For the Sake of Purity


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By that point, she was shivering and whimpering quietly, and his hand was absolutely soaked. Since he hadn't put Purity on his thigh this time, the round of her back end was brushing against the tight bulge of his hard cock, restrained as it was in the sweatpants he wore.

He resolutely ignored the sensation and focused on touching his sister, on exploring her sensitive, needful body.

He pressed his finger deeper into her, and began to gently rock it in and out, creating quiet, wet noises that joined the muffled cries of Purity's pleasure.

"Uh, uh," Purity whined into his hand, strained. "James--t-that's, I--oh--!"

"It's alright, I've got you," he assured her, keeping up the same rocking rhythm. "Do you feel it approaching? That peak?"

"I d-don't..." she stuttered faintly, then trailed off, breathing hard and hot and quick against his palm.

Hopeful, he rocked his finger inside of her for several long minutes, trying to provide the steady stimulation that might finally drive her to orgasm.

But long minutes passed, and her panting faded to quiet, hurt-sounding whimpers. She squirmed fitfully against him.

"What is it? Talk to me, Purity," he said, taking his hand from her mouth and stilling his fingers for a moment.

She whined when he did. "It's so hot inside me, so...I need something, James, I don't know..." Suddenly, her eyes welled with tears. "It's this throbbing, James--under the shield, the promise button, I can feel it...swelling, pressing against the metal...I can barely stand it, I know you can't touch there but I want it! I have dreams about it, about--being touched there, rubbed--!"

"Shh," James hushed her, kissing her cheek and putting his fingers lightly over her lips. "I'm sorry, Purity. I'm sorry. Our parents did something awful to you, hiding your clit away like that. But there are other ways to reach it."

"Other ways?" Purity asked in a small, tearful voice, her lips moving against his fingers.

"The part under the shield is really only the tip of your clitoris. There are parts of it that reach deep inside you," he said, and pressed his finger into her again, stroking along her flexing internal walls. "I can help you feel good by finding those spots."

"Please, James, please," she begged. "I feel like I'm going mad, like there's a fire burning inside me!"

"I know. Shhh," he murmured, and he pressed a second finger inside, stroking slowly in and out of her. He replaced the fingers over her lips with his whole hand again when she let out a loud moan. "Hush, I know, hush..."

He worked his fingers away inside of her, stroking until he was sure he found her g-spot, spongy and swollen with her need. When he rubbed there, her knees shook and her stomach convulsed, her breathing coming in short gasps; when he stopped, she let out a pleading moan and wiggled her hips until he did it again. Her body loosed frantic little gushes of fluid, easing the way for his fingers.

But even so, half an hour later, Purity still hadn't reached climax. And he could tell from her movements that she was beginning to tire, a little pained wince coming on her face when his fingers moved too quickly inside her.

"Stop," she begged finally, her voice weak and despairing.

James wanted to argue, but he couldn't very well continue fingering her after she'd asked him not to, so he pulled his hand from her.

She groaned quietly in disappointment, and remained where she was for a moment, squeezing her thighs and rocking her hips against nothing, her sweet face screwed up in an expression of acute frustration.

"We can keep trying," he murmured. "If you're sore, maybe a break..."

"No. I don't know..." Purity hesitated, her hands gripping at the blanket, then she said, "I don't know...if I can. With our parents in the house. I felt something coming, but...but then I couldn't, I was so scared of them walking in and seeing me--like that. Whenever I felt it coming, I would think of that and panic, and I just couldn't."

"Oh." James hadn't even considered that a mental block might be at play, but now he felt foolish for not thinking of it sooner. "Would it be easier for you if we...stopped touching this way?"

"I don't want to stop," Purity said immediately, pleadingly. "Please, James. I'm sorry that I can't get to the peak like you want me to, but this is...I've never felt anything so good before..."

"We don't have to stop if you don't want," he assured her immediately. "Just tell me what you want to do. Anything you want."

She seemed to take some time to think about it. Then, eventually, rather than speaking, she took his hand--still damp with the fluids of her arousal--and brought it up under her shirt, to her breasts again. "Just...more of this?" she asked quietly. "For now?"

"Of course," he said, kissing her ear, and he began to gently massage her breasts, rubbing his fingers over her nipples.

Before the end of the movie, he'd dipped his fingers into Purity twice more at her urging; after enough stimulation at her nipples, she began to plead for it desperately, spreading her legs and rocking on his hand with abandon--but she didn't reached orgasm.

James felt it, that last time: the way her body began to shiver and tense up around his questing fingers, the little ripples of a woman's body preparing for climax--but, each time, she tensed up and hovered on the edge, rocking and whimpering and eventually backing down again without satisfaction, even as he clasped his hand tightly over her mouth and assured her that their parents wouldn't hear a thing.

Even so, she was in good enough spirits when the movie ended and she went to bed. Of the two of them, James seemed the more disappointed in the roadblock.

He thought on that as he lay in bed that night--after rapidly bringing himself to his own finish in private, of course--and wondered if he should be content with things as they were, as Purity evidently was. Maybe it would even be kinder to not introduce her to the pleasure of orgasm, when he couldn't guarantee that she'd ever find it easy to achieve, especially on her own.

But he couldn't talk himself into giving up. He was determined to provide Purity with what she needed, and--maybe more than that--he was hooked on the idea of being the first person to do that for, to her.

He wanted--needed, even--to witness his sister's first time reaching that peak of pleasure. He needed to hear the sounds she would make, to see the look of bliss on her face as she fell apart for him.

Perhaps, if James were a little less selfish, he would content himself with finding her a toy that would do the job. A strong enough external vibrator would almost certainly reach her through the shield, to say nothing of what an insertable toy might do for her.

But he wanted her to associate that pleasure with him, to fully understand his fraternal dedication to her.

So he began to develop a plan.


Fortuitously, Purity had a summer birthday.

Unfortunately for James and his patience, the date was still three weeks away.

He put the beginning steps of his plan into action regardless, mentioning several times to both of his parents that he was thinking of taking Purity on a picnic for her birthday, so that she could spend some time out of the house.

Their mother took some talking around--she had become grasping and possessive in her infirmity, demanding Purity by her side nearly every minute of the day while she was awake. He eventually convinced her by offering to invite over some women from church that she considered to be friends.

James wasn't convinced that the friendship was mutual--as far as he could tell, nobody had ever especially enjoyed his mother's company--but he was able to convince the women to come over by telling them about how Purity had devoted herself so lovingly to their mother's care and how he felt she deserved a day of rest.

He didn't discuss his plans with Purity. He wanted to surprise her.

For those three weeks, they spent nearly every evening together. With a solution in the works, James found it easier to match Purity's more relaxed attitude towards her own pleasure; still, he didn't give up altogether on trying to work her to the point of climax when he had the opportunity.

The closest he brought her was a week before her birthday. Purity was lying under him on the couch rather than beside him, and had given permission for him to fit three fingers into her. He was working all three fingers nearly relentlessly against the tender swell of her g-spot, straddling her hips and leaning down to suckle on one of her breasts that he had freed from the loose t-shirt she was wearing. His other hand, as per usual, was clasped over her mouth to try and help her quiet the frantic noises she made as her lithe body lurched and sweated under him. Whenever he glanced up at her face, her eyes were unfocused and half-closed, pupils wide and dark.

He curled his fingers up to press more firmly against that spot inside of her and lifted his thumb at the same time to push down gently on the clit shield, putting pressure on the delicate organ underneath as he sucked hard on her nipple.

Purity responded with an exclamatory cry, her hips lifting off the couch as she bucked into his hand, every muscle in her body tensing.

James held his breath, feeling her virgin hole clench so tightly around his fingers--

There was a loud creak down the hall as their parents' bedroom door opened. "James? Purity?" their father called.

Purity's eyes flew open wide with panic and she kicked at James.

James hurriedly withdrew his fingers from her and climbed off of the couch, tucking the blanket around her to hide her disheveled appearance and discreetly wiping his wet fingers on his own sweatpants as their father's heavy steps fell in the hallway.

"Sleep," he whispered to Purity, motioning for her to roll over and face the back of the couch, because there was no way their father wouldn't suspect something was wrong if he saw her red-flushed face and frightened expression.

She caught on quickly enough and rolled over, tugging the throw pillow under her head and hiding her face.

James hurriedly sat on one of the armchairs across the room and grabbed a pillow himself, dropping it over his lap; it wasn't exactly subtle, but he didn't have any easier way to conceal his throbbing erection.

Their father plodded into the room, looking rumpled and only half awake. He squinted at Purity's faux-sleeping form on the couch, and then at James. "Everything alright? Thought I heard some kind of noise."

"Sorry. It must've been the movie," James said, grabbing for the remote and turning down the volume.

The old man grunted, then looked at Purity again. "Your sister asleep?"

"I think so. I was just thinking of waking her and sending her to bed."

"Good idea. Not ladylike to be falling asleep in the living room," he said, a note of disapproval in his voice.

"Right," James said. "I'll get her to bed. Sorry for waking you."

Their father grunted again, looking for a moment like he was thinking of going and waking Purity himself to scold her, but then he turned away and went back down the hall.

James sat and stared at the TV, trying to ignore the heavy beat of his pulse in his cock underneath the weight of the pillow as he listened to his father use the bathroom and then wash his hands for a torturously long minute before finally--finally--going back to bed, pulling the door shut again behind him.

When James tried to re-join Purity on the couch, she shook her head, sitting up and pushing him away. He could see how close she was--her eyelids fluttered and she squirmed when she sat up, as if just the pressure of the couch against her sex was overwhelming--but she whispered, "I'm going to bed."


"I can't, James, you know he'll come check again if I don't!"

"I could go with you," he offered, agonized by the tearful frustration he could hear in her voice. "We don't have to stop yet."

Purity squirmed again, a wanting expression passing over her face, but then she shook her head. "No. It's my fault, I was too loud. You can't make me--make me feel that much, I can't keep quiet."

"You deserve to feel good," he insisted.

"It isn't about what I deserve, James! I can't--you know how they'll be if they even find out that I...with the pillows..." she flushed and bit her lip, then kept speaking. "I don't know what they'll do if they catch us together, James. Mom has told me before that I should be grateful they decided to do the promise button for me. She said she knows of some girls who had a--a surgery, to have the whole thing removed."

"I would never let them do that to you," James said immediately, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

She squeezed back and gave him a grateful look. "Thank you. But I would rather not make them consider it."

As she'd predicted, then, their parents' door opened again, their father poking his head out and peering down the hall at them, quickly putting an end to their hushed conversation.

James grimaced, then held out a hand. "Come on, then. Off to bed with you."

Purity allowed him to pull her to her feet and hobbled down the hall, keeping the blanket wrapped around herself to hide her rumpled clothing and the unsteadiness in her gait.


Later that night, James thought again and again on that moment: his sister's body arching into his, the near-panicked note to her voice when she'd cried out with her impending orgasm, the way her sex had tightened so closely around his fingers.

He wondered if she was struggling to sleep now, her body aching with the near miss--whether she had a pillow between her legs to hump, like she'd said. She would be so wet, there would be no way to avoid leaving a damp patch on it.

He came so hard into his hand that he was dizzy with it.


They were more careful after that, at Purity's insistence.

It was several days before she even let James touch her again, and then she only wanted to go back to the beginning, to allowing him to fondle her breasts--over her shirt only--while she rocked her needy sex into his thigh.

But he could feel the difference in her: the edge of frantic desperation in how her hips jerked, the increased tension in her stomach, like the orgasm that she'd almost experienced had lodged itself inside of her and refused to leave her alone.

During the day, she seemed more distant, and James often heard their mother scolding her for being distracted. She avoided sitting on hard chairs, and at first James thought it was because she was uncomfortable with the sensation or the pressure--until he happened to catch sight of her chair at the dining table when she got up after dinner, and he saw the visible patch of condensation left behind, from the wetness trapped between her thighs.

She caught him looking and quickly pushed the chair in to hide the seat, her cheeks flushing.


James used up all his patience waiting for Purity's birthday to arrive. The morning it came, he had none left.

He went to their parents' room just after seven and stood in the doorway, watching as Purity arranged five different dishes in front of their mother for breakfast. The woman would only ever eat one or two of them, but she always insisted that Purity prepare all five, 'just in case'.

"Are my friends here yet?" their mother barked.

"They'll be here soon," James assured her.

"You can't take her until they get here, then. I won't be left alone," she declared.

Purity looked up, puzzled. "Take me? Take me where?"

"You'll be fine alone for half an hour, won't you, mother?" James said, stepping into the room to put a hand casually on Purity's shoulder.

Purity twitched, as if worried that the touch--or maybe her response to it--would be too revealing, but their mother didn't give them a second glance, too busy lecturing him.

"If I try to get up and have a fall, I could die before they get here."

"Then don't try to get out of bed," James proposed, with the charming smile that he knew usually worked on their mother.

She scowled at him, but then relented. "Oh, fine. Help me use the bedpan first, then."

Purity shooed James from the room for that process, which took so long that by the time they finally did leave, the first of the church women were already pulling into the driveway. James steered Purity out of the house through the kitchen to avoid them, because he knew his nerves couldn't take another fifteen minutes of small-talk and birthday wishes and so on.

"Where are we going?" Purity asked again, peering curiously at the basket that James grabbed from the back porch.

"I'm taking you on a picnic," he informed her. "For your birthday."

Purity wrinkled her nose as he loaded the basket onto one of the ATVs that they owned to ride the trails in the woods around their home. "You know I hate those things. Can't we walk?"

He put an arm around her waist and drew her closer to the vehicle, leaning in to murmur in her ear as he did. "There's only so far that we can get from the house if we walk. I want to take you far enough that you won't have to worry about anyone hearing us."

Two shudders went down Purity's body--the first one just in response to his breath brushing against her ear, but the second one, he thought, in response to the implication in his words.

She was silent for a moment, but then she finally nodded. "You'll have to show me how to ride it."

"I'll be glad to show you everything you need to know," he assured her, and then helped her climb on before handing her a helmet.

As soon as he climbed on in front of her and started the engine, he felt her react, her whole body going rigid in response to the vibrations of the seat. He didn't comment, just drove them towards one of the trails that he knew went deep into the woods.

They rode for nearly half an hour. He could've gotten to the place he'd chosen much faster if he'd driven at his usual speed, but he didn't want to scare Purity; and besides, he was fairly sure she was enjoying the ride. As they got further down the trail, the trees hiding them away from the family house, he felt her rocking and squirming in her seat, canting her hips back to grind down into the vibrations purring through the vehicle.

Finally, he pulled off the trail and up to a little clearing. A camping hook-up provided a spigot with running water if they needed it, and miles of trees around them provided plenty of privacy.

When James turned off the ATV, Purity made a little hiccoughing sound of disappointment. He smiled and reached back to squeeze her knee, then took off his helmet before he turned to look at his sister.

"Are you hungry? Or do you want your birthday present first?"

Purity chewed her lip and stared at him with wide eyes, her face flushing. Then, evidently realizing she was still wearing her own helmet, she wrestled it off, leaving her hair mussed. "What's my present?"

"What do you think it is?" James tossed back playfully. He climbed off the ATV as he spoke and grabbed the basket, which he carried out into the clearing.

Purity wandered along behind him, picking her way across the ground unsteadily--maybe because the short heels that their parents insisted she wear weren't very practical for the uneven forest floor, or maybe because of the effect of the vibrations from the ATV. Maybe both.

James put down the basket and pulled out a large blanket, which he spread out on the grass, then he looked at her again. "Well? Any guesses? We're out here alone, nobody for miles..."

"Just tell me!" Purity said, with a faint squeak of embarrassment in her voice. Her whole face was flushed a deep pink by that point. "You know I don't know enough about--about--these things to guess. Don't be mean!"

"I'm sorry," he said immediately, going to put his arms around her.