For The Whored: Beyond

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Lulu makes her choice.
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Four years later

"Happy eighteenth, my baby."

"Momma!" Lulu gasped. "I'm not a baby anymore."

"You're MY baby, and if you want your present, you'll deal with it."

"Sorry, momma."

"What'd she get, what'd she get?" Dargek and Lily bounced up and down on the couch.

"We want to know too, Grand momma." Wenrietta was chewing on her finger, while Lani bounced with Lily.

Elunara pulled the package out of the Library. "Open it up."

Lulu stripped back the paper. "A staff!" She carefully picked it up. "Oh, it's gorgeous!"

"And if you'll follow me, we'll do the tattoo."

"Hey, how come we had to wait until we were twenty?" Bradly pouted.

"Because you needed power and strength for yours. She's already been testing on staves. This is just an upgrade."

"I guess that makes sense." Bradly shrugged.

Lulu hissed. "It stings."

"I'm doing my best to ease your pain sweetie, but it takes a fair amount of energy and concentration to do this properly."

"Sorry, Momma"

"Alright you four, let's go for a walk." Lydia put her hands on her hips.

"Aw, Momma, I wanted to watch." Lily pouted. She was almost half the size of her brother.

"I plan on stopping by the amphitheater, you can sing with me."

The three girls cheered and ran for the door. Dargek adjusted his crutch. "Do we have to? I want to watch daddy train the men."

"You're not old enough to run around on your own."

"All the guys get to." He muttered.

"Next year, when you're seven, we can discuss it."

"Fine." He sighed as he hobbled along to join his sisters.

Lydia sighed. "Momma, can you try to heal him again?"

"I try every day."

"I know you do." She scratched the back of her neck. "A little harder? You did so well with me."

"I do what I can. He still has a bit to grow before I can do for him like I did for you." Elunara blew on the tattoo and was satisfied when it glowed and disappeared into the skin. "There you go; a summonable weapon. Let's go put it in the upstairs case."

Afterward, Bradly found Elunara working on some commissions, Emaline napping at her side. "Momma?"

"Yeah, hon?"

"Evelyn and I want to move out."

"But... why?"

"Well..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I have to admit, it's all of the children in this house. It's completely crowded and neither of us feels comfortable here anymore."

"I'm sorry you feel that way." She said quietly. "But I'd never stand in the way of your happiness."

"Thank you, mother." He knelt at her knees, "Thank you for giving me a home for the last twenty years."

"I may not have given birth, but you will always be my baby." Standing, she wrapped her arms around him. "I love you SO much. Always know that."

"Gee, Momma, I'm just moving out. Not dying."

"I know that. But, you have lived in this house as my son for over twenty years. I'm allowed to be emotional at you leaving. Even if it's just down the street."

"Thank you for loving me." He whispered.

"All of time." She whispered back.

Lulu whistled to herself as she made her way up to the Keep. "Hello, Uncle Varian." She kissed his cheek.

"Ah, Lulu, I was waiting for you to arrive." He picked up a small package and passed it to her. "Happy 18th."

Carefully, she pulled off the bows and ribbons. Opening it up, she gasped. "Oh, how pretty!"

"A princess needs a tiara." He winked.

"Oh, you!" She giggled and stuck it on her head. "It's beautiful, thank you."

"I wanted to give it to you years ago, but you so hated the title."

"Yes, well, I've learned to live with it." She winked.

"Just like your mother." He smiled.

After she left, Anduin made his way into the room. "Since when is Lulu so beautiful?"

Varian grinned. "Finally finding girls?"

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, father. I just don't remember Lulu looking like that."

"Because you haven't been looking. She's a rare beauty, just like her mother predicted. More interesting, is the fact that she doesn't even know it."

"Surely, the suitors line up at the door."

"Interested in getting in line?" Varian winked.

"Ugh, no."

Whistling to herself, Lulu moved through the city, smiling and waving at various people.

"Finally giving in to that princess title?"

"Whatever do you mean, Nara?"

He pointed to her head. "Nice tiara."

Her hands shot up. "Oh! This old thing?" She giggled. "I forgot I put it on. No wonder people have bowed to me today." She took it off and stuck it in her purse. "I was just headed to put it somewhere safe."

"Well, it's not a grand tiara... but I got you something." He held out the simply wrapped gift.

"Aw, you're always so sweet." With great care, she unwrapped the little package. "Aw Nara! You silly thing. You caught me!" She tugged the necklace out of the box. "I've been eyeing this for weeks."

"Heh, yeah. I know how much you wanted it." He blushed.

"Oh, but it was so pricy!"

"Nothing's too much for you." He murmured. "I can help you put it on."

"Of course!"

He took the necklace from her while she turned and held up her hair. Licking his lips, he fiddled with the latch. Once it was in place, he fought the urge to wrap his arms around her. "There we go."

She turned back to him and flashed him a brilliant smile. "Thank you, Nara." She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome."

Out of nowhere, a man grabbed Lulu's purse and ran.

"My purse!" She gasped.

Nara took off after the man, turning down alleyways and jumping over obstacles. He body slammed into the man. "That was completely stupid, trying that in front of a guard."

"You're faster than normal guardsmen." The man grunted.

Nara shoved the man off to an on duty officer before heading back. "Your purse, milady."

"Oh, thank you so much. That was very gallant!" She kissed his cheek again.

"It's nothing." He chuckled. "Anything for you."

"I see you're wearing your broach." She smiled and flicked her fingers over the trinket.

"Everything you give me is precious." He took her hands into his own. "I was..."

"Lulu!" William jogged up. "Happy Birthday!" He handed her a small box.

"Aw, thank you!" She began to unravel the ribbon. "You're not getting yours until your actual birthday." She winked. "Oh, what lovely earrings! Good thing I didn't wear any today." She passed the box back and pulled out the first one. "I'll wear them all day." After she was done, she kissed his cheek. "Such a sweet brother you are!"

Nara buried the smirk.

William just sighed.

Lulu waved her arm. "Grodan, is that you?"

"Ah, yes." He looked around. "Have you seen Abigail? I can't seem to find her."

She sighed. "Probably getting another award." Rolling her eyes, she took his arm. "How is that going, anyhow?"

"She's the love of my life." He sighed. "I'd do anything for her."

"Oh, that's so lovely." She sighed. "I'd give anything for a man like that."

Grodan looked back at Nara and William. "Uh... yeah..."

"All I get is suitors after the supposed crown." With another roll of her eyes, she flipped her hair back.

"I'm sure if you'd just look around, you'd find someone."

"Princess Lulu!"

"Like this moron?" She snorted. "Five gold has him saying nonsense with every breath."

"I don't know about that." Grodan choked.

"Five gold per."

"Too rich for MY blood." William cackled.

"Hello, Mitch." Lulu smiled.

"Princes Lulu!" He bowed before her. "I have brought you a present."

"How nice." She gave him a benign smile. Taking the package, she opened it up and stared at the gaudy contents.

"Do you like it? I'd hoped you'd wear it today."

"Well, a special necklace like this deserves a special occasion, doesn't it?"

"Nonsense! It's an everyday necklace."

"Well, it's... lovely; and I simply cannot wear it except under the best of circumstances."

"Of course!" He preened. "Unlike the one you wear now. Forgive me for misunderstanding."

Lulu grit her teeth, but maintained her polite air. "I happen to really like this one. Please do not insult it or I will be cross."

"Nonsense! I wouldn't dream of insulting your tastes." Mitch made a courtly bow. "I'll see you in class."

"Of course."

Once Mitch was out of range, William cocked his head to the side. "Only two "nonsenses" he must be having a slow day."

Lulu just laughed. By time she got home, Grodan had found Abigail and wandered off, and both William and Nara were loaded down with presents that Lulu had received on her walk.

"I take it he says that often?" Nara chuckled.

"I once clocked him in at seven nonsenses in a single paragraph." William laughed.

"I had fifteen during that speech on the prominent mage lords." Lulu giggled. "Alright come on; let's put all of this in my room."

"What's all of this?" Elunara cocked her head to the side.

"Presents from the rest of the city." Lulu bounced. "Some are from friends and family, and some are just from random well wishers."

"Finally getting behind this princess thing?" Elunara winked.

"Oh never." Lulu giggled. "I'm just enjoying having the boys carrying it all for me."

"That's my girl." Elunara laughed.

That night, she jogged up to portal lake. "Sorry I'm late." She gasped. "I was helping Tulani with her baby while momma healed Dargek."

"It's alright, how is she doing?" Nara smiled.

"Little Sinea is only a month old, she's so tiny and precious."

"I imagine so." He whispered.

"What did you need me for?"

"I just need you." He brushed his fingers over her cheek. "You're so beautiful in the lights of the portals."

"Oh, Nara..."

Soft as a whisper, he brushed his lips against hers.

"Oh! Nara!" She blinked at him. "I wasn't expecting you to..."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and captured her mouth. She was timid at first, unused to the sensation, but slowly he brought her out, and together they experienced the tangling of mouths, the dance of tongues.

Gasping, she pushed against him. "Oh, Nara..." She began again. "I... I have to go!"


"No! I'm sorry!" She bolted.

"And then she turned and RAN." Nara paced back and forth. "It was heaven in my arms and she just fled."

Renwa chuckled. "You know... Zelinnia did that to me as well."

"Really?" Nara blinked at his father. "What did you do?"

"Ah... well..." He rubbed the back of his head. "I moped a bit until Elunara gave Zelinnia a dressing down and told her to come back to me."

"Do you think it will work for me?"

"Not likely."

"I just don't KNOW, momma. Why would he DO such a thing? Are we not cousins?"

Elunara was sitting on the couch, happily drawing all of the animated poses that Lulu was currently doing. "In declaration only. Didn't you ask him?"

Lulu froze in place. "No... I kind of... ran away."

"You ran..." Elunara smacked her own face. "Since when did Zelinnia give birth to you and Lydia?"


"Lydia ran away from Bradly, Zelinnia ran away from Renwa."

The color drained from Lulu's face. "Renwa?"

"Who is probably telling his son right now about that romantic moment, ruined by a silly girl who didn't know what do with herself."

"Oh, Gods." Lulu dropped down into the chair and held her head.

"Honestly, I don't see why you can't just do and be done with him." Elunara winked.

"MOTHER! This is serious. Nara kissed me and I just don't know what to DO."

"I'm being serious. Date him, find out about him. You enjoyed it, didn't you?"


"Then find out more. Nara is quite built you know."

Lulu's face went hot. "Mother!" She hissed. "It's not like that."

"Maybe not right now... but when he wraps those hands around your waist, and you turn into a puddle of quivering goo... you'll know."

The next day, Lulu walked home, tightly clutching her book to her chest. She was so horribly confused, and momma wasn't being much help. Neither was Lydia or any other female in her family. Even worse was listening to Tina go on and on about her new girlfriend Lisa. She wasn't about to go to her father. Daddy would flip the hell out.


She stopped and turned. "Hello, William."

"What's the matter? You left in a hurry today."

She blushed. "I'm sorry, William. I'm just not myself today."

"Perhaps I can cheer you up?"

With a giggle, she put her hand on his arm. "It's not that kind of--" She blinked.

Nara was desperate for an answer, as he made his way along the path. He knew Lulu took this path. He rounded a corner and froze. Seeing Lulu and William in an embrace made him feel angry and betrayed. Getting control of his emotions, he decided that he preferred to see her happy. He turned to leave but a sound caught his attention.

Lulu still had her hand up from the swing. "How DARE you!"

"Lulu, I..."

"You are my BROTHER, how dare you make presumptions!"

Nara secretly grinned. He hadn't gotten slapped. He disappeared and left Lulu to her dressing down of William.

Lulu made her way down to the training yard in a huff and flopped down beside Tulani.

"Whatever is the matter?" Tulani chuckled as she nursed the infant.

"MEN!" Lulu crossed her arms. "Not that you're a resident expert on them."

"Oh my, no." Tulani giggled. "I avoid the topic altogether. Why do they have you so flustered?"

"I've been kissed four times today, had six passes made, and another handful of... less than savory comments made to my face. I lost count of whistles."

"Who were they?" Elunara growled.

"Wouldn't bother." Lulu grinned. "An arcane shot to the face does wonders." She fluffed out her skirt.

"That's my girl."

"But, why ever did they wait so long to start harassing me?"

Elunara grinned with her teeth. "Because I put out a city wide announcement that my daughter is to not be touched. Since you're technically legal... well, some took that as a cut off line. You let me know if it goes beyond that, I'll slice some dicks off."

"After I burn them off." Lulu snorted.

"Hey, Lulu."

Lulu jolted and blushed. "Hello, Nara."

"How's your day going?"


"Aw, it can't be all bad. You came to see me." He grinned. "Think about our... discussion last night?"

Lulu went crimson. "Um... maybe? I thought you had guard duty today."

"Nah, today is yard work."


He tugged out the edge of her skirt. "It's all bunched, that's better."

"Um, thank you." She bit her lip and cursed the flush in her face.

"Nara what are you doing?"

"Taking my five minutes, sir. By my estimation, I have three left."

Jordan narrowed his eyes. "Fine, smartass."

Nara grinned up at Lulu. "I don't think your dad approves. I'll have to win him over, I guess."

"You're awfully cocky." Lulu glared.

He took her hand and kissed the back of it. "Just feeling particularly confident."

"Ah, Lulu the one I was after."

Lulu looked up. "Hello, Uncle Varian."

"Hello, little Lulu. I wanted to tell you that I'm having a ball in a month. Formally, it's your birthday party. Informally, it's my annual excuse to have your mother in something brain shattering."

"Lovely!" She giggled up at him.

Elunara laughed. "Poor Tulani, more dresses to make."

"You know me." Tulani giggled as well.

"Lulu, meet me at portal lake tonight." Nara whispered, before going back to the yard.

"Someone has a date." Elunara winked.

"Oh, he so presumptuous!"

"I think it's romantic." Tulani giggled. "The way you blush when he speaks your name."

Lulu marched her way out to portal lake and mentally cursed herself for falling prey to such a trick. She knew what he was after. But the thought of him drove her crazy in parts of her anatomy she best not think about.

He leaned against the tree in a pose so causal, so purposeful, that her heart began to race into her throat.

"Well, I'm out here." She fidgeted.

"That you are." He grinned. Reaching out, he took her hand and pulled her forward. "You know what I want."

"I do." She whispered.

"And you came anyway."

"I did."

Tugging her completely into his embrace, he took possession of her mouth. He kissed and nipped, licked and teased, until she gasped. He pressed his advantage and mated their tongues and mouth together completely until they were both breathless with it.

"Oh, Nara." She whispered.

"It drives me insane when you say it like that." He ran his hands down her hips and back, cupping her ass. "I want you so badly right now."

"Gods, just take me wherever you go." She whispered back. His hands came up and pushed the collar of her dress back, exposing her shoulders. He trailed his lips along her collarbone, down her chest and to one of her nipples. As he undressed her, he shoved the dress back exposing more of her body.

She shivered under his touch. "There's a chill in the air." She murmured.

"Don't worry, I'll warm us both." He tugged her down to the grass and pulled off his own shirt and pants. When the dress was off and out of the way, he returned his mouth to hers and ran his hands along her body. Placing both of his hands on either side of her head, he looked down t her. "Thank you for coming to me." He whispered. "You've always been so beautiful."

"Wait, are you only doing this because I'm beautiful?"

He blinked down her. "What?"

She covered her breast with her arms. "You only want to have sex with me?"

"What are you talking about?" He blinked down at her. "Beauty is one thing, but you're the whole package. You're funny, and sparky, and smart. I could spend all night explaining your stunning qualities and none of them beauty." He frowned down. "What did I do wrong?"

Lulu blushed. "I'm sorry... ever since I was little, everyone has told me I'm beautiful. Momma warned me against falling for anyone on my looks, because of my succubus nature."

He laughed out loud. "You may be marked by succubus magic, but you are not a succubus."

"Forgive me, I feel foolish."

"Listen, I'm kind of... uhh... flat now. How about we get our clothes on and try this again another time?"

She giggled nervously. "I feel bad now."

"Nah, don't feel bad." He brushed his lips across hers. "In fact, it's smarter that we don't leap into this."

"We've known each other since we were babies. Well, I was a baby, you were a little older."

"I've loved you from the moment I knew you."


"I didn't understand it at first, but it's true... When I saw that tiny baby in that fabric sling, I was pulled to you. Growing up, I couldn't be away from you. As we got older, I watched you turn from an adorable little girl, to a sparky adolescent, to a beautiful and intelligent teenager. Even though I was a couple of years older, I just knew you would be mine. Anything I have is yours. I am your slave, command me my mistress." He took her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Oh, Nara..."

"You say that a lot." He grinned.

She put a hand to her cheek. "Oh no, I'm turning into Mitch."

Nara cackled. "Gods forbid."

The next day, Elunara tapped her fingers on her desk. "Now, I'm just pissed."

Gerald raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Remember that twilight brat?"

"As if I could forget."

"He's slipped the tail. Six agents and not a one can find him."


"We never found his nest either. Gods, I hate that brat."

Lulu sighed happily as Tulani pinned more fabric into place.

"Someone's in love." Tulani sang out.

"I think I am! My own gallant white knight." Lulu giggled.

"I'm glad for you sweetie."

"Am I insane for saying I'd marry him in a heartbeat?"

"You must have had a hell of a night."

"We didn't have sex."

Tulani blinked up.

"Well, we started to, but we didn't. We talked for absolute HOURS. It was so much fun. We talked long into the night and woke up in each others arms." She sighed dreamily. "We agreed to save ourselves for marriage."

"Someone's in love."