Flower Girl Ch. 08


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"And I'd be getting just as hard," he answered, as he pressed his member into her thigh emphasizing his point and removed his fingers from her mouth to kiss her.

Tracy pulled back and grinned before slithering down under the covers. Feeling William's two hands in her hair, she took him firmly in her hand and lowered her mouth deftly over him and heard him moan. No licking, no teasing, this time. Tracy went straight to deep thrusts, using her hand to squeeze him tightly. "Fuck," he whispered. Was it an expletive or a command? Her other hand dug into his butt cheek and she was being unusually aggressive, taking him deep and fast into her mouth, time and time again. Then she suddenly stopped, loosened her grip, and lightly twirled her tongue around the tip of his cock, tasting the salty precum that she milked out of him. Then she covered her teeth with her lips, made a big "O" before lowering her mouth back down on him again. Her tongue applied extra pressure along the underside of his shaft over and over with each dip of her mouth.

"Come here," William reached under her arms and pulled her back up, "I want to taste your mouth."

"What?" Tracy asked, but offered up her mouth. "You'd rather have my mouth way up here?"

"I'm lacking my usual patience," William whispered. "I've been craving your pussy all day."

"Oh my," Tracy purred as William rolled on top of her and kissed her neck while exploring between her legs with his hand. "What about Frank? Will he hear us?"

"I'll muffle your screams," William whispered, causing Tracy to laugh at his unusual playfulness. She felt him position his cock at her entrance and felt the head part her lips as he rubbed it back and forth along her slit. Tracy wiggled from below, her own craving reaching torturous levels, until she felt him press into her fully, filling her completely with his cock and she muttered without thinking, "I love your cock inside me."

"Mmmmm, not as much as I do," William whispered as he ground his hips side to side without pulling back.

Tracy gulped and began sucking the skin on his shoulder so she wouldn't cry out, for he was doing that thing that he did, rubbing her in just the right spot, seeming more mindful of making her feel good than worrying about himself. That is when she realized he wasn't just trying to impress her, that her pleasure actually was his pleasure and that this wasn't going to go away. She sucked on his skin, tasting the saltiness. She wanted to let him know how amazing he felt, but was mindful that only a thin wall separated them from his brother-in-law. William began deep thrusts and the bed made a squeaky noise and the headboard pounded the wall, "William? Can we move to the floor?"

William let out a low laugh and whispered, "If you'd be more comfortable." And he tossed the pillows on the floor and pulled out long enough for her to relocate, then mounted her again and slid back to the warm void where he was sorely missed after a momentary absence. His cock made such a satisfying return that an involuntary moan escaped her lips.

William's hand found its way to her breast and the massaging interspersed with intense pressure on her pubic bone triggered a trembling deep within her. She had to bite and suck his shoulder to keep from crying out. Her hips bucked and she wrapped her legs around his for leverage. Her hips lifted slightly off the ground as she rubbed herself into him, enjoying the motion of the circular grinding that was rubbing her so sweetly. She raised a foot even higher, bringing it behind his butt and holding her own ankle, giving him even greater access to grind himself deep inside her. Tracy continued to suck his skin, as the rubbing on her clit and intermittent pulsating pinch of a nipple was more than enough to spark the spasms of orgasmic bliss. William responded by mumbling in her ear, at times incoherently, but she heard mutterings of "love, sweet, sexy, so good...mmmm...ah...my, love, baby...mmm...yes, oh god, ...ahh." His moans of endearment overwhelmed her, as did the taste of skin, and the rotating plunging motion - she was seeing flashes of color through her eyes closed. The shuddering of her walls triggered him and they joined together in a sweet, long, orgasm that crashed like waves over and over, leaving both panting with ecstasy.

William leaned up on his elbows to kiss her face and was surprised to feel the wetness of tears on her face. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He panicked.

"No, no, I'm not hurt. Just feeling overwhelmed at how much I love you."

William sighed in relief and kissed her wet cheeks.

"I feel so vulnerable William, I'm really scared. I hate feeling needy, but I feel like I really do need you so bad."

William stopped kissing her to look in her eyes and answered, "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me. I want to feel needed."

"Really? I thought guys were repulsed by needy women?"

"You are far from needy, Tracy. In fact, you are incredibly independent, which attracts me, but also keeps me at a distance. I want to be your solace, your safe haven, the person you don't need to be strong in front of. I've tasted your vulnerability when we make love and it's beautiful, but I want more. I want you to trust me and love me with reckless abandon."

"I'm scared. I feel like I am jumping off a cliff."

"Hold my hand. I'm jumping too," William answered and kissed her lips, then leaned up to look at her face. Her eyes were half closed and a contented smile rested on her lips, then her eyes widened and she looked horrified.

"Oh crap. William!" she whispered, still mindful of Frank in the other room. "I gave you a hickey! Oh my god, I am so sorry!"

William laughed and assured her he didn't mind, that he enjoyed getting it.

"But your parents! Get up. We need to do the cold spoon trick."

William reluctantly crawled off Tracy and the pile of pillows on the floor and helped Tracy up. They both dressed and tip toed into the kitchen, where Tracy found a spoon, put it in the freezer, then turned to assess the damage. It was near the collar, probably possible to hide with makeup if he allowed her.

"Hey," Frank stood in the doorway looking disheveled in a t-shirt and boxer shorts.

"Oh, sorry. Did we wake you?" William asked.

"Nah, heard my name being called."

"Roger?" Tracy asked.

"Chips Ahoy," Frank answered, reaching up to a high shelf in the cabinet and withdrawing a pack of cookies, then looking at William said, "When the cat's away, the mouse will have refined sugar, saturated fat, and white flour. You two hungry?"

William and Tracy both shook their heads and William said, "We are trying to minimize the hickey this little minx left on my neck."

Frank looked at Tracy and said, "What, are you in high school?" But he was smiling and William had warned her that he liked to joke around, so Tracy teased back.

"If I were, he'd have a whole necklace in addition to my initials on his butt cheeks. This little mark is just the result of trying to stay quiet during the throes of passion."

Frank laughed, then glanced at William and said, "Lucky," while shaking his head. "Sure you don't want to join me?" Frank gestured to the pack of cookies and milk on the table.

"I'll have a cookie," Tracy offered and William did too.

"Good, I hate to party alone."

Tracy stood to get the spoon out of the freezer and told William to hold it as she placed the flat part on the hickey. "Boy, your parents are going to think..."

"Tom will think you're lucky," Frank interrupted, "Who knows what Lillian will think?"

"Who knows," William agreed.

"But I'm hoping they don't see it," Tracy added.

"I am a grown man," William reminded her.

"I'm not worried about what they think of you. I don't want them to think I'm a neck-sucking-pregnant-whore."

"Aren't you?" Frank laughed.

Tracy glared at Frank with mock-anger, but couldn't help laughing. She liked a guy who had the confidence to make fun of her. "Yeah. Pretty much. But a one-man-whore."

Frank laughed and called William 'lucky' for the second time, while Tracy pulled the spoon away to assess the damage and shook her head, mad at herself for leaving a mark on him, but the smile on William's face told her he couldn't care less.

* * * * *

Tracy sat on the couch trying not to let her eyes wander around too much, feeling like she was in a museum of freakish clutter. William sat very erect at her side and periodically took deep breaths. Her nausea had returned and there was an unusual smell she could not name, coupled with an empty stomach.

Lillian wore red from head to toe and behaved friendly and cheerful, despite the chaotic surroundings. There was barely room to sit on the couch due an abundance of throw pillows. Stacks of books, boxes, an easel, a sewing machine, an ironing board, a cabinet of trophies, and a tray of sea shells were caught by her discreet visual sweep of the room. "Do you paint?" she asked.

"I haven't in years, but I like to be prepared when the muse hits."

"And you sew too?"

"Yes, when I have time."

Tom smiled with his teeth slightly parted. He seemed eager in a friendly, canine manner and William finally seemed to relax some and sat back on the couch. "Can I show you Billy's trophies?"

"Sure," Tracy answered, and heard an audible groan from William.

"Billy was an amazing ball player. Did you know he got a scholarship?"

"Yes, I did in fact." Tracy looked into the case full of trophies etched with the name William Travis. She was trying to ignore her increasing queasiness and asked Tom, "Did you play baseball yourself?"

Tom smiled widely, looking delighted as he answered, "I did! But I was never as good as Billy. I'll tell you, that boy was a natural!"

"I bet he's still great," Tracy smiled towards William, who did not look horribly uncomfortable any longer. "I haven't seen him play yet, but he said I can go to his next game!"

"He gets nervous when people watch him," Lillian spoke up. "It's best not to let him know you are there."

Tracy looked back at William as she absorbed another implication of what it must have been like for him growing up. Suddenly William spoke up, "Mom, Dad, I have some news for you. Tracy's pregnant. She's having my baby."

Tom's face morphed into wonderment as he looked back and forth from William to Tracy, his bloodshot eyes filling with tears, then he hugged Tracy and stepped over three boxes to hug William. Tracy glanced at Lillian and noted that her expression hadn't changed.

"Lillian, honey - isn't this amazing, sweetheart?"

Lillian shook her head dismissively and whispered to Tom, "It isn't true."

Everyone got quiet and looked at Lillian who looked innocent and nonchalant, until Tom said to Lillian, "Well sweetheart, I ...I...I think it is true. If Billy says-"

Lillian put her hand up and shook her head again, with scrunched up lips and eyes closed, then she looked at Tracy and said, "She's not pregnant."

"I am. Nine weeks."

Lillian shook her head but was smiling now, "You may have fooled them."

William spoke up, "Mom, this is serious. Tracy is pregnant. She may not look it yet, but soon it will be undeniable." William glanced at Tracy who wore a horrified expression, "Tracy -"

"I'm going to throw up," Tracy warned.

"This way!" Tom gestured to a hallway and a closed door. Tracy had to crawl over boxes and a stack of books and squeeze by a chair in the hallway to get to the bathroom and barely raised the lid on the toilet in time, and then sank down and sat on the floor.

"Are you okay?" William asked from the open doorway.

"I puked," Tracy answered. "I shouldn't have gone that long without eating, and there was a funny smell and...I'm sorry William."

"Sorry?" William came and sat on the floor next to her, "for getting nauseous?"

Tracy shrugged and William said, "Tracy, look at this bathroom." Tracy looked around at the tiny cluttered room. Every inch of the wall was papered in magazine articles. "Look at this," William pulled the shower curtain back, revealing stacks of boxes inside the bathtub. And then Tracy laughed, she couldn't help it. It suddenly seemed hilarious that she apologized for puking, and to her surprise, William joined in.

"You've just given us a brilliant excuse to leave. Thank you."

"Ugh...I'm going to need some water and crackers."

"There is a convenience store nearby. Are you okay now?"

"Yes. I'm okay now," Tracy laughed, shaking her head at the absurdity of the cluttered room. She rinsed her mouth and got out of the claustrophobic bathroom, with William helping her navigate through the obstacle course.

After explaining to his parents that Tracy had morning sickness and needed to go lie down, Tom hugged her again and congratulated her and told William to take good care of her. Lillian whispered to Tracy, "Kate used to throw up too. She wasn't pregnant either." She smiled, knowingly, and said goodbye.

As they walked to the car, William got another laugh out of Tracy by pointing out, "No one even noticed my hickey!"

* * * * *

William didn't mind being back at work on Monday, among the smell of books, the predictable clientele, the clear pathway to the restroom. He had some time before a meeting so he checked his email and opened the one from Tracy first.

W -

I found the card you snuck in my suitcase when I unpacked this morning. It made me so happy to hear you think I am beautiful, I actually cried. You might think I am hormonal and that may be true too, but I am so very happy that we still get to have a romance.

Love, Tracy

William sat at his desk and wondered what she meant, "still get to have a romance." He shook his head, pondering how woman could be so confusing. Why wouldn't they have a romance? He gathered that it was because she was pregnant, but he still didn't understand why she would expect the romance to stop. Should he ask? Did he want to know? He realized he did, so he responded.


I know I am socially inept at times, but could you explain why you wouldn't expect us to be romantic? Isn't that normal for two people who are newly in love?


William answered the work related email and helped a patron before reading her response.

William -

We are not normal! We are pregnant. We discussed baby names in the same conversation where we learned each other's middle names! We have so many serious and frightening conversations ahead of us about practical matters that are not fun or sexy. It was very nice to get a card that is just you and me.

Love, Tracy

William got uncomfortable for a moment, and then realized it is true. They are still getting to know each other while being faced with big decisions and Tracy is frightened. Her two biggest concerns seem to be being taken for granted or worrying that he felt stuck with her. Now she worries about missing out on romance needlessly? He only had a few minutes before his meeting, but he knew he wanted to answer right away. He felt really pleased with himself that he actually figured out how to handle her. Tracy was either going to need either constant reassuring or humor, and he certainly preferred the latter.


I want to lick your pussy while we set up a college fund for Jr.


Her one line response assured that he nailed it, "Omg, I love you."


Please vote or comment, I really appreciate your input. Also - I need to thank my pre-readers Yoshimatsu and Gaius Petronius for pushing me to write this chapter when I got lazy and thought I was done. This story would have been so incomplete without this chapter and I am really grateful for their help. There is one more chapter left.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I laughed out loud at the line: "I want to lick your pussy while we set up a college fund for Jr." Fuck, that's funny.

SoMike (because I'm too lazy to sign in on my phone).

rightbankrightbankabout 8 years ago
I hope the next

(and last) chapter is very long.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

The pace of one's movement is a "gait", not a "gate." But, please, don't let this correction indicate that it spoiled a perfect story. Your storytelling skills - in both the main and Andy/Vera story - are superb. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Its coming togather nicely

This chapter pulled me back in. I appreciated that Tracy and William agreed things were moving fast. I was thinking the same and was puzzled it appeared to be normal and above serious inspection. I was afraid they were confusing the inital rush of a new relationship to something that is tested over time. I really enjoyed seeing the couple grow in this chapter. I am thinking they just might make it. Oh, I LOVE Vera, and I relate to Andy on more levels than I care to admit. Did I say I LOVE Vera? Looking forward to the grand finish!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
So real,

It almost reads like an autobiography.

MariepeterMariepeterover 9 years ago

New here..

Would love to know what you all think of YUM...love Flower Girl BTW

fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
Stand and deliver!

This chapter is an important piece of the complete storyline. To flesh out the characters of Williams family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

To Yoshimatsu and Gaius Petronius and you for this chapter. Life will be different, emptier, after the next chapter.

I'll remember these people for a long time.

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