Flat-Chested Jill


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On the way out of the room, I stopped again at the blond boy. I took his soft dick in my hand, held it and admired it and caressed it, and once again I complimented him, "It really is a nice dick." I gave all the boys a great big girlie smile, then Matt and I quickly left.

As soon as we were out of the changing room, we gave each other high-fives and started laughing uncontrollably, and shoved each other and laughed some more. We went back to pick up the stuff we'd left in the sand and got in the car. It was a long drive home, and we laughed the whole way. We were in a hurry to get home, so we didn't stop for gas this time. I don't have to tell you what we did again when we finally got back to my house or how many times more we did it. You can figure that out for yourself.

In case you're wondering, I learned that Matt really does have a very nice dick. The blond boy's was a good dick, that's for sure, but Matt's is the best.

I can't believe I did all that-- getting topless on a beach, showing off for the cute lifeguard, taking a naked shower in front of all those boys, buying ice cream with my nipples sticking out, and having sex out in the open like that. I especially can't believe the part about holding the blond boy's dick. Aren't hormones wonderful?

I can't wait to do it again.

-- --

The next night, Matt came over and we were in the living room with Jacob. Matt and Jacob were watching a ball game on TV and I was texting some friends, paying just a little attention to the game. Mom was on the phone in the kitchen and, when she hung up, she came into the living room.

"Jacob!" she called out, trying to make herself heard over the TV. Matt picked up the remote and lowered the volume.

"Yeah," Jacob answered, still watching the TV.

"Why were you at Freetown Lake yesterday?" she asked, a tone of anger in her voice.

That caught my attention, and Matt's too. Matt was still looking at the TV, but I could tell he was listening to Mom, not to the TV.

"I wasn't," Jacob answered. He was still watching the TV, not looking at her.

Mom was pissed. "Margie Pertram saw you there. You know I don't like it when you go that far from home without telling me."

Jacob didn't look at her. "Which isn't an issue because I wasn't there. She must have seen someone else." Jacob was still looking at the TV. He had a tone in his voice that didn't help his cause.

Matt looked at me and I looked at him, then his eyes went back to the TV and mine went back to my phone. Our eyes were turned away but our ears were focused on Mom and Jacob. There was a text message from Stacy on my phone but I had no idea what it said, and I could feel my heart racing.

Mom was insistent. "She recognized those blue and silver Marlins swimming trunks that Dad brought you back from Florida. She said you were there with some creepy older man. Did you meet some pervert on the Internet?"

Normally I would have enjoyed hearing Matt described as a creepy old pervert, but this was not the time. I was on the edge of panic.

Jacob was belligerent now and looked at Mom aggressively. He was almost yelling now, "I said I wasn't at Freetown Lake! I haven't seen those swimming trunks all year. They don't even fit anymore! I did not meet a pervert on the Internet! It wasn't me! Alright? Can we just drop it?" There was a three-run homer on the TV but neither Matt nor Jacob noticed. Jacob turned back toward the television, steaming. He picked up the remote and increased the volume, trying to drown Mom out.

Mom wouldn't be drowned out. "Jacob, I think you should go to your room and stay there until you decide to stop lying to me and tell me what you were doing yesterday and who you were with. And don't be using the computer up there."

Jacob slammed down the TV remote and ran out of the room and up the stairs. He turned and screamed, "I didn't do it!" He was really pissed, and, of course, I knew why.

Oh shit.




What am I going to do now? I really didn't have a choice. I couldn't let my brother be in trouble for something he didn't do and I couldn't let Mom think that Jacob was a liar. I couldn't ruin it all, so I had to tell. I had dreaded having her and Daddy find out but it had happened. Shit happens. I had to tell.

Matt was looking at me expectantly so I motioned for him to turn off the TV, and the background noise came to a sudden halt. Mom was in a lather now, all upset that Jacob had lied to her, telling us that it wasn't so bad to go to the pond but he'd never lied before and she didn't know what had gotten into him. I don't have to give you all the details-- you know what mothers sounds like.

I interrupted her. "It was me," I said, looking down. I guess I'd spoken too softly and she didn't hear, so I looked directly at her now and spoke louder, interrupting again. "It was me."

She heard me this time, and stopped in mid-sentence. "What was you?"

"It was me at the pond yesterday, not Jacob. Margie saw me and thought it was Jacob. Jacob's not lying."

Mom looked at me for a moment, thinking, then asked, "You were at the pond? But who was the older man..." and her voice trailed away as I used my eyes to direct her to Matt. She understood now. She didn't understand as much as she thought she did, but she had the basics. "So it was just you and Matt at the pond?"

I nodded. I saw the anger fall out of her face and change to puzzlement, then she drew the first logical conclusion, "I owe Jacob an apology, don't I?"

She was relaxing now, but I wasn't. I knew that the conversation wasn't over yet and the whole story would come out. It was inevitable now. I nodded sympathetically and she turned to walk up the stairs, but only took a step before she turned back around. "Why would she see you and think you were Jacob?" She took another step toward the stairs and turned again, "She recognized Jacob's swimming trunks." She looked at me quizzically.

I looked at Matt. He was looking at me so lovingly now, so supportively, and it gave me the courage to go forward. It was time to tell. No more secrets. No more sneaking around. I looked directly at Mom and told her, "I was wearing Jacob's old swimming trunks. That's why she thought it was him."

She was puzzled. "Why were you..." and her voice trailed away again, and she was thinking. I knew that she was putting all the pieces together now-- Why I'd stopped shaving my legs and underarms. Why I wasn't wearing nail polish any more. Why I'd let my earring piercings close up. Why I was wearing my hair shorter. Why I wasn't wearing silicone inserts in my bra. Now she understood the whole story. "You were wearing only Jacob's swimming trunks? Nothing on...?" She didn't say the words but used her hands to indicate the top of her body.

I nodded, then I closed my eyes, waiting for what would come next. I couldn't see but I knew Matt was looking at me kindly and I could imagine how Mom was angry and disappointed. Then I opened my eyes and got a surprise. Mom was looking at me sympathetically.

She didn't speak for a moment, then she said "I'll be back in a minute," and she went to the kitchen. I heard her rummaging around in the closet and she came back with a small metal lockbox and a key. I'd seen this box before. It was where she and Daddy kept important papers like birth certificates and the titles to the cars. She opened it up and went fishing around to the bottom and brought out a small stack of Polaroid photos, the kind you didn't have to send to the drugstore to get developed, from back in the days before digital photos.

She picked out one and handed it to me. It was an old photo, with all the color faded out. It was Mom, about the same age as I am now, standing between two guys in somebody's apartment living room, with people sitting on the couch behind them. Those were the days of flower children and hippies, and the people in the picture had long hair, torn t-shirts, bare feet. The boys had long scraggly unwashed hair. One had a big furry moustache and the other had a thin beard and was wearing a t-shirt with a drawing of a big marijuana leaf. There was a bong on the coffee table behind them and one of the boys had a joint in his hand. They each had one arm around Mom. I notice that Mom's hair looked a lot like mine, but much longer. Neither boy was Daddy.

And one more thing—Mom was topless. Mom was topless in a living room full of people. Mom was topless at a party. There were two boys with their arms around her and Mom was topless. And probably stoned. Mom was topless and stoned.

I looked up at her, speechless. Matt was looking at us, trying to figure out what was going on, and I realized that he had no idea what was in the picture. I looked at Mom, not knowing what I should tell him.

Mom understood. "It's ok. You can show him."

I handed the photo to Matt. He looked at it briefly, then looked back at me, his mouth agape.

Then Mom handed me another photo. It was from the same era, outdoors, in a clearing in some woods. There was Mom and another girl standing next to each other, with two unkempt boys, one on each side, all laughing. She was younger than in the first picture. There were five or six small tents in the distance behind them. All four were naked. Not just topless— completely naked. Each of the girls was holding the dick of the boy next to her, as if showing it to the camera. It was just four naked people posing, acting silly, for a photo in the woods—except that one of the four was Mom. There must have been more people. There were lots of tents and somebody was taking the picture.

I looked at Mom and she nodded her approval, so I passed the photo to Matt. Mom was naked in the woods, with friends, with a dick in her hand, having her picture taken.

I knew why she was showing me the photos, but all I could think to say was something irrelevant. "Has Daddy seen these?"

"Oh sure," she answered, holding the rest of the stack of photos. "Some of these pictures are of him from before we met, or with the two of us together. You can look at them. We kept these in the box so you kids wouldn't find them. We intended to show them to you when you were older, but I guess we forgot. We should have done it years ago." She handed the stack to me, but I didn't look at them. She gestured toward Matt. "It's ok. He can see them too. Give them back to me when you're done. No hurry." She thought for a moment. "If you want to show them to Jacob, it's ok." Then she changed her mind, "No, it's probably better if Dad or I do that."

We were all silent for a moment, then Mom broke the silence. "We were all young once, you know."

That's why she'd shown us the photos, so that we'd know she had been young once too. She was telling us that it was ok. We hadn't done anything wrong. It was nothing she hadn't done. She understood.

I wanted to ask her who the boys were and if she'd had sex with them all, but it didn't seem right. She'd tell me if she wanted me to know.

I felt tears come to my eyes and Mom came over and hugged me. "Enjoy being young, sweetheart. It's your one chance to make memories for when you're older." I looked up at her and she smiled, "It's nice to be naked, isn't it? I always loved it."

I smiled too, and nodded. She was right. It was very nice to be naked at Freetown.

Then she answered a question I hadn't ask. She took the second picture-- the all-naked one—and reminisced, "He gave me my first orgasm. Would you believe that I don't even remember his name?" I thought she meant the boy whose dick she was holding, but then she pointed to the other one. She laughed and all three of us were embarrassed at her boldness, then she added one more thing. "I remember other things about him though." She gave me a big wink.

I detached from Mom and went over to hug Matt. "Are you going to have to tell Daddy? I mean about the pond?" I asked her.

"You don't have to worry. He'll be ok with it. He was young once too." She headed toward the stairs. "I owe Jacob a big apology."

There was something else I needed. "Please don't tell Jacob about the lake. OK?"

Mom nodded and went up the stairs, and it was just Matt and I and silence. Only then did it occur to me that Mom had just a part of the story. She knew the topless part, but there was much more that she still didn't know.

I wanted to be by myself and Matt had to study anyway, so he kissed me, hugged me, and left and I went up to my room and lay down on the bed, my arm over my eyes, blotting out reality, trying to think. It hadn't been more than a few minutes when Daddy came into my room and sat down on my bed. I opened my eyes and sat up. I didn't know what he was going to say. He gave me his patented wry Daddy-smile and I knew he knew. Not the whole story, of course, but as much as Mom did. I moved over toward him and he took me in his arms and held me and tears were in my eyes. "Next time you go topless, do it when Margie isn't around," he said. I started laughing and he went on, this time seriously, "You didn't do anything wrong. Have a good time sweetheart. This is the time of your life for it."

He started to leave the room, then turned around with one more Daddy-like comment. "As I always say, naked is the best way to be." I hadn't remembered him ever saying that before, but I appreciated it now.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As a lifelong member of the "Itty Bitty Titty Fan Club", I enjoyed this story very much and can understand why her boyfriend was so enamored with her small chest. None of the young ladies I dated in the 70'as were larger chested and my wife when we married had a size of nearly b. I love the small breasted women as the don't sag when the get more mature. My 60+ year old wife's boobs are still very perky.

Camguy4funCamguy4funover 1 year ago

Terrific story! That shower scene was one of the most erotic I have read. WOW! Definitely 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good premise.

But totally lacking in needed details.

The first time his cock went into her pussy it just did. No foreplay with that pussy at all. Sure needed some extended touching and fingering to get her ready for his cock. But none.

Gave up on the bottom of page two.

Two stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I very rarely comment on stories, but this one is worth the effort. Your ability to portray the story from the mind and thought process of a spunky 20 yr old girl is fabulous. It’s just silly enough, just humorous enough, and is not too over the top. I am excited to read your other works.

alan556alan556almost 2 years agoAuthor

Friends, this work is only the first portion of an entire novel. The full novel is available on Amazon, under my pen-name Julia Joy Conners.

Literotica will not let me publish the complete story.

yellowiiyellowiiabout 2 years ago

Any other stories of this scenario? Men's swimsuit challenge is trending on twitter and pixiv. Accompanying stories would be great.

darolawolrabdarolawolrabover 2 years ago

Excellent, must have been pretty well researched. My wife is flat chested and I love the way that her braless tiny breasts always have erect nipples and so easily viewed whenever she bends over or you are stood over her. I have made sure that they have been on show to friends, family and strangers for many a year. I love her wearing lose clothes with nothing underneath allowing every opportunity to expose her. Great story, anyone recommend similar ones with this type of genre..

Lovetron52Lovetron52over 3 years ago

I loved the story.

Steven_LeKruSteven_LeKrualmost 4 years ago
One of the best stories EVER

I just had to tell you that this is one of the best stories I've ever read. From your writings it seems your main fetish is Exhibitionism but my fetish is Flat Chests and so this story was such a pleasure for me. I love how you handled the the mix of emotions that went from shame to pride over Jill's breast. All of the little nuances in the story like looking in shop windows made it so believable and genuine. But the denouement of the story really brought it all home for me; after all of the sexy parts and after the intense climax, you still took time to write the scene at home where Jill is found out by her mother. Other stories would have ended at the climax but I appreciate the time spent at the end to help Jill feel okay with herself. That extra bit of effort made this story that much more believable and made it that much more impactful. It was a very well crafted story and incredibly sexy too. Great work.

roveroneroveronealmost 5 years ago
REALLLY liked it...!!

you did a fantastic job doing her first-person narrative

also going to fave it, and check out your other stories

of course the flat-chested girls section on tumblr is history, but x-hamster still has them

PS like them all sizes, but a special fondness for modest/petite-their owners often realize no need for a bra...

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89about 7 years ago
Possible plagiarism?

Okay, something weird is going on here. The author of this story is a man named Alan on Literotica, yet on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles, it's a woman Julia Joy Connors. Did one person plagiarize the other?

Steven_LeKruSteven_LeKruabout 8 years ago
This Story deserves an "A"

...or it deserves AAA if you know what I mean! This is the best erotic story about petite women that I have ever read.

BabySteeleBabySteeleabout 8 years ago
Really enjoyed it.

I really liked this story because its different from the usually girls are so hot and have big tits or just talk about having tits. It's an actual story but still kept it hot and exciting. Exactly what I like to read on here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Great in-depth story showing the joys of a small chest. Particularly liked the bit about wearing silicone inserts which rang true

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Top story

I have just read this in Australia. Great story. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
flat chest pix


colin23colin23about 10 years ago
Top class story

This is one of the very best stories I have read on Literotica. Flat chest and exhibitionism are a great combination. Further episodes would be very welcome. Could she join a sports team (soccer?) without telling anyone her gender?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
An incredible story and well written

Interestingly, I am currently involved with a wonderful lady who is flat chested and undeniably one of the most sexually and personally pleasing women I have ever been involved with. I just read this and read the bottom statement being the end of part 1. My heart jumped and immediately went back to your page and realized that this is a story written in 2010. What a disappointment! Any possibility of convincing you to write more chapters and/or new stories of this genre?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Understand your dilemma, however..

Is it at all possible move your next many chapters to within the guidelines. This is a very, very unique, sensual,exciting story. Don't leave us like this...........

alan556alan556over 11 years agoAuthor
Note from the author

Hello, I'm the author of this story.

Thanks for reading! In the two years since this story was published on Literotica, over 100,000 people have read it!

Some of you have asked for more of the story, and, to tell you the truth, I also wanted to know what happened next. How will Jill's family react when they find out what she's been doing? I had to write the rest or I'd never know.

Unfortunately, the full story is too hot for Literotica's (or Amazon's) content guidelines, so I've made it available on Barnes and Noble's NOOK bookstore and also at Smashwords.com. It's a complete full-length novel. You don't need a NOOK to read it, because Barnes and Noble offers a free reader for your PC, or you can read in a web browser with their "read instantly" feature. If you have a Kindle, you can get a copy at Smashwords.com.

Please come visit, and tell your friends. Go to barnesandnoble.com and search for "Flat-Chested Jill."

Thanks for reading!

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