Finding Love at a Funeral


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Like a good dad, he did caution me about having a relationship with a sister, even a half-sister, like she was.

Over the next few weeks, Tori and I talked and texted like a couple of teenagers. We talked about a lot of things, even the very intimate sexual things we did.

She did admit to telling her mother about just a bit of what we did, emphasizing that her mother had no say in the matter, even if we did meet again, in my neck of the woods.

A few more weeks later, Tori called me and asked if my invitation was still open. When I told her it was, she asked about the following week. Maybe for a week, or two.

Now, all I had to do was plan as much excitement, both in and out of bed, for how ever long she wanted to stay.

Picking her up at our airport, we were off to my house, for who knew what.

My dad did let me know he wanted to visit with her, as he remembered the shy little five year old, from the time with our mother.

Getting all her luggage unpacked, and me showing her around my house, we did just little things that best friends would do, not what brother and sister would do.

Every so often, as I would show her around my house, we would stop and kiss. With each kiss, it would be longer, more sensual, and with my hands either holding her soft behind, or caressing her braless breasts.

We did arrange with my dad to have Sunday dinner, with his two younger kids, giving us all day Saturday to explore Greater Seattle.

I took Tori down to the Seattle waterfront. To the Pike Place Market. Oh, yes we had dinner at the 'Best Bar In Town' which I ran. Yes, its name is a bar, but we serve the best bar food in a six square block area.

While we were eating our dinner, Tori leaned over to me and asked if we were the only straight couple there.

"Does that bother you?"

"Not really, its just something I'm not used to."

After our dinner, we walked around my neighborhood, which happened to be one of the oldest neighborhoods in Seattle. Just like my house, there were many older, very large houses, all very well kept.

Being a nice early fall evening, there were several other couples out walking. Even though I didn't know all of them, they all stopped to chat with us. The ones I knew, greeted Tori like they had been friends for years. She did make the comment to me how friendly my neighbors were. Nothing like the area we both grew up in back in Boston.

Getting back to my house, we just stood in my living room, holding each other, with her starting to kiss my neck. Nibbling on one ear. Rubbing one hand down my body, while I cupped her soft behind.

Slowly moving towards the stairs, she finally kissed me, ever so softly. Up the stairs we went. Stopping to kiss some more. Not saying a word. Entering my bedroom, clothes started coming off. Standing next to my bed, with only my briefs and her panties on, I gently lifted her onto my bed.

Easing her panties down, over her soft behind, I started down her body, kissing each area gently. Getting to her sacred place, I noticed the change in scenery. Her thick bush, was now a neatly trimmed landing strip. Kissing both inner thighs, still holding her ass cheeks, my tongue slowly ran up and down her already swollen cunt lips. When I got to her glistening clit, her first orgasm hit, like a ton of bricks.

Moving our bodies around, my cock soon was engulfed by her very warm mouth. Rolling onto our sides, my tongue deep inside her sex, I pushed two very well wetted fingers into her very welcoming behind. It seemed that both of us were in need of this, and neither of us lasted very long. Exploding into her mouth, she took my offering, with just a bit dribbling back down my shaft, which she licked clean. She also soaked my face with her pent up sex juices.

Rolling onto our backs, panting and grinning like two lovesick puppies, she whispered, "I think we both needed that, my love."

"Do you mean that, calling me your love?"

"I truly do, and I hope that doesn't scare you off."

"You do know we have a lot to talk about, during your little visit, don't you?"

"Yes, and what if my stay isn't so little?"

"Are you suggesting you might stay longer than a week, or two?"

"Dylan, I have an open ended return ticket, for up to a month."

We just stayed hugging each other, silently appreciating our closeness. As we cuddled, my manhood started responding to her body next to mine. As I started getting very hard, her next comment floored me.

"Dylan, would you consider not using a condom?"


"Uh hum, more than anything I've ever thought possible."

Taking her face in my hands, I gave her as sensual a kiss as possible. Our love making was very slow. Very sensuous. Very exhilarating. And, yes, we did make love unencumbered by latex. Three times, before I nearly collapsed in a heap.

After some well needed cleanup, we just laid in bed, facing each other, when she started.

"Please let me finish, before we discus what might just have happened, Dylan."

"When mother and your father started their affair, I was barely five, and didn't have a clue about sex. I knew Thomas was considerably younger, and really cute, by my five year old standards. I also knew to either stay in my room, or in the back yard when he visited. When mother's tummy started to 'grow' she and my father told everyone how happy they were, but I knew something was amiss, because Thomas never came back."

Hearing this, I began to wonder if and when Tori started to think what I didn't discover until that fateful DNA test I took.

"That was wrong of both of them the way they treated you, making it seem alright for this affair, and the result. Me. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than grateful for me being here, even after all the years of lying."

Laying next to each other, completely satisfied, it didn't take long before we were sound asleep.

Several times during the night, I felt her warm body next to mine. I must have slept with a silly grin all night.

When I woke up, there was my sister/lover looking right into my eyes.

"Good morning, my sweet Dylan. Sleep well?"

"Yes, and I think I have you to thank for that," I said with that same silly grin.

"Tell me about your brother and sister, so I know what to expect."

"First of all, my stepmother will be there, too, as they have always maintained a friendly relationship. Its the story of great friends who make terrible spouses. She wants to meet the two of us, together. Her name is Suki, and she's Korean, and a little doll, if I do say so. My brother is Robert, 17, and already in his first year of college. My sister, Mandy is nearly 16 and is a senior in high school. Both are very bright."

"If they are your siblings, I'm sure I'll love them, too."

"I need to know that you were very sure of us not using protection, last night, Tori."

"More than sure, and I have been ever since you left us. Each time you sent me a birthday card or Christmas card, I think I fell more in love with you, just knowing you were finally happy."

Just laying side by side, I started getting hard, again. I felt her hand slowly moving up and down my growing manhood. I took one very erect nipple in my teeth, lightly biting it, eliciting a feral growl. Tori moved her behind up to my engorged cock, so I reached for some lube and a condom. Lubing two fingers and slowly pushing them into her welcoming tush, her moaning got a bit louder. Easing my condom covered sex where my fingers just were, she had her first orgasm within a few minutes.

Moving her onto her back, and placing her legs on my shoulders, we slowly started fucking as if our lives depended on it. With me softly biting each nipple, and using my thumb on her clit, her moans turned into screams of pure sexual pleasure.

As I exploded into her backside, she was gripping my shoulders so hard, I think she drew blood. I truly didn't care.

"Can I ask where you got the desire for the anal that you seem to love?"

"I guess that's my rebellion towards mother, who told me once "only wanton hussies" did that sort of thing!"

"Can I call you my wanton hussy?"

"Any time you want, my dear lover."

"Do you think we should shower and actually wear clothes to dinner?" I said with a huge grin.

"Aw, you kill joy."

In the shower, we both got each other off, with just our hands, even though I did use her butt crack to help my cock achieve its ultimate goal.

Arriving at my dad's house, we were greeted warmly by my family. None of them made any comment about Tori's and my relationship, even when we told them we were considering marriage.

My sister, who is a bit on the sarcastic side, leaned over to Tori and asked if she could call her a cradle thief. This gave us all a good laugh.

I did remind everyone that I wasn't that much younger.

We sat around just talking, like families do. My entire family welcomed Tori as if they'd known her for years. When, in fact, they had only known about her in the six years I'd been living with my dad.

After dinner, and our great evening getting to know everyone, Tori told me on our way back to my house that she honestly didn't want to go back to Boston.

"Do you want me to come back with you?"

"I couldn't ask you to do that."

"You didn't, I volunteered," I said, with a huge grin.

"How will we deal with mother?"

"Let's just play it by ear, but I won't stay in that house, unless you insist."

"Oh, Dylan, I'd never ask you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable."

After her nearly three week stay, and us starting to lay the groundwork for us to be married, I did agree to fly back to Boston, the first week in November.

Tori and I talked nearly every day, and she did tell me about having a very lengthy talk with our mother.

We were both surprised how well our mother took the news of us seriously considering marriage. Her only comment was, "I guess you two are old enough and smart enough to know what you're getting yourselves into."

When I arrived at the house I grew up in, mother asked me to stay there.

"Are you positive?"

"Not really, but if I say you can't, I imagine you both would get a hotel room, and do, um, oh, shit, whatever you two are want to do."

And there it was, out in the open. She knew what was going on, and knew she was powerless to stop it.

"Oh, one more thing, if I may. Could both of you please be clothed in front of me?" She did say this with a smirk.

We spent a very nice week, visiting places I hadn't seen in years. Yes, our mother did come with us, on a few occasions, but did tell us, she would let 'us young kids' have time to ourselves.

As I was preparing to return home, my mother took me aside, without Tori telling me just how sorry she was for hiding the truth, all these years.

"I just never thought you'd find out, so I just pushed it to the back of my mind. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?"

We just held onto each other, with me whispering my forgiveness.

With me back home, and a wedding to plan, Tori and our mother had several very long talks, covering just about every scenario we could imagine. The major decision they came up with, was our mother told us both she would attend our wedding. Gladly.

We decided on Valentine's Day, for our wedding. Just call us hopeless romantics.

We had a nice local community center for the ceremony and reception.

With my dad being in the restaurant business, we had no problem with either food or drink.

Outside of my dad, and mother, virtually nobody knew of our true relationship. Aside from the fact that none of our close friends cared, one way or another.

Everything was in place. Tori had moved across the country in plenty of time to assist in our wedding.

My dad and stepmother had made a major decision. Suki and kids moved back in with dad, but didn't get remarried. It seems as if that little piece of paper made the difference. No license, no bickering.

As our big day was getting closer, our love making got even more intense. Every night. Some afternoons. Even once in the storeroom in back of my restaurant.

Little did we know, that we weren't the only ones.

I had a sneaky feeling that Tori might have a major announcement, the evening before our wedding.

With our immediate family present, we were just starting to eat, when she stands up, looks me in the eye and tells me, and the family that she is nearly three months pregnant. I expected this, as she had been to two specialists, making sure our little girl was more than healthy.

After all the hugging, and congratulations, Suki and dad looked at us and said, "so are we!"

You could have heard a pin drop. Dad at 44 and Suki at 41 were going to be parents, again. Not to mention, I was getting another sibling.

I looked over at our very stunned mother. She had probably given up the idea of becoming a grandmother, but now she was doing just that. In the most unconventional way. She actually asked if she could consider my siblings her honorary grandchildren. None of us objected.

The next afternoon, our wedding ceremony was even more than we could have imagined. A very touching exchange of vows. A fabulous meal. A reception featuring some of our favorite music. Everyone enjoyed the music, and the dance floor was very busy. One unexpected highlight was an uncle of dads asking mother to dance. This was something I don't think her husband ever did.

Not only did they dance a few dances, I noticed her smiling and talking with Uncle Henry for most of the evening. As our festivities were coming to an end, with only a few family members left, Henry whispered something in mother's ear that had her red as a beet.

With just our immediate family, Tori finally asked mother what Uncle Henry asked her. With her cheeks getting redder, she finally told us, he asked her if he could visit her, alone.

"Mother, I want you to know that Dylan and I think you deserve all the happiness you can find."

With our mother returning home two days later, she did tell us she had Henry's phone number, and she would decide if would go anywhere.

Now, all we had to do is wait another six months, or less for our daughter to join us.

Interestingly, Tori and Suki became closer, with Suki helping answer some questions about her impending motherhood.

All during her pregnancy, our sex life was stalled, a bit, with her telling me she just didn't feel sexy. Even when I'd tell her she was absolutely beautiful, she would tell me I needed my eyes checked.

As our daughter's arrival neared, everything was in place. Nursery. Check. Baby clothes. Check. Name? Oh, shit, we still don't have a name. Spending time one night, we discussed many names. After much debate, we came up with Jennifer. Sounded good to us. Now, all we had to do was wait.

Four O'clock one morning, Jennifer decided she wanted to meet us, so off we went to our nearby hospital. After just under two hours, she made her grand entrance. All seven pounds and nineteen inches in length. Ten little toes. Ten tiny fingers. Two bright blue eyes, and the cutest button nose in the entire hospital.

Listening to the fussing while being cleaned up and swaddled to meet mommy and daddy, I just held Tori's hands, telling her how beautiful our daughter is.

I took a few pictures to send to my family, and to our mother. She deserved to see her first grandchild. She replied with obe word. Amazing.

There aren't words to describe seeing your tiny child staring up at you, with the look of pure innocence. She definatly looked like her mommy. She did grab hold of my finger, gripping it like she knew I'd do anything she would ever ask.

The next day, getting settled in at home, my dad and siblings came to visit. Suki came along, too, giving her another chance to answer any questions Tori might have.

Dad, Robert and me sat in my living room, letting the girls be alone with mommy and Jennifer. It was very obvious to them that Mandy was very attentive to everything going on. They all had a good laugh when Suki told her daughter that wasn't going to happen until she was thirty, at the earliest.

As Jenny grew and we started back into our routine, Tori and I discussed a possible sibling for her.

"OK, Dylan, but two will be our limit, right?"


It was just over five months after our daughter was born, we discovered our family was about to expand.

Would we find out the sex of number two? Not sure, but not ruling it out.

Jenny was walking around listening to mommy's tummy, and smiling, but, then again, we were all smiling. A great deal.

We did decide to find out that Jenny was getting a little sister, and we picked Elizabeth, or Lizzy, as her name.

When Tori told me that Liz wanted to meet us, we left Jenny with our next door neighbors and off we went. This time it took just about ninety minutes and a spitting image of Jenny was here. Maybe a little more hair, the same bright blue eyes and nearly the same size as Jen at birth.

Wow, I had the three most beautiful girls in the entire world. Waiting to hold our newest treasure, pictures were snapped and sent across the country. To the rest of my family, and much to our surprise, I got a return text about an hour later, from our mother, telling us she would be visiting us in about a week.

Getting our newest addition home the next day and getting her settled in her crib, Jenny just couldn't get enough of talking with her newest playmate. It didn't seem to bother her not getting any verbal response. She did, however, get Liz to smile, more then a few times.

The following week, mother let us know she was coming in, and didn't need to he picked up. It seems as if she was staying with Uncle Henry, but that's a whole other story.

Our family now complete, with Tori and I finding a most unique love, we both looked back at our childhood. A father who just couldn't be bothered by children. Or, so it seemed to both of us. A mother locked into a loveless marriage, who seemed unable to overcome her perpetual sadness.

My search for the truth led me to a loving family, that welcomed me with open arms. Returning home only to find a true love that was right under my nose, the entire time I was growing up.

With the support of my family, my sister and I found a love not many would approve of, but it suited us just fine.

With two beautiful, perfect daughters, we were the all-American family. At least on the surface, that is. All our friends knew is we belonged together. And, truthfully, that's all that counts.

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RRC2RRC2about 2 years ago

Responding to a comment from cageysea9725, who said:

"Born to Edward and Anne Williams, with a sister, Victoria, nearly six years older than me."

That lacks the basic components required in a sentence, yet was presented as one in this story, (end of quote)

I did not read Jeff's introduction as a sentence so much as an oral declaration. I do not see anything that prevents an author from veering away from the rules of sentence structure. I prefer a measure of "Did the author communicate" instead of "Are the rules of grammar followed to the letter".

As for the rest of the comment directed toward me, I am happy to repeat that I am a fan of Jeff's writing. It is a personal preference that colors my opinion. What Jeff does with his stories surpasses what few spelling, typographical or other errors there might be, and I find examples of such errors in both the commentor's comments and my own. Oops.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

To complain about typos and errors when making your own proves how hypocritical people can be. Though I am not a fan of JustJeff (this is the first story I've read by him) I can say that it is not deserving of a 1/5, that is incredibly harsh. I liked the story, I do feel it was too quick and condensed. The incest happens rather abruptly considering the MC never mentioned an attraction to his older sister. Otherwise it was enjoyable.

RRC2RRC2over 2 years ago

I am very much a fan of JPJeff's writing, and this one is amongst his best. I read cageysea's comments, below, and cannot agree with them. The most mistakes I have found in any of Jeff's writings have been the occasional typo that is probably more autospelling than Jeff.

But the, I'm a fan. And I remain a fan looking forward to more and more from Jeff.


AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 2 years ago
Loves grown deep

The epitome of love in a heart warning story.

linnearlinnearover 2 years ago

Wonderful writing.

StoryTeller1959StoryTeller1959over 2 years ago

Having just driven through Boston this morning, this one happened to strike close to home! it is nice how you manage to take a particularly difficult family situation and resolve it so nicely with some spicy sex weaved throughout.

scholarguyscholarguyover 2 years ago

lovely endearing,heartwarming

Frankie1952Frankie1952over 2 years ago

What a wonderful story of love, hot sex and babies

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Great story, loved it. AAAAAA++++++

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