Finding Home Pt. 11-16


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"Power Girl, please don't kill him. I hear he's a heck of a tight end. Jacob Glass is dying for him to get on campus. You need to make sure he can walk when you get done with him," he joked.

"No promises Dreamy. I get a steady diet of you and Kisses trying to break one another in half. Your girl needs some loving of her own. Power Girl has spoken," she said, as she laughed.


They got to the Dining Commons, and Andy watched amused as a lacrosse player literally ran into a wall watching the four ladies walk down to the cafeteria. Andy went and joined his math misfits, and they all walked down the stairs together.

Once they were seated with their food, a clearly heated Haylee Larson spoke to Andy. "OK, so what the hell, Andy? You were Captain of the 'Groton Greats', and you don't say shit to us? The leader of 'The Four Horseman'? I thought we were friends."

Andy smiled at her reassuringly. He looked around, and noted Jeannie's disappointment as well. "OK, so one: that was a long time ago. In fact, it feels like a lifetime ago. I've been shot at, blown up, shot twice, and did 4 tours in the sandbox since those things happened. Ancient history. Two: how did you guys dig that stuff up?"

"It was in this morning's Boston Globe. They're all over campus. I hear there's a piece in the Portland paper coming out this weekend -- about the hockey stuff with Andre, Alex, and Brian," said Cooper. "I mean, I grew up hearing about you guys. I guess I just figured everybody else knew too."

Andy looked around, and spotted a Globe on the table next to them, he grabbed it, and read the article quickly. "Shit," he muttered.

He handed the article to Mikey, who read it aloud to the table. Dre and Jake smiled, and Mikey began to laugh. Priya and Juliette looked at their husbands with obvious pride.

Sydney spoke first, "The best prep hockey team in recent memory? Four future NHL players, and a Navy Cross winner? The Captain of Boston U's two recent Frozen Four teams? You were the Captain of the USA U-18 World Championship Team? Three guys from the same school on that team? Damn. Seriously, Andy? Does Sara know any of this? 'Cause if Cooper was holding out on me with that kind of Kung Fu, I'd be pissed as hell."

He looked at Priya and Juliette, and they both nodded knowingly.

Andy coughed. "If you'll excuse me, I think I need to go talk to Sara," he grinned. He grabbed the article from Mikey, and trotted toward the table with The Birds of Prey and the female crew team.


Sara saw him coming, and went to meet him.

"Have you seen the Boston Globe this morning?" he asked her.

"You mean the one that talks about my man being, and I quote, 'the straw that stirs the drink for the best prep team ever assembled in New England?'" she giggled. "Baby, I just know your straw can stir my drink anytime," she whispered softly, and hugged him.

"Sara, I'm so sorry. I should have told you. I guess with all that's been going on, I forgot about the reporter being here. I mean I sort of remember talking with him -- but I talked to him with Jake and Mikey and Dre. I thought it would be mainly about them."

She kissed him, "Don't worry. I got an advance copy and a heads up from Jessica," she smiled. "She knew your sorry but fine ass would forget to tell me, and besides, that's not really how we roll. If anything, I'm the one who should be sorry. You're always talking about what an awesome athlete I am, and I haven't returned the love. Baby, you're a damn stud. That's some serious props they gave you," she said excitedly.

"Thank you, and," he whispered to her, "we'll do some simple addition tonight to make it up to one another."

She kissed him, "Now, that's how we do us." She giggled and continued, "Andy, I'm so proud of you. Our kids will so kick ass! And baby, that hair! That hair definitely needs to make a comeback. Momma likey," she purred. She kissed him, and walked back to her seat. The wiggle she threw his way was about to make his pants explode.

Eden came up to him, "Droobie, are you OK? You look like you just crapped yourself, or something," she asked him laughing.

"Yeah, well -- I didn't say anything to Sara about our team at Groton -- or anything really about my hockey playing days," he explained.

"Of course not," she said, smiling at him. "That's not how you roll. You've got too much Helen in you: classy, understated. You people kick ass, but you don't publicize it. Your whole family is a bunch of success Ninjas."

"Well, my Calc class crew is pretty pissed at me," he said. "But more importantly, I was afraid I'd stepped in it with Sara. If she and I are alright, I'm good. I can handle the others being a bit pissy."

She kissed him on the cheek. "Droobie, you and my bestie are golden, but you know that. And I expect that Kail, and I will hear just how golden you are tonight," she laughed as she said this.

"By the way, thank you for including Ethan this morning. He's great Andy, he's just not got your skills -- yet. By the way, do you think Priya would give me her sister's phone number? I want to pick her brain on how to train my man up properly," she grinned wickedly as she said this to him.

Andy smiled at her. "You might just want to compare notes with Grace," he joked.

She laughed. "That girl has it bad. I feel like I'm watching a rerun of the Andy and Sara show. Damn, my nephews and nieces will absolutely kick ass! Andy, do you have any idea how cute Grace and Jake's kids will be? I get all the feels just thinking about it."

Totally changing the subject, Andy blurted out, "Can you and Kail ride with Sara and I to Portland? We'll let Jake and Grace take the Rover. I need to tell you about my time with your parents this morning. I'd love it if Grace could be there too, but no way Jake lets that fly."

"Sure," she said cautiously. "Andy, are we OK with all this? I mean with my parents and all? I don't think I've ever seen my mom that shaken up. And I knew about the affair. I was a stuck-up little be-atch my senior year in high school, but I wasn't clueless. I know my mom and dad. This is about something other than that."

"Yes, it is, Snips. It's awesome, but we need a chance to talk about it," he said reassuringly.

"Hey," said Andy abruptly, "I'm a bit skittish this morning, so I'm sorry. Did you get Ellen's email? The one about your favorite stuff? If I know Ells, she wants everything to be perfect for her modeling crew."

"Yes, I did. We all filled ours out this morning. It's very thoughtful of her -- it's totally something Ellen would do," she smiled.

Andy texted Cooper and Jake before he returned to the table. He also found Ethan Ross, and asked them to meet him near the men's restroom upstairs -- on the double. They needed to be stealthy and quick.

As Andy was headed to the restroom, he saw Jacob Glass. "Andy, man that article is amazing! I knew you guys were the shit, but damn! And here we thought Coach Moses was overselling you guys. I should have known better," he said greeting Andy warmly.

Andy quickly changed gears, "Thanks Jacob. Hey, would you mind staying here for a minute? I need to talk to the guys who have girlfriends going to NYC for the Karan shoot next week. You'll give us plausible deniability. If you're here, then it's just some Groton guys shooting the shit," he explained.

"Sure. I heard about that. That's amazing! I also heard your younger sister is behind all that. All I can say is it's about time some of these women got their props. Dude, no offense -- I mean this as a total compliment -- your fiancé is en fuego. She's always been striking, but man she's gorgeous. I'm a dumb football player, and even I can see she glows. No joke, I almost did not recognize her."

"Thank you," said Andy, still feeling somewhat scattered. He looked up to see his group of fellas arriving; all very confused as to why they had been summoned. Andy gathered them around in a circle.

"OK. Jacob is our look out. If he sees any of the ladies, he's gonna start laughing like we're just over here bullshitting. Got it?"

They all nodded their heads.

"Here's the deal. Our ladies are all going to be in NYC next week, which sucks for us. I worked something out with my sister. She's going to give them little gifts each day with a note from each of us. Don't worry, she'll write the note, and she's got it all worked out. She sent them a survey about their favorite things. Ells has serious game with this stuff. We're talking no more than $10 a day. If you're short on cheddar," he grinned, "Jake will spot you."

The group laughed.

"It's a small way to let them know we miss them, without sounding like whiney bitches. Anybody not in?"

"What about Haylee Larson?" asked Jacob Glass, who'd been listening as he kept lookout. "Is anybody going to do something for her?"

"Ellen has that covered," said Andy, turning to him.

"What if I want to cover it?" asked Jacob. "Would that be OK? I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the word's out boys. The fellas at Colton need to step up their game. Nobody wants to get 'Andy'd'. It's time to show out for your lady, or the lady you've got your eye on. That girl seriously rings my bell, so if all of you swinging dicks are spoken for, I'll gladly throw my hat in the ring for that lady," said Jacob excitedly.

Andy grinned at him. "OK. The man has put his stake in the ground. And fellas, she'll know the first night, so be prepared. Rest up fellas, and speak well of your buddy Andy when they return very grateful for how thoughtful you are."

The group broke up, and Jacob grabbed Andy's arm. "Andy, can we do like a 'secret admirer' thing with Haylee? She has no idea how into her I am, and I don't want to freak her out. We're nowhere near the Cooper and Sydney level yet, and I don't want to scare her off. If it wasn't for my roommate dating her roommate, she may not even know I exist. Maybe we could say her admirer will be here to greet her when she returns?" he asked hopefully.

"Groton men look out for one another, Jacob. That's an outstanding idea. I'll give Sydney a heads up, and she can be your wingman on this. She'll totally be on board," he smiled at him. "How long are you on campus?" he asked.

"I'm here until school starts. Coach Moses sent an email out already, asking all fall athletes to come back if they could. Summer conditioning just got Moses'd. We get free room and board, and Coach Ramig is going crazy! I knew that guy would change this place, Andy. Colton has no idea what's about to hit it. All that tree-hugging, granola crap has left the building!" he exclaimed, grinning broadly.

"Well, if you need a place to crash for a few nights, holler. Cooper and I will be at the Commons at President's Hall all next week. It's a sweet set up. We'll have a Groton camp week," smiled Andy.


As they walked to class, Andy and Cooper took a page out of Haylee and Sydney's playbook. As Andy slid next to Sydney, he heard her chuckle. "Nice. Using our own Voodoo against us. What's up Captain?"

"Jacob Glass? He a good dude?"

"He's one of Cooper's best friends, so I'm fond of him -- but not as fond as my roommate is. She's been crushing on him all spring. They were in World Civ together, and it's a wonder she could even remember her name when he was around," she paused. "Why do you ask?"

"Don't react -- at all -- but the feeling is mutual. She may be getting little thoughtful gifts this next week in NYC. It'll say it's from a secret admirer, but I want you to know it's Jacob behind it," he explained. "Help a brother out, please."

"Why do I get the feeling all six of us will be getting similar gifts this next week?" she smiled as she asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," said Andy, grinning.

"Andy, you kick ass at like eight million things. Lying is not one of them." She turned and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you. You and Sara make Colton a much better place."

They walked along companionably, until she broke the silence.

"How do I tell him I'd like him to come back to Nebraska with me in August? My folks really want to meet him. My sisters are losing their minds to see him in person. Andy, they freaking love him! When they Face Time me, they just want to talk to Cooper. He talked to my dad about dating me - which really impressed him. Not many guys do that. He told my dad how amazing I am, and that he'd like his permission to pursue me!" She choked up a bit, "My parents are totally on board. My mom keeps telling me how handsome he is. MY MOM! I just don't want to freak him out, or anything."

Andy smiled at her. "Tell him. It doesn't hurt a guy to know that the woman he's crazy about is crazy about him. You have no idea how stoked he'll be when you tell him you want him to come back with you. He's a good dude, Sydney. I'm really happy for the two of you."

"Andy, the weekend we get back, we're going to Boston to meet his family. I already met them, but he wants me to go with him to his house!" she said excitedly. "Christopher and Ellen are going to be there, and everything."

"Can I ask something and not freak you out?" he asked.

"Yes. I know what you're going to ask me, and the answer is definitely yes," she said laughing.

"OK, Jedi Master Sydney: just what was I going to ask you?"

"You want to know if I want him to talk with my dad about marrying me," she bubbled.

"Damn," said Andy. "The force is strong with this one."

"I've talked with Sara -- like a lot. She's pretty blunt about stuff like that," she giggled. "I won't tell you all she said, but on the Sara scale, I'm about to explode for that boy."

"So, you're ready to have his babies, then?" he asked grinning.

"Dammit!" she exclaimed. "How did you know? Did Sara tell you?"

He turned to her, "She only tells me that 5 times a day. I gotta admit, it's pretty hot when the woman you love tells you she wants to have your children."

"Andy," she said turning bright red, "could you talk to him about that, too? We've gone slow, and I -- well -- I wish he'd speed up a bit, I guess. I know he's just being a gentleman, but I want that boy. We've liked each other for like eight months, but he needed to get Andy'd to get his ass in gear."

"I won't," he said bluntly. "You need to tell him. You tell your fella you want to make love to him, and he's yours. End of story. Drop the mike. Now, I will talk him through the next steps -- but do it this way - and you'll be thanking me later." He grinned at her.

"Dammit!" she exclaimed. "That's exactly what Sara said you'd say." She kissed him again.

"But here's the other thing I'll do," he reached into his pocket and pulled the key fab for the Commons door off his keychain. "We're going to be gone all weekend. Tell him tonight, and then please make sure you make the bed tomorrow morning," he winked, and grinned. "And you may need to be the one to bring the birth control. It won't even have occurred to him to do so. If you put a bug in Jacob Glass's ear, I bet you could get your roommate a date for tonight as well," he grinned at her.

For the third time in the walk to class, she kissed him on the cheek.

At this point, Cooper spoke up. "Andy, we both know you would totally kick my ass, but if my girlfriend keeps kissing you, that's a chance I'm going to have to take. I know we're family, but you're killing me here!"

Andy and Sydney laughed. Sydney went to Cooper, stopped him, and kissed him slowly and deeply. "There," she said. "Andy did not get one of those," she smiled at him. "And," she whispered, "if you knew what we were talking about, and what he just did for you, you'd be kissing him too," she grinned at him, took his hand, and kept walking.

During the break in their Calc class, Dr. Land called Andy up. He smiled at her. She was dressing, well like a woman, and not like an androgenous academician. He noticed that she had a very nice figure, and obviously took good care of herself. Andy had seen John Moses checking her out while they were skating the night before, and it was all Andy could do not to fall over laughing when he saw it happen.

"Andy, I need you to be totally honest with me. I really like John -- or at least -- I really like what I know so far. He and Marty walked me home last night, and we talked for quite a long time. Would it weird you out if we -- I mean -- if..." she stammered.

"He's a great guy. His wife died two years ago, so if you want to see where the two of you could go, please be my guest. You're both grown-ups," he grinned at her.

"OK, please take that shit eating grin off your face. It's just -- well, Andy he thinks the world of you. He loves you like a son. I don't know all John went through in Linda's death, but I know you'd tell me if this is a bad idea," she explained.

"It's a great idea. Full steam ahead," he said, continuing to grin madly. "If it comes to that, Sara and I would gladly hang out with Marty some evening."

She smiled back at him, "So, I'm totally in for the BoSox game. I may hurt you if you gave my ticket away -- at the very least, I'd fail your ass."

He laughed, "Nope, you're all good. As I told some fellas this morning, just remember your buddy Andy kindly when you speak of me."


Andy stood just inside the Dining Commons waiting for Sara. He'd gotten his truck, and his bags were packed for the weekend. They'd run to sign the papers and then get on the road ASAP. He looked through the doors, and saw her 8's crew coming. They looked ridiculously good. These were all young women in peak physical condition, and their clothing highlighted that fact for all to see. He could also read Sara's body language. She was pissed. Andy got hugs and a kiss on the cheek from Kail, Grace, and Eden, as well as a hug from Molly Bird. Sara stood back, until she rushed to him and hugged him. He felt the tension leave her body, and then asked, "How was practice, my love?"

She looked up at him, "Practice was great. But I swear to God, if another dipshit stares at my ass, I'll lose my damn mind."

Andy smiled at her, "It's an exquisite ass. I see it every day, and I know I can't get enough of looking at it. In fact, why don't you turn around for me," he joked.

She punched him on the arm, hard. "Baby, don't be a told-you-so wiseass."

He looked at her, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize how upset this makes you," he replied softly.

She hugged him, and then she spoke. "No Andy, I'm sorry. It just gets to me is all. And -there's somebody staring at my ass right now. I grew up with this shit, baby. Not again."

Andy looked around, and sure enough, there was a guy standing at the coat stalls totally checking her out. He was about to say something when he stopped and smiled.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the figure of John Moses enter the Commons. He had Jake and Marty in tow. Andy chuckled, and told Sara to turn around. He put his finger to his lips.

"You. Yes you -- the one standing there with the stupid look on your face," John bellowed.

The stricken young man turned to face him.

In the meantime, Jake slid in behind Andy and Sara and was giggling like a schoolgirl. He was giddy. The Groton alums knew what was coming. Marty stood behind his father, and made a smacking motion with his hand to his forehead. Marty knew what was coming, too.

"Are you an athlete here?"

The poor sap made the mistake of looking down at his shoes.

"Bad move, buddy," whispered Jake. "Sara, this is the best part -- coming right now."

"Dammit young man, we're talking -- which means you look the other person in the eye. My eyes are right here," as he gestured gregariously to his face. "Now, it's not a hard question: are you an athlete here?"
