain to see each day how grateful Kaia was.

Bree Ann knew that she and her daughter had suffered loss too. That storm had ripped Jonathan from their lives, tearing a hole in them that she thought impossible to fill at the time. But it had helped to bond them all together into a nearly unshakeable unit and led them here to a new home. One that Bree Ann was finally beginning to embrace and enjoy more each day.

On the rare days where her mind still drifted back to the night that the twister touched down, Bree Ann's eyes always wandered to a plaque that Sadie had given her when the two first started therapy together. It's saying always brought her peace, reminding Bree Ann just how rich and blessed she and her girls were.

"Sometimes the greatest storms bring out the greatest beauty...Life can be a storm, but your hope is a rainbow and your friends and family are gold."

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Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6434 months ago

This is the second time i have read this story and it's better the second time around! Such a great story of romance, loss, love and understanding!

So, so good!

Thank you so much!

LiberalMindsLiberalMinds6 months ago

I agree with Gaius Petronius that the inaccuracies is overshadowed by a beautiful story. The idea of a three-part relationship is intriguing, but I don’t think I could manage that. If there is or comes a sequel to this story, I would like to see the romantic story of Bree Ann and Sadie. They deserve a happy life.

furetdunordfuretdunord11 months ago

Inaccuracies are overshadowed by the wonderful story that you deliver. Wonderful.

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusabout 1 year ago

My first exposure to your body of work was "Sweet Surrender." By and large, the craftsmanship of your writing has improved markedly in your recent efforts compared to this series.

Your strong suit, in my opinion, is your creativity as demonstrated in the story arc and in the depth of your characterization. You have given birth to characters I am interested in and feel attached to -- Kaia and Skyler, of course, and Lisa, Jonathan, and Bree, with the added comic element in Becca. I am impressed with your ability to mold a distinct personality for each of your characters.

But, at the risk of flogging a dead horse, your inattention to the name-identities of the various characters is all the more vexing because of how much I like them. Added to this is your sloppiness with the technical, nuts-and-bolts aspects of your craft -- grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, and the like. Concrete examples: your confusion of "your" and "you're," "complement" in lieu of "compliment," and your almost perverse confusion of the transitive verbs "to lay" (lay/laying/laid/laid) and "to raise" (raise/raising/raised/rised) with their intransitive counterparts "to lie" (lie/lying/lay/lain) and "to rise" (rise/rising/rose/risen).

I'd love to reward you with a 5-star rating, but in settling on a 4, I'm rounding upwards.

If you could enlist a skilled proofreader/editor to work on this series (albeit on a volunteer basis), this would be superlative and superb.

S9808S9808about 1 year ago

Impressive piece of work. Aside from the grammatic, spelling, mis-direction of characters, slight loss of direction and numerous loose ends this was a very good read. Whilst I agree with a number of your commentators I think some are petty when considering you do this as a hobby.

Still I enjoyed the balance between character's situations, the story line, pace, sapphic descriptions and sociological interplay most interesting. The southern states are not renown for their tolerance of anything other than their own self interest and immature views. that's life.

Thank you

Cindy1001Cindy1001about 1 year ago

Wonderful, from beginning to end. These characters have begun to feel like family. Skyler, so emotionally mature and ingenious, even when she was in her teens. Lisa ..., it's your talent as a writer to show that nobody is beyond redemption. Thank you so much.

Lions86Lions86over 1 year ago

Man, Skyler is pretty miraculous to be in her Room giving birth and out in the waiting room sitting with Sadie.

Lions86Lions86over 1 year ago

Damn if I thought it was confusing having to constantly correct your name fuck-ups when two people were involved, it's even worse with three people involved

Cupertino345Cupertino345over 1 year ago

The last segment was long. I enjoyed your story from begining to end. The first blush of Skyler's dating to when she finds out where her destiny lies. I was bummed when Lisa came back into the story but that ironed itself out. The storm was timely given what is going on today. The threatened hearing loss is still a loose end.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Nicole2023Nicole2023almost 2 years ago

Kinda disappointed no choice was made so just make it a throuple. Didn't like that lisa was still involved instead of closure for Kaia. I skimmed the lady few chapters due to that fact

AquariusgirlAquariusgirlalmost 2 years ago

Wow! Just wow!

So it's almost 3am and after a marathon day of reading this amazing story, I have to say that's I'm not disappointed. It has been such a great read! I absolutely loved the characters and the build up of everything that happened from start to finish.

I can't wait to read Bre Ann's story next 😊

okami1061okami1061almost 2 years ago

What a story! You should be a writer!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

An amazing story with love, understanding, challenges and successes. You took on a few tough subjects and turned them to a wonderful read. We hope to hear more from you soon.

LiebethLiebethabout 2 years ago

This story makes me believe anything is possible. You handled a possible time bomb situation with the threeway love relationship brilliantly.

Hope theres many more from your pen

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Brilliant story, well written as it is"smooth" reading. Excellent! Loved it - now back to your next offering!

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