First Principles

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Imagine what you could do with someone you trust completely.
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Sarah and I do well for ourselves. We met just out of high school and things progressed from there into our mid-twenties. Neither of us needed to rush a marriage, and as we waited to have kids, we wanted to give to those less fortunate. We started small within our community. What we didn't save each month, we would donate to various charitable groups. Soon we branched out into international organizations, and we discovered a fascination with tribes in Africa. We found one tribe in particular that didn't have as much support as others, so we decided to go all in with them alone. We made a conscience effort to be as involved as possible.

We must've made an impact, because we were offered the opportunity to visit the that tribe that had benefited greatly from our focus on them. The charity would never set something like this up on their own, but we were told the invite came directly from the chief and he had insisted. The charity made it clear we would be making the trip as tourists. Of course we wanted to go, but as thrilled as we were, I could not go due to work constraints. I assured Sarah that I would be happy for her to jump at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We would voice and video chat when possible, and she would share with me as much of the experience as she could.

The evening before her morning flight, we made love. Ever since we lost our virginity together, we had spent a lot of time exploring each other's bodies. I hit all the spots I knew she loved. Sarah could tell I was already being effected by how I would be missing her. I didn't want her to sleep, knowing we would not be together again for longer than I cared to think of. As she lay sleeping with her back to me, I took in her smell, the feel of her skin, and held her to me as I drifted to sleep.

After we had pulled all her luggage from the car, we embraced one last time and shared a long kiss. "I love you. I'll be back in no time!" That was probably true. We both assumed she would probably be there for no less than a month, though we left room for the possibility of as many as three. It wasn't as bad as I had imagined the night before in the throes of passion. Just before entering the airport, she turned to me and smiled that beautiful smile. With newfound confidence, I waved her goodbye. I was excited for her to experience an unforgettable adventure.

Her plane landed in Africa the next day. She texted about being exhausted already before she had even started the three hour drive to a small town, and then another drive to the village. She would be driving to a small town where she would then be picked up by her guide and translator, an older man from the very tribe she would be visiting. She would be staying in a small hotel in the town, and each morning she would make the two hour trip to the village.

* * * * *

That night when she got back to her hotel from the village, Sarah could hardly contain herself as she recalled the events of her first visit to the village. She was introduced to the chief and all the tribe. They knew who she was and were as excited to meet her as she was to meet them. They spent the first thirty minutes of their meeting thanking her for her generosity. They showed her many quality of life improvements they now had, like better living spaces and more reliable sources of clean water. We shared a laugh as she told of the tribal women who seemed disappointed that I had not come along. She was shown many customs and traditions, had food prepared for her, and had fun with the children who had plenty of questions for her. She wished the day hadn't passed so quickly.

"Honey, my guide surprised me with something that I couldn't bring up with you in the moment, so I just went along with it. I want to clear it with you now, okay? When I arrived at the village with my guide, he got out of the car and began to disrobe. Soon he had removed everything save for a string around his waist keeping up a small loincloth over his front and more to cover the back."

I shrugged. "Well that's normal for them."

"Right, I didn't think it was a big deal either, even though it does a very poor job of actually covering anything. Anyway, he then looked at me expectantly, like I was supposed to do something. Long story short, the tribe is very proud of the human form and believe in being one with nature. What they do wear is just to keep the dirt out. My guide explained the same would be expected of me or I would risk insulting this tribe that had invited me into their lives."

Now I understood. I was quick to reassure her. "Don't worry about it, babe. If that's what they want, and everyone is doing it, then there's no need to feel bad. I want you to focus on immersing herself and not worry about things." The thought of her walking around barefoot and wearing only underwear did turn me on. I asked, "What kind of adventure would it be if you weren't allowed to break some rules?" She let out a sigh of relief and thanked me for being so understanding. "So show me this loincloth that does such a poor job."

She was happy to be talking about this openly now. I watched as she stripped out of her modern clothing until all that remained was the tribal loincloth. "This is what us women wear," she said as she spun around, her breasts exposed. "Now for the men, imagine this only has a back portion, and the front is only a length of cloth roughly the same size as the penis. Sometimes the wind would blow the cover to the side, leaving the them entirely exposed, but no one ever rushed to cover back up. I mean of course they wouldn't since this is everyday life for them, but I couldn't stop looking! Even more strange was that the men didn't seem to care that I was looking. I have to adjust to the fact that these people don't come from our world. With the culture of our modern life, I kept expecting some kind of reaction, but it never came."

It was at this point I acknwoledged my erection. It felt wrong. I couldn't tell her. Still, I wanted more. "Why couldn't you stop looking at them?"

"Well, many of them are well-endowed. It's hard not to look just out of curiousity. Like, this tribe must be that one percent of men. My honest first thought was of the poor women. You know how you're a grower? These guys are showers. And just when I thought that we might not even be the same species, I noticed the men staring at my body. Even if I watched them as they stared, they didn't stop. Not that they were being disrespectful, on the contrary, they feel they honor nature by admiring my body. You really get the feeling that they truly believe all of us are beautiful to behold."

I tried to sound casual. "It must also be at least a little strange to them. Your skin being so pale, not to mention the body you've sculpted through working out."

She nodded and said, "Definitely. It was surprising to see the men of the village are much more in shape than I would have expected. Though I will say, seeing most of the women here, it's clear my boobs have had a lot of help in the fight against gravity. For most of this first day in the village, I felt like a unicorn or something. My guide did let me know that while he has become desensitized to life outside the village, his people are not. Their reactions make sense."

Then she said, "Some of them were too curious and had to ask if they could more closely inspect my body." She looked down to her breasts and cupped them up and down, saying, "I guess these are quite strange to them."

Why was I so excited? "Did you let them?"

She answered with a giggle. "They harmlessly looked at my body for a few minutes while I answered questions about my daily routine. There were a few touches, but nothing worth ruining my first day over."

Despite my arousal, it was getting late at this point, so we agreed to go to bed and that we would speak again tomorrow.

* * * * *

Already we were nearing the end of the second week since her departure. Sarah was adjusted to life in the village. The people there treated her as a dear friend, and so they became her dear friends. I could see and hear her happiness in every call, but tonight something was different. There was frustration in her voice. "A few days ago, I walked up to a hut when two people were having sex. I immediately apologized and went to leave, but they didn't seem to mind. They motioned for me to come in, so I did. Watching him slide in and out of his partner made my body yearn for you. I became incredibly wet and actually started to masturbate before I snapped out of it and hurried out of there. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I've been getting so turned on. It took that to make me realize how much I've been missing you, like when I'm in bed."

I was glad she brought this up. I was relieved to finally express myself. "I've been feeling it too. I know we've never really done anything long distance. Is that why you you hesitated to bring it up?"

She looked hopeful when she said, "It is, but I'm willing to try if you are." She quickly removed her clothes. We masturbated together over a video call for the first time. I think we both got the best sleep we'd had since she left.

* * * * *

The third week would be starting tomorrow. "Honey, the chief has invited me to stay in the village for however long I intend to be here. They've arranged for me to share a hut with a young man who has not had a partner yet, so he has enough room to spare a bed for me."

I wasn't entirely glad, but I would hear her out. "Are you sure he can be trusted?"

"Oh, for sure! I've gotten to know him quite well with the help of my guide. That's probably one of the reasons the chief chose him to be my roommate. He's a kind, respectful person. He's learned a bit of English from the guide. Maybe this will give me the opportunity to teach him more. Wouldn't that be fun?"

"I trust your judgement. If you say he's cool, I'm cool with him. Now that I think about it though, what about our daily communication?"

"I still won't be on my phone during the day, but I'll have the laptop for the night. It should be fine as long as I remember to charge the battery every day. I know that's not ideal, but it is something, and it would save me four hours every day. What do you think?"

This wasn't ideal at all, but I genuinely wanted her to be happy and enjoy this journey to the fullest extent. I told her with all my love, "I think that sounds wonderful! I say accept the chief's invitation. Just talk to me whenever you can, alright?" She promised that she would reach out whenever she had free time, or she would set time aside for me. I was happy with that.

* * * * *

Nearing the end of that third week, I got a call from Sarah. I had to double check the time. She would have to be up when everyone else was sleeping to be calling me at this hour. Unsure of what to expect, I answered the call. I had to up the brightness to see Sarah sitting up on her bed, looking down toward the camera. The laptop must have been near to the right side of the bed, and angled back in order to get all of her in frame at the close distance. Sarah put a bluetooth earbud in her ear. I asked in a cautious whisper, "What do you think you're doing?"

She whispered back. "You don't have to whisper. Sorry for missing you. Should I hang up?"

We hadn't masturbated together since she moved into the village. I didn't want to let this opportunity go. "So you're missing me, huh? Enough to risk waking your roommate? You naughty girl."

She feigned a guilty face, bringing her arms together in a way that pushed her perfect breasts together. "Help me get off and we won't have to worry about him."

I was becoming more excited by the second. This was an intense situation that I never imagined us being a part of. "Remove your tribal garb and spread your legs toward the camera." I took my pants off to show her my erection.

"Mmm, I love it when you take charge." The lamplight's reflections gave away how wet she was as her fingers skillfully manipulated her pussy. I guessed she was as sexually frustrated as I had been. We both needed this. She spoke in half whisper and half moan. "Honey, you need to tell me what you're doing. I have the screen off to be safe. Are you stroking your cock? Describe every detail to me. My pussy is aching."

I was a little disappointed she couldn't see me, but I would do my best. "I'm hard and ready for you. Gonna tease the tip into you, spreading you, and then pull out, back and forth." A short time later, Sarah suddenly moved her supporting hand to cover her mouth as she had an orgasm. She had fallen to her back with a thud, which caused me to laugh a little. "Are you okay?"

She nodded that she was as she got back up. Watching her breasts heave up and down as she kept her legs spread for me was enough to keep my erection going. "Sorry, baby. I came without you. You're really good at this. But don't you worry, I want more. Tell me all the things you'd do to me."

"Get on your hand and knees, face the camera, and play with yourself." I wanted to see the sexual desperation in her face.

Almost too loud, she said, "Oh fuck yes. Command me. Make me yours." I fixated on her hard nipples as her breasts jiggled about.

When she told me her next orgasm was coming, I said, "Pull your fingers out now and don't move." She gasped as she pulled her fingers free of her pussy. Although she didn't climax, the spasm that followed caused her free hand to fly forward and land at her front to steady herself. She hit the laptop to the side by accident, enough that she no longer filled the screen, and now for the first time I could see we were not alone. While my girlfriend recovered in a hot and sweaty mess on the right side of the screen, on the left I could see that her roommate was sitting up and masturbating. Maybe he thought she was masturbating alone since he couldn't see me.

When Sarah had caught her breath, she sat back down and whispered, "I need more. Please keep going. That made me so hot. I want my pussy filled up, baby." She had no idea what those words meant in this moment, but they pushed me out of my stunned silence.

"I said not to move. Get your ass back in the air and keep it there. I want you to alternate rubbing, spreading, and fingering yourself. You better tell me before you cum." What was I doing? I had just told my girlfriend to present her dripping pussy to her roommate. Was it more for her benefit or mine? Minutes go by as we exchange words and moans.

"Babyyyy, I'm getting close."

Acting surprised, I said, "Don't panic, but your roommate is watching you." Her eyes now wide open, she turned to see him out of the corner of her eye. As soon as it was made real for her, a massive orgasm ripped through her body.

"OH my god, cummiiinnnggg..." I watched as her entire body shook, and it took all her strength not to collapse onto the bed.

As she came down from her orgasm, I watched to see what her roommate would do. To my surprise, he stayed on his bed. I guess he really was a gentleman. I knew there was a language barrier, so perhaps he wasn't sure of how to move forward. Did he believe she was doing this for him?

Sarah held her position on hands and knees. she said, "Babe, I haven't moved because you told me not to, but I'm so embarassed and excited. I feel his gaze on my pussy. What should I do?" Her roommate wouldn't act on his own, and she had given me total control.

"Invite him to take his place behind you."

Sarah gasped and quickly responded in a quiet voice. "Honey, are you sure? This is extreme. I don't know if we should. I won't deny my body is on fire, but you're the man I want. I love you."

I would later regret not fully processing those words. At the time, I just smiled and said, "I love you too. This is for both of us. Do it."

Over the next few moments, Sarah went from concerned to seductive. She turned her head to the right and beckoned her roommate over. His face lit up as he crawled over to Sarah's butt and just stared for a moment. I knew exactly what view had caught his attention and I became incredibly jealous. Sarah had turned back to the camera as she intended to let her roommate have his way with her. Still whispering, she said, "I can feel his heat on my hips. Oh god, baby, he's wetting his cock using my pussy. I'm so fucking wet, and he's so fucking big. Oh FUck, he's entering me, baBY, fffffffffuuuuu, hnnng, god damn he's hUGE. It hurts. What do I do?"

Hearing her struggle to take his mass was driving me insane. I encouraged her as best I could. "I'm here with you, just let it happen. Let him work it. Let yourself adjust. Just try to relax. Do your best not to squeeze around him."

"That's easier said than done. Hooooly fuck I've never felt so fulllllll," she groaned. I had the best seat in the hut. I could see her perfect breasts, her lover tightly gripping her hip, and I could see one huge black ballsack hanging between her gorgeous bare white thighs. "He's gentle for, oh fuck me, for a wildman. I would defin- oh fuck, definitely say he's naturally gifted, and I don't just mean his huge cock." I watched my girlfriend bring her head down to look between her legs, then suddenly back up with a gasp and moan. "I knew it, oh my.. fuck, he's all in me, baby. I have his entire beautiful black cock stuffed inside me. I can't believe.. my little pussy... is taking all of him. I had no idea it could feel this good. God I want this feeling to last foreverrrfffffuuuuuck." Sarah had her eyes closed as she wiggled her hips, savoring the feeling of this new cock making itself one with her pussy.

I was hypnotised by what was happening on the screen. I hadn't touched myself since it started, but I had never been harder in my life. I hadn't spoken much either, but I knew nothing I could say would compete with what that black man could do for her now.

Sarah's new lover gave himself a moment to enjoy her pussy's grip on him, then I noticed his balls swing back and forward, and Sarah's breasts did the same. I watched his giant black balls slap against her mound. I was treated to the sound of my girlfriend and her lover grunting and moaning as they expressed their appreciation for each other. I watched as their bodies reacted to his steady thrusting. My beautiful, perfect girlfriend pushed up on her arms and turned around to see her lover and speak directly to him for the first time. "That's it, baby, fuck my little white pussy. Jesus fu- You're filling me so completely. Ffffffffuuuuck. Your big black cock is amaaaazing. Feel my pussy wringing you? Make this pussy yours!" She had her hand on his hip, and she too was gripping tight. I could imagine her pulling with all her might, desperate to have him inside her. Her lover grunted a few words in his native language.

I had never seen this side of my girlfriend. The way she was bringing up race, and her focus on cock size, was all new to me. I was more aroused than I'd ever been, and more than a little scared. Perhaps sensing this in what she could hear of my quickened breathing, Sarah allowed me back into this moment with her. She turned away from her lover and let go of his hip. "Hey, I'm going to- ooufffuck, turn on the screen. He won't see you. I want, mmmMMM, want you to cum for me. You still haven't, right? I'm turning it on now." As soon as the screen lit up, she would see me standing there holding my erection. "Oh wow, I've never seen you so hard. You must be desperate for release. I want you to start stroking, but if you feel you're going to cum, stop and wait for me, okay?" I thought I was giving the commands, and yet I started to stroke myself. "There you go, just like that. Go slow. I know you're ready to burst."