Flapper Dick Ch. 08


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Kick them over and use the knife the bull hands over to cut the bag open. Find nothing but coal so that is sort of bad. Then I am looking at the furnace and ask the bull if he has ever cleaned out soot. I get a blank face and a comment on not wanting to clean their soot. Kick him so I get a rather sour look but he does go and check the soot and there is a bag in there.

Taped to be precise so that is pulled out along with some soot. Coughing bull follows me upstairs with the bag that is dropped on the table.

"Where did you find that?"

"I made him clear the soot and there it was." Plenty of blank faces, from the bulls and the pinched fellas.

"Where did you come up with that?"

"Honestly from reading the dick magazine. The stories are I am sure all made up or close enough to that, but there is good information. Not parking where you are casing since if they are going to where you are casing a jalopy there can make them drive by. Checking in things not normally used to hide things in, like luggage."

"Don't think we have ever thought to check the furnace pipes."

"Mostly because heroin is best when you cook it over a fire to inject. Storing it in the furnace pipes would cook it." The bulls are nodding so I am frowning and we open the bag.

Find another bag inside so rip that open then there is aluminum foil. Inside the aluminum foil is more aluminum foil, these are smaller folded up sections so one is opened and we have heroin. Bulls are cheering about that, the pinched fellas are talking about not knowing it was there.

"This is why they had the jalopy, supposed to get one or more off in that so you would assume they had the heroin. Even if the jalopy is pinched they can taunt with tossed it out and never going to find it. When in reality all they did was stick it in the furnace pipes. I'm half thinking they could leave there except when need to get more out of this stockpile." Bulls are nodding.

"Rather good thinking for gang members."

"So far all of the gang members I have come across only sell the drugs. I can't decide if that is surprising or not."

"Depends on the size of the gang, the bigger the gang the more chance there is at least one addict." Makes sense then one thing strikes me.

"I haven't looked out front, how many bodies do we have?"

"There was four out front." I am frowning now because that isn't so good.

"Gives us ten gang members since there are three here and three more in the backyard. According to the skirt one street over there are ten to twenty." I look at the helpful fella who is looking back then he jumps since a bull is leaning on him.

"Tell the nice skirt how many are in the gang or the not nice bulls will take you into the backyard and remove parts." The fella is trembling now.

"This is all of us." Frown since I'm not so sure, that was a little too easy.

"Take him in the backyard and remove gonads first."

"Honest there are only ten of us, there are two wanting to join but we haven't made them yet."

We get names and addresses on those two and they are written down by a bull. I am actually enjoying this a little, I don't really have to do anything except talk some and explore the house. Does remind me of one thing so into the sitting room where there is a sofa, and a radio. Which reminds of something else so over to the radio.

Pulling it away from the wall I find the back plate has screws missing. So yell for a bull and a screwdriver that nets me most of them. Giggling a little now and all have a blank face but do unscrew the back plate. Opened up now the inside of the radio is visible and while normally it is a little empty this one is not.

Find more of the aluminum foil folded up packets of drugs. Mostly these look to be heroin but the other drugs are present. So this is where they store the packaged drugs to be collected to sell. The only question left is where they sold them at, since just at the house doesn't seem right.

"They had a good set up." Is the first thing said by one of the bulls.

"True, the part I am wondering on is where they were selling drugs." Some blank faces for a moment then plenty of shrugs.

"Three are left alive and all are going away for selling heroin."

"Usually they sell out of the house and then at train stops. Fellas lounging around under a stop tend to be dealers." Groan because I have seen that.

"I ran into that very thing looking for the grabbed kid." Plenty of nods and some grins.

"Your bodyguard reported on that so we went to pinch them and did in fact find drugs. No heroin sadly so they didn't get long but them not there is a help."

"In other words if more drugs are illegal they will get longer in prison and better for everyone else?" Everybody nods, and then everybody shakes their head.

"Yes and also no since if there are no restrictions we don't have drugs being sold by gangs. With restrictions or illegal they can charge more and addicts have to pay that so gangs have more dough."

"Which puts drugs up with hooch on earning dough for those selling." I say getting some nods.

"Would take a while to get that far, and so far all we have illegal is heroin. Opium perhaps is on the way out but not anytime soon here."

There is a knock on the door then it opens with a report of reporters. Color me surprised since I didn't know they would show up here. Also reminds on no coroner yet so I better ask on that.

"Where is the coroner and then suppose patrol to take in those three?"

"Coroner will get to us eventually, there are a number of bodies for them to pick up so takes a while. We are waiting on a paddy wagon, three is more than one patrol can carry and don't assign more than one."

"Makes sense I suppose, so reporters, what do we do with them?"

"Mostly we just ignore them. They get all of the information they need out of neighbors." That makes me groan since there is one thing.

"These fellas claimed to be working for Capone. Why there was not a call in on them." Some groans but then shrugs.

"So they will have this tantalizing tale that they will go and ask Capone about and he will deny."

"Which doesn't matter to the newspaper and the courts couldn't tie him in with this gang anyway." Another bull says and we are all nodding.

"You mentioned they are going to patrol the area too so will perhaps get more gangs claiming Capone is working with so there will be calls on them."

"If the made men are not finding and removing on their own. They said gangs are bad for business. If gangs sell drugs and outfit doesn't it would be bad for their business." Everybody is nodding.

"Sort of makes you wonder why they are not selling drugs." Plenty of frowning then I put up my hand.

"Most likely they are not because only heroin is illegal and addicts are not numerous like speakeasies."

"True but still odd, the gangs are all wearing a suit like a made man." I am nodding then shake my head.

"The gang fellas all wear a suit because all fellas wear a suit, young or not." Plenty of nods.

"Asides them that work in factories and warehouses."

"Construction and then in the train yard."

"Not to mention those in athletics like baseball and football."

"Socks are going to the world series next year." Plenty of snorts.

"Cubs are going not the socks." Lot of nods so most are from north side I think, though there is one thing.

"Hang on there, football?"

Plenty of groans then all of them are explaining football to me. It does sound interesting, mostly in there are fellas wearing athletic wear, which means tight pants. Pulls groans out of all of them when I ask after tight pants. Have to admit besides there being fellas to ogle in tight pants the game sounds interesting and perhaps Fred will go to a game with me.

Have two teams to cheer for even, Bears and Cardinals. Which isn't precisely side based to cheer for, the south side in here likes the Bears. Most of them like the Bears in fact, there are two who like the Cardinals. Which leads to an argument since neither team likes the other. So I am giggling over it but it is fun and not like we have anything else to do.

Little while later, the argument of sorts has moved to getting something to eat, the paddy wagon shows up. So we all march the three outside to get in the paddy wagon. The one that had sounded off on Capone getting them out soon had woken up and is saying it again. I think the bull had prompted him to do it.

Not that I am going to call him on it, does mean the reporters are scribbling notes down. Also at least one is taking pictures because there are some flashes as we get them in the paddy wagon. Which is when it is noticed I am a skirt helping bulls get three members of a gang in a paddy wagon. Not that I actually did a whole lot, just walked along with in case one broke for it or something.

Reporters surround me fast and are asking if I am a bull. Bulls are chuckling so glare at them until I get poked so pay attention to reporters. Share that I am a court appointed dick and got drafted to help on things since it is the day after Halloween and bulls are short handed. So leads to more questions, I talk about the statue left in a factory.

Earns me a look since they had been asking about other things, like why we raided a gang. After some more prompting on why we raided the gang I tell them to ask the bulls. At which most of them head inside the house, so follow after. One does stay out and shares why we raided the gang today, which is partly right.

Fella claims we raided the gang because we had just found out about them during an investigation. Partly right, we raided because we had nothing else to go on. Then comes the discussion on things to eat again. I pay attention to this since they are talking about going to a grocery since there is a skirt.

"Hang on there, this skirt is knocked up and going through morning sickness for another hour or two."

"You don't know how long it lasts?"

"Mostly I don't know what time it is, it is over at four or so. Don't get up until noon before anyone asks." Plenty of tossed hands.

"Would you mind if we do go to grocery and get things to make something to eat?" Shake my head since I can sit in the sitting room.

"I can just sit in the sitting room while you eat. I will mention you likely would rather get snacks since this is a gang house and no skirts. If there is a kitchen with pots and pans I wouldn't want to use them until I cleaned." Plenty of blank faces so I am giggling. "How do they prepare the drugs?" Some groans then nods and a collection is staged.

"Do you want any snacks?"

"Yes, I like the lemon pies and then chocolate is always good. Knocked up so I am supposed to eat as often as I am hungry."

Some nods then two go on outside. One of the two is the bull I have been going around with. Which doesn't matter since I am not looking to have nookie. Just don't understand why he went until I remember, the rest came in that armored truck. I am enjoying a lemon pie, eyeing the chocolate pie even, when the coroner shows up finally.

Most of us go and watch that, mostly because we didn't bother to clear the pockets. The orderlies do that for us so note is made of the names on the fellas. Also get addresses which is good since all of the offed fellas their families have to be told. Sadly the raid leaves before the coroner does, orderlies rather.

Leaves me and the bull I have been going around with to watch over the bodies. Also get a tow truck to take the jalopy in. That will be looked over and I am hoping it is not Dad's jalopy. Not that I think it is, the gang was making dough rather handily so could afford to get jalopies. Also not something I need to worry about, all of the things will be gone over by the raid.

Ask after that to find the raid team sits in a station. They are always in the station for call in like we did, and then are in charge of monitoring the cells in the station. Since pinched fellas are in there until they are moved to a holding cell for court. After court it is either prison or let go so there seems to always be fellas in the cells.

Luckily there are other bulls handling the cells. Calling in a raid only means there are less watching cells while they are gone. Which is good information, and reaching our house I am handed the notes. I get to go in to the station tomorrow and get help calling in on the jalopy. After which there is waiting so that is a darn, but also not since the store opens and I want to be there at least some.

Go inside to find Audrey sitting at the machine with Fred sitting on the sofa. Fred is also asleep so go over to him and poke. Fred wakes up and grabs me so I am pulled in tight to him then there is a kiss. Lovely kiss but he gave me a seeing to yesterday so nothing more than a kiss. When I can catch my breath after the kiss I poke at Fred.

"Tease, you gave me a seeing to yesterday."

"Doesn't mean I'm not happy to see you. What took so long?" Audrey is nodding and even comes over to the sofa.

"Well first I went to the lake and Brian leaned me over the breezer so I could look at the lake." Fred rolls his eyes and grabs my nose, Audrey is giggling.

"Come on be serious." Roll my eyes then Fred let's go of my nose.

"We went to the factories to go through those and make sure nobody fell and got hurt or offed pulling a prank there. We ran into a fella welding a really nice looking mechanical fella so we let him finish and drafted into helping. Which he did for one factory, there was a fella offed behind the factory, shot so wasn't pulling a prank and got dropped there. Brian called it in and I got to be the detective on that since we had a fella helping."

"He welded a mechanical man?" I am nodding and grin.

"It was really nice, not precisely fella like, but was the idea so mechanical fella. Brian and I think the factory will move so it can be admired." Fred snorts and is grinning.

"Do think he topped me, the orange bus hasn't been bettered so far but a mechanical man that is welded together, proper prank." I am nodding.

"Told reporters about it." Fred frowns and puts his hand up.

"Back up, you found a shot fella behind a factory and got reporters?"

"No, reporters came later. First I got a bull, rather young fella just left school or the year before. So we had tire tracks in the snow, as in the fella was dropped there after the snow. We got a wallet with dough in and a driver license so we had a name and address. Go to the address, think the fella worked in the factories since address is right in those houses there. Has a sister who shared on he went to a speakeasy, she had a date. She is not out of high school yet so I put the bull with her. He will move in tomorrow."

"So you found the bull a wife?" Shake my head and sigh since I said that wrong.

"No I said it wrong, she thinks he is a looker and needs someone making dough. I suggested the bull, first at his place. He turned red on that since he has a small apartment, so new plan, he moves in with her. I shared on putting him in her mouth which she did to get him to move in. She isn't ready for nookie but does want him to have nookie with her. She said no nookie until he goes goofy. We stayed there long enough for her to do that because of a gang next street over. We called in a raid, the gang claims to be working for Capone so called in and talked to a fella who said no way, they don't like gangs and will patrol the area to find more."

"So you got reporters after the raid?"

"Yeah, tomorrow we will see front page Capone gang pinched. One of the fellas left over after the shooting believed that Capone was backing them so he was prompted to tell the reporters that." Fred snorts and shakes his head.

"If you were told they don't do that then Capone won't be happy." Shake my head then shrug.

"Not really but also perhaps helps, the gang wasn't called in on since they said they work for Capone. South side doesn't want to make him mad, if he is telling reporters that he does not condone gangs other gangs claiming he is backing them will be called in on."

"True, though perhaps also means there is more of the gang violence, north side is pretty lousy with it." I am nodding.

"True, but also gets people to call the bulls, the gangs go inside when they spot a patrol or drop low in the porch. Makes them hard to spot and until there is the gang violence the bulls don't know unless called."

"Here get on out of that coat, and then dinner, do you want to stay up or go to bed and get some later?"

Sigh and get up off Fred to get out of the coat, I am warm now so don't need it on anymore. Drop the coat on the joe table then take off my jacket and sit next to Fred. Audrey moves some so she is facing us both so she can take part in the conversation, or likes looking at me.

"Bulls went to get snacks so I had a couple pies and a candy bar. I half expected to stay longer, though the gang had a good set up. They sold heroin and had a goodly stockpile. That was hidden in the furnace pipes. Also had a stockpile of drugs set up in aluminum foil inside the radio. I got to shoot a jalopy on account of they had one they wanted to use as a get away so bulls think heroin went in there and not in the furnace."

"That is a good setup, and I never would have thought of checking the furnace."

"I only did because of the dick magazine, it mentioned checking everything. So the furnace has plenty of room inside and it is designed to open up more than loading, so why not check. Radio was mostly I looked and missing screws so they did something with it." Audrey and Fred are nodding.

"Good thinking on your part. No idea if anyone has thought of checking in the furnace."

"Bulls hadn't, but then the other gang I shot up just had the heroin in the basement with other drugs. Most likely most gangs don't plan on being raided."

"You haven't said, stay up for dinner or go to bed?" Look over at Audrey and frown since there is one thing.

"So we will finish off that roast today?" Audrey snorts and shakes her head.

"It was a big roast so I sliced it up thin and then three thicker slices for dinner. We got bread so can make sandwiches, mostly that is for me when I get up, you two get up late." Fred snorts and I am giggling.

"I will stay up for dinner, store opens tomorrow and I want to be there some, and do need to go to a station and call in on the jalopy, it wasn't with the fella and not at his house."

"Detectives are in at nine and the store opens at eight, go to the store first." Fred says so I am nodding, Audrey is too.

"I will get up at seven so we can go early and stop at a diner." Audrey says so I am nodding.

"Wear that dress again, it will be for sale so let those who come in see what else will be sold there."

Audrey is smiling at that idea so I am sure she will. Probably need to remember to tell her that in the morning too. Still for now we are all good, so grab up the book I am reading right now and dive into that. Fred is doing the same, we don't like the weekend shows on the radio. At least not the ones during the day.

Just sit around for a bit longer then up to go make dinner with Audrey. I'm unsure on the meat being enough since the roast was big for three, but not that big. Have enough thin sliced meat to have two or even three sandwiches. For dinner though the slices are not really enough so we banter ideas back and forth for a short while before deciding on hot sandwiches.

So we get the potatoes peeled and then cut up into a pot and that is going good. So then it is a matter of slicing the meat to go on two slices of bread. Gravy will go over that and then extra meat is mixed in with the gravy. At least it will be since the potatoes are not ready for mashing. So some waiting around, and putting the open sandwiches in the oven to be hot so it is all hot.