Fires Upon the Sand


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Before I could press Esharyn for more answers, Xelari gave a cry of alarm. The rune she'd been working on pulsed with bright red light. Another rune on the far side of the ruined courtyard flared as well.

"Voids," Xelari hissed. "I erred...the runes are awakening the dead!"

Red sparks erupted from the glowing runes and flitted down into the sands. The shattered skeletons twitched as the sparks danced into their ribcages. Broken fingers writhed and wriggled, but the bodies were too damaged to rise.

Unfortunately, however, we had lacked the time to find all of the other bodies hidden within the ruined outpost. Like foul weeds, dozens of skeletal hands burst from the red sand. Figures clad in rusted breastplates and wielding broken blades rose up all around us.

Esharyn rolled her shoulders and drew her blade. Spear in hand, I stepped up to join her. To our right, Xelari remained atop the battered stone wall and withdrew a runestone. Red light flashed upon the stone and a beam of fire burst forth, turning a row of freshly-risen skeletons to ash. I winced at the shockwave and the blast of heat.

Dozens of skeletal heads swiveled to regard the mage. Broken teeth clattered and clicked as the risen horde rushed towards the dusk-elf.

Esharyn and I moved as one, darting across the courtyard to intercept the shambling swarm. Before we could engage, another burst from Xelari's rune incinerated another handful of the creatures. Ash and embers wafted over my face as I braced myself to face the enemy.

Those dusty old skeletons proved far easier to defeat than the undead orcs. Their bones had been withered and weakened from years in the scorching sands, so a handful collapsed after staggering only a few feet towards us.

Deft thrusts and wide sweeps of my spear kept the foremost ranks at bay, giving Esharyn the freedom to lash out with her curved blade. Skulls and bones cracked beneath our might. Corpse after corpse clattered to the ground. Beams of fire from Xelari's runestone tore through the mob of arisen soldiers.

Ash stained my robes, leaving streaks of gray upon the crimson. And yet despite the carnage unleashed by our weapons and Xelari's sorcery, the dead kept coming. Corpses rose from the ground all around us, chittering and growling as they made their clumsy attacks.

"Hold firm!" Xelari cried out, after sending another scorching beam into the massed ranks of skeletons. "I need to find the last rune!"

Her red silk dress fluttered in the wind as she raced along the top of the ruined wall, gracefully bounding from stone to stone. A skeleton broke from the swarm and gave chase, scrambling up the wall after Xelari. A claw-like hand reached up, grasping at the mage's ankle.

Instinct and fury took hold of my limbs. I pulled back on my spear and threw it with all of my might. The weapon skewered the creature's skull, sending shards of bone raining down and freeing the dusk-elf. She continued her mad dash along the wall.

Cursing, I drew one of the black-steel daggers from my belt. Without the advantage of reach, I'd be far easier prey for the undead.

Yet I would not go down easily.

Snarling out battle-prayers to the Dead Sun, I became a whirlwind of fury. My dagger slashed and sliced, tearing through the joints of skeletal limbs. Esharyn's heavier blade shattered ribcages and skulls, sending shards spraying across my snarling face. We ended up back to back, covering each other's flanks with lethal grace.

A rusty blade tore into my jaw. A bony hand grasped at my wrist, tearing into the skin. A shattered spear punched into my collarbone, though the iron rings sewn into my robes absorbed the worst of the blow.

Bones tumbled to the sand at our feet as we fought back. Our steel scythed, claiming victory after victory. Blood leaked from a dozen minor wounds, none fierce enough to slow our onslaught. Prayers left my shaking lips as I dedicated each kill to the fires of the Dead Sun.

Six more skeletons burst from the ground beneath the ruptured corpses of our vanquished foes. A moment after rising, they all croaked and fell, tumbling down to the sand in a clatter of bones and rusted armor. The remaining mutilated skeletons twitched one last time before falling silent.

Xelari, with a thin line of blood leaking from her chin, poked her head over a nearby wall.

"Found the last rune, along with a half dozen more of those wretched things," she said, panting. "We should be safe now."

The dusk-elf clambered over the wall and trotted over to us, withdrawing a healing-rune from her pack. Esharyn reached out and wiped the blood from Xelari's chin. The tender gesture inspired foolish thoughts of jealousy, even though it was clear that their unconventional relationship was a free and open one.

"Will you accept this healing?" Xelari asked. "Or need you wait for a Sun-Speaker?"

"I'll take it," I said, panting. "No dawn-elves around to scowl at me."

Chuckling, Xelari stepped forward and pressed the stone to the worst of my wounds. Pulses of healing energy banished the pain and sealed up the wounds within moments, though the blood still clung to my dark, sweaty skin.

With the same tenderness that Esharyn had displayed, Xelari delicately wiped the blood away. Her hand lingered upon my cheek for just a moment, her eyes twinkling. I shivered beneath that soft touch until she turned away to see to Esharyn's wounds.

Still panting from the fight and shuddering from the echoes of her touch, I crossed the courtyard to reclaim the weapon I'd thrown.

"You're a damned demon with that spear, Kiraska," Esharyn said with a crooked grin.

"We dawn-elves start training with them when we're barely old enough to walk." I sagged down against a boulder. "And these things are easier to kill than mortal opponents. No regrets when the spear strikes, no hesitation. Only triumph."

"What now?" Esharyn asked, wiping the last bit of blood from her forearm.

"It is too hot to risk a crossing," I said, glancing up at the sky and stepping back into the shade. "We should wait a few hours at least."

"Agreed," said Xelari. "I'll need time for my runes to recover. The dispelling of those glyphs was more taxing than anticipated. Those orcish death-mages are more powerful than I'd originally thought."

She raised an eyebrow at me.

"How long until your clan can rally their forces?"

I winced at the question.

"Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that they will. The sun-speakers are set in their ways and are even more distrustful of outsiders than the rest of us. Hopefully Arandith and Tavertan can sway them. But if they answer...they could reach us within a week, assuming no storms or undead delay them."

"We cannot afford to wait," said Xelari, scowling at the northern horizon. "We must find that relic before the necromancers do. We'll have the advantage of stealth and surprise, along with your knowledge of the desert, Kiraska."

The dusk-elf glanced down at her runestone.

"As soon as we are rested and my stones have replenished, we should head out."

Together we pitched our tents in the shade of the largest tower, then convened for a meal of fruits and spiced bread. We ate in silence, my mind replaying the events of the battle, picturing the countless ways it could have gone wrong. Had Esharyn's blade not struck at the right moment, had my spear not found its mark, had Xelari's magic not scoured the undead when they'd clumped together...

The sands would have embraced our bodies and the Dead Sun would have taken our souls.

I traced my fingers over the golden dragon upon my forearm. Despite the grim thoughts dancing through my mind, I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.

"What is it?" Xelari asked.

"A hundred ways that fight could have ended. A hundred little choices. A hundred little paths. And yet here we are. Safe and sound. For the moment, at least."

"Is there anything that the dawn-elves do to celebrate a victory?" Esharyn asked. "Any rituals we should observe?"

"There are rites to be undertaken after a battle against other dawn-elves, to convey their souls to the afterlife. But no such customs exist for triumph over the undead." I glanced over at Xelari, feeling quite bold thanks to the adrenaline still coursing through me. "And certainly nothing quite as unique as your Moondance."

Xelari looked up from her meal, her eyes as warm and hungry as the sun raging overhead. She stared for several seconds with a grape poised before her lips. After a moment, her tongue flitted forth to collect the grape and drag it into her mouth. My hands tensed, dreaming of that tongue caressing over my skin.

"I take it you enjoyed the performance?" she asked.

I clenched my jaw, my mind racing to find the perfect words, the ideal compliment, a witty retort that would make her smile, laugh, or swoon. Tension gripped my neck and all I could manage was a slow, shaky nod.

"You being rendered speechless by it is the best praise you could give," she said, with a slow sultry smile that promised far more than another performance of that sacred dance.

"That wasn't even a full Moondance," Esharyn said with a smirk. "You only saw a fragment of the true beauty she can unleash."

My eyes widened, for I was unable to imagine something more enthralling and enticing as those lithe movements Xelari had displayed. I shifted a little against the ground as an ache gripped my heart. An ache of longing, of need, of a desire for warmth and the softness of another woman's touch.

Among my people, it was considered foolish and reckless to seek comfort in the arms of an outlander, even if it was not outright forbidden. Though I'd met plenty of foreigners thanks to the occasional caravan that entered our lands, not once had I ever dreamt of spreading my legs for one...let alone two.

Xelari and Esharyn, however, were nothing like those greedy merchants. They had saved my life and the lives of my comrades, and were trying to remove that relic before the undead could scourge our holy desert further.

If any outlanders deserved my touch...why not those two?

"What would it take for me to earn the privilege of witness a true and complete Moondance?" I asked, my voice low and raspy.

"Esharyn endured weeks of hardship at my side," Xelari said with a smirk. "We fought several undead hordes and saved the city of Arkostead from an army of the dead. Such triumphs earned her that blessing."

"And if I help you find that relic?" I asked, clenching my fists to keep the wild hunger from my voice, not wanting to appear too weak or needy.

"We will see," Xelari said, eyes twinkling. "And yet you have already endured some hardships for us, have you not? That skilled spear-throw of yours certainly saved me from a few nasty wounds, if not worse. I think such an act deserves at least some sort of reward."

Every muscle ached as I fought off the urge to leap across the campsite and throw myself at her. Xelari's emerald eyes drifted up and down. To my shock and disappointment, she wrinkled her nose as if disgusted. That expression suppressed my lust and I leaned back, wondering what I'd done wrong.

"Those robes do not suit you," Xelari said with a wave of her hand. "Esharyn, help her remove them."

A smile replaced my look of shock and I let out a nervous laugh. The red-headed woman leaned over, her deft fingers undoing the clasps and buckles. Murmuring with anticipation, I reached up with trembling hands to assist her.

Within moments we'd made short work of the robe. The crimson fabric landed upon the sands with a soft whisper, leaving me exposed save for the simple cloth wrappings over my breasts and hips. Xelari's eyes gleamed as she drank in the sight of me. After staring at my wrapped breasts for a few moments, her gaze drifted to my gleaming draconic tattoo.

"And the rest," she said, her voice low and sweet.

When I reached up to untie the bands of cloth, Xelari huffed and wagged her finger.

"No, no. You just stand there and look beautiful, Kiraska. Let Esharyn do all the work."

"You're a bossy one, aren't you?" I asked with a soft, nervous chuckle.

"You haven't the slightest idea," Esharyn said, giving her lover a playful glare.

The redhead moved behind me, her fingers untying the knots keeping the cloth in place over my breast. I shivered as her hand braced against my firm back. The cloth clung to my pert breasts. My chest heaved with needy gasps, and those movements were enough to force the fabric to fall.

I grunted with a little jolt as the cloth fell to the ground, exposing my pert breasts. The ruby piercings within my nipples gleamed. Xelari licked her lips at the sight.

"Full of surprises," she purred. "Now the rest, Esharyn."

The other woman placed a gentle kiss to my shoulder. That soft, tender touch was nonetheless enough to ignite a thrumming moan. It had been so long since I'd had a lover that even a glancing kiss could make me tremble.

Those trembles intensified as Esharyn worked upon the other knots. A jolt went through my spine; I was almost worried that I'd disappoint Xelari once I was fully unclothed. To my relief and surprise, Esharyn nuzzled the back of my neck.

"It's all right," she murmured. "Just relax."

"Impossible to do when she's looking at me like that."

Esharyn's laughter thrummed against the back of my neck as she undid the last knot. She kept her hands upon my hips, pinning the fabric to my shuddering body.

"Don't worry. We'll take good care of you."

With that, Esharyn pushed the fabric down my hips. It fell upon my robes, leaving me utterly exposed to Xelari's hungry gaze. I glanced down, heat blossoming on my cheeks. Already a bit of dew gleamed upon the soft dark curls around my aching sex.

"I had heard so many old myths about the beauty of the dawn-elves," Xelari murmured. "What a joy it is to confirm such legends."

Her eyes remained affixed upon my sex as Esharyn continued to nuzzle the back of my neck. Calloused fingers rubbed along the outsides of my thighs. I moaned, both at the tenderness of her touch and at the strength of her fingers. Esharyn's body was that of a warrior: hardened and honed, which made the tenderness all the more intoxicating.

"Your turn, Esharyn. But Kiraska: do not take your gaze from mine."

The sweet words carried an undercurrent of menace. A storm lurked beneath that gentle command, promising wondrous torment if I defied her. Were I not already awestruck by her beauty, I might have disobeyed just to test her. Instead, I could only stare, drowning within the emerald hunger of her gaze. The sounds of Esharyn disrobing grew muffled and distant.

"Good," the dusk-elf purred, before raising an eyebrow. "Now what it is that you desire?"

"Anything," I rasped. "Anything you want."

"Oh, come on now. Don't tell me that a fierce desert warrior has been struck dumb and rendered weak so easily. Be clear. Be firm. Tell me what you desire, Kiraska."

"I want to taste you."

The words rushed forth in a wild, needy storm.

"Oh, well that's a simple matter," she said, chuckling. "A quick kiss and your desires are fulfilled."

Esharyn's laughter rippled through the ruins.

"Let's go easy on her, Xel."

"Nonsense," the dusk-elf said with a snort. "She is strong and fierce enough to handle a bit of teasing."

She licked her lips.

"Be clear and be direct, Kiraska. Tell me exactly what you want."

My heart raced as my hungry thoughts danced. A hundred conflicting desires roiled within my heart. I wanted every inch of her...and I wanted her to claim every inch of me.

"To taste between your legs," I whispered, my senses grasping ahold of one of those many fantasies. "To lick and worship. To feel her thighs tremble against my cheeks. To feel your fingers in my hair. To see the green fire in your gaze as you surrender to me."

Her low, sultry laugh danced from her plump lips.

"My, you are quiet the poet, Kiraska. And I would be inclined to grant that request, but I don't spread my legs for just anyone." She bit her lower lip. "You must prove yourself, first. Tend to Esharyn's needs, then we will see if you are worthy of tasting me."

Xelari glanced to my left. Turning, I saw that Esharyn had fully stripped down and was reclining upon a blanket. I'd been so enthralled by Xelari's teasing and her hungry gaze that I'd barely even heard Esharyn's movements.

I moaned at the sight of Esharyn's lean, pale, and lithe body. In many ways her physique was an echo of my own: honed and hardened by strife, with dozens of faded little scars across her lean musculature. Just as I'd longed to explore Xelari's curves, I also longed to explore the strength of the redhead's form.

"Best to obey her before she gets cross," Esharyn said with a lazy grin. As she spoke, I noticed an amulet she'd previously kept hidden beneath her armor: a bronze medallion adorned with a scratched-out rune. I was far too hungry for a taste of her to ask about its significance.

She spread her legs wide in a wondrous invitation, exposing the short, neatly-trimmed patch of dark red hair around her sex. Judging by the moisture gleaming upon her folds, Xelari's teasing had aroused her just as much as it had me.

My trembling legs took a few slow, careful steps towards Esharyn. Guided by her blue gaze and my own lusts, I fell to my knees before her. Those long, lithe legs rose so she could brush her toes over the backs of my calves. I shivered at the fleeting touch, biting my lip to stifle a needy whimper.

Both of us murmured as my fingers skimmed over her firm thighs, then along her toned stomach. My fingers traced briefly over her ribs before moving to caress beneath each of her pert breasts.

"I might have to follow your example," Esharyn said, grinning down at the ruby piercings upon my nipples. "They're quite fetching."

"Some glittering sapphires would match your eyes quite nicely," I murmured, staring at those pert, pink nipples of hers.

Sighing, I leaned down and gave each one a quick, careful little lick. Esharyn jolted and laughed, her hands rising to grip my long dark braid. Her strong legs rose, wrapping around my waist and pinning me against her as my tongue drifted back and forth between her breasts.

"Or emerald," I murmured against her nipple. "To match Xelari's eyes."

Though I'd found the gentle teasing of her breasts to be quite fun, I longed for far more. My long licks traced up from her breasts and along her trembling neck. After a soft kiss upon a faded white scar upon her cheek, I braced myself above her, both hands clenching the blanket beside her head.

My eyes stared down into hers, my mouth hovering mere inches from her thin, trembling lips.

"Hold," Xelari said, her voice cold and firm.

I trembled, clenching my teeth as I fought the urge to lean down and claim a kiss.

When I heard soft footsteps from behind me, I started to turn my head, only for Xelari to let out a low growl.

"No. Eyes back upon Esharyn. Do not stray."

Esharyn grabbed my cheek and tilted my face back towards hers. Smirking, she ran her fingers up and down my back.

"It can be wondrously fun to defy her," she said with a soft giggle. "But for now...better to just surrender."

Though I lacked the strength to speak, I managed a shaky nod, loving the sense of power Xelari had over the both of us. While I'd submitted to a few past lovers and allowed some to bind me with ropes or even chains, not once had someone so thoroughly controlled me with just their mere words.

I heard fabric rustle behind me, then I moaned as a soft hand brushed against the small of my back.

"I thought you were going to let her taste me, Xel," Esharyn said, though she kept her eyes affixed with mine.

"That was my plan, yes. But the sight of your two bodies entwined was just too enticing to resist. Thus I had to seize my moment..."