Floret's Insect Experiences Ch. 03

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Floret's time of bug birth has come, in the middle of class!
6.2k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/17/2024
Created 07/13/2023
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Floret twirled the small, but pretty daffodil between her fingers, students passing by took note -questioning gazes, side eyes and snickers plentiful.

Men, women, students from lower and the same year as her, turned up their noses. Nothing good would come out of associating with her. Even some teachers Floret passed, seemed to flinch, which they hid well, but she could see it in their eyes.

The yellow bloom's beauty didn't make up for its utter commonness. It would have almost been an achievement in itself to choose a more paltry flower to graduate with.

A common theme among those who graduated with a daffodil, was how they all had moved out of town the same year. Well, driven out or forced to leave, would be more accurate. Expected of the shame brought by the third most common flower, getting a job here, with a lowly status like that, would be near impossible.

Everyone's totally going to gossip about this. Nobody will be none the wiser, until I show up at graduation with the flower instead.

I tried to look defeated, dejected, but I had a hard time keeping a straight face, to not giggle thinking of my scheme. They were sure to fall for it too, after all, I had the misfortune of being among the very last ones to be able to claim a flower. As always, a luck of the draw was sure to end in my defeat, misfortune seemed to stick to me like honey. No wonder I had ended up back here in my parent's home town in the end too...

"Class F, fulfilling their namesake this year too." A group of students from class A chuckle with spiteful smiles.

"Floret and the Failures." They erupt in laughter.

Their mocking brings a smile to my face, I resist making an over the top show of running past them with fake sobbing. To drive their ego's even higher, only to crush it even more completely, not even their class had a 'new' -rarity flower this year.

I was getting restless and too excited to continue my sad parade around the school halls, if somebody actually stopped to talked to me, I wasn't sure I'd be convincing.

Surely, I had made unfortunate situation well known enough, I headed towards class, with further feigned surrender to navigate the crowded hallways.

If there was a shame bigger than graduating with a common flower, already used in another year, it was graduating with the same flower as another one on your year. Of course, my class had drawn the last place too, so they were all my brothers and sisters in misfortune. The last ones of the entire damn year to get to pick our flowers. Considering how I had over two hundred peers, most flowers from uncommon to rare were sure to be picked before our turn.

I opened the classroom door.


Pulling a chair at the back, I lay down my backpack and get seated on the hem of my dress, a bright pink and a bit longer one than usual. Of course, laid with flower prints, this time with white lily of the valley's.

My older outfit hadn't survived the trip to the forest very well... Plus it was still drying, along with my swiss-flashlight I had also washed accidentally with it. A family heirloom, my parents would surely be furious to find out I had broken it, if it never decided to work again.

Holding onto hope, it would recover after a good rest in the heat of the towel drying pipes. Maybe I'd be able to evade another tirade for their wayward daughter...

I stare at the daffodil on the school desk, it would have been a real miracle for me to show up with anything else than a selection of the most common flowers today. A miracle, I had manage to make happen, though only through my parents knowledge... and my own perseverance.

One could fortunately change flowers after the picking day, if they managed to find some not already taken later. Considering how graduation was this week, if you hadn't taken the initiative to do the drying yourself, this was among the last possible moments to do it.

In the past, others had arrived to the graduation with unique and new flowers without announcing their change officially. I'd be one of those, join in the shock factor of bringing a completely new flower, the highest on the rarity scale. And not just any flower at that either.

I shift my posture, my stomach feeling burdened and uncomfortable. It really didn't like how I had messed up my eating schedule for having slept in the forest, huh?

Damn, it must really be angry, it looks almost swollen. Ugh... I'll just try and manage this class, it's only a few minutes till start anyway.

I try to think of other things, to take my mind off of my aching and burdening insides.

Should I tell Iris of my plans? I remembered that she's not in this class, she already has her flower's drying underway. And she's busy with practicing her singing to perform at the graduation too.

What would Jasmine think? No I don't dare to talk to her yet... at least of that. Though I think I should soon confess to her... Before we go our separate ways.

A tiny fruit fly takes off from inside of my daffodil. Escaped just before your doomsday, huh? Before its housing is crushed, dried or cooked.

It reminds me of that unsettling dream, though I can't help but be aroused by it again.

I hope that didn't awaken something weird in me...

Carefully slipping my hand underneath my dress, I brush a finger through my pink panties, with a sunflower stitching at the front. I flinch at how sensitive I was, even a small touch made me squirm.

There was nobody around, I still have a few moments before class starts... I run two fingers down my skin beneath my dress.

Damn, my stomach did really feel tight...

Regardless, I continue down my clothed landing strip and sink the tips of my fingers inside. The panties bend and sinking between my hot lips.


I shoot upright from my slouching position in a panic.

How could I completely miss the teacher entering! She stood at the door with a conflicted look on her face.

Shit! D-did she see me...

I... I hope she did-


"Y-yes Mistress Garcia?"

"Just call me Gloria already, will you?" She answers annoyed.

"Fine, Gloria... what is it?"

"Listen Floret..." Her gaze wanders through the classroom, she looks uneasy as she rubs her arm.

Oh no, here it comes!

"It's about..." Gloria shakes her head and sighs instead of continuing the sentence.

"Never mind."

The bell rings and she just walks up to her desk and takes a seat, setting her handbag down.

Oh god this is the worst... I feel so dirty...

It's definitely the 'unable to run away' that really takes the edge out of getting caught...

Students steadily flood through the door and take seats in the classroom. The room outfitted with ovens, microwaves and bags of cat litter, just for this occasion.

"Hi Floret!" An acquaintance greets me and sits left of me.

"Oh Daisy, what flower did you bring?"

She takes out a clear jar from her bag and shows me a cosmos.

Even though her name was Daisy, bringing her namesake was out of the question, instead she had picked the pink, small flower with frilly petals and a yellow flower head in the middle. A classic, and quite a safe bet. Her picking turn was at about halfway at our class, so bringing an uncommon flower was fair.

Those who didn't care so much about status could get away with rare or uncommon ones. Treading in the forest to look for more special flowers wasn't easy by any means.

The forest was deemed a conservation area and was growing wild and free for it. Only the students of the school had a special permission to pick flowers there for their graduation due to the tradition.

Any other kind of destruction or even beating down the underbrush was highly illegal. There was only one known instance when some of the foliage had been cut and that was to get to a stranded student. The rescuers had to resort to such extreme measures to reach the location of the girl, as she had fallen and broken her leg. A helicopter rescue or any other advanced tactic was out of the question, as that would 'harm the forest'.

That poor girl would never have been found, if she hadn't been able to call for help with her phone to steer the rescuers her way.

That past event had been occupying my dreams and mind, since my late night forest incursion. My head was adamant to hammer in, just how stupidly unprepared I was yesterday, I could have been the next bit of tragic news.

"Did you really bring a daffodil?" Daisy's disbelief breaks me from my lament, her slightly puffy and round, bespectacled face, usually garnering much warmer expressions.

"You could have bothered bringing even a tulip, or a poppy. Is that really all you could find?"

"Yes? Don't worry about me, I'll manage." I answer with a big bright smile, causing her to smile too. I literally just picked it off the roadside when I came in this morning.

"Settle down class and let's get started." Gloria loudly gets the rowdy and excited class under control, everyone was thrilled to show off their flowers, regardless of the unfortunate circumstances befalling class F.

Gloria proceeds to call out each student's names in the luck-drawn order, they each show their flower and name it when its their turn.

There were a few upsets when two people brought the same flower and the latter student had to resort to their back up, but nothing too unfortunate.

Mostly the class was quiet, only a few 'oohh's' and 'aaah's' when it came to the rare ones, they knew better than to laugh and call names, even when it came my turn. We were all in this together, the last class of school to be given the choice.

A special strain of aster, tiger lily and snowdrop, only three super rares?

Damn its been rough for others too...

And just two Extraordinary -rarity flowers in our class, a hibiscus and a bird of paradise, not a single miraculous one.

Don't give in to despair yet my peers, Class F will be remembered, I'll make sure of it! In my patriotic fervor, I raise my hand in a fist against my breast and gallantly pose without realizing it. Daisy gives me a confused, if not amused, sideways glance, I sheepishly smile back.

Gloria starts the lecture: "As you all know, or should know, flowers are commonly dried in five different ways: Air drying, Microwaving, Sinking them in desiccant, baking or pressing them. The latter destroys the presentability of most flowers, we won't be doing it today with any of yours.

In the same vein, air drying is also too time consuming for the timeframe we have, so if you wanted to do that, I hope you've already started on your own.

Gloria clicks her tongue. "Well, guess not, since you're here after all."

She manages to lure out a few empty chuckles from the downcast class, we all tried to power through the misfortune as best as we could. Having your three years of studying be sullied forever by bad luck, left some of us rightfully bitter.

"Joking aside, today we will mostly be focusing on microwaving with desiccant and 'baking' them in the oven. Though it is possible to just dry flowers in a container and bury them into the drying agent, this is mostly done for very large flowers.

Ah! So that's what I can do for my Corpse Lily?

"However, again, it also takes too long for the time we have."

Damn it! ...Maybe it's fine to just dry it a little bit before bringing it?

"Baking is the fastest, though you may lose many petals in the process and some color, but it only takes about an hour. Microwaving is slower over all, due to flower needing to rest in the desiccate for another 24 hours after the treatment. And do note, we don't have that many microwaves available, but you are free to take some of the litter with you, if you wish to do it at home."

Hmm, I doubt they'll let me take a whole bag of litter... I'll probably have to buy some myself...

I adjust my position and notice how my stomach suddenly touches the table.

The feeling of fullness and weight had been building up, but I didn't realize my stomach was... expanding?

It's like I'm pregnant!

"Consider your flower's size, their petals and structure and pick the best option for you. Now that you know the basics, let's get started!"

The students immediately swarm the containers, microwaves and ovens, preparing their flowers and reserving equipment. Some also gather around Gloria to ask questions, who has stood up and is making her way through them, to assist her students.

"What are you going to do with your daffodil?" Daisy asks bright eyed.

"I-" A stirring in my stomach? No, somewhere... deeper? It feels like it just keeps on... expanding.

I'm soon gonna look like a nine month pregnant... No way my dress' looseness is able to hide it soon anymore...

I can feel it down in my hips, like a pressure building-

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I just have a stomachache" No sooner than I say that, I feel the pressure let up slightly, something comes down, slides down my vagina?

I cannot stop it, and after a moment, I wouldn't want to either. The pleasure is only slightly overshadowed by uncertainty, of just what exactly was going on.

"J-just go on ahead, I'll join you later..."

"Alright, I think you can just leave class now, you know, if you need to go." She adds with worry in her voice and gestures towards the door with her head.

"R-right, I just might." I respond and smile a little too wide, the sensation of something moving inside was building up.

Daisy goes on ahead without me, smiling warmly back at me briefly.

Something reaches the end and exits, carrying with it some liquid that sploshes my panties instantly. Like a glass of spilled water, it soaks me and pools onto my chair.

The unknown in my panties seems alive, it struggles and wiggles, pressed against my pussy lips, I feel it slap them around and squirm in between. A feeling of more of them starting to come down, like a plug had been broken.

Suddenly it all dawns on me.

Was it not a dream?

I-I'm pregnant! A cold sweat of fear and arousal builds up on my skin, as I look around the class.

I need to get out of here! Tensing my muscles, I try to get up.

Oohhh! It only serves to push a new wave of... of insects from inside. A stream of larvae flows quickly through my canals and straight into my underwear. The feeling of relief in my tight stomach skin is immense.

My panties were starting to fill up, bulging and stretching the fabric, it longer touched my thighs from the sides.

No no no no!

Not here!

They just keep on coming!

The bugs in my womb, there's no stopping them!

I hear a 'plop' -sound.

A larva dropped down from my overflowing panties onto the floor, a wet splatter of brown insect juice and my liquids around it.

Dreading the outcome, I glance at my classmates, they don't seem to have noticed.

My breath quickens and I am forced to start breathing through my mouth, my nasal breath was too hot for my skin.

Something big pushes against my cervix from inside of my urethra.

Mhhhmhhh! I muffle myself as it tries to push through, looking around if anyone heard me, I see Daisy talk with Gloria.

The teacher nods, her hand holding her own hip as she glances at me.

Oh shit! Daisy don't attract any more attention to me!

Gloria takes a step towards me, but stops, she holds her stomach and takes support from a nearby desk.

Was her stomach always that big, had she really let herself go?

No no no, no time for that! Something still presses hard against my hatch, closing in on painful.

Okay, time to get out of here, now. While I can still keep them in my underwear.

I tense my muscles and attempt to rise.

The pressure releases. "Hoooaaah." I can only gasp and fall back down on the chair.

The unknown object rams through my tunnel like a freight train and smashes into my panties. Already at max capacity and spread to such tensile strength, it can take no more. It rips through my panties, breaking them in half and loudly splattering a mess of larvae on the floor. The unknown object, clonks down and bounces.

An egg?

No... a cocoon?

Hitting the ground again, the cocoon shatters, revealing a beautiful butterfly. A deep silence, lasting eons falls in class.

Only the humming of the microwave can be heard, which shortly ends with a sharp *pling!*, too.

The butterfly takes flight, some students follow it with their gaze. Others, stare at the larvae let loose on the floor, and the shreds of my stained underwear around my feet.

Oh god stop looking!

I cover my face with my hands.

A storm brews inside and a much greater force now pushes to get through again.

"Ahhh!" Cocoons coated in larvae shoot out and shatter on the floor, the butterflies revealed from inside take flight.

Wide-eyed, the students witness this mind boggling event. Gloria folds further against the desk and her crotch spurts out a flood onto the floor.

Her hands seem to disappear underneath her long dress.

Further sploshes and a cocoon crack is heard from underneath her long hem, larvae and butterflies start crawling around her feet.

She breaths heavily, her mouth hanging open.

"What is happening!?" The voice of a male student shouts.

"T-teacher!?" Somebody yelps.

Daisy looks like she might just faint, like she's frozen, I pay her little mind.

All of these looks, their surprise and astonishment.

Their attention focused purely on us.

Oh it is such bliss!

I realize it is futile to resist, so I give in to the sensation. Closing my eyes, I focus on the squirming, on the pulsing inside of my bloated womb.

Like in labor, I push and I scream. Grabbing my boobs, massaging and pulling on them.

"Haah-haaah!" Panting I push and push, a steady stream of chrysalises shoot out for the whole duration of my breath, until I rest and breath in again. They shatter into more butterflies, their wings like rainbows.

I feel something wet on my breasts, then small feet on my shoulders, on my hands and hair. Opening my eyes I can see the colorful butterflies starting to land on me. They flutter and gather especially around my increasingly wet breasts.

A strange smell of milk hits my nose.

Am I... lactating?!

Through my thin dress, a long proboscis tube stabs through and pokes at my areola and nipple. After careful maneuver and sensual poking, it finds the source of the milk and inserts the tube inside my nipple. The long member navigates through my ducts, a completely new and amazing feeling takes me over.

I feel a sucking sensation as it finds my mammary glands, newly filled with my own milk.

Yes my children, drink deep!

It's all for you!

"Ahhaahhaha!" An unhinged laughter escapes me, as they tickle my unexplored depths.

My right breast is punctured too, another suckling latching on.

Come, come!

I will nurse you all!

I've stopped paying attention to my surroundings completely, who cares if everyone sees this joy It's their fault for not leaving me alone with my children!

My winged spawn take turns drinking my milk, then flying away, perching to other parts of my body. I can feel something in my hair, like some small beads, they're laying eggs on me!

All over my body the small legs hold on, prod me, spray and attach their eggs to my skin, to my dress.

I keep on giving birth. Just how long could it go on for? I wonder as my stomach was slowly, but steadily getting smaller.