Finding Someone


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I had felt those breasts against my body plenty of times, but never had them in my hands before that evening, and they were everything I imagined. I had to feel more, so I plucked the tie at her back and the top came free. I dropped it on the edge of the tub, leaned her back so I could see over her shoulder, and filled my hands. She didn't have huge breasts, probably a full B-cup, about like I was, but, God, were they gorgeous. They had a tan line, and they stood high and proud. Her areolae and nipples were brown, and small, puffy and delicious looking. Her nipples were spiked up like nails, and the slightly lighter shaded skin surrounding them was thicker, forming a little feature and they were crinkling in her arousal. Murphy couldn't take his eyes off them. I offered him a nipple, and after looking in my eyes, seeing the approval there, he bent his head and captured one between his lips. She moaned, clutched his head and pulled him into the pliable mound.

I left her breasts to him and slid my hands down her slender waist, feeling the dramatic swell of her hips, and I plucked the bows I found there, her bottoms joining her top on the edge of the tub. She protested a little at "being the only one naked, and I added my items to our little pile. She murmured something I didn't catch in his ear, and stood, turning to face me. We kissed, our breasts pressing together, my slightly more dusky skin making a nice contrast against her tan line. Murphy was climbing out, stripping down his trunks and sitting on the edge.

She turned, pulling me with her, and we were on our knees on the underwater bench in front of him. His cock was very erect, throbbing with the beating of his heart, and she reached out tentatively to wrap her long slender fingers around the thickness. My hand joined hers, and we played with our toy. My knees were hurting from kneeling on that bench.

"Shower, and bed," I said.

We climbed out, all of us as naked as the day we were born and ran giggling to our outdoor shower. Hands were everywhere, and we laughed, all of us talking and moaning at once. I ran to grab towels from the rack, Murphy put out the torches and Shania grabbed our clothes and the empty bottles. We trooped inside, she got rid of the excess baggage, we dried each other, kissing and groping and making it difficult, before moving in the direction of our bedroom, Murphy sandwiched between us.

We made a pile of naked bodies, Murphy on his back and Shania and I using him for a pillow. Her white flowing hair combined with my black curly mop to completely cover him.

"Murphy, do you remember when we talked about me finding someone at school?" I began.

"Yes. I thought you weren't going to do it," he said. "I know how miserable you were, Kitten. I was going to hate everything about it, but I need you happy."

"I wasn't," I said. "I'll never be with another man, Murphy. I could never do that to you, or to myself, but I found Shania. We've been dating, and I wanted you to meet her. I'll share you with her, if you'll share me with her."

He laughed, causing a small earthquake of naked girls. "Is that what this is all about?" he asked? "This is about making me okay with you two being lovers?"

"Yes. Are you mad at me?" I peered up at him through my hair. He didn't look mad.

"Shania, is this something you want?" he asked.

"I think it is," she said. "I love Drew, Murphy I think you're someone I could love. I'm bi. I guess you figured that out." She giggled, doing amazing things to her breasts. "She's so in love with you, Murphy. We haven't had sex. She wouldn't, and she came up with the idea of coming down here and seeing how we all felt about each other. I see why she loves you so much. Do you think there's enough love in the two of you for me to be part of it?"

He reached down, stroking the silk of her back and urging her on top of him. "We'll find out," he said. "Let's see what happens. I've always had this fantasy. I mean, God, what man wouldn't? You two are so damn hot. I'm afraid I'm going to be a spectator a good bit of the time. I can't keep up with Drew, much less the two of you."

I silenced him with a kiss. "You're plenty for me, I told him. You aren't in Oklahoma, Murphy. If you were, none of this would have ever happened."

"I know," he said. Shania was moving, kissing her way down his chest, fastening onto one nipple, and I thought I should shut up and get with the program, as well. I laved the other with my tongue, and he seemed to like that. Men's nipples are not usually thought of as erogenous zones, but judging by Murphy's reactions, they should be. Her face was right there, and I wanted some. I pulled her over and kissed those delicious lips before we continued to kiss our way down his body.

His cock was an iron bar, and we used it like we were sharing an ice cream cone, our lips, tongues and fingers all over it. I had never been so horny in my life. I was going to come like a bomb, as soon as one of them played with me, and it was obvious that they had their motors running flat out, as well. Murphy had stamina, but from his expression and body motions, he was going off, and soon. I decided we needed him up for the long-run, so I pushed over the head of his cock and went to work with my mouth. Shania's little pointed tongue was running over the part I wasn't using and she sucked one of his balls into her mouth, then the other.

He groaned and exploded. I took the first burst, swallowing greedily, and pulled off, aiming the next shot at Shania's face. She opened her mouth and took it, engulfing him for the rest. He was trembling and breathless, and I ran off for a washcloth. I cleaned us up and Shania crawled up toward me like a big cat.

She pushed me over backwards and got on top of me, pressing our breasts together. "He needs to rest," she said. "I want you, Drew." I glanced over at Murphy and he was watching with a goofy grin on his face. I hoped it wasn't permanent.

Assured that we had his attention, I cupped her face in my hands and we kissed. I was breathless in anticipation, and so was she. We devoured each other's lips and she started sliding down, taking one of my nipples inside the heat of her mouth, switching to the other and making me writhe on the sheets. She started kissing her way down my belly, and I caught her hair, holding her for a second. "Six nine, babes," I told her.

She smiled and swung her body around, straddling me, and there it was: that gorgeous pussy, right over my face, just where I'd been wanting it, like forever.

She had a little tuft of wispy fine white hair, just barely visible, and the pinkness of her lips was perfection. I could see them glistening with her wetness, and they were perfect, too. Completely symmetrical, perfectly formed, pouting open a little in her excitement, and I had to taste them. She smelled delicious, and tasted that way, too. I covered her with my tongue, bathing every inch, and I felt her tongue part me at the same time. I was so distracted by how hot she was making me that I lost concentration for a minute and forgot what I was doing. She humped my face a little and I remembered. I ran my tongue inside as far as it would go, probing, licking, circling her opening and I could feel her doing the same.

My clit felt like it was engorged and about to burst, and hers had become erect and was out of its little hood, as well. I gave it a swipe and her hips jerked. I grabbed her tight little ass in both hands, locking her in place, and I went to work, attacking that gorgeous little bump with my lips and tongue, just as her lips closed over mine and I could feel the big one rising up from my toes. I sucked her clit between my lips and lashed it with my tongue, moaning on it as the waves rushed over me. Her body went stiff, and then exploded, pressing down on my face as I lost all sense of time and space. There was only Shania, Drew, and ecstasy. I could hear female voices crying out, giving tongue to joy, but they seemed far away and barely audible through the roaring in my ears. The ecstasy stretched out interminably, and became too much for me to process. I wriggled frantically, trying to get away and dumped her off, spinning around until I could wrap my arms around her, crushing her body to mine as she did the same, kissing her over and over, babbling incoherently to her.

Large strong arms wrapped around us both from behind her, tangling in my hair. "Holy fucking God," Murphy exclaimed. "That was the hottest thing I have ever seen in my life!"

His face appeared over her shoulder and she giggled. "I can tell," she said. "There is something very hard poking into my ass, Drew!"

I knew what that was. I kissed her again, then moved my head up to kiss Murphy. "Fuck her, baby," I whispered.

He looked into my eyes. I held his in my gaze and tried to portray all the love in my heart I had for him. "Are you sure, Kitten?" he whispered. I nodded, pushing her over onto her back and cupping one breast in my hand while devouring the nipple of the other. He moved over her, and she struggled for a second.

"Wait, I'm not ready! Let me rest a minute!"

I silenced her with a kiss. "No rest for the wicked, my love," I whispered, and her breath drew in with a gasp. He was entering that beautiful little pussy and I had to see.

It was one of the most mind blowing things I had ever witnessed. Emotions jolted me. This was my man. He was entering this gorgeous woman and I was incredibly turned on and incredibly anxious, at the same time. Thoughts jolted through my brain. What if he thought she was better than I was? What if they fell in love and left me out? What if she tried to take him away from me? It was all mixed up with the eroticism of seeing this beautiful girl, whom I loved, and the man of my heart, engaged in the most beautiful act I had ever imagined.

His cock was sinking slowly into her, stretching the pinkness of her lips apart, forming a seal around him, a ring that disappeared inside as he moved in, reappearing as he moved out, the smells of sex heavy in the air, the sounds of sex filling my ears. Shania's moans and little cries, the sound of Murphy's heavy breathing all combined for an experience like nothing I had ever dreamed. Shania turned her head and looked at me. I think she saw the emotional shock I was experiencing and she grabbed my arm, pulling me in, turning me until my knees were beside her ears, I was facing Murphy and he pushed up, using one arm to support himself as he drove into Shania and pulling my face to his to lock onto my lips.

Shania dove into my moisture and got me going before losing concentration, as I had done. Her voice rose to a sobbing squeal as she came, convulsing under us and finally pushing me away. "Please, I can't... I need... no more!"

Murphy stopped and we both lay in each side of her, cuddling her between us as she half-sobbed, half-shuddered between us. She recovered quickly and looked at Murphy. "Did you come?" she asked.

He shook his head. "Do Drew, then," she said. "I want to see."

I was only too happy to be "done," but I was going to be the "doer." I climbed over her, pausing to give her a kiss with all my passion. I climbed aboard Murphy, sinking down on that fat cock and driving onto him. I was hot and ready, and I came twice before he filled me with that wonderful warmth. Shania got the washcloths this time, and we took up position over Murphy, using that huge chest as a pillow. I drifted away, the lassitude of post-sex sleep claiming me.

I awakened in the morning wrapped in Murphy's arms, my back warm against his chest, Shania spooning him in the same way. I turned, quietly, Propping myself up on one elbow so I could watch my sleeping lovers. They looked so peaceful and beautiful, and I sighed in contentment, snuggling back in and just luxuriating in the warmth of their bodies and the covers.

I had feared it would be awkward, the next day, but it wasn't. Murphy made sure of that. He and Shania were cuddled up on the sofa when I came in, and they moved apart, welcoming me between them and loving on me when I sank down between them. We were extremely physical all day, stealing touches, squeezes and kisses as we spent the day in laziness. Saturday, we went to the beach again, and Sunday, we went to the football game.

Shania never went back to her room, at least to sleep, and we fucked like there was no tomorrow. The entire two weeks before Murphy went back to work was like we were teenagers, discovering our sexuality and love for each other for the first time. We fucked him into oblivion, and by the time we had to board our plane to go back to Oklahoma, there was no doubt in my mind that he was okay with Shania and me. He was more than okay, he was enthusiastic.

I knew because he told me. He pulled me aside before we left for the airport. "Kitten, I just want you to know that I think you're the most loving wonderful woman on the planet," he said. "I can't believe the wonderful gift you gave me, and I know that you put so much planning and thought into making me feel good about this."

"Is it okay?" I asked. "Are we okay? I want to ask her to move in with me, Murphy. You're here, and I need her there. Do you understand? Is it okay?"

He hugged me and kissed me. "Do you still love me?" he asked. "Are you going to leave me and love Shania? Just Shania? Are you still going to come home every time you get the chance? Are you still going to want me to come there when I get the chance? What's going to happen?"

"What I hope is going to happen is that you'll have two of me; I'll have two of you," I said. "I'll bring her here with me every chance we have. When you come to Oklahoma, we'll both be there, waiting for you. Can that work?"

"I think it can," he said. "I guess we'll see."

That's exactly what happened. Over the next two years, Shae moved into my house. We still kept up appearances at the dorms, but we lived at the house. The only time we were apart was when we had sports scheduling conflicts. That was the only thing that kept her from coming home with me when we had breaks, and when Murphy came to see us, we were ecstatic. We got a king-sized bed that fit us all comfortably and life was good.

That aching loneliness that had crushed me was a bad memory. Shania and I had our little lover's spats, just as any couple does, but she was so incredibly sweet and caring that it was hard for me to stay angry with her. She had a temper, too, and she was more aggressive than I was. We worked it out, and life was as good as it could be.

When Murphy's contract was up, he applied for and got a job with one of the local high schools and he moved to Norman. The three of us set up housekeeping and it got even better.

We were three months from graduating, and I came home when I got out of class. Shania was home, I saw her backpack, but she wasn't in the house. I went to the patio door and looked out. I saw her sitting in a chair out there. She looked like she was shaking, and I went outside. Her face turned toward me and I could see the tears streaking her cheeks. She tried to wipe them away so I couldn't see, but I knew. I took her hand, pulled her up and led her inside. I took her to our bed and held her. She knew the jig was up, and she let it all out, crying into my shoulder while I petted her and made soothing noises.

"What's wrong, BB," I asked. "Whatever it is, I want to help. I can't unless you talk to me, tell me what's going on."

"I... I love you, and I'm going to lose you," she choked out. "I love Murphy. I'm losing him, too. The two most important people in my life are going to vanish in three months, and I'm fucking miserable, just thinking about it."

I was stunned. I had no idea she was feeling that way. I tried to put myself in her position. What if it was she and Murphy who had our bond, and they were both going back to Texas and leaving me behind? How would I feel about that? I suspected I'd be just as miserable as she was.

"What do you want, Shae?" I asked her. "What can we do?"

"I don't know," she said. "I don't think there's anything to do. I want you, Drew. I want Murphy. I've been finding myself thinking about some way to take him away from you, or you away from him so I could have you. I feel like such a shitty person for even having those feelings, but I can't help it. I think about moving to Florida after we graduate and being with both of you, or asking you guys to move to Texas with me."

"Aww, honey, I had no idea," I told her. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault," she sniffled. "I need a tissue, Drew."

I got her one and came back to hold her.

"I knew this was always going to happen," she said. "We all knew it was going to happen, but it seemed like it was so far away. Four years was forever. It was just you and me, and we were queens. Then it was you, me and Murphy, and it got even better. Now it's ending, and four years wasn't forever. I'm so sad, all the time, Drew. When I'm with you, I'm fine, or when I'm with Murphy. When I'm alone, I think, 'This is how it's going to be for me.' I'll see something and want to tell you about it, and you'll be in Florida and I'll be in Texas. I'll see a coffee mug and just know Murphy will want to add it to his collection, and it will be the same."

I didn't know what to say. "Shae, you know that you can come to Florida," I told her. "Our life is there, so we're not going to move to Texas, but you know how much we love you. You can come and live with us the rest of our lives. Is that what you want?"

"Yes... no... I don't know," she said. "I know you have your lives all planned, Drew. You're going back to Florida, you're going to marry Murphy, have kids and I've always known that, intellectually. I love you too much to fuck that up for you."

"I'll make a new plan. I'm good at planning," I told her.

She rolled over and kissed me. "No, I'm just being silly and emotional," she said. "I'm going to stop now and we're going to have the best three months of our lives."

She was as good as her word. We did have the best three months since we'd been together. It was a tearful graduation, and we spent one last night together. Shania went back to Texas, and after a stop for me to get my masters at the University of Alabama, Murphy and I moved back to Florida. She is still a large part of our lives, but not sexually. We've never had sex since that last night in Norman. We spend a week with her at her place in Austin, and she spends two weeks with us in Florida, every year. Murphy and I got married, just as we'd planned. I told him on our first date that I was going to marry him and have his children, and he didn't believe me. He had no idea how determined I could be. We have those kids, two daughters, seven and sixteen months, little dusky clones of their mother with their father's eyes.

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ImshakenImshaken23 days ago

Randi's wonderful story highlights the inherent difficulty in a 3 person relationship. All three corners need to be truly equal for long term viability. I suspect that equality is exceedingly rare. In this story that equality wasn't there so the sexual relationship was doomed which caused some pain. But that's life. Thanks for sharing your creation!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Great painful sacrifices for passionate love. MC has resiliency and tenacity for her life plan. Admirable.

Cracker270Cracker2704 months ago

Really good well written story. Thank you

6King6King4 months ago


drbenchpress66drbenchpress664 months ago

I feel like the only way it works is instead of a threesome you go for the holy foursome! Then, hopefully, you form two separate bo… wait a fucking minute isn’t that just swinging? Goddamnit I thought I was onto something here haha

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