Flower Girl Ch. 03


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"And now he is."

Tracy smiled and echoed his phrase, "Now he is."

William rested his chin on his hand and regarded her intensely, then looked away. He had done so several times that day and Tracy imagined she could feel the heat of his gaze.

"What are you thinking?"

William grinned and answered, "Forgive me for being presumptuous, but did that relationship end in part because you felt he took you for granted?"

"Yes," Tracy answered, unnerved by her own transparency. She noticed his gaze was back on her ankle. They enjoyed a period of silence that was not uncomfortable, but then Tracy spoke, "I just remembered that I have flowers at home. From you." She tilted her face down and peaked over her glasses.

William stared at her intently again, a penetrating and unnerving gaze focused on her mouth that prompted Tracy to say, "What is it William?"

"How long will I be tortured by those lips without tasting them?"

Tracy withdrew her breath in surprise, and then licked her bottom lip before speaking softly and slowly, "I might be a little bit of a tease, but I don't wish to torture you. Go ahead. Taste them."

They were sitting across from each other, with a small table between them and their knees touching. William moved slowly and methodically as he placed his hand under her chin, keeping eye contact with her the entire time as he drew her closer with his hand. He brought his lips to hers very gently and met her lips with a soft tender kiss. He did not pull away completely, their faces were very close, and he paused. Tracy hoped he would kiss her again, but he stayed where he was, then he slowly pulled away and looked at her. It was the sweetest and most frustrating kiss she had ever experienced; perfect and yet completely unsatisfying, for as soon as it ended, she wanted it to start again. Tracy kept eye contact and swallowed while reminding herself to breathe. William's kiss had sent a current through her entire being and it was all she could do not to crawl over the table and pounce on him.

William was grinning and still staring at her face, and Tracy looked flustered. He waited for her to speak.

Tracy bit her bottom lip and looked around before whispering, "I think you are the one who is a tease."

"And you might be the impatient one," William laughed, a sexy laugh that prompted Tracy to make a pseudo-angry expression.

"I'm supposed to be the sexy one!" she pouted with her lips out.

"We will take turns," he teased, pleased at the shift in power since he had felt overwhelmingly at her mercy all morning long. Then he placed a hand at the back of her neck and pulled her close to whisper in her ear in a serious tone, "You are so fucking sexy I can hardly stand it."

Then he released her and kept staring to see her reaction. Tracy was flushed. Both drinks were empty and William casually asked in his normal tone, "Would you like to continue?"

"Of course," Tracy stood and accepted his elbow again, acting natural but hoping he didn't notice her trembling. She tried to regain her composure and distracted herself by concentrating on several paintings. Eventually she felt comfortable again and when she saw they were near the restrooms, she said she needed to make a stop. William did the same and they agreed to meet outside.

While Tracy was in the stall, she heard a woman come in who speaking on her cell phone. It wasn't the first time Tracy heard someone continue a conversation into a bathroom stall, but she found it appalling. She overheard the woman say, "Yes, he's here. I took a chance that he might be since he asked me to bring him that book, and sure enough he's here with a woman!" She paused momentarily before saying, "No! I mean, well, maybe. But she's weird looking. Big ugly glasses and tattoos all over her arm."

Tracy continued to listen. She felt no anger, just curiosity.

"Well, yes, but that doesn't mean anything." The girl flushed the toilet and Tracy cringed and thought she must be very comfortable with the person on the other end of the phone. "Yes, I will. Okay, sure. I'll call you later."

Tracy listened while the woman washed her hands and left. Tracy finished and washed her own hands, checked her own reflection in the mirror, took a moment to reapply lip gloss and then exited the restroom to find William waiting for her with a rather serious look on his face.

Tracy wasted no time saying to William, "I know I am not supposed to listen to gossip, especially in public restrooms, but apparently there is a woman here who is not happy to see you with me."

"Did she say anything to you?"

"No, not to me. Just about me, into the phone."

William's face turned to anger and he said, "That explains why she looked so flustered and barely said hello before scurrying away. She must have realized you were in the restroom and heard what she said. She is never that quick to go away."


"No," William laughed, his face softening, "A volunteer at the library. And I am sorry you were subjected to her nonsense."

Tracy laughed and said, "Oh, no need to apologize. Shall we carry on?"

"Certainly," William responded, placing his hand on the small of her back and to guide her through the thickening crowd.

Tracy was accustomed to receiving prolonged glances from strangers, but always attributed it to her manner of dress. She had been focused on the art all morning, but since the incident in the bathroom she had become conscious of people stealing glances at her and William. In fact, she was noticing all the looks William got from not only women, but men as well.

She mentioned it to William, "Are you used to turning so many heads, William?"

He laughed and said, "I am not, but I am also not used to being in the company of such a striking woman."

"Oh, it's not just me William. Women check you out, and men do too."

William looked surprised and said, "Well...I don't wish to argue with you Tracy, but I don't have this effect when I am alone."

Tracy suppressed a grin. William was handsome and well dressed, but she knew he had a presence, the way he moved with confidence. In fact, she found it very disarming. Almost as disarming as the art exhibit they had just entered on erotic art. The exhibit was full of New Yorkers, Tracy observed, confident that she could discern them from the tourists, and it would make sense that they came out to see the new exhibit. Tracy read the placard about the artist Bartholomeus Spranger, and walked around regarding the paintings. She did not spend much time on it and William asked her about it as they left room.

"Oh, it wasn't really my taste."

William listened with great interest, "Go on."

"Well, the art itself was fine, but the subject matter was not very erotic, or at least not to my taste."

William remained silent, inviting her to continue.

"I didn't care for how the males were portrayed as either beast or demons. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I just don't find a man with hairy animal legs or devil horns sexy. It was all symbolism anyway, but it is funny how they attach the work 'erotic' to an exhibit and it draws crowd."

William laughed, and Tracy spoke again, "I mean I am not a prude or anything. I love erotic art, but I'm on a different wavelength than old 'Bartholomeaus Spranger."

"And what would be more to your liking, Tracy."

Tracy thought for a second and said, "Well, I love paintings, but when it comes to erotic art, I think I actually prefer photography. You know; tasteful black and white photos of real people. I actually have a collection."

"I would love to see it," William said a little too quickly and regretted his eagerness.

Tracy grinned coyly and said, "Well, yes. I think it might be more revealing of my taste than my writing. What I write is not autobiographical, you know."

"Of course."

Tracy's expression changed and she looked in thought for a second before saying, "I hope you were not expecting me to be a Dominatrix!" She laughed, and then added, "Or a hooker. Sorry, I guess that was ridiculous, but some might assume I was writing from personal experience."

"Tracy," William said calmly and assuredly, "I understand that your writing is fiction. I did not assume it reflects on your taste or experience. "

"Well...maybe parts of it," Tracy whispered.

William smiled and did not feel a need to answer. Why interrupt a woman while she is talking about sex? Then a dark cloud passed over his face as he saw Melissa staring from across the room.

"Would you mind if we step outside for moment?"

"I think that is a great idea. My retinas are exhausted," Tracy laughed.

William led Tracy to the Astor Court, an area of the museum he found especially tranquil. They sat down and William told Tracy what he knew of the courtyard, how it was modeled after the Garden of the Master of Fishing Nets in Suzhou. Tracy listened and enjoyed the opportunity to study William as he spoke of something in his area of expertise. She looked at his piercing eyes. They were brown, dark brown, so how was it that she considered them piercing? Wasn't that a term applied to blue eyes? Perhaps it was his expressions, his focus that made him so handsome. Of course there were those lips...then something caught William's eye and his expression changed to irritation.

"It is the dishonesty of intentions that irritates me the most. Let me introduce you to Melissa and acknowledge her presence." William stood and walked over to a mousy looking woman who was looking at her phone and feigned surprise when William approached her. She looked at Tracy, then back to William, and then the two of them walked back over to where Tracy was still sitting. Tracy stood and extended her hand as William very formerly introduced them, "Melissa, I would like you to meet Tracy."

"My pleasure," Tracy lied, but acted polite. Melissa had shoulder length brown hair that was parted in the middle, and an attractive if plain face. She was dressed in varying shades of beige, Tracy noted.

"Nice to meet you, I work with William at the library."

"Are you enjoying your visit today?"

"Oh, yes," Melissa answered, "I especially enjoyed the Spranger exhibit." She glanced at William. "I found those paintings so ...erotic."

"Yes, well that is how they are pitched," Tracy replied. "That definitely brought the locals out today." She stole a glance at William who was smirking, "I was fascinated by the historical aspects and the man that commissioned these paintings, the emperor Rudolf II. I would love to see his kunstkammer!"

William laughed and Melissa looked bewildered, then William said, "Well Melissa, enjoy your visit. Tracy and I have another engagement to attend."

Tracy actually felt sorry for the woman as they walked away. She obviously had it bad for William, and she certainly could not blame her, so she told William so when they were far enough out of hearing range. William stopped walking and placed both hands on Tracy's shoulders, "Don't. She is a complete twit and not to be trusted. People like that cannot be encouraged."

"Okay," she looked at William who was staring at her lips again. She thought she knew what was coming, but instead he put his forehead to hers instead and whispered, "I would really love to see your kunstkammer," and they both laughed.

Tracy suggested they see the Kadinsky paintings, since that too was a temporary exhibit. She tried to take in the art, but William was becoming a major distraction. Just his presence was unsettling enough, for there seem to be an electric charge between them, but when William allowed his arm to brush up against hers, Tracy felt overcome by the warm sensation. Is this chemistry or lust? She wondered. What is it about this man that has me completely out of my mind? Sure he is handsome, but I have dated handsome men before. No, this is definitely some type of energy he is putting out. Either that, or he has cast a spell on me.

An older woman said hello to William and he introduced her as "Mrs. Merkel, a patron of the library, and a voracious reader." Mrs. Merkel smiled at Tracy and called them a lovely couple. "Well, we must be on our way. We have another engagement," And they said goodbye.

They had been at the library several hours and Tracy asked, "William, what is this 'other engagement'? Were you just trying to get away from those women?

"Tracy I hope you have not made any other plans for today."

"No, I haven't."

"Good. While I may have had my fill of museums for today, I am nowhere close to being ready to part ways with you. In fact, I took the liberty of making dinner plans for us this evening."

"Really? Am I dressed appropriately? It's still early." Tracy wasn't used to relinquishing control.

"Do you trust me Tracy?"

"Of course," she answered without hesitation. William guided her outside, his hand gently on the small of her back that caused a yearning sensation and almost interfered with her ability to walk. He opened the door to a waiting cab and took Tracy's hand to guide her inside, then slid in beside her and gave the driver an address in Harlem. They sat closer in the cab this time, and William casually placed a hand on Tracy's knee as he looked out the window in the other direction. It gave her an opportunity to study his profile; his beard was very short, just a sliver beyond stubble, so she could see his jawline.

"Where are we going for dinner?" She asked for the second time.

"My place," William answered, "I am cooking."

Tracy swallowed. Yes, she trusted William. But did she trust herself?


Thank you very much for reading this story. Like Tracy, I am a rookie and hopeful that people will enjoy what I have written. There are six more chapters. They are all complete and will post daily. I appreciate any comment, vote, or email I receive and will respond to emails if asked. -DB

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geek_writergeek_writer11 months ago

Very intriguing and lovely to read. Hope to see more of your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

liked it!

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

I must congratulate you on this story, you have somehow crafted a story that incorporates pretty much every one of my “hot” buttons, characterisation, vocabulary, punctuation, erudition, manners and behaviour tells, I love your writing in this so far, Thank you, Ppfzz.

rayironyrayironyabout 3 years ago
Good writing, good charactrer portraits,

Your voiced insecurity is unjustified.

The creative process is inherently risky,

Gotta just shrug that off and go for it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Excellent Chapter Progression

Each a bit richer and more electric than the last.

Sak77Sak77about 6 years ago
One glich, only one

A man as erudite as William would NEVER modify the word "unique". Unique stands alone. It is a singular state of being which cannot be modified in our language. In that it is very similar to the states of being known as "pregnant" and "dead". You can't modify those either. No one is "a little dead" or "somewhat pregnant" despite our best efforts to force modifiers onto them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
It’s another 5

I love your writing. I was fortunate to read Subway Girl first, so I will experience the trilogy in the order you wrote it. It’s very unusual for me to give a story 5 stars after only reading the first two pages, but that’s what Subway Girl earned from me.

One remarkable aspect of your writing is how free of technical errors it has been. I attribute that in part to your skill as a writer and in part to excellent editing. I previously noticed no more than one such error in any given chapter. So it was striking that on first reading I noticed a half dozen in this chapter. On second reading, I found many more (listed below, in order, with suggested corrections after the slashes). Did you switch editors, or skip that step entirely this time?

-Wow, Tracy though/thought

-They were in one of their post coitus/post-coital conversations

-He gave advanced/advance notice

-Tracy thought for a few second/seconds

-He arrived at five minutes early/He arrived five minutes early

-from the front her apartment he texted Tracy/from the front of her apartment he texted Tracy

-I didn't expect to ever see that arrangement ever again/I didn't expect to ever see that arrangement again

-made his knees go week/weak

-He took a calculated look around and the room and a slow smile spread/He took a calculated look around the room and a slow smile spread

-William complemented/complimented her shop

-contemplating how sometime/sometimes a simple gesture

-Have you heard of town called Bodie/Have you heard of a town called Bodie

-William's eye caught the site of the anklet/William's eye caught sight of the anklet

-challenge a librarian to a nerd-dual/duel

-fast moving line/fast-moving line

-He noticed that upon entering certain rooms that she paused/He noticed that upon entering certain rooms, she paused

-William asked her about it as they left room/William asked her about it as they left the room

-they attach the work/word 'erotic' to an exhibit and it draws crowd/crowds [or a crowd]

-William very formerly/formally introduced them

-but instead he put his forehead to hers instead and whispered/but instead he put his forehead to hers and whispered

This is a minor criticism, and only means that this chapter, unlike earlier ones, did not surpass the technical aspects of other excellent stories on Lit. I bring it up because you seem to want constructive criticism.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful writing with us.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I love it! I love it!!!!!!

So refreshing reading this!

rightbankrightbankabout 8 years ago

it feels like we are browsing your

kabinet of kuriosities by reading this wonderful series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Wow! This is a terrific example of why most of the really good writing is in romance. Sexuality and good writing. Looking forward to more.

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