First Time Showing Tits Ch. 06

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Alex takes the next step, poses with another man and more..
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/24/2021
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If you've been following our experimentation into exhibitionism, you'll know it's been a slow and tentative thing for my wife Alex to try. It started out quite by accident and has graduated into getting naked for our friend Ben and some other men including letting them play with and suck on her tits. Each time, Alex allows a little more freedom to the guys she is showing herself to, both she and I find it exciting.

The first time Alex got naked for Ben, she found having some wine beforehand helped to relax, enough so that she actually did a strip for us and lets us photograph her. The wine was a good touch, it definitely helped ease any inhibitions she may have been feeling.

Alex has also found she very much enjoys posing for the camera. She says it makes her feel sexy and finds it both erotic and arousing. Watching her pose and get naked in front of other guys is also a huge turn on for me.

One day, Alex mentioned to me she was considering having some boudoir photos taken. She said although we had plenty of photos of her, she thought some professional photos would be nice to have and at the same time, it would give her the chance to let another man see her tits and maybe more. I liked the idea and told her to research it.

About two weeks later, Alex told me she had found a photographer that does boudoir/erotic photography and that she had an appointment the following week. I asked what the "erotic photography" was about, as I had never heard that term used by a photographer. Normally, they just advertise "boudoir photography" and don't add the erotic part.

Alex said she asked the same question and was told sometimes women want more than just sexy photos, they want full nudes and on occasion, to have their husbands and boyfriends in the photos, showing them touching one another. Said she picked this photographer, for that reason. She wanted some nice sexy photos and some tasteful nudes. I thought it sounded good and was anxious to see the results.

The next week, Alex sat for her photos. I wasn't able to attend and was more than curious to see her photos and hear how much she had shown. This was the first time she had done anything like this without me being present.

When I asked Alex how much she had shown in her photos,she held back the details, telling me only that she had posed nude and that I'd like them. She also told me she had been a little surprised when the photographer told her he wanted to apply make up to her nipples.

Alex has a very fare complexion and skin. Her breasts are large, the skin white, with light pink nipples and areola that almost blend with her skin. Apparently, the photographer wanted more contrast and suggested make up to darken her nipples a bit. She said what surprised her most was that he put the make on her himself, using a brush and then his finger to rub it in. I wished I had been there to see that.

When the photos were ready, we made an appointment to see them and select which ones we wanted. I liked the photographer almost immediately. He was very personable and professional and to the point. He pointed out the photos he liked best, why and the ones he didn't like, and why. He seemed to take his work seriously and looked for perfection.

As you would imagine, there were multiple photos of Alex in sexy lingerie, some covering her, some showing lots of cleavage, some showing one nipple out or both and several tasteful nudes. The nudes were all classic poses, showing her breasts and her shaved pussy but none with her legs spread or anything like that. Just classic photos of Alex showing all of her.

We made our selection of the photos we wanted. The photographer, Samuel, thanked us and said it was a pleasure photographing Alex. He said she was a natural at posing, didn't seem shy at all and had the perfect body for it. He also commented on her skin, saying it was smooth and blemish free, perfect for nude photography and that although he'd used make up on her nipples, her breasts were perfect the way they are. He told us, "She was great, a pleasure to photograph, thank you for the opportunity."

Samuel called when Alex's prints were ready for pick up and arranged for us to pick them up. He asked that we both come, as he had proposal he wanted to share with the two of us. We were intrigued and anxious to hear what he had on his mind, so we scheduled to meet the following afternoon.

When we met with him, he got straight to the point, telling us, "As you know, I also do some erotic photography. I've been toying with an idea for what I'd call "Erotic Art" and I think Alex would make the perfect model. I know she's not a professional and this may be way out of her comfort level, but I'd like to at least tell you both about it and ask you give it some thought. This would be a paid modeling job.

As you can imagine, Alex and I were both curious and asked exactly what this modeling would entail. Samuel said he expected us to want to know the details and again stressed it was a unique idea and not something everyone would agree to.

What he was asking was for Alex to pose for erotic photos with another model, a male. He would be taking close up shots of them simulating various sex acts. He stressed the word simulated, saying he didn't expect anyone to actually perform a full sex act and there would be no full penetration.

Even before he explained anything further, a red flag went up in my mind and at looking to Alex, it seemed she too, was having a problem with it, but we let him continue.

"Please, let me explain exactly what I am thinking. I find the idea of the contrast of light skin against dark skin intriguing. With Alex's light complexion, I'd like to photograph her with a black male model. He would have lighter skin, probably a mocha color, rather than very black.

As an example, I'd take close up shots of Alex's bare breast with just the tip of his tongue touching her nipple, maybe some of him kissing or sucking her nipple. The final photograph would be cropped in close to show only a portion of her breast with his mouth and lips on it. No full faces in the final photos, just her white breasts and his lips and skin, black on white."

"All final photos would be cropped the same. I may take a photo of Alex holding his cock in her hand, maybe some of her holding her tongue out and the tip of his cock resting on it. Those types of photos. Obviously, there would be intimate touching by both models, tongues against breasts, lips against cock, cock against pussy, photos like that, all cropped down to show only the basic contact with each other. No faces would be shown in the final photos. I think these types of erotic photos would sell, I think there's a market for them."

"My problem is finding the right models. I can find plenty of male models who would do this kind of modeling, the problem is finding the right female model. After seeing Alex naked, it occurred to me she would be perfect. Her pale smooth skin, both on her breasts and her pussy would be perfect. The contrast of the skin colors would look great. We could make some very erotic art if you two would allow me."

"I realize this is a very unusual request and asked both of you to be here because it is such a huge request and would involve Alex letting another man touch her in the most intimate ways and her touching him, both with their hands and mouth. And most importantly, I'd be asking you to allow your wife to do it. Both of you would need to be completely on board with this."

"I'm sure this is a shock to you both and know it's a big ask, I only request you at least consider my proposal. As I said, this would be a paid modeling job. I would draw up an agreement and it would guarantee your full face would not be shown in any photo that was displayed publicly. Basically, it would protect you from being identified in the photos."

"Ok, that's it in a nutshell. You can stomp out of here right now in a huff, say no, or, tell me you'll go home and consider my request."

Samuel was right, we were shocked, it was quite a request. We didn't stomp out and we didn't say no, we simply agreed to go home, talk and consider what we had just heard.

Before this, Alex and I had discussed how far we would let her exhibitionism go. Obviously, it was leading to her allowing more intimate touching when getting naked for other guys and it would be only natural for a guy to want to do more than just look and do a little light touching.

During our conversations, the topic of letting another guy touch her pussy has come up as well as her touching or sucking another man's cock and whether she should go all the way and allow someone to have sex with her.

Ultimately, we both agreed we'd like to at least allow more intimate touching, both the guy touching Alex and her touching him, possibly even sucking him. As far as having sex with someone, we were both hesitant to go that far. As for Samuel's request, we both found his proposal interesting, in that, it would allow her to touch another guy and let him touch her, yet not go so far as actually having full sex with him. Close, very close but not quite.

After days of talking, thinking and re-thinking and re-talking, we decided Alex would give it a try. The more we discussed it and the details of what would occur, the more exited we became. Alex was definitely intrigued by the thought of another man's intimate touch and of her touching his cock with both her hands and her mouth. To be honest, I had already been thinking of how erotic it would be to watch her with another man. This modeling project would accomplish all that and yet, not require full sex.

Our minds made up, we called Samuel and told him Alex would do it but that we wanted to either meet the other model or to see photos of him so Alex could choose her partner. Samuel was thrilled and told us he'd email photos of a few models to choose from.

Afterwards, when Alex and I talked about her upcoming photo session, I asked her if she was sure this is what she wanted and if she was going to need a little wine beforehand, to settle any nervousness. She laughed and said, "Oh, hell yeah I'm going to need some wine and yes, I'm sure."

It took a week to get the photos of the models. There was a head shot of each guy and a second, head to toe, nude photo. There were four in all for Alex to choose from, all were young and good looking. I thought she would have a hard time making a decision but she didn't. She immediately chose one, saying, "If I'm going to get naked with someone, this is the guy. He has a great body, a nice cock, big, but not too big and he's both good looking and sexy."

That led to a further discussion on what she'd be doing during her photo session. I reminded Alex that what she'd be doing would be very close to an actual sex act and that when she drinks wine, when posing for photos, she gets horny. I asked, "Are you going to be able to stay with the plan or are you going to want to leave doing more as an option?"

Alex had to think about that one for a minute. I don't think it had occurred to her that she may be tempted to do a bit more than asked of her.

She answered my question with a question, "If I did, would you be ok with it?

"Well, I don't know. Give me an example," I said.

"Let's say when Samuel wants this guy to put his cock against my lips or tongue and after he's done with the photos, I take the guys cock into my mouth, just for a second or two."

Just Alex suggesting that she would consider sucking the guys cock made me hard! I told her, "Yes, I think I'd be ok with that." Looking down at the front of my pants, I said, "Look what just thinking about it has done," motioning to the bulge in my pants. I think Alex was pleased by my reaction.

She and I agreed it would be ok to improvise a little but drew the line at letting the guy fuck her. All was agreed on, now we just had to wait until the big day.

The photos session occurred three weeks later. Samuel told us to arrive an hour early so he could go over some things, give Alex time to relax {have her wine} and for him to do her make-up.

When we arrived, Samuel had Alex undress and put on a robe, then went over the type of poses he'd be asking of them. He talked to Alex and I, giving her a chance to have a few glasses of wine while he applied her make-up. He did her face first, getting it just right with a nice red lipstick and asked her to move onto the set with the lighting to see how her naked body looked under the lights.

Alex took her robe off and Samuel studied her body from different angles. He decided he wanted to put on some light powder on her to defuse any shine from the lights. Asking Alex to lay on the bed, he dusted her entire front with a large make-up brush and choose not to do her nipples. He said they looked great just as they were.

The other model, Donte, arrived and introductions were made all around.

Afterwards, Samuel asked him to go undress and put on a robe.

The big moment was finally upon us, time for Alex to get naked with her new partner. Even though Alex had consumed several glasses of wine, she still seemed to be a little hesitant. Donte, being a professional, shed his robe and tossed it aside. I noticed a little smile on Alex's face as she looked him over, seemingly pleased by what she saw. To me, his cock looked bigger than I remembered in his photo. Maybe Alex was thinking the same thing, prompting that little smile.

It was her turn. She took a deep breath and opened her robe as she faced Donte, then tossed it on top of his.

Let me take a moment to describe Alex and what Donte was now looking at. Alex is a very attractive women, in her mid-thirties. She has natural blond hair, brilliant blue eyes, a killer smile and pouty lips. She stands 5-5, about 130, has large breasts and wears a D and sometimes a DD bra. Her nipples usually stand at attention, as they were now, and she has a completely shaved pussy. With natural blond hair, there is no sign of hair when she shaves, her pussy lips and surrounding area are as smooth as a baby's butt.

I am describing Alex now because of Donte's reaction when she took off her robe and stood naked in front of him. As soon as she did, he started getting hard. It was obviously he found her sexy and was going to enjoy every moment and everything he was going to do to her and what she would be doing to him. Things were going to get interesting. I'm not sure what Alex was thinking but I suspected she was going to enjoy it as much as Donte.

Samuel finally told them, "Ok, let's get started. I've explained to both of you what I'm looking for. There will be no surprises, so relax and enjoy yourselves, even though it may seem a bit awkward at first."

"I'd like to start with Donte doing the touching. Alex, all you need to do is sit back and enjoy and let Donte do all the work."

The first series of photos were all about Donte touching Alex's tits. Both remained standing with Donte squeezing her tits, holding them so her nipple could be seen between his fingers, him pinching and pulling Alex's nipples, with Samuel circling around them, taking photo after photo from every conceivable angle.

After that, Samuel had Donte stand behind Alex and had him go through the whole series of playing with her tits and nipples again. What I found most interesting, beside watching him feeling my wife's tits, was that when he stood behind Alex, his erection had to be poking her in the butt. Apparently, Alex didn't mind since she kind of wiggled and snuggled her butt up against him while he was fondling her tits.

Both series of photos with Donte touching Alex's tits lasted almost a half hour. I had no doubt Alex would be turned on by the constant attention to her nipples.

Leaving them in the same standing position, Samuel had Donte begin the next series of photos with Donte using his tongue to flick, lick and stimulate Alex's nipples. Again, Samuel circled them, clicking away with his camera. Finally, he told Donte, "Ok, that's enough of those. Now pucker your lips and place them onto Alex's nipple ever so lightly. like you're giving it a light kiss."

Donte held that position long enough for several more photos, then Samuel told him to go ahead and suck her nipple into his mouth and hold it there. I have to tell you, that was "hot" watching this young black guy holding Alex's nipple in his mouth. Samuel had been right, the contrast of Alex pale white breast against Donte's dark skin looked incredible. Erotic Art was a good description.

As part of this series, Donte sucked Alex's nipples both lightly, hard and all the way into his mouth and did a little light biting, showing his teeth with Alex's nipple between them. That was a very sexy shot too. Samuel definitely had an eye for erotic.

As I watched all this, I could see Alex was getting flushed and her breathing was just a bit rapid. She was definitely getting aroused and seemed to be enjoying the attentions to her nipples.

After almost 45 minutes of taking tit photos, Samuel suggested a break before the next set. Both Donte and Alex put their robes back on as they rested, used the restroom if needed and had something to drink. Donte has another water, Alex indulged in another glass of wine.

While Samuel was off doing something with his equipment and Donte was away from us, I asked Alex how she was doing. She smiled and told me, "This is easier than I thought. I'm good, not nervous, at least not yet, anyway. I have to tell you, when Donte sucked hard on my nipples, he almost made me cum. God, that felt good!"

I was glad she was enjoying herself, I know I was. Watching her pose with Donte was a bigger turn on than I expected and I was looking forward to see what else Samuel was going to come up with.

When he came back in, he asked if everyone was ready for the next series. Alex and Donte said they were and Samuel told them, "OK, good, get naked again. Alex, I need you to lay on the bed this time, on your back. Donte, I want you to kneel next to her and lightly put your finger on her pussy, I want it to rest against her lips. Start at the top and very slowly slid your finger down, all the way to her bottom."

I watched Alex for her reaction to what she was being asked to do next, I'd describe it as determined, a little reluctant but was still ok with it. Now that it was going to actually happen, it made me a little nervous too. This was going to be something new for both Alex and I, much more than just letting someone feel her tits. We knew this ahead of time but still, it was a big step.

Alex looked at me and gave me a look, I nodded an ok. She laid on the bed and Donte knelt next to her shoulder so he could reach her pussy from the top. As soon as his finger touched Alex's pussy. she let out a very slight moan, undoubtedly enjoying Donte's touch.

I watched closely as he ran his finger down my wife's smooth pussy lips, very slowly, taking his time while Samuel photographed it all. Once Donte's finger got to the bottom of Alex's pussy, Samuel told him to do it again, only to press his finger just a bit deeper between her lips. Donte repeated the process again with about a half inch of his finger disappearing between Alex's pussy lips.

Alex was breathing a little faster and trying not to moan too loudly to show how aroused she was becoming. I think I was breathing hard too, seeing another man's finger sliding down Alex's bare pussy. It was incredibly hot!

As Donte slowly slid his finger down, he must have rubbed it over Alex's clit. She couldn't hold out any longer and grabbed Donte's hand, held it tight and began working her pussy against his finger, causing herself to come hard and long. When her orgasm subsided, she apologized to both Donte and Samuel, explaining that with so much attention to her nipples and then her pussy, was too much. They told her they understood completely, saying it was only natural and not to worry about it.