Flight to Tomar Three Ch. 01


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"Oh God. That feels so strange. So full back there. Don't move... wait a second... let me get used to you...oh...damn...oh my...feels better...feeling much better... Okay, try pulling out... slow... slow... oh yessss...back in... yeah...yesss... Oh god...this is good... sooo gooood. Yesss."

I pushed back in as directed having only pulled out about three quarters of my cock. Slowly we built up speed and stroke length until a few minutes later when I was thrusting in and out of her ass almost as fast and in long strokes as we'd done in her pussy earlier.

Jennifer went wild. I mean... crazy wild. I'd thought Kelly was a bit loud, but Jennifer was screaming loud. She didn't talk as fast or much, but when she did, everyone knew what we were doing. There was no way that anyone could miss what she said.


I plunged on, in and out, varying the speed and stroked time to time. Each time I changed up something she'd moan loudly.


She came three times while I plowed her rear passage, and just as I was about to shoot she pulled away from me. Stunned I watched as she just turned around and took me into her mouth, down her throat.

I couldn't hold it after that, and my cum shot out filling her mouth. She lost a tiny bit that ran down her chin and almost dripped off. Using a finger, she wiped it off her chin and then slipped that finger in alongside my cock, cleaning it off.


Her moans were vibrating my cock and kept me rock hard. As she pulled away she looked up into my eyes and smiled at me.

"SO...how's that for cleaning your cock?"

"No exactly how Kelly did it."

"I thought not. I wanted to do something wildly outrageous. Did that pass?"

"Oh yeah. Come here, kiss me."

She stared at me closely.

"You know what I just did."

"Yeah? So?"

"You just shot off in my mouth... I cleaned you with my lips and tongue... and you want to kiss me?"

I just took her head in my hands and planted my lips on hers, shushing her up. After a second she allowed me to tongue her lips and then I slipped my tongue into her mouth tasting what she'd tasted.

"Hmmm... not bad. It is a little salty and sweet. Wonder why?"

"You are kinky Jim. I never knew."

"Look who's talking about kinky. Miss, clean my cock with your lips and tongue. Kelly sure as hell didn't do that."

"Yeah... well, I need to have something special I do for you. I think you'll find that each one of us will need to do that. It's something we discovered in the training materials."

"About that..."

"We all know that you could get into serious trouble over having brought that on board Jim. Your secret is safe with us. After all, we're now part of it all too. We've read it and actually tried to masturbate over it too. By the way, the protocol six two six will not work for masturbation. We've all tried it."

"Maybe I'll need to be in the room too."

"If you're there we won't need to masturbate, will we?"

"Guess not."

"The nine days between times is going to suck too. At least I know that you'll be available to me in nine days though. It'd kill me to have to go any longer than that. I'm glad I wasn't last on the list either. I lucked out when we drew wires."

"Don't you mean straws?"

"Oh, yeah. Well, we used wires for the draw, all different lengths of wires. We didn't have straws."

"Okay then, wires it is."

"Know what's funny?"


"The First Officer will be next but the Captain is dead last."

Suddenly she looked at the floor with a kind of shamed look.

"I didn't mean anything by that..."

"It's all right Jennifer. We've lost two officers and that's hard. It's nothing like what happened on the Minx Six, believe me. We're in better shape and we have a lot better crew now than I did back then."

"It's just so... I never knew you were on the Minx Six. My father was there. He was a Lieutenant Commander."

"Lieutenant Commander Carl Johnson was your father? Oh my God, I never put you two together."

"They said you tried to save them... they said that you did all you could do but without the medical systems and doctor there wasn't much anyone could do. I know you tried... You had no way of knowing that he was my father. I don't blame you... I don't. I know you and I know your heart. I know you did what you could."

I took her into my arms as she started to cry. I felt the darkness of that long ago time wash over me once again. I'd liked her father. He'd been slightly stiff, but Lieutenant Commanders were, fresh out of the academy like they usually were.

We took a break and just cuddled up together. I spooned Jennifer and covered us both with my blanket. In the morning I woke up to see her standing just inside my door with a tray of food.

"Where do you want it lover?"

"Whoa, breakfast in bed?"

"Yeah. It's the least I could do."

"You're going to spoil me for everyone else you know."

"Good, then my plan is working."


"I plan on making you fall in love with me and we'll run off together. I want to have lots of your babies before we're through too."


She looked so upset so fast I was taken by yet another surprise. I was still trying to figure out where the baby stuff had come from though and it took me a second to react to the rapid changes.

Taking her in my arms I hugged her close.

"You don't want babies out here. It's not a good place for them."

"I was born in space. On a ship smaller than this one."

"But, how will we care for any babies?"

"Guess we should have thought about that before we started all of this scheduled sex stuff then huh?"

"You mean you're not using control?"

"Nope. None of us are. We never expected to have to do this so we didn't request any controls."

"Wait a second. NONE of the women onboard have controls?"

"Nope. No controls were loaded onboard or added to the ships stores. After all, we had the Bots, and none of us were married or intending on marrying."

"Then... you could all get pregnant. I could end up fathering nine kids."

"More like ninety kids. We all have great genes and we all came from larger families. Since you're only forty five years old, we figure that you have at least fifteen good years to father children. If we're lost out here that long we can expect to have around ten kids each."

"Oh shit. Oh... shit. Oh... God damn... shit."

"It's all right. We talked this one over a lot. We all agreed."

"IT'S NOT ALL RIGHT. We only have nine pods left. Each pod is good for four people for ten years. We won't have enough food for all of us by that time. I can't believe that you all talked about this and didn't include me in on the conversation."

"The Captain said that when we find a habitable planet we'll stock up food supplies and move on, or we'll settle in and stay there. We'll be okay. We have years to locate what we need in that way."

"I should have been included in on this. I'm the sperm donor here. I do have some rights you know."

"We didn't want you to worry about it now. There was time enough before we'd have to tell you."

"What, after the fact? When you're all pregnant walking around the ship with bellies sticking out? Jesus. H. Christ."

"Jim... can I speak to you in the mess hall please?"

The Captain was outside my door. Once again the sound proofing or rather, lack of, had done me in.

Jennifer followed me into the mess hall. There I found all the crew sitting looking at me.

"You were all in on this?"

"Jim, please sit. We'll get this all straightened out quicker if you're not standing there all tense."

"I don't think my sitting will make a bit of damned difference Ma'am."


I sat. I sat and stewed as the Captain and then the rest of the crew started to tell me all about their conversation way back when... about how they all knew that having sex with me, real sex, would cause them to all get pregnant. How my part in this needed to be kept from me until one or all started to show.

"Just when did you all talk about this. I never heard anything at all. I should have heard conversations rumbling through the decks long before now."

"We used my office for most of them. Remember that I have the shield for command calls?"

"That went down with the VR System."

"No it didn't. When this ship was built the designers put in a separate trunk just for that shield. You didn't know about it since it's not on the prints or in the library."

"Would have been good to know about before this, Captain."

"Jim, please. Try to understand. We all have needs here. You, me, all the rest of the crew. We never expected something like the rock to occur. We took an educated guess and chance that we'd not need controls since we weren't having real sex onboard. Things beyond our control changed obviously. Now the women's needs being taken care of added additional issues. Again, we talked it over and decided between us that we'd do what we needed to do to carry on our genes. We all understand that rescue isn't going to happen for us. We're beyond any kind of rescue at this point. Our only hope is to survive until such a time as our people open up this part of space. We all know that could take hundreds of years. We all want our story told as accurately as can be. What better way than from our children's children?"

"I should have been included in on these conversations."

"We knew you'd object. We couldn't take the chance that we wouldn't have kids to follow us. We'd hoped to all have one time with you first, we planned to tell you after the first round."

"That's pretty devious Captain."

"I won't apologize for this Jim. We did what we felt and still do feel is right. We need to carry on our gene pool. We're all in this together."

"I should have had a choice in this matter. After all, it does very much concern me."

"Jim, don't you want your gene's to carry on after you're gone?"

"Well yes. But..."

"What better way but to be able to carry those genes on with nine different women? Think of the spread throughout the group... you'll be remembered by everyone as the father of this family. It will be a huge family eventually too."

"So your intent is to propagate the species using my DNA?"

"No, using your sperm, which includes your DNA, and our eggs which include our DNA."

"We have no doctor."

"We have the library and the ships computers, plus once we landfall somewhere, we'll have a chance to repair the VR system for the information the medical VR has. Mia couldn't do that."

"I'm not sure I want any part of this."

"You need to be a large part of it. You're our only hope Jim. You'll be writing history for a whole world eventually. We need you. You know it and we know it."

"I'm not father material."

"You're more father material than most men ever could be. We all know you. We've all worked and lived with you for years now. Trust us... you'll make a great father. You'll see."

"That's why you married me to all of you. That's why I hear terms of endearment coming from Kelly and Jennifer isn't it? You all planned to have me fall in love with each of you... didn't you?"

"Having you love each of us would help us in having the family group we are going to need to have. You have the capacity for it Jim. We all know it. You can love us all. We can all love you."

"I'm not good husband material. I'll cheat on you all."

Everyone started laughing at me. Everybody. I didn't realize the absurdity of my statement until the laughter started. I was embarrassed once I realized what I'd said. After all, who was there on board for me to cheat on anyway? If all of them were already my wives, I couldn't cheat on any of them with any of them... or something like that.

"Jim, come on. Give it a chance."

"Isn't the husband or father the head of the household Captain?"

The sudden silence brought it home to at least one person. The Captain smiled at me and then surprised all of us with her next statement.

"Yes, he should be Jim. Do I understand by your question that you're volunteering for the job?"

Everyone was staring at me now. This was unprecedented. I'd never heard of the Officers of a ship turning their control over to an enlisted man like this. It had never been done in the history of the fleet.

Kelly and Jennifer had smiles on their faces. They knew that I was already possibly the father of their babies. I was stuck. I saw no way out of this dilemma at all.

"Can I have a few sleep cycles to think this over Ma'am?"

"As long as you keep to the schedule, yes you may Jim."

"You mean..."

"Jim, of course you'll have to keep up with the schedule. You'll understand eventually that it's the right thing to do."

It's official. The date just turned to 2559.76. Ten years it's been, ten long wonderful years. My family has grown to sixty five kids and I still have nine healthy, beautiful and loving wives. Smart too... the wives I mean. They knew long before I figured it out, that where we are is what we needed to do.

We eventually found land fall on a very large habitable planet. The ship is still in orbit and I go up there time to time with the oldest kids or one or more of the wives. We're keeping it space worthy as much as we can. Just in case.

Planet side we have a nice community that shares everything. At times it's a handful since there are slightly more girls than boys down there. But most of the time it's pleasant and good.

We still keep to the schedule. Not all my wives like the same type of sex either. We educate the kids and explore our new home world often. Luckily the three shuttle craft we have still function properly. Jennifer is the one that keeps them in tip top shape. She has always been my best Mech Tech.

Having so many kids is kind of neat too. They all call me dad... or father, or poppa, or... well, you get the point. Each one is special to me. Each one has their own way of coping with life, and happily, most of them take after their mothers.

All except my second oldest. Jimmy tends to be too much like the old man. At times Jennifer reminds me that I was the one she'd always loved so much so it's only natural that her first born son would take after me as much as he has.

He's only a few hours younger than his oldest sister, but in spite of things, the first nine kids are so close it's hard to have one birthday for each one, so we have a large 'planet party' for them. After a year the spread between the kids worked out so that there is a good spacing between them now. That first bunch though... whew boy.

Oh, in case you're wondering, Tomar Three? That's this planet. We named it after the last place we were to visit before heading to the end of the mission. Looks like we're not there yet. We live on a nice island on a large sea. It's kind of my dream place to live.

You should have been here last year when the first fleet exploration vessel after the SF 5595 showed up. They were stunned to find us there, and even more shocked to see that we've been practicing real sex. I sent in my request for my retirement credits too. We're comfortably comfortable now.

I was happy that the women all were able to order supplies for the school and other things too. We sent messages to family back home, letting them know we're all alive and well. My wives all chose to stay with me. Guess they all fell for me after real sex. Imagine that. Real sex IS real good.

Oops, I gotta run, I hear Linda calling me. It's our scheduled night... do you know that former Fleet Captain, is really into B&D? I'm the Master; she's the sub... another... 'Imagine that'. It's been a very interesting ten years all right.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythief4 months ago

What a great story! Poor Jim, what a sacrifice he had to make, lol. Great story with a very happy ending. Kind of reminds me of a cross between Mutiny on the Bounty and Robinson Crusoe. Didn't work out too well for the mutineers, but they did survive as did Mr. Crusoe. This is a very well put together story and rates all five stars.

rruymannrruymann8 months ago


XacksonXacksonabout 2 years ago

Why would you title it as future episodic and then end it with an epilogue? Defeats the purpose of episodic titling.

Other than that the story was great, not nearly enough good sci-fi romps on here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Gee Wizz, on this site you can find some real gems?

Yup, well written. You had several major topics going at the same time and they were blended smoothly. Well done.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not bad for a first attempt at sci fi

There are a few things that would annoy a real sci fi lover ... it would have been more fun if they had a more believable reason for their actions .. Jim gets hung up on being respected and over his opinion on real sex but just takes their conniving plans and betrayal about impregnating themselves without his consent in stride bit of a stretch

JC_The_ContinuerJC_The_Continuerover 7 years ago
That guy was whipped AF

That's all i'll say on it. he had no power despite having it all, he was whipped


bootneck81bootneck81over 7 years ago
A joy

I have been reading litrotica for years and I got to say I have this one of the most enjoyable stories I have read in years,well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Sign me up. I am so there! I Love this story The story is OK! But the thought of all those horny women And one man! OH YEAH! That's Me!........100 % OF READING ENJOYMENT BYE Greg! Love you all! BYE

kjohns2001kjohns2001almost 9 years ago
OMG...Sooooo good!!!!!!

My only complaint is that I would have liked to have been able to read more about the time between the last scene on the ship and the time at the end. Perhaps that will be covered in other sections, I hope so anyway. In any case this is now one of my favorite stories. I can easily see spinoff stories based on how what happened would affect the space fleet. Would they charge the rules, and would they make it mandatory for a better distribution of the sexes on all ships? Then too perhaps the society would ease up on its condemnation of real sex. There are just so many possibilities here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Thank you

An excellent spin on the "Damaged ship lost in space" scenario again thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Great Story

It'd suck if your the last guy in the fleet who keeps the real sex tradition alive. I liked it but I wished it talked about everyone else. A ten year jump guess they ran into trouble. Good job, keep making more

zetagirlzetagirlabout 11 years ago
More than I expected

When I read the description of the story I thought it would either be about alien sex or some sort of orgy. I was expecting to skim it and move on. Instead this story offered so much more. I truly enjoyed this story. I had hoped to read about his night with the captain but, oh well. Five stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
This was a great story!

This was a great story! Very well done! I am going to go through your whole library to see if you have any more in this genre, but none the less, very, very, well done. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great work this

Just because you ended it like this doesn't mean u can't keep going set it up like a flashback to certain important parts like when they reached the planet and do exactly what you just did. Fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Fantastic Story

You painted a great world, but I would have liked to see more, especially the story of them first finding the world and setting up on it.

KojoteKojoteover 13 years ago
Thank you!

I liked that very much.

It's special and different. In a very good way.

I'd liked to read about every single one of the first times. Somehow I think it wouldn’t have been repetitive.

And I like the points of view regarding VR. Very interesting!

You made it to my favorites immediately with this one. ;-)

Can wait to figure out if I like your other stories, too…

mechmanasmechmanasabout 15 years ago
love it

very nice story i loved the flow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

more please.

OleTroubadorOleTroubadorabout 16 years ago

Good SF writing is always about the interaction of people. Good plot, nice twist to set up justification for lots of sex. Good character development. I really would like to read sequels to this. Now to explore whatever else you have written here.

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