Fisher's Catch Ch. 01


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He held her a little more firmly and with both hands, and she seemed to relax more. Suddenly she squirmed in his arms, and his hand slid up and over her breast. It felt wonderful, and she became absolutely still as he instinctively clasped the soft mound, the nipple hardening in his palm. Quickly, Jeff moved his hand away and continued the instruction. Somehow, Rebecca calmed down and was soon ready for snorkeling on her own.

"Take my hands," He said to them both, reaching out to one girl on either side "Just float with a gentle kick with your fins. We'll go very slowly, so you can get a good look." Hand in hand they moved out over the reef. The first time back in the water was always special to Jeff, a re-awakening of memories and senses, and a feeling of utter peace and connection with everything around him. For the girls it was that and so much more. With an expression of wide-eyed wonder they glided along, looking everywhere, and constantly pulling his arm and pointing, - at coral, at fish, - at everything.

After a while, he let go of their hands and dove down underneath them. He turned around, swam upside down and waved to them. Delighted, they waved back. Elizabeth decided to dive down too, but she quickly stopped and shot back up. On the surface he found her coughing and sputtering.

"You have to stop breathing when you dive under," Jeff said with a smile.

She laughed and coughed. "Doh," she said mischievously. He dove again and looked up at them some more. They were beautiful, floating spread-eagled, and with every movement their bikinis played hide and seek with their breasts and pussies. He grudgingly came up for air.

"Better get back," he said.

"Yes, grinned Elizabeth, "and you'd better get your periscope down."

"Damn that erection," he thought, but he had to laugh at the same time. "Well, Girls, - I am only a man."

"Only?" said Rebecca. "I'd say," said Elizabeth. Life was good!

Kathy was looking out over the sea for them as they came back. "Mom, it was fantastic!" said Rebecca.

"Yeah, mom, - we saw all kinds of fish and the coral is sooo beautiful", said Elizabeth. "You should try it, Mom. Really!"

"Maybe tomorrow," said Kathy, "we've got lots of time now."

They had lunch on the deck, with another batch of sangria. They all felt relaxed, and pleased with existence. "Anyone for a boat trip?" Jeff asked after lunch.

"Oh, Yes, please!" said both girls.

"I don't think so, girls", said Kathy. "I have had a lot of sun today, and I get queasy in boats. We can go out another day."

"But Mom", said Elizabeth. "It's so nice out there, and I'm sure you won't get sick."

"No, not today", Kathy said firmly. "We have plenty of days to do whatever we want."

"But I reeaally want to go!" protested Elizabeth. "Me too", said Rebecca.

"Why don't the three of us go?" said Jeff, - "then you can lie down for a little while. You probably had too much sun today, it is much stronger down here than you think." Kathy clearly was not very comfortable with the idea, but after some more arm-twisting by the girls, it was settled to their satisfaction.

"Put on a shirt both of you," said Jeff, - "you will need it our there."

The ocean was just fantastic, nice gentle waves, the clearest blue water and sun, sun, sun. Elizabeth laid down on one of the seats and closed her eyes. "This is heaven," she said. "We were so lucky to meet you, Jeff." He looked at her, part girl and part woman, with her long legs slightly bent, giving him another good view of her thighs disappearing under her shirt. The shirt was only partially buttoned, and her full breasts were pushing at the flimsy material, opening a wide cleavage to his gaze.

"God, she is beautiful," he thought, "but down, boy!"

"Can you teach me how to steer the boat?" Rebecca said suddenly. "It looks like fun."

"Sure," said Jeff, "come here and I'll show you how to operate the boat, not just steer." He took his time, enjoying the closeness of the beautiful young girl, as she leaned over to see what he was describing. Her breasts shimmied under her shirt as she moved, and her faint scent was intoxicating. He was slowly getting hard again.

"Calm down, for Chrissakes," - he admonished himself silently, as he returned his full attention to the teaching, describing the engine operation, throttle, fuel supply, starting and stopping, reverse, - how to approach a dock, ...

"Enough!" Rebecca finally cried, - "I don't think I can remember any more. And you still haven't taught me how to steer the boat."

"You're right," he laughed, - "let me show you. Stand here in front of me and hold the wheel in both hands, just like a car." He stood behind her, holding his hands over hers as he reached around her lithe body.

"Now pay attention!" Jeff admonished. "In most ways it is just like driving a car. You turn the wheel and the boat turns." "She turned the wheel and the boat turned into a wave and bounced Rebecca back against him. She did not pull away, - in fact it seemed to him that she pushed into him, molding the delectable globes of her ass into his groin. He was getting hard again, - and this time he didn't care.

Rebecca noticed immediately, and giggled nervously. "I think I got the hang of it," she said, making another turn. He pulled himself closer to her, letting her feel his hard-on once more. She leaned back into him again and rubbed her ass gently against him, then pulled away.

"That's it for me," she said. "Do you want to try, Sis?"

"No thanks, - I am much too comfortable here," Elizabeth replied. She stretched her body langorously, arms above her head. Her breasts almost popped out, and her bikini bottoms pulled up tight into her vee. Jeff's erection would not subside. He suddenly turned off the engine.

"I like just floating around out here in the ocean," he said. "On a calm day like today it's so peaceful." The girls sat up and looked around. One island was visible off to starboard, - another a distant line on the horizon. No other boats were to be seen.

"Jeff," - said Elizabeth, - "can I ask you something personal?"

"Shoot," Jeff replied.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Jeff laughed, - "not exactly," he said. "I mean, - I used to be married, and I see girls sometimes, but there isn't someone special, right now, - except you guys," he added with a grin.

They both looked pleased and a touch flustered. "How about mom, - do you like mom?" asked Rebecca.

"Your mom is beautiful, too," said Jeff, smiling, "and I like her very much. I'm glad you decided to stay."

"She has been very lonely," said Elizabeth, suddenly serious. "Be nice to her, OK?" Jeff didn't quite know how to react. Were they trying to set him up with their mom? Did they know what had happened that first night? He decided to play it safe.

"I'm a nice kind of guy", he said, "I wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone the three of you." The girls didn't quite know where to take the discussion from there, they wanted to explain more, Jeff was sure, but didn't want to be too obvious about it.

"How many girls have you had sex with?" Rebecca burst out, blushing as she said it.

"Rebecca!" said Elizabeth. "That's really personal!"

"I don't mind," said Jeff. "I haven't tried to keep count, - but I am 30 years old, you know. Some, but not that many, I guess."

"How old were you the first time?" Rebecca asked, leaning forward, - "and how did it happen?" She was suddenly serious.

Elizabeth protested again. "Rebecca! You can't ask people questions like that!"

"Well, how am I going to find out about sex, then?" Rebecca erupted. "Nobody wants to tell me anything! Do I have to drive to the hollow with Andrew Dietrich and just let him have me? I haven't even seen a, - a, ..." She ran down and stopped, suddenly confused and embarrassed.

"You could have asked me," said Elizabeth shyly, glancing at Jeff as she said it.

"I did!" said Rebecca angrily, "but you told me I would find out soon enough and told me to go away."

"Oh, Rebecca!" said Elizabeth. "I am really sorry, - I didn't mean it that way. I would have talked to you about it, if you had asked, er - if I had understood, - er - you know what I mean..."

"Will you tell me now, then?" asked Rebecca, almost breathless.

Elizabeth looked shocked. "In front of Jeff?" she asked incredulously.

"Well,, said Rebecca. "Jeff could tell me too. That way I could find out what a man thinks and feels, too."

"That would be great!" Elizabeth said, suddenly enthusiastic. "I want to know that, too. Bobby won't talk to me about that."

"Bobby!?!", exclaimed Rebecca. "Did you and Bobby....."

Elizabeth blushed. "Yes," she said self-consciously. "Three times, and it is the greatest, Becca!"

"Didn't it hurt?", Rebecca asked breathlessly. "Yes, it hurt like hell the first time! Bobby was so impatient, he had finally talked me into doing it, and he just pushed in real hard. God, it hurt, - and I cried and bled and it was a real disaster!"

"That doesn't sound like 'the greatest', nowhere like it," said Rebecca dubiously.

"No, the first time is always bad," said Elizabeth.

"That's not true," said Jeff. "It doesn't have to hurt much at all. Bobby was a jerk, that's all."

Elizabeth got defensive. "He's not a jerk!" she said. "He was just too impatient."

"Maybe he wasn't too experienced either?", said Jeff.

Elizabeth blushed. "I guess not," she said. "I wasn't his first, but I don't think he has done it a lot."

"What would you have done, then, Jeff?" Rebecca asked mischievously.

"I would have taken a long time to get Elizabeth, - eh I mean the girl - in the right mood. Caressed her and touched her, and kissed her everywhere, teach her how to caress me, - that sort of thing."

It was Jeff's turn to blush as he realized that the girls were hanging on every word, watching him with rapt attention.

"Wow!" said Elizabeth. "That sounds great. I wish....."

"Can you teach us, please, Jeff," said Rebecca. Elizabeth looked at her questioningly, but didn't say anything. "We really need to learn these things. Just think how much better it would have been for Elizabeth, and how great it will be for me, and for Elizabeth next time, - and, and."

"No, girls", Jeff said firmly. "As hot as you are and as hot as you make me, I couldn't do that. Your mom trusts me to behave with you, and I wouldn't do anything to damage that trust!"

The girls brightened up at his description of them, but became a bit glum when he turned them down so firmly.

"How about just talking us through it then?" said Elizabeth after some more thought. "You could just tell us what to do and stuff."

"I don't know about that," said Jeff uncertainly. "You mean you would do it with each other in front of me?"

They both looked uncomfortable. "With each other?" asked Elizabeth after a long pause. "but she's a girl!"

"I had noticed," said Jeff drily. "How else would you do it?" He was starting to feel on safer ground. Surely they would back down now. Not that he wouldn't miss that performance, but it was safer to back off at this point.

"I don't know", said Rebecca slowly. "Maybe you could teach us how to touch ourselves so it feels really good."

"Yeah," said Elizabeth enthusiastically. "That would be great!"

Jeff hesitated. That would still be within the bounds of his sense of obligation. "I guess," he said in the end, "- what have you tried already? Have you had an orgasm?"

"No." (Rebecca) "I think so." (Elizabeth)

"That doesn't sound very convincing," said Jeff. "Why don't you feel your breasts first?" The girls sat up, looking a bit uncomfortable, but determined nevertheless.

"Like this?" asked Elizabeth, grabbing her breasts with both hands. Rebecca followed suit.

"Gently, gently," said Jeff, starting to really enjoy the process.

"But...." Elizabeth started.

"Bobby's approach, right?", said Jeff smiling.

Another blush. "Yes, but.."

"Just relax," said Jeff. "Close your eyes, that will make it easier to imagine a man is doing the feeling." Eyes closed, both girls started gently feeling their breasts. "Run your hands over them, - and lift them gently while you do it," Jeff continued softly. "Are your nipples getting hard?" Their breathing told him the answer before he asked.

"OH, Yes," breathed Rebecca.

"Mmmmm," from Elizabeth.

"Touch your nipples gently with your fingertips," Jeff commanded gently, "and pinch them a little bit every now and then."

"Oooh, I can feel that right down to my ...."

"Nice, isn't it?" said Jeff softly. "It would be even better if you moved your hands under your shirts onto your bare skin." Like robots, the girls obeyed instantly, unbuttoning their shirts and pushing up their bikini tops, oblivious to the fact the Jeff now had both sets of breast in his view.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Elizabeth. "It never felt this good when I did it before." Her hands kept stroking lifting and pinching as she blushed with excitement all over. Rebecca opened her eyes briefly and saw Elizabeth in her intense enjoyment. She looked over at Jeff quickly, then down at herself, also in an excited state, then closed her eyes firmly again, retreating into the safety and anonymity of her private darkness. Her right hand stole down her stomach to her thighs and in between them. Then it retreated quickly, as if she felt self-conscious.

"That's OK, Rebecca," said Jeff softly. "Touch yourself everywhere, - just be gentle at first." The hand went back down, as her legs started to spread. Elizabeth followed suit, without being asked. Both girls were now concentrating on their pussies, still outside the bikini bottoms. Sliding down in their seats, both girls were spread-eagled, breasts in the open air, masturbating their pussies vigorously.

"Bare skin is nicer", Jeff guided them gently. Hands went up and under the bikinis, pushing the thin material away from their curly red bushes. Jeff could see most of them now.

He decided to go for broke. "Take them off," he murmured. This time it was Elizabeth who looked up quickly, and closed them again just as quickly. Both sets of hands grabbed the bikini bottoms, both hips lifted, and both strips of cloth were suddenly on the deck.

"Feel the lips gently," said Jeff. "Dip your finger a little in your opening and spread the juice all over your pussy lips." Their hands were slaved to his voice. "Spread the lips open a bit, - put your finger inside a little, gently, gently. Feel up towards the top of your opening, - that little bump is the clitoris, be careful with it in the beginning, you can touch it, but you will really enjoy it if you take it easy."

Jeff continued to talk them through the steps, the girls following his every suggestion. They hesitated briefly when he told them to move down and touch their assholes, but they went along, and obviously enjoyed it.

"Is it good?" Jeff asked.

"Oh my god, yes!" said Elizabeth;

"Unbelievable," - from Rebecca, both panting as they tried to speak.

"Now go for the clitoris," said Jeff, use one hand there, but don't forget the rest, - your breasts, your thighs, your bottom".

Rebecca came first, stiffening in an all-over spasm and letting out an unearthly wail. "Ooooooooooooooo." That seemed to trigger Elizabeth, who was almost a mirror image of her sister. Jeff was hard as a rock and had taken every opportunity to adjust himself while the girls had their eyes closed. He was desperate to take his prick out and get his own release, but controlled himself. He took one last lingering look at the two gorgeous naked bodies in front of him, then he turned around and faced the water while the girls were coming down from their orgasm, - allowing the girls to sort themselves out without him looking. He heard them rustling behind him, clothes being adjusted.

Then both girls embraced him from behind. "Thank you Jeff," they said in unison. He turned and smiled, looking lovingly at their flustered faces. They smiled too, embarrassed, but happy at the same time.

"I can't believe we did that," said Rebecca. "Wasn't it fantastic, Liz?"

"Now I know I've had an orgasm!" said Elizabeth, laughing happily. "I can't wait to teach Bobby."

"I think you should have a little swim to cool off and get rid of that look of contentment," said Jeff, "or your mother will not be happy with me."

The girls protested. "But you didn't even touch us," said Elizabeth.

"Nevertheless," said Jeff, - "let this be our little secret, OK? "

"OK." "OK." The two bodies disappeared into the water with a splash. When they came out they were sleek and satisfied, and more desirable than ever.

"This isn't getting any easier," Jeff decided as he started up the engine and headed for home. The girls were quiet on the way back, - just a few giggles of pleasure from time to time. Kathy was waiting for them at the little dock when they came back, obviously they had been longer than she had expected.

"We're sorry, Mom," said Elizabeth as they came within hailing distance, "but Jeff was teaching us how to handle the boat, and then we were talking, and we went for a swim, and it was a longer trip back that we expected."

Kathy relented. "I was just worried," she said.

"Oh, Mom, - we were with Jeff!" said Rebecca.

Kathy eyed Jeff speculatively. "Yeah", she said, ambiguously.

Dinner on the deck was relaxed and happy. They talked about everything and anything, a bottle of wine disappeared mysteriously. Everyone felt mellow and contented. "I could stay here like this forever," said Kathy. "I haven't felt this good in a long long time."

"Well it's not over yet," Jeff grinned. "Just relax and let it all happen."

The girls started to nod off in their chairs, and Kathy sent them to bed. One by one they climbed on Jeff's lap and kissed him soundly. "Nite Jeff, " "Good night, Jeff, we've had such a good day – thank you so much for letting us stay here with you!"

"Sleep tight, ladies," he laughed, should be another nice day tomorrow".


Jeff felt good in the morning. He had a good night's sleep, with no interruptions. "Now that I think of it," he thought to himself, "I wouldn't have minded some kind of interruption." He wondered where this was going, - he would be happy just to let things go on as before, but he couldn't get Kathy's visit in the night out of his mind, and the girls' performance the day before..... He wanted everything to be their decisions, the last thing he wanted was for anyone to feel uncomfortable with a developing relationship. Still, it would be soooo nice to get a little further.....

Breakfast was relaxed and conversation flowed, just like before. "Another day like yesterday," Jeff thought. "That's OK with me!"

But Rebecca had a surprise in store. They were on the deck, sunbathing again, when she said: "Mom, how come you haven't taught us about sex?" A bomb would have attracted less attention. Elizabeth, Kathy and Jeff sat up, staring at Rebecca.

"Oh-oh," thought Jeff. "Here it comes." He laid down again and half closed his eyes, pretending not to be there.

"Rebecca!, what a thing to ask in front of Jeff," erupted Kathy. "I don't want to talk about it here."

"You never want to talk about it," said Rebecca rebelliously. "Do I have to drive to the hollow with Andrew Dietrich and just let him have me, just to find out?"

"This is going down," thought Jeff. "I know this road by now. There is no way to win this discussion."

"Rebecca!" Kathy exclaimed again. "You are much too young for sex. We'll talk about it another time."

"I am NOT too young!" Rebecca persisted.

"All my friends are much more experienced than I am, but none of them want to teach me anything." She looked straight at her mother. "How old were you when you first had sex?" she asked, almost accusingly.