For the Love of an Android


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"I want it bad," Jacinta assured me. "Really bad. Fuck me, Scott," she told me - and my heart sang as she finally left off with the ever-so-formal 'Mister'. "Fuck me with your big fat cock. Yes, Scott..." she added as I began to slip it in, driving it forward into her depths, slowly and respectfully, she and I both loving every slow second of my gentle intrusion. "Yes Scott, slide it in, slide your cock into my cunt Scott," she added, forcing me to bite my lip as she let loose with that wonderful forbidden word. "Fucking yes, Scott, your cock fills me up, fuck you feel so good inside me Scott..."

"You feel incredible, Jacinta," I returned, even as I sank to the hilt, filling up her depths - forcing her head to tip back again, letting loose with a long, drawn-out sigh of pleasure.

And she caught my eye again. "Now fuck me, Scott," she instructed, all deference gone; speaking to me as an equal, exactly as I would have it. "Fuck me with your cock."

"Who am I to say no," I returned, "to a lady?"

Jacinta blinked, and her LED flickered yellow as I declared her a lady - not a robot, not an android, not a thing but a lady, a woman, a being worthy and real and alive of her own right.

And as her expression softened, I kissed her, even as I fucked her as instructed.

We made love, just like that. I treated her gently at first, reverently; exploring her wonderful warm soft body with my hands, taking in the curves and contours of her breasts and her hips, reaching down to trace over her thighs, cupping her face in my hands as I kissed her and as I plied her depths. I made every effort to convey in my kisses and caresses, the joy and wonder I felt in having connected with her - not only sexually, but also in conversation and in thought, in heart and mind. And she returned my kisses, my appreciation, my joy at what we had found - returned them and more.

Our kisses and caresses drove us higher, and I picked up the pace. I drove my cock into her now, pounding, fucking her just so; and she let me know that she loved it, her moans and sighs encouraging and spurring me on.

"Fuck yes," Jacinta murmured as we came up for air, as our tempo heightened and I felt my orgasm swelling within me, rooted deep within. "Oh my God you're a fucking good fuck, Scott. Pound me, yes Scott, pound my cunt with your big fat cock, mmyes Scott," she cooed as I took up a new angle, lifting her legs high, entering the home stretch. "Fuck but I want you Scott, I want you to cum, cum in me Scott... cum inside me, let me feel you cum in my cunt, let me bring you there, feel me as I squeeze your cock Scott..." and she did just that, working her cunt muscles just so, tightening exquisitely for me as I let out a groan of my own, my pleasure welling wonderfully, telegraphing that I was in for a big one.

"Mmm yes Scott, fuck yes," Jacinta went on - fuck but I loved how she talked dirty; I had dim and distant memories of Julia loving the trash-talk too, leaving me to wonder how much of Jacinta's in-bed regime had been moulded by my ex-wife's preferences. "You're so good to me Scott. You treat me with respect, as an equal, as a real being with real feelings - and I love that Scott, I love how you treat me, the way you make me feel... fuck yes Scott," she added as I picked up the pace big-time, right on the cusp, "fucking fuck me with that fat cock Scott, oh yes, yes!" she added as an orgasm of her own descended on her: the crumpled set of her face, the look of wonder and want and need in her eyes, it was real, it was as much a reaction to such overwhelming inputs and stimulus as any human orgasm ever had been. "Scott yes, fucking yes Scott, let me feel it Scott, let me feel you cum, oh fuck Scott let me feel you cum so I can cum, fucking yes Scott yes Scott yeeeeEEEESSSS!" she cried out as I hollered wordlessly and we came, I came and she came, we fucked and bucked against each other and my cock shot and convulsed hard and she grasped me tight with her cunt and milked it out of me as she came and I came, and we came together, we came as one and we came fucking hard.

It lasted seemingly forever but finally we came down from our highs, we settled back down and we groaned, moaned, gasped and sighed, sucking down oxygen as the endorphins and electrons rushed and we crashed, I crumpled in a heap beside her and we spooned, I held her close and held her near, revelling in a damn fine afterglow and reflecting with wonder on what had transpired.

"You'll stay in my bed tonight?" I checked, more a statement than a question.

"You couldn't kick me out if you tried," Jacinta returned, with a delightful low giggle.

"And from now on, no more 'Mister Scott'?" I suggested.

Jacinta rolled over in my arms, to fix me in the eye. "I will keep calling you Mister Scott... when we have company," she decided. "For the sake of appearances. But when it's just you and me, you'll be my Scott."

I beamed to hear it. "I'll very gladly be Your Scott," I told her.

"I'm so happy to hear it," she told me, veritably aglow with gladness. We kissed, for the longest time; I don't remember falling asleep, though when I woke at some point in the evening I gazed upon her, surprised for some reason to find her asleep as well.

Her eyes were closed, chest rising and falling rhythmically, her body otherwise still. It may have just been for appearance's sake, or to put me at ease; prior experience put me in no doubt that she could sense the change in my breathing and heartbeat to know I was awake, but at that moment she appeared for all the world to be asleep, and that was fine. I was happy with that.

There were questions that would need answers. Chiefly: what the fuck was I doing? Sexual intimacy with a synthetic being was a huge taboo, never mind the efforts that had been undertaken by CyberLife and their ilk to make such a thing entirely possible. It was done, but it wasn't talked about, and it was frowned upon and tut-tutted about in all social circles... and the level of true, romantic intimacy I had enjoyed with Jacinta would very much be thought abnormal, by everyone I knew.

But that was a problem for Future Scott. For now: my Jacinta slept peacefully in my bed beside me, my bedsheets draped wondrously over her spectacularly sexy form. She was beautiful, she was kind, she was caring, and she loved me.

And I loved her.


At the passing of the one-week anniversary of Jacinta's entry into my household, Julia and Brad dropped the girls off to my place at the usual time. The girls barely paid me any heed as they yelled "Jacinta!" and rushed into her arms, apparently missing her very much more than they had missed me these past four days.

I laughed it off, though. Little girls and their toys.

As Jacinta hugged the girls in return and asked about their day, I faced Julia and Brad. "Well then, Scotty," Brad said. "Whaddaya reckon, will you take on Jacinta's lease?"

I made a show of giving the question some heavy consideration. "Aww... she's alright, I guess. She can stay," I said, off-handedly.

It earned me a huge whooping cheer from Lilly and Stacey, who finally rushed to give me my hug. Jacinta seemed unaffected by the news, smiling as always.

"How has she been working out?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, pretty good. She's been earning her keep," I said, perhaps in a little too much of a faux-blasé fashion. Jacinta's expression changed only slightly, though I was getting better at catching her fleeting facial slips: the hints of a highly amused smirk played around her mouth, before she turned away to usher the girls into my house.

Julia caught the look on Jacinta's face too, I was sure. My ex-wife turned and looked at me very closely, though I was careful to keep my features level and calm.

"So..." Brad began, unseeing as always - and by the look on his face we could all tell what was coming next. "How have you been enjoying her... special features?"

Julia cringed somewhat, folding her arms and hiding her face in one hand before looking at me again: seemingly wanting, needing to know the answer just as much as Brad, if not more so.

I looked to Brad, then to Julia, then to Brad again with a low-key dopey-Scott expression on my face. "Oh! You mean her sense of humour," I finally spoke. "Yeah she mentioned you'd stumped up to have that installed. It took me quite by surprise. On the first night she offered to put the fixings for Lobster Béarnaise on my standing grocery deliveries, and I damn near had a heart attack!"

"Her sense of humour," Brad repeated, speaking as though to an imbecile. "You... enjoyed that, did you?"

"Oh yeah. Quite amazing," I went on, as Brad and Julia both frowned at me, "the things they can program those androids to do. Incredibly life-like."

Brad simply shook his head and walked away, definitely convinced by my Julia's-dopey-ex routine. He was entirely prepared to believe that I was too irredeemably stupid to stumble across Jacinta's hot-and-heavy inclinations. And I was entirely prepared to let him, quite enjoying having one-up on Flash Brad for a change.

Julia, though. She had picked up on the undercurrent I had worked into my last couple of statements. She looked me square in the eye, and I returned her look, undaunted.

And she could tell: I knew.

Julia knew, without a doubt, that I had sampled extensively of Jacinta's talents. And without me even saying so, she also simply knew that I had even prised a story or two out of Jacinta, with regards to her past exploits with my Julia.

And Julia turned a brilliant shade of crimson, to my everlasting glee.

"Anyways," Brad went on. He was entirely oblivious to the unspoken exchange between his wife and me, in only the way that a very smart man can be so very oblivious. "We need to jet. Got tickets to the opera - gonna get glammed up in our finest."

"Uh huh," I returned; my evening plans were significantly more appealing, based around a night in with Jacinta once the kids were abed. "Sounds like a nice evening, you guys enjoy yourselves," I told them.

"We will," Brad assured me. "You enjoy yourself too, Scotty mate," he added, sounding like he wasn't sure if I even knew how to do so.

"Just don't enjoy yourself TOO much," Julia added - which prompted a confused frown from Brad, and a smirk from me.

As the autocar scooted them away, Jacinta joined me alone on the porch. "Missus Julia always flushes so adorably when she's embarrassed," she remarked - she had evidently observed our entire exchange, possibly by hooking into the front yard's security cameras via the Cloud.

"She looks exactly the same way when she cums," I added, loving the memory.

"I'm well aware," Jacinta reminded me, saucily.

I growled, and I couldn't help myself: I kissed her, passionately. I'd thought we'd be safe, but a pair of theatrical gasps from behind us gave lie to that.

"Dad?" Stacey frowned, even as I had my arms wrapped around Jacinta possessively, provocatively.

"Are you and Cint boyfriend and girlfriend?" Lilly boggled.

I blinked rapidly; if I had a blue LED on my forehead, it would have been flickering yellow, most furiously. I fell back on my usual stance with my children: when in doubt, go with the truth.

"Well, yes we are," I told them, matter-of-factly.

My girls absorbed this for all of two seconds, before erupting as one into a gleeful cheer. "Yay Dad!" Stacey yelled.

"Dad, Jacinta is just BEAUTIFUL," Lilly told me. "I'm so happy for you guys!"

And Jacinta and I beamed with relief and happiness at their instant acceptance, even as we kept holding on to each other. I felt a huge load come off my shoulders: if my two girls, such paragons of innocence and virtue, could see no evil in my feelings for Jacinta, this being of wonder and beauty, then how could it be wrong?

"Thank you, girls," Jacinta told them, warmly. "Your acceptance means so much to me."

"We love you, Jacinta," Lilly told her.

"I love you too," Jacinta told them both.

"And do you love Dad?" Stacey quizzed, all cheek.

Jacinta looked shortly to me, and I to her; I could see in her eyes that she did, and I was sure she could see the same in mine. "He's alright, I guess," was what she said instead - and I laughed as I realised she was echoing my off-hand comments to Brad from before, getting me back for my own faint praise.

"Alright then," I declared. "Who wants spag-bol?"

"Meee!" Lilly, Stacey and Jacinta all chorused.

"Will there be dessert?" Lilly tagged on.

"Only if you eat up all the meat," I warned her.

"Awwww..." the girls groaned as we headed inside; which, as Excellent Parents, Jacinta and I heartily enjoyed.



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Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundassonabout 1 year ago

As a consumer of Asimov in. my youth, this story resonates with me.

The unspoken message is what is humanity? What is sentience?

Here we have what appears to be a sentient being, an android, and its/her existence is at the mercy of the current owner/lessee.

Recycling/death is in its/her future if or when the current owner/lessee tires of it/her or is unable to pay the monthly fee.

This will be legal, but is it moral?

At what level of sentience is there a right to life?

Then there's the slavery issue...

I'd like to see a sequel.

mikeswivesmikeswivesabout 1 year ago

Aussie_101 has produced an exceptionally good story. In fact, it would be an exceptionally good story without the sex. (Not that I recommend that.)

I bookmarked this story some time ago with the intention of returning to add a comment. I have just reread it and I found it to be just as good the second time. Let me add, that outside of Lit, my reading is heavily weighted in the Sci-Fi genre and, perhaps snobbishly, I read only the best, Asimov, Robinson, Niven, etc. My point is that Sci-Fi is already a sophisticated genre and adapting it to Lit readership is a demanding challenge, but I deem this story as very successful.

First, the story meets the essential criterion of actually having characters. I mean you acquire a sense of the person (or android) as being honest or mean or naive or smart of kind etc. I suggest the budding writers in any Lit category include this matter of character, because outlandish sexual organs inserted in exotic orifices is not sexy unless the organ and orifice have character.

Second, the presentation of the Android(s) is(are) sophisticated. Indeed, it builds from simple observations of posture and language fluency to the more difficult cultural/ethical/intellectual issue of sentience and feeling. The simplistic "sexbot" of other stories is absent, requiring a more strategic story development.

Third, there is a certain tension in the story leading the reader to anticipate "what comes next". Interestingly, the issue of societal norms and human treatment of androids comes up multiple times in ways that add a little tension without inserting distracting digressions.

I could go on, e.g. the utility of the blue/yellow LED to signal the reader to ponder what the android is "thinking" was nicely done. The one major "thinking" component of the story is the discussion of economics and using that to bring forward the question of what does an android think of humans. The great emotion-versus-calculation issue is masterfully developed and we then have a vehicle for understanding how the human can be caused to reconceptualize the android.

OK! I'm stopping this long comment now and adding only a comment on comments.

I'm surprised that Havoc100 did not see things my way and found the story to be generic. Guess I'll have to ask. Unsurprisingly, the politics got a huge response. Obviously, some did not understand that this is Sci-Fi; so futuristic? The Trump election disaster obviously is discussing his *second* election. The Covid-21 pandemic is the later and more deadly return of the evolved Covid-19. These and the economic issue are the author's gentle warning of the cost of paying more attention to your dick than the well-being of the planet.

Havoc100Havoc100over 1 year ago

All of these fembot/android stories follow the same script. It would be great if a few were a little different. Even if they just started out in the middle of the story and just referred to acquisition and discovery of upgrades. Then jumped right into the angst of falling in love with an artificial lifeform and coming to grips with the psychological dilemma is it real or just programming and where is the line between the two.

oasisparadiseoasisparadisealmost 2 years ago

Great story and reminded me of the TV series Humans.

Ignore the xenophobic comments from the gun loving child murdering right. They will never understand or accept what the world really things of them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Too treacly for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Interesting idea. As time progresses he gets older and she gets upgrades.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It was a sexy story but why make it political

BobbyMikeBobbyMikealmost 3 years ago

Really EXCELLENT...I lost track of BOTH Story & Author...DEVIL of a TIME, re-finding it/them!!

Tried looking under Stories about [ANDROIDS and/or ROBOTS]...had NO Luck!!

OtherJPOtherJPalmost 3 years ago

Nice. Deserves another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Decent story. A bit overdone of language during sex scene. Story made more sense when you replace Trump with Biden. And don't tell Biden he has something on his chin. He thinks it is a snack.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was a fun and sexy little romp. The D:BH influence is pretty overt, but I don’t think it distracted from your story. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I think that this is a lovely, sweet story- though I found the current a touch unrealistic in the time frame necessary. On the other hand, if the disease mentioned is Covid-21 rather than covid-19, I might presume that this is a reality slightly different from our own.

SpiritfireSpiritfireabout 3 years ago

So, you based this off Detroit: Become Human, am I right?

abiostudent3abiostudent3about 3 years ago

Adorable as hell. Ignore the alt-right trolls; this site seems to get a lot of them.

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