Flirting With The Visitor, Ch. 01


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That and she could feel her stomach flipping a little as Lincoln looked at her. He was a beautiful man, and his eyes glinted in the light, so intense yet friendly. And he was complimenting her while she still felt hot for her boyfriend. It was enough to make her shy again!

"So, Melody, is it?" James' best friend asked, and Melody nodded. He grinned at her at that, and Melody felt her breath catch at such a wonderful sight. He WAS attractive! But she was no schoolgirl, so she admonished herself and sat up straighter. "What is it you do here?"

"Psychology." She answered with a calm voice, that in no way reflected the unsettled feeling she had from being the focus of this man's attention.

"Nice! I bet you can read all kinds of things into how I'm feeling right now?" Lincoln asked, and Melody felt herself relax a little.

He was interested in what she did, and he genuinely seemed to care. Handsome and sweet? As well as being her boyfriend's best friend? What luck to find a man such as this?

"Some. I can usually tell with James. But you're still a mystery to me yet. It'll take some time. Maybe by the time you're leaving." She replied warmly and James laughed at that.

Lincoln looked between them for the joke.

"She'll be analysing you in two days and have your every thought laid bare in three." James said lovingly and this time Melody laughed softly.

It was true. She WAS good at her work.

"I better be careful what I think about you then." Lincoln replied to her and gave her a playful wink.

He could have meant anything, and it was probably how horny she was feeling, but Melody caught a little flirtation in his eyes as he said those words and winked at her. She could have been mistaken, but she was sure she had seen it in his light-green eyes when he had spoken.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with a little flirting, Melody supposed, she was attractive, she knew, and it had been just friendly banter. Not to mention that James was sitting right next to Lincoln. It just surprised her, that was all. This very attractive man casually making a flirty remark.

She was sure there was nothing to it. She was just a little taken aback for a second. Enough to blush lightly again.

James didn't notice the wink or her reaction towards it, but he paid no mind to what his friend said, probably not even noticing that it COULD be taken flirtily.

"I'm sure there'll only be nice things in your mind." Melody said neutrally, but with a smile to show she was being friendly.

She didn't want Lincoln to think she was flirting back. Even if the thought occurred to her when she looked at his handsome face.

She wasn't blind! And flirting was harmless. Just not in front of her boyfriend. That would be disrespectful. But she wasn't going to flirt with this man anyway! Damn her horniness. Why couldn't Lincoln have arrived an hour later!

"I'll try to make sure of it." Lincoln replied, and then smirk-grinned at her.

That simpering smile struck Melody again as flirtatious, but Lincoln looked back to James with it on his face just after, so how could he be flirting? Still, she was sure that's what it had meant.

Again, she was a hot young woman, and this man who could be with any woman - and probably was! - would easily notice her when she was the only female around. But still, he hadn't been here five minutes yet and he was already flirting with her? She couldn't blame him, but still!

"I bet she puts you on your best behaviour, ah?" Lincoln asked James as Melody's boyfriend sat grinning at them both.

"She keeps me on my toes. But luckily, I have nothing to hide and she knows it. That and we trust each other completely." James responded earnestly, and Melody felt her heart warm to her boyfriend.

He was so sweet.

"So, how did you earn a beautiful, intelligent woman like Melody, then?" Lincoln asked good-naturedly as he sat back into the sofa.

Melody felt her stomach flip again at the compliments - he could even do that without looking at her! This man was too attractive (both physically and personality-wise) for his own good.

"Just by being my boring old self. I have no idea what she sees in me, but I'm grateful that she does." James replied humbly and Melody smiled warmly at him.

"Oh, James, you know there's a thousand and one reasons why I love you! You're the best catch around here yourself." She said lovingly to her boyfriend and James returned her smile with a caring one of his own.

"Aww, you two are adorable!" Lincoln announced as he looked between the two of them. "How long have you been together, now?"

"Two years." They both answered at the same time.

"Two years and this is only the first time I'm meeting you?" Lincoln said to Melody in astonishment.

Melody smiled at that in response.

"I'm going to have to leave a more lasting impression on you so it's not so long until next time." Lincoln said with a grin on his face and a sparkle in his eyes.

Once more Melody felt that he was being a little more than just friendly, but she couldn't work out how, so she dismissed the thought.

"I'm sure you'll manage just fine." She meant it encouragingly, but that twinkle in her boyfriend's best friend's eyes turned to amusement, and for a second Melody thought that she may have said something she didn't mean.

She couldn't work out what, though, so she figured she was just being silly and horny. Lincoln was likely amused at her naiveness at how memorable he really was! Which was partly true...

The conversation continued for a little while, with polite back-and-forth between Lincoln and James, while both included Melody in their long-term friendship banter. Which was nice to not be forgotten when two friends came together, and she was the odd one out.

But then the conversation turned to the graduation ball.

"I'm thinking of wearing a kilt, to be honest." James said in answer to Lincoln's question about what he would be wearing.

"Whoa! Are you going to go 'true Scots' or not?" Lincoln asked, sounding impressed.

Melody looked at James, clearly confused as to what his best friend meant.

James noticed and smiled back at her lovingly.

"'True Scots' means without wearing underwear." He said, and Melody nodded with a dumbfounded expression on her face. "But I don't think I'm brave enough for that. What if a wind blows the kilt up? Or someone thinks it'd be a funny prank to yank it up?"

Lincoln laughed at that, and Melody smiled to herself in amusement, hiding it behind her delicate hand.

"Then you get to feel the wind blow over 'ya baws'!" Lincoln put on a terrible Scottish accent as he chuckled to himself.

"And everyone gets to see everything? No thanks!" James chimed in, smirking to himself.

"You have nothing to hide, do you, Jamie? Nothing you're ashamed of?" Lincoln asked playfully and James reddened slightly.

Not taking that as his answer, Lincoln looked over to Melody.

"Does he, Mel?" He asked her and it was Melody's turn to blush.

She looked at James for what to do and saw only embarrassment in his eyes. But this was Lincoln, his best friend, he didn't hide anything from him.

Melody felt the need to protect her boyfriend, and so she spoke up...

"He has nothing to be embarrassed about at all. He could shame half the guys at this university!" She said, going further than intended under Lincoln's amused eyes. He had such big, pretty green eyes! And they were full of intent and blazing laughter right then!

"Woah-ho! You been hiding the 'weapon of mass destruction' under there? No wonder you and Melody have been together so long!" Lincoln jibed and both James and Melody blushed crimson.

It was not that they were prudes. They just weren't used to being so...blatant...about everything.

"Not that..." James began, but Melody knew what 'that' would make his best friend think! So, she jumped in.

"He has enough for me. And himself." She spoke up, and Lincoln looked between the two of them.

James gave her a sweet, loving look, whereas Lincoln gazed wide-eyed and amused between them.

"Swiftly going back to the subject...I think I'd rather keep my modesty, and I don't trust people at this university to not pull a prank on me. Better to be prepared!" James said to his best friend, and Lincoln nodded.

Melody felt her cheeks heat again at the sordid subject, especially because she was still sort of horny for that very thing, but quickly it began to die down as Lincoln focused on James.

That didn't last long, however.

"What about you, Mel? What are you going to wear?" Lincoln asked, and a playfulness entered his eyes as he turned to her.

James couldn't see it, but the twist of the corner of his lips gave it away, Melody was sure of it! He was flirting with her! Or was he? He could still be feeling playful from the previous conversation, after all. Whatever it was it made Melody's stomach flip for a second with his beaming eyes on her and that beautiful face focused on her.

"Erm, I don't know yet." She said, admitting the truth, but also not knowing what to say given the way he looked at her.

"She hasn't decided. She wants it to be a surprise for me though, she said." James chimed in and Melody gave him a lovingly withered look.

"So, you have no idea?" Lincoln asked as he looked back at her from glancing at her boyfriend.

His eyes seemed more intent. More playful.

Melody shook her head slightly and ignored the flipping in her stomach. She was not attracted to him, but damn he had no right being that pretty!

"I tell you what, I'll go shopping with you, and I'll pick something out for you to impress James with. Promise." Lincoln said suddenly, and suavely.

His tone said this was a wonderful, if unexpected, idea. His eyes bored deep into hers and flashed a hint of amused playfulness.

Was he flirting with her? She wasn't sure.

Either way Melody looked over at her boyfriend who, looking genuinely surprised, looked between her and Lincoln.

"Just think about it, you can find something that you know will impress him - with yours and my combined knowledge of Jamie we'll be able to find the perfect thing! - and have a fun day out doing it!" Lincoln said happily, and for all things innocently. Except for his eyes when they focused on her.

What was in those eyes?

"I don't know what to say..." Melody began, but Lincoln jumped in.

"There's nothing to say, it's a great idea!" He announced jovially.

"What do you think, babe?" Melody asked James.

Her boyfriend blinked and looked at her, a smile spreading on his face.

"I think it's a great idea!" He said finally. Which he would, now she thought of it. His best friend and girlfriend getting along and planning a surprise for him? What was not to like?

Turning to Lincoln, Melody smiled a small smile.

"If you think it'd be a good idea. I guess we could." She said and suddenly Lincoln's eyes became intent.

"I can just see it now...the perfect outfit for you..." He said gazing over her until Melody began to feel a little uncomfortable.

He was looking at her as if he was seeing her in something, but that glint in his eyes hadn't changed, and Melody had the feeling whatever it was he had in mind to impress James it may not be for the graduation ball!

She blushed a little at that and looked over at her boyfriend. James was grinning at her as if he too could see her in some fancy outfit.

She wasn't sure Lincoln saw her in that same way. Was he flirting with her or was that just her imagination? Was he like this with everyone? She had no way of knowing. She'd never met the man before!

"We'll see what we can find." Melody said dismissively, though politely, not sure what to think.

She didn't mind people flirting with her - in fact it was nice, usually. It meant that she still had that jazz that went with being good looking. But she wasn't even certain Lincoln WAS flirting with her. After all, James was in the same room. Why would he flirt with her in front of her boyfriend? Maybe he was just making her the butt of some joke that she didn't get? Something James and him shared?

She had no idea. There was just something about his eyes.

"Oh, I'll find you something spectacular." Lincoln said and smiled at her.

Melody felt her breathing quicken at that smile. Lincoln's eyes lit up with pleasure as he saw her smile faintly - she didn't know what else to do!

Fortunately, James came to her rescue with a change of subject.

"Well, I look forward to it. But one thing that I DO notice now is that we don't have any drinks. Anyone want one?" Melody's boyfriend asked good-humouredly.

"I'll have one!" She answered, thinking about how much she could do with a drink right about now with Lincoln watching her with his imagination going on gods knew what.

"Me too, mate." Lincoln finally said as he tore his eyes away from Melody.

She felt relief at not being the centre of his attention. He was just too attractive to be smiling at people like that!

"Three beers, coming right up." James announced as he stood up.

Melody smiled at him warmly and got a loving look in return. Then her sweet boyfriend of two years made his way into the kitchen.

He wasn't gone ten seconds when Lincoln's attention, quite naturally seeing as she was the only other person in the room, turned back to her.

"I look forward to hanging out with you more." He said sweetly, but his eyes glowed with mischief as he looked at her.

Melody didn't know what to say for a moment - his eyes couldn't have meant more, could they? But it was his focused attention that had her stuttering for words. The man really was too bloody attractive for his own good!

"Me too." She said softly and just as friendly.

Lincoln smiled at her warmly. Melody's heartbeat quickened at that.

"You know, I think you and I are really going to get along, Mel. I think we're going to have a lot of fun together. With and without James." Lincoln said, and Melody felt her heart skip a beat and her stomach flutter.

What did he mean by that last!? Why would she be with him without James? His eyes held hers attentively and Melody suddenly felt her heart racing.

He WAS flirting with her! She was sure of it. That changed her whole world with Lincoln right then and there.

He was flirting with front of her boyfriend too. Probably because that was just how he was naturally. He no doubt got a lot of women's attention, and he probably flirted all the time, even if those women weren't single. He probably meant no harm by it either. With a guy that looked like Lincoln did it was all just probably part of the course.

That said, to have someone flirting with her made Melody feel good about herself. Oh, she didn't NEED anyone to flirt with her - she had James after all - but it was still flattering. And when it was someone who looked like Lincoln...well, that was just even more flattering.

Then to have someone flirting so brazenly with her in front of her boyfriend, that just shocked Melody. But it also strangely made her stomach flutter a little. Maybe because she was still horny from earlier. Whatever it was, she didn't dislike the feeling.

Not that she wanted Lincoln to flirt with her or anything. It was just...nice to know. Especially when he really could have any girl he wanted. And the way he was looking at her, with those amused eyes that glinted that he approved of her and how she looked...when she wasn't even dressed up or anything...well, that just made her feel even more flattered.

She was sure now though. But she wanted to be certain he was flirting with her, so she decided to test him.

"I think we're going to get along too. We're going to have a lot of fun together." She said a little playfully to see if he would bite. She even furnished him with a small, impish smile that wasn't too brazen but was a little playful. That way she could just say she was being friendly if it turned out she was wrong.

Lincoln's eyes glinted and he laughed - a sound that sent a shiver down Melody's spine and a flutter to her already butterfly-ed stomach.

"I think you and I could have a lot of fun, Mel." Lincoln said insinuatingly and Melody felt herself be shocked.

There was no hiding the innuendo in his words or his gaze at that, as good-natured as it was and as friendly as he was just being. He was definitely flirting with her!

That sent Melody into a tizzy. What was she to do with the fact that her boyfriend's best friend was flirting with her? Had James picked up on it? Of course, he wasn't here right now for the blatant words that his friend had said, but still! His best friend was flirting with her!

Part of Melody felt good about that. Lincoln was damn good-looking and the fact that he knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to go after it, even if she was his best friend's, was something flattering. And Lincoln's cocksure and out-going nature just seemed intoxicating to Melody - it was something she admired - but she couldn't get over that this was her boyfriend's best friend! Who she had only met a few minutes before!

Flirting with her? He hardly knew her! In fact, he didn't know her! That meant that he must like the way she looked - and she wasn't even dressed up or showing anything revealing or clingy!

Now THAT flattered her, to think that she was good-looking enough to have Lincoln's attention right away. Of course, Melody knew that she was attractive, but she didn't think anything of it usually. She always had guys' attention; she just took it as normal. But to have it so quickly, and from someone like Lincoln, that was a whole new level of unexpected.

Lincoln probably couldn't help himself, she thought, because she was attractive, even if she did think so herself. But to flirt with her so soon and so brazenly, not to mention in front of James, was just something else.

Melody decided to test him further.

"Well, I'll look forward to our little shopping spree then." She said playfully in response, trying to hide how she was feeling on edge from all this so suddenly.

Lincoln leaned back into his seat and grinned.

Was he going to be as brazen as she thought he would?

"We'll have a lot of fun looking for the perfect outfit for you. But I'm sure we can have some before then." He said insinuatingly, yet surprisingly nuancedly.

Melody was surprised he had been so adept at not being a creep. She had opened up the conversation to all kinds of responses and he had deftly avoided being outright while implying a lot more.

That was enough for her. He was definitely flirting with her; she was sure of it.

Not that there was anything wrong with a little flirting. She WAS an attractive woman and he a good-looking man. These things happened when two magnetic people were around each other. It was just...unexpected. And to be done in front of her boyfriend!

Somehow that latter just made Melody's stomach flutter a little more. The brazenness of it all! And the fact that she was already horny.

All of that mixed together to make Melody relax a little. It was perfectly normal for Lincoln to flirt with her. And he was super attractive and out-going, so it was also normal for her to flirt back. She wasn't blind, as she had thought earlier on! She could recognise a nice guy and his attention, and she could be a little playful in return. It was just harmless fun. And it really was just being friendly.

She loved James, and she didn't think Lincoln meant anything else by it other than harmless flirting. He just saw a woman he liked and found attractive. It was really kind of complimenting.

That made Melody feel good about herself, and she decided to relax a little about Lincoln. He was just being an attractive guy who was used to flirting with women.

Her stomach fluttered, but only because he kept looking at her in that handsome way of his. But she suddenly felt herself relax and feel a kinship with her boyfriend's best friend.