Fool Me Twice


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The door in the side of the room opened and the same fat cop who was on the scene when I rescued Lena stepped out still pulling his pants up.

"She was beating the fuck out of him with a pipe," he said. The door opened behind me and Maggie Stephenson walked into the room to get ready for her speech. Her eyes widened as she looked around the room and saw Sebastian, bleeding on the floor with Lena still standing over him looking guilty.

"Danny," said Lena.

"Sebastian, what is going on here?" asked Maggie.

"Ohh," groaned Sebastian. "I need an ambulance. This crazy bitch followed me into the room and just started swinging that pipe at me. Both of my arms are broken and I have a bump on my head."

Lena kicked him in his ribs savagely then.

"Miss, can you explain yourself?" asked the cop. "Because I um...ducked in here to use the facilities instead of the one outside. I have um...irritable bowel syndrome and it's kind of painful for me to go sometimes. I saw her come in after that guy and like he said, she just started beating the shit out of him. I wanted to try and stop her but I couldn't go out there with my pants around my ankles, and I needed to wipe. Then this guy came in and started talking about getting him to sign some kind of papers. Do you guys all know each other?"

"These two know each other," I said.

"Wait a minute," said the cop. "I know you two." He pointed at Lena and me.

"Yep," I said. "This guy is the one she walked out on me for."

"He conned me and stole all of my money and left town, leaving me holding the bag for a bunch of things he bought. According to the police he's done it to a lot of women, the richer the better," said Lena. Maggie's eyes hardened then and she shook her head.

"Call your station and have them run him through the computer," said Lena. "There should still be warrants out for him in my case alone."

"Is that true Sebastian?" asked Maggie. He looked away from her.

"I was intrigued with your speech Mr. Boone," said Maggie as she removed a ring from her finger and dropped it onto the floor.

"Please, it's Daniel. My friends call me Danny," I said.

"Perhaps we can do business, in the future," she said turning to leave.

"Wait, Maggie," yelled Sebastian.

"Looks like you lost your fiancé and got your ass kicked by a girl all in the same day slick," said the cop. "And if what this lady says is true you're going to jail for a long time."

"Danny, what were you doing here?" asked Lena. "And you called me a whore too. What papers did you want him to sign? Were you following me? I guess I should have expected it. You're never going to trust me again, but that's my fault. What did you want him to sign? She snatched the papers away from me."

"Look dude," said Sebastian. "If you get this crazy bitch to drop the charges against me, I'll sign the papers plus I'll drop the assault charges against her. It'll be a wash."

Lena suddenly started laughing hysterically. "Danny, he isn't signing shit. He doesn't need to. He can't anyway you idiot."

The emergency medics arrived then and took Sebastian to the hospital. Lena was arrested and taken to the police station to be processed. The last thing she said to me was, "I'll see you at the station, don't spend any of our money and don't let him trick you into signing anything. There's a file folder in my top dresser drawer at the house. Can you get it for me?"

I was confused. I have to admit that I was relieved that Lena hadn't been cheating on me this time, but I was still angry. It sounded like she didn't want me to have any rights as far as Ella was concerned. I drove home as quickly as I could and got the folder. I didn't look at the documents because there wasn't time. I did call my lawyer and told him to find out about getting Lena out on bail.

Two hours later they were processing her for release. My lawyer had spoken to the public defender that Sebastian had been assigned and they worked out a deal. Lena was facing assault with a deadly weapon and intent to do great bodily harm charges. She was sure that she could beat them.

The charges against Sebastian were all theft and fraud related crimes, he had more charges pending but they were less serious and the statute of limitations had probably run out on some of them. The lawyers got together and decided to drop everything. I was pissed.

"That bastard got what he deserved," spat Lena. "And you stay away from that Maggie bitch. I didn't like the way she was looking at you."

"Why should I care what you think?" I spat. "You didn't let your lover sign the papers."

She just started laughing again. "Lena, this shit isn't funny," I said. "What would happen to Ella if you died or got really sick?"

"She'd have to stay with her father," said Lena shrugging her shoulders. "That's life." I wondered how she could be so cavalier about it.

"Danny, pull the car over," she said. We were near a park, so I pulled into the parking lot. We got out of the car and walked over and sat down on a park bench.

"Danny, we need to talk," she said.

"I've already heard this one," I said. "I'm not going to like it, right?"

"Danny, I've been talking to my doctor a lot lately. She referred me to a specialist. Have you noticed that I've been a little off lately?" I nodded.

"It's because you were excited to see Sebastian again," I said. "But I guess your relationship turned sour somehow. Maybe you don't love him as much as you think."

"Maybe I don't love that bastard at all," she spat.

"Well that would be different form last time," I said.

"Actually, it's exactly the same as last time," she spat. "I have a condition, Danny. Most women go through it, but the reaction is extreme in my case. When I get pregnant, I go bat shit crazy. I'm simply not responsible for the things I do. That's what happened last time. The imbalance of hormones makes me do retarded shit. I do things that I'd never normally do."

"So when you got pregnant with Ella, it caused you to attack Sebastian and that's why he threw you out last time?" I asked.

"No dumb ass," she snapped. "Sebastian didn't get me pregnant. I was already pregnant when I left you and I hadn't slept with him yet. I didn't know that I was pregnant at the time. I also didn't know about my screwed up condition making me crazy. The dumb assed thing I did last time was falling for his shit and leaving you. It made no sense. I love you. Why would I leave you for anyone else? I guess I was afraid of being pregnant and in my crazy mind Sebastian offered a way out. But like I keep telling you, the second I walked out that door I knew I'd screwed up."

"So... me...?"I asked. "I have a daughter?"

"No dumb ass," she said. "You have two kids. I think this one is a boy."

"But Ella is mine?" I asked still in shock. She nodded.

I screwed up my face angrily. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I pretty much did tell you, Danny," she said. "But honestly ever since you let us move in with you, I've heard the same thing every fucking day." Her voice got deeper and husky as she tried to imitate my voice and speech patterns. "I don't trust that fuckin' Lena. She's a whore. She left me."

"So if that was how you felt about me; why would you believe anything I said?" She asked. "The folder with all of my files in it was right on my dresser. Did you ever look in it?"

"Why would I?" I answered.

She held up one of the documents. "Danny, you've loved this little girl ever since you helped to bring her into the world. She calls you daddy every day and you love it. But you've never even asked what her full name is, you went from calling her 'Lena's baby' to 'the baby' to Ella. Here's her birth certificate."

I was shocked. Not only was I listed as the father. But Ella's name wasn't Ella. Her full name was 'Daniela K. Boone." Lena had named her after me.

The smile that broke out on my face was huge until I realized that Lena wasn't smiling. "So you really thought that I wanted to go back to that asshole?" she asked. I nodded.

"That's why you didn't want to sleep with me last night isn't it?" I nodded again. "You still don't trust me again yet do you?" I shook my head. "Well, you have some decisions to make mister," she said looking up at me.

"Danny, I'm with you and I take all of your shit because I love you..." she stopped and looked at me. "I do love you and from now on I'm telling you any time I fucking feel like it. And you know what? Whether you trust me or not, you love me too. Danny, you could have left me at the hospital before Ella was even born. Or you could have sent me back to the shelter at any time, but you didn't. So you may as well admit it. You love me too. I think that you may still not like what I did, but you can actually understand it now that you've seen how stupid I can be when I'm pregnant."

People in the park were watching this tiny woman sticking her finger in my face and give me what for.

"And you need to start being more responsible. How much money do we have in savings? You were going to try and buy your own daughter from that asshole when she isn't even his. We need that money. Do you intend to give up your home office for the new baby? Because if you don't it means I'm going have to move in with you. That would mean that the two of us would have to share a room. No sending me back to my room when you're pissed at me and maybe we could take some of that money to go on vacation and..." I finally shut her up by kissing her.

"Maybe we could even get married again?" I said. Her smile lit up the park but then she frowned.

"Danny, that will be up to you" she said softly. "I know what I want, but you have to feel that you can trust me and that I'm the one you want to be with forever. But next time you get me pregnant and I go crazy, just chain me down or beat my ass until it passes, because that would be far less painful than losing you again. Let's go home before your daughter drives your sister in law crazy."

"That was two weeks ago and I've been trying to make up my mind ever since," I said. "And I have to admit it; Lena really did fool me twice.That second time I was sure she was going to leave me again. But I'm glad I was wrong. My life is much better with than without her." The old man in front of me looks at me like he can't help me decide.

"So should I buy the ring or not?" I asked.

"Do you love her?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Have you forgiven her?" he asked.

"Yes," I said a bit hesitantly.

"Do you trust her again?" he asked.

"I'm not sure I can ever trust anyone as much as I trusted her," I said. "She could get pregnant again and go nuts."

"Two out of three ain't bad," he said. "I'll wrap this up for you. Will that be cash or credit card?"

The End.

* * * * * *

Author's notes

Now that you've read the story or have skipped to the end to read this part, I have to share something with you. This story is, of course, fiction but it's based on truth and a part of it is true.

The scene with the nurse in the hospital who related the fact that she almost Killed her husband with a skillet while pregnant, is 100% true. It's taken from a talk I had at a hospital recently. She really did have a condition where her glands secreted too much of one hormone of another every time she got pregnant.

The really scary thing is that she has six kids and every time she got pregnant she did something really crazy. And though this story is not a recapping of her experiences during one of her pregnancies she actually did have a brief affair, though she loved her husband unconditionally.

Unlike in my story her husband knew about her problem and forgave her. He's a better man than I am because I wouldn't have.

So for all of you who are shaking their heads and thinking that Stangstar went out there on this one. It really could have and kind of did happen. As usual thanks for reading my story and in the interest of equal time, next week's story will be something for the revenge crowd. SS06

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

She didn't know she was pregnant before left him & she left him beause she was afraid because she was pregnant? in same paragraph

"No dumb ass," she snapped. "Sebastian didn't get me pregnant. I was already pregnant when I left you and I hadn't slept with him yet. I didn't know that I was pregnant at the time. I also didn't know about my screwed up condition making me crazy. The dumb assed thing I did last time was falling for his shit and leaving you. It made no sense. I love you. Why would I leave you for anyone else? I guess I was afraid of being pregnant and in my crazy mind Sebastian offered a way out. But like I keep telling you, the second I walked out that door I knew I'd screwed up."

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Bitch needs to be chained down while in preggo/crazy stage.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

I think most people have heard of "postpartum depression", but I know that very few people know what perinatal psychosis is. Basically, it's pretty much how the author laid it out in this story - the expectant mother goes through some sort of hormone change and it can manifest as a psychosis, everything from depression to anxiety, to literal hallucinations, voices in her head, the entire works. It can be very much like having schizophrenia. Changes can be rapid onset, transitory or permanent throughout the duration of pregnancy (and often beyond). It's very rare, but not as rare as you might think - maybe 1 in 1000 pregnancies. Of course, symptoms are probably mild for most women, but there would be a few that would be on the opposite spectrum. Lena, as portrayed, would have had a relatively mild case of it - but the anxiety and depression she would have been experiencing would have left her vulnerable to being manipulated by a con-man like Sebastian. I expected all along that Ella was really Daniel's daughter because of how far along the pregnancy was and the limited time they were separated, in fact, I was surprised that no one seemed to pick up on it. Of course, Lena knew, she would have known all along because she would have missed a couple of periods - which makes it kind of strange that she held off on revealing this to Danny for as long as she did. That's the one part of this story that didn't make sense to me. It would have been better if Lena was less sure and maybe secretly did a DNA test or something and she was going to surprise Danny with the new of the new baby as well as the DNA test. They did, after all, have sex literally the night before she left. Other than that, it was a pretty great story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Crazy story but entertaining. Amazing how some people declare Danny a cuck. Huh? She filed before having sex (four times total and mediocre at best) with Sebastian after a brief one month emotional affair while under the influence of pregnancy hormones. How is him helping her and what turns out to be his biological daughter, being a cuck? Yeah he didn't know but it was after they were separated even if it had bene Seb's daughter. Wtf? He helped her and the baby out, but did not trust his ex and made that clear for a looooong time. Beyond the brief emotional affair under the influence of her crazy pregnancy hormones, there was no cheating. She was already pregnant with his kid when she filed and then pregnant again with his second kid at the end. So him marrying her again, makes him a cuck? In the work Diego Montoya in Princess Bride: "I do not think you know what that word means." 5 stars. One of the author's best.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

One of the author's best. Odd that the btb crowd doesn't give her any credit for asking for a divorce before physically cheating. Yes it hurts but is a damn sight less of a betrayal than adultery. Ok she emotionally cheated for a brief time (like a month or so) before asking for the divorce while.hormonally imbalanced. She discovered her pregnancy like a month after filing. So tight time frame. She had sex with Sébastien like 4 times after filing for a divorce. She didn't enjoy it. Mediocre at best. Maybe worse. No way that Ella's wasn't the MC's kid. But he assumed she was a cheating whore beforehand. And meanwhile she is homeless and lost all her money in very short order as Seb took her money and ran m, committing fraud. That should count for something. Ending was funny. He thinks she is cheating and she wants to kill Seb, again under influence of hormones. Husband was pretty clueless about almost anything going on and why. She was a raging ball of hormones while pregnant. At least Seb got burned and Lena and the MC reconciled. The 2 out of three statement was funny.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I have no idea about the accuracy or not of some of the parts of this story i.e. the hormonal imbalance causing Lena to be temporarily mentally imbalanced. I do understand she made a very poor decision and paid a heavy price for that. A lot of characters in this story didn't come out of it smelling of roses. But that's often true in life. What I do know is this is a very well written story and should be enjoyed as a good piece of fiction that may have some basis in fact. The important thing about fiction is that it doesn't have to be "real" it just has to be good to be enjoyed. This is so enjoy it. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This is one of my favorite stories.

At the beginning I viewed Lena as a heinous, monstrous bitch deserving nothing but loathing. But as the story continued I started feeling for her. Especially when it was revealed she'd become homeless, with no money to her name, and forever unable to get a job--the victim of a predator.

If the baby had been Sebastian's I would have never even saved her from that oncoming car when she twisted her ankle (I do realize I couldn't possibly have known then). Since Lena had sex with Sebastian like 4 times, and the MC had sex plenty of times with different womn--but mostly Kim--I'd be willing to begrudgingly say they maybe they were 'even'. Combined with the hormonal imbalance--I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and say every person is unique and hormonal imbalances may affect women in unique, unforeseen ways--I THINK I'd consider taking her back.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Daniel is a submissive cuck. Lena can shit in his mouth that he will take it with pleasure. Spitting curse words at Lena meant not a firm man, but was only a facade for a wimpy cuck. Lena can fuck whomever she wants as many times as she wants that Daniel will always be her doormat.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Crazy but fun story. While pregnancy hormones can cause some weird stuff, they don't kick in like crazy in the 1st month. The nurse in real life, is a puzzle. Doubtful she and her affair 4 months to being pregnant. Hard to imagine she loved her husband unconditionally. Certain hormones like DHEA and T can throw some women into irascible rage. Never heard of them causing a woman to cheat but who knows. Thag being said Lena did not physically cheat in this story. It sounds like her emotional affair was quick (remember the pregnancy timeline). Women generally know they are pregnant after 2 months (two missed periods and a pregnancy test). Somehow she didn't know until like a month after she filed for divorce. Btw she lost her half almost immediately to Sebastián? So again we are to belive she was pregnant for 4 weeks (maybe less) and she is getting conned by the predator at work and swept off her feet due to hormones. And yet she doesn't physically cheat. Files for divorce. Yeah she treated the MC like crap and divorced him. But he also immediately went ballistic, calling her whore, and would not talk to her, severing her from his life. Ok. Understood. But then he constantly bitches and moans she never told him why. Huh? Also she isn't a whore. She divorced him before cheating (physically). She didn't trade up. She certainly didn't trade him in for better sex. She got conned. Yes she dumped him and filed for divorce. She immediately regretted it. She was irrational if we are to believe the hormones excuse (which author makes clear is crucial to the story based on some real life incidents he learned about). But she couldn't go back to him because he was ballistic. She lost everything instantly. Her parents were asshats. Her family just insta burned her. But she never tells anyone it is the MC's baby? She just assumes it is Mr Wonderful's baby. But the timing is all wrong. Ella was malnourished not early. The two out of three comment was funny but not relevant here. Need trust to have any sort of meaningful relationship imho. Will say she took a look crap, some of it deserved, some not from the MC, her sister, her parents, and other people. She put up with a lot knowing she had screwed up massively bit not knowing why until later. MC was insufferable at times. Their communication was terrible most of the time. Still was a creative premise. Btw by all means be pissed that she dumped him and sought a divorce. That sucks hard. But she wasn't a whore and didn't deserve losing everything instantly. People divorce all the time and *shudder* it isn't always about cheating. She still should have told him about Ella's being his daughter. Her excuse was not credible. Surprised it didn't come out in an argument.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Even he didn't trust the test she had he could just go get another test that couldn't interfere with so he could believe it. But she should have told him as soon as she knew, her holding out the info on him was not a good way to regain his trust.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

"Once bitten, totally fucked in the head" Nuff Said!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Possible preventative steps for a woman with this problem, a very binding contract between husband and wife giving control of her actions during pregnancy up to and including a chastity belt, locking her in a safe, secure room until the crazy spells pass, etc... to protect her and himself and their marriage from her rampaging hormones.

nogravynogravyabout 1 year ago

Weirdly entertaining, though I found the progression of the character's actions a little inconsistent. Altogether another really good work from a really good author. Thanks for the enjoyable read!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

One of my favourite reconciliation stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sad tale with a reconciliation. Confused why no DNA test? Wouldn't the ex husband want to know, at least once living together? Lena mentions once that she seems to have an idea when Ella's was conceived but never mentioned again. Timing was close. 7 months + six weeks for the birth. Hard to imagine being pregnant for say 4-6 weeks would make her so hormonally imbalanced thatbshe went batshit crazy. Usually that occurs later in the pregnancy, but this is what the author wants us to accept in his fictional story. Honestly, while Lena's abandoning him was a shock betrayal of massive proportions, she snapped out of it soon enough, and then life just piteously shot on her until the MC saved her life. Even then she suffered for a long time. Her sister was a bitch, but her parents were monsters. Old Testament religious, I guess. Their position in their church was more important than their daughter or granddaughter. Wtf? Lena ends up betrayed within a month of leaving her husband, and is homeless soon after for almost six months, having asked for nothing in the divorce filing. Things really happened on a tight time frame. Then after Ella's birth they slow play. The MC was an idiot to think she wanted Sebastian again. That made no sense. Statute of limitations on fraud and theft is not 12-24 months. Mr Wonderful got off too easily. Lena knew she made a horrible mistake when she left her husband and had no way to go back after what she said, let alone after fucking Sebastian even the first time. Lena and the MC both went through hell, but her hell just kep.on going for a long time, and her atonement was crazy, knowing her ex was fucking her sister over and over. Seriously again: DNA? If hubby knew earlier, would have changed their timing to reconcile. Unavoidable. We don't even know.when Lena knew it was his kid. Sounds like it has been for a long time. But since when? Why keep it quiet? Yeah she wanted him back without using their daughter as a trap, but really? And she knows she was pregnant before she fucked Mr Wonderful (2 times), but she didn't knowmit at the time. So when did she know? As an aside wouldn't she use contraception when hooking up with a new lover? Ok she wasn't thinking rationally, but I doubt Sebastian would want her to have a kid. He only wanted her nonexistent money. Well at least they reconciled. And for those who hate that, the author gave you a warning up front, and explained the basis for it at then end in the author's afterword. Man both the MC and Lena went through a crazy bunch of shit to find their way back together. Lena's family sucks!

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