Flowers in the Forest


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"It's...a little," he said grudgingly.

"Wonderful. I told you it would ease off," she said happily, "now remember to relax."

Before he could even think of a response her grip tightened and he suddenly felt the dulled pressure intensify. The elf bit her lower lip in concentration, and after a moment he was forced to face forward again, breathing heavily.

"Aargh," he groaned.

As she sank deeper into him the pain returned, but without the sharp intensity of when she had first broken through. Instead, it was the sense of fullness that occupied him more, a deep throbbing within him. It was a feeling unlike any he had ever known, alien and deeply wrong, his body weakly protesting. But the elf kept advancing, feeding more of her mighty manhood into him.

"That's good, you're doing so well," she said soothingly, "just keep breathing and relaxing. I'm almost there."

"I can't..." he gasped.

"You can, you can," she replied quickly, "I'm almost there, just relax and breathe my sweetness."

But relaxing was impossible. His ass was stretched so wide around her mighty girth that the idea of relaxing had lost all meaning, his muscles already contorted in ways he couldn't comprehend. With each inch she pressed home he could feel her, scraping along his insides, burrowing to depths he didn't even know he had. His body was a storm of confused signals, completely unprepared for the invasion.

Finally, after what felt like forever, her hips bumped up gently against his ass. The cool flesh was suddenly pressed to his flank was like a balm, if only mentally. The never-ending impalement had reached its limit at last.

"Mhmm, there we are," she said warmly, "you've taken the whole thing."

The elf slipped her arms around his chest and pulled herself flush to him. Tovor let out a strained pant as he took a little of her weight. Her full breasts mashed against his back in a way that would have delighted him in other circumstances, her hard nipples proud against him.

"You are amazing, my brave huntsman," he voice came from just behind his ear, her breath tickling as she spoke, "you're holding me like you never want to let go."

That Tovor did not doubt, given the strain he was under, but it was far from his choice.

For a few long moments the elf held position, buried to the hilt inside him, her fingers trailing gentle paths of warmth across his chest. It was a pleasant distraction from the roiling sensations emanating from his core, as his body struggled to adjust to her. She feathered his neck and shoulders with kisses as she held him, whispering soft encouragements as she did so.

"I'm going to make love to you now," she murmured, "try to relax and concentrate on how it feels inside you."

Tovor let out a shuddering breath as she slowly drew back from inside him, her thickness tugging at his insides as she did so. After feeling so full, the sudden vacuum inside him was another alien sensation he could barely contemplate.

"I will find your special place," she said softly, and drove her cock back into his ass, her heavy balls slapping up against him as she did so.

Tovor let out a stifled groan, unable to completely silence himself. The pain twinged, as did the immense fullness and dull throbbing deep inside. She clutched tightly to him, her womanly figure still pressed to his back while she began to have her way with him.

Another thrust, and then another. She did not go fast, but rhythmically, easing herself back and forth at a steady pace. Tovor could only close his eyes, gasping for breath, as the feelings inside overwhelmed him.

Already he was feeling strained. Each time she hilted herself inside him was like a dull punch to his core, tinged with all manner of other sensations. Something tingled tantalisingly each time her heavy manhood eased into him, sending bolts of lightning down his legs, curling his toes as they dissipated in the soles of his feet.

The forest was quiet, save for the lewd slap of flesh on flesh. His stifled breaths burst out fitfully, whilst her satisfied sighs were so sweetly delivered as to be completely at odds with her true activity.

As he continued to adjust, the pain of her entry subsided yet further, and the tingling throb grew to compensate. Unable to help himself, Tovor let out a loud gasp at a particularly forceful thrust, and the elf moaned her approval.

"That's it, my sweetness," she breathed against his neck, "you are feeling me now, aren't you?" the floodgates opened, Tovor moaned again as she drove into him once more, "Savour it. I want to hear your voice."

Now she squeezed cries out of him with each pump of her hips. Each time she stoked the fuzzy inferno within, her cock as potent as any poker to a crackling hearth. His legs trembled, his arms strained to maintain a grip on the bough before him. The pleasure - for he could term it nothing else - overwhelmed him such that he could scarcely think. She was overtaking him completely.

"You are enjoying yourself," unnoticed, her hand had drifted down to Tovor's own forgotten cock. At some point during her ministrations he had become hard again, the throbbing beneath the base of his neglected manhood enough to raise his ardour. Closing her long fingers around him, the elf gave a gentle tug.

"Aaaa-ah," Tovor gasped breathlessly. In a moment, the pleasure within him spilled forth, and his cock twitched, as hard as it had ever been.

"Oh my," the elf said, "you are almost ready. Hold on for me, my sweetness, so that we may be satisfied together."

Tovor could not respond. He was lost, totally lost, and at her mercy. What would come would come, and it would be the elf who controlled that. With her throbbing member plundering him his body would do what it willed.

"I am almost there," she said. Suddenly she straightened, no longer pressing her cool flesh to his hot, sweat-streaked back. Grasping his hips firmly, she dug deeply into him.

"P-plea-aaah..." his voice was overtaken by another moan as he tried to plead with her.

With her greater control the elf started fucking him more forcefully, tugging his hips back onto her cock with each powerful thrust. Lost to himself, Tovor cried out each time, his moans echoing into the deep forest, joined by the heavy slap of her body against his.

She panted breathily as she fucked him, her satisfied exhalations timed with her long, deep strokes. What pain that remained was washed away in a tide of escalating elation, the burning heat that she stoked within him outshining all else. Her cock conjured lightning, an explosion and sensation blooming each time she buried herself to the hilt.

"Aaah..." she sighed, "I'm going to...aah..."

With a low moan, she slammed into him one more time, jolting him forward against the log, before collapsing against his back. Her hand reached around, barely grazing him before he too exploded in climax.

His knees almost buckled as the release washed over him, his cock flaring with overstimulation whilst whatever carnal secrets the elf had found within him throbbed in ecstatic accompaniment. Ropes of his cum split messily and useless across the forest floor, just as he felt the elf's own thick, warm seed start to pump just as fruitlessly inside his own ass. With so much of her thick length lodged inside him, he was faintly worried he might just burst.

Arms wrapped around him and breasts pressed firmly up against his back, the elf kissed weakly at his neck whilst slowly grinding her hips into him, churning her cum deeper even as she deposited it. He was despoiled, totally and utterly, and all he could do was take long, gasping breathes while the overwhelming climax ricocheted through his body, from his ass to the tip of his toes and back once more in maddening jolts.

After a bleary, indeterminate time, the heat inside him started to ebb, and his senses began coming back to him. The world beyond the elf swam back into focus. The fallen tree had been leaning against, the bark flecked with grey lichen, the rough surface suddenly sore against his forearms. Overhead, nightingales trilled back and forth, discussing his debasement amongst themselves. Shadow and light flickered across the forest floor as the gentle breeze swayed the canopy above, and coolly caressed his clammy skin.

"Mhmm, I think you're also satisfied?" the elf said gently, bringing him further back to himself. Her slender form was still moulded to his, her nipples hard buds on the softness embracing his back, her cock still a throbbing invader in his most intimate places.

"Are..." his voice broke embarrassingly, and he cleared his throat before resuming, "are you finished?"

"Can you not feel me?" she said, "I finished inside you; I rather think there was a lot."

"Of course I can," he growled.

"Well, then you can rest assured, I am very satisfied," he could hear the smile in her voice, "your debt is paid."

She disengaged, gently gripping his hips once before, and started to withdraw. Immediately, he let out a sharp breath as his guts protested the sudden motion. Her deadly size was enough to disrupt his abused body even doing as little as pulling back. He could feel the wetness of her cum sloshing along with it, flowing to occupy the space she was vacating.

"Your ass doesn't want to let me go," she said warmly, giving him an amiable squeeze.

As she finally pulled out, his ass aching anew at the emptiness it now had to fill, his knees started to quiver. Pushing back, he tried to stand, half turning towards her before his legs gave way beneath him. Silently, he sank to his knees, legs splaying out and his throbbing rear just above the ground.

Dimly, he realised he could feel her cum leaking out of him as his body strove to close up and establish equilibrium once again.

He sat in silence, ignoring the elf entirely. She hadn't moved, and he could only assume she was watching him, gauging his reaction to the comprehensive buggering he had just received. He hoped she would leave.

"Kasaina," she said, after a time, evidently deciding not to leave.

Blearily, he turned his head to look up at her. She was still naked, her majestic, slender figure completely at home in the surrounds of the forest. Her cock, now soft, glistened with oil or spunk or both, and still looked larger and fatter than his own as it hung comfortably between her smooth blue thighs.

"Kasaina," she repeated, giving him a smile, "that's my name. It's only polite to let you know, I think."

"Oh," he said quietly. Polite. Of course, that's how it went. If you skewer a man up his rear with a cock like a guardsman's blackjack then it's only polite to get on first name terms.

She patted him on the shoulder amiably.

"You were really good, you know," she said unhelpfully, "most men...struggle more, with the first time."

Most men struggled more than he had? Tovor certainly didn't envy them their fate.

"Come, cheer up," she said, "is it not a fantasy of most humans to lie with an elf?"

"The dream doesn't usually involve getting fucked up the rear." He said sourly.

Kasaina shrugged.

"Mere details."

"Quite important details!"

"Well, today you had two new experiences in one. That could be counted as a blessing," she gave him a sunny smile, "and a gold coin into the bargain. Why, some would say you are quite the fortunate man, mister huntsman."

He scowled at her, biting back a sour reply.

"Speaking of which, this is yours," she held up a hand, the gold coin had reappeared, pinched between her fingers, "I am very satisfied indeed."

She offered the coin to him, and after a moment, Tovor took it, subconsciously weighing it in his hand as though expecting a trick.

For a time she left him be, walking back to where she had left her own satchel and busying herself with some chore or other. Initially, she made no move the dress herself, seemingly completely at home with her nakedness beneath the forest canopy. Despite himself, Tovor's eyes were still drawn to her elegant form as she moved around the clearing, even as her cock swayed freely in the open air.

Once his own strength began to return to his aching limbs, Tovor shuffled over to his discarded gear and began to clothe himself. He didn't want to think about the mess Kasaina had left inside him; that could wait until he was home, with a bath drawn as hot as he could bear.

Once he was dressed again, he slipped his shameful earnings into his coin pouch, securing it tightly.

Finally, feeling a little more like himself, he straightened and turned to where the elf had been.

She had also dressed herself while he had slowly worked and stood looking at him calmly. In her hunter's leathers, her secret concealed, she was once more the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. His conflicted heart lurched uncomfortably.

"The world continues turning, does it not?" she asked, once she noticed him observing her.


"You are worried about what we have done, what it means to you as a man, yes? It is not unusual," she spread her hands, "but we have had our fun today, and the world is still as it was. You don't need to worry so much, my handsome huntsman."

Despite everything, he felt his face flush. Apparently even the very real presence of a dick did not dim the impact of being complimented by a pretty girl.

"Forget about it," he groused.

"Of course," she said, clapping her hands once as if to emphasise the closing of the subject, "I am glad we can put these misunderstandings behind us."


"Mayhap we shall meet again under less...contentious circumstances," she continued, "it seems we are to be sharing this area of the forest, after all."

"Really?" he asked warily. Despite the proximity to elven lands, Tovor had no real idea how the reclusive people lived their day to day lives, or how they administered the land, "my family have hunted these lands for years and rarely glimpsed your kind."

"That is likely," Kasaina conceded, "but it is less my way than most of my kind. It would be good for us to understand each other better, human and elf."

Tovor nodded warily. Did he even want to see this elf again? To be reminded of his shame?

"I am sure we could learn from one another. The snares you have been placing are most fascinating," he remembered the tampered traps he had found previously.

Tovor blinked in surprise. The chance to learn from an elf was no small thing, particularly for a hunter. Their skills were as legendary as they were closely guarded. Many of the greatest warriors in history had trained with them.

"That...that would be an honour," he managed, and she smiled again, "I am named Tovor. Tovor dal Rissyet."

"Then we are introduced at last, good Tovor," she said brightly, "it is not often I have man's honour before I have his name. It has been quite a day!"

"We are introduced," he said weakly, "and it is not often I have a lady's virtue before her name, either."

"My virtue!" she laughed cheerfully at the idea, "yes, let us call it that! I am most, most virtuous indeed."

Her cheer was infectious, and he found himself grinned despite himself. Aside from the obvious, she was quite charming in her slightly alien way.

"Now, I am afraid I must leave you for today, good Tovor," she hefted her satchel, "but we have this place now, you and I. So, until our paths cross once again."

She raised a hand in an oddly sombre gesture, and he responded in kind.

"Farewell," he said, his voice for once steady, "until then."

She gave him one more brilliant, heart-melting smile, then turned away. Within moments she had vanished, her leathers melding seamlessly into the forest.

He stood alone for a time staring at the spot she had vanished into. A phantom, who had swum into his life and uprooted what he thought of himself, before disappearing once more.

With a loud sigh, he turned away and wandered back towards the forest pool to retrieve his bow. He wanted nothing more than to return home, to bathe and rest and forget everything for a time. But he would need it again tomorrow.

In one thing, if nothing else, she had been right. The world still turned.

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Twisted4everTwisted4ever9 months ago

Hot story. Hope you do a sequel!

billyvanbruntbillyvanbruntover 1 year ago

Well written, more to come I hope.

macymadisonmacymadisonover 3 years ago

This was wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Beautifully written

Just as the title says.

fd8984596fd8984596almost 4 years ago

Another very well written story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Please please make another chapter

This is great just don't make him the top in the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Please, make a sequel

I don't think i ever read a futa on male story so well written on the hesitation and discovery of the male part - which is something we really need more of. And please make a sequel, i really want to see how Tovor will react when he finds Kasaina again and has to deal with the fact that she fucked his ass xD. (Pls dun' mak Tovor b the top)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I really hope you write a sequel! I would love to read more about their developing relationship ♥️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A nice surprise

A very nice story, well written. She was blue, but otherwise quite nice!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Pretty nice story! Wouldn't mind a sequel. :)

Well, I definitely will say, I liked this story. :) Very realistic, in terms of bottoming for the first time - hell, I still feel this way.

But I would definitely like to see a sequel! As others have mentioned, maybe have Tovor be the top this time, just for a change of pace. But hey, nothing wrong with him getting used to bottoming either.

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