For Those with Wider Boundaries Pt. 02

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There are times when you just can't get enough.
5.5k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/15/2020
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She'd looked pretty damn good at the reception, here, this evening, she looked stunning.

I'd heard the crunch of her car's tyres on the gravel at the front of my house and was standing at my door as she stepped from her car. The intervening days since the reception have softened my memory of her. That memory is instantly sharpened as she walks towards me.

Over those intervening days we had spoken more than once and had agreed on the time and date for this evening's dinner; and here she was.

As she walked towards me I was slightly taken aback, I know I've said it already but, she really did look stunning!

Her gossamer dress clung to her wherever it touched, it shimmered like fine gold chainmail in the early evening sun. The material is translucent so, where it didn't touch, the outline of her figure is clear to see. I strongly suspected that all she was wearing, besides that fabulous dress, was a pair of blood red stilettos.

I'd never seen a dress like it. Its mix of simplicity and sophistication is genius. The whole thing seems to be just two panels stitched together at the sides, sides that are slashed almost up to her hips. The rear panel covers from the small of her back to the backs of her knees. The front panel from just above, but only just, her nipples down to mid thigh; leaving a gorgeous expanse of those long legs on show, a strap rises from each top corner of the front panel to circle her neck before disappearing down her back. The friction of these straps around her neck seems to be the only thing keeping the dress up. It was so simple but so perfect.

Her make-up has been meticulously applied: black winged eyeliner that highlights her pale grey eyes under coal black eyebrows and red lipstick that perfectly matches her stilettos. Her black hair is swept around and over her right shoulder exposing her long slender neck and an equally long silver teardrop earring; her only jewellery.

She looked a mix of pure sex and erotic style. Truly stunning.

She walked the several steps between her car and my door with an amused smile. 'You're in danger of swallowing a fly David.'

I laughed. 'Sorry, but you are beautiful, and that dress looks amazing on you, you certainly have style.'

Her smile widened. 'Why thank you David, and once again I think you're the only man wearing a suit.'

'Ha, I certainly hope so, tonight at least.'

She didn't stop walking until we were almost nose to nose, her delicate floral scent drifted up my nose, her breath on my face.

'You smell delicious Nicky, and you look good enough to eat.'

'Mmmmm, please be my guest.'

'Now isn't that tempting, but I think I'll resist, savour you with my eyes for a little while, you are my dinner guest after all.'

She pouted, then grinned. 'In that case, are you going to let me in?'

'Please.' I step back, wave her in and close the door behind her.

She looks just as good from behind as she does from the front. Apart from the two straps; which hang between her shoulder blades after circling her neck, she is naked to her waist. That gorgeous bum is clearly outlined by the clingy material, a bum I remember so well and hope to get reacquainted with very soon. I ache to reach out and touch her, the feeling is almost irresistible, carnal, my tingling cock adding to the urge. Her voice brings me back to earth.

'I love your place, very fairy tale.'

'My cottage in the woods? Where nobody can hear you scream.'

'Oooh, should I be scared.'

'Not yet, maybe later, when my horns come out.' I playfully growled at her.

She laughed. 'Mmmmmm, I do like a good horn.'

'Yes, I remember.' I led her into the kitchen dining room. 'Wine?'

'Definitely, white please.'

Dinner went well, my three courses not too heavy, and the conversation flowed back and forth; we didn't talk about sex, much, which was surprising considering the amount of sexual tension there was in the air.

And, eventually, dessert is eaten and I begin, again, to think about eating her. I quickly clear the table while she sat, toying with her wine glass, watching me moving between the table and the kitchen. Her face is slightly flushed and she unconsciously licked her lips several times.

It didn't take me long to finish, I had no intention of washing up until the morning, much more pressing matters to attend to. I walk up to her holding out my hand, her blush depends and she glances down. Then, taking my hand she turns in her chair. And the reason for her blush becomes evident, very evident, and it's not the wine!

She has a fabulously raging erection, and she definitely isn't wearing any underwear. It must have been pressing up against the underside of the table for half the dinner.

She grins weakly and mutters, 'Sorry.'

'Sorry? Oh my god why are you sorry Nicky? I'm flattered. I'm the one who should be sorry. It seems that I've kept someone waiting for far too long.' I look down again and nearly lick my lips myself. Even though, when standing, her dress hangs to mid thigh, it is far too short to hide this. And I really wouldn't want it to. The material is now lying in loose folds across the base of her cock. Perfect.

I pull a chair up behind me and sit knee to knee with her.

She is still looking a little guilty, uncomfortable even, I smile at her, glance back down. 'I don't think you have any idea of just how much of a turn on you are sitting there looking like that. You are absolutely delicious.'

Her face breaks into an open mouthed smile, she's on the point of saying something.

I hold up a cautionary finger, touch it to her lips. Then, dragging her bottom lip with it, I trail down across her chin, her neck, down between her breasts until my finger touches the hanging folds of her dress.

She's breathing through parted lips, her eyes are slits, eyelids flickering. I glance down, her cock twitches inches below my wrist.

My hand drops to her cock, I brush my fingers up and down its length, she gasps and shivers at the contact. She's solid, steel hard, fit to burst.

I circle my finger and thumb around her glans, she's too thick for them to touch, I squeeze my fingers then release her, stroke the smooth, tight, silky skin, run a fingertip across the gaping slit, gather a bead of precum on my nail.

I look into her eyes and touch my fingertip to her lips.

Her tongue flicks out, dabs my finger. I push against it, easing it back into her mouth, keep pushing until my fist touches her face, her blood red lips tight around my finger, she sucks hard against me, her tongue wraps around the intruder, pressing it against the roof of her mouth.

'I think we need to relieve a little.......tension here, don't you.'

Pushing my chair back out of the way I pull my finger out of her mouth and drop to my knees, once again momentarily regretting ruined trousers.

I gaze at the thick shaft of her cock, only the second time I've done so. Probably the biggest I've been so personal with, but size isn't everything. The skin is the same creamy colour as the rest of her body, the slight upward curve giving it an almost aggressive look, her angry red bulbous glans, with its distinctly flared corona, adding to the look. And there's that prominent vein, now fully engorged, running along the top and a network of fine blue veins criss-crossing the length of her shaft that add......interest.

Enough looking, time to get......personal.

I reach over to the table and pick up her glass of iced water, take a drink, swirl it around in my mouth. Touch my lips to the tip of her cock then, an instant later, slide her all the way into my mouth.

She flinches, gasps. Sucks a breath in through her teeth and grabs the sides of my head. 'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Ohhhh myyyy god!'

I laugh around my mouthful of hard flesh, swish the cold water around, slowly move up and down, push down as far as I can, touch her to the back of my throat then pull back until just her glans is in my mouth, suck hard, swirl my tongue around and stroke her shaft, now lubricated with water escaping from my mouth.

It gets more and more difficult to breathe so I pull off and swallow. Sitting back I watch my hand as it slides up and down. The web of veins, suffused with blood, in stark contrast to her tissue thin cream skin. Another bead of clear precum squeezes from her slit, I lick it off and rub my tongue across my lips.

I look up to see a face of pure lust: she is flushed, biting her bottom lip, forehead creased, eyes screwed shut.

Massaging her tiny balls I take her rampant, simmering cock back into my mouth. Lick the underside of her cockhead, trace its shape with the tip of my tongue, push into the slit, suck, drag the precum out of her; that mix of flavours again; the expected saltiness but with a back taste of sweetness to it.

Long slow drop all the way down her shaft, then just a little further: lips tight around the base, her thick cock filling my mouth, the tip pressed into my throat. She groans, a hand on my head, the other gripping the chair. I back off, my tongue pressing against the underside, gently dragging my teeth across her skin until just her glans is in my mouth. Sucking against her flesh, several short pumps rubbing against the hard roof of my mouth. Then that long slow plunge down, and back up, and down, and up, a long slow rhythmic movement, my hands on the tops of her thighs trying to keep her on the chair.

Hear her breathing; blowing air out of her pursed lips, dragging it back in; trying to retain a level of control.

It works, for a while.

And I don't mind, I'm enjoying myself. Why wouldn't I be? But I do have other plans, other little pleasures I want to indulge in.

So I pick up the pace, less finesse, more speed. One hand wrapped around the base of her cock holding it just where I want it, the other cradling her balls. All the way down, all the way up; no pause, no respite. My saliva slathers her cock, runs down over my hand and her balls. The roof of my mouth, my tongue and lips create a hot cocoon wrapped tight around steel hard flesh. Each time I drop I push her a little further down my throat, gradually getting used to the size of her.

Her control begins to slip as the simmer begins to boil and then.......' Ohhhh fuck yeah. Nnngggaaaghh!'

Her hands grip the chair, her bum and thigh muscles lock tight as she pushes up hard, jamming her cock in as far as she can and explodes into my throat.

I accept her thrust, let her cock push right in, quell the urge to gag at that first thick glob and force the swallow, just in time as the next hits the back of my throat, then the next. Unable to breathe I push against her shaking thighs, give myself a little room and swallow as fast as I can.

I catch up with her as those first passions subside and her muscles lose their rigidity, she sinks onto the chair and I massage her cock with my hand and mouth, slowly milking her, sucking her dry.

Her shaft softening between my lips I sit back, let it drop to lie between her spread thighs.

She lets out a long held breath, shivers, once, from head to toe. I reach out and get my wine glass, take a drink and watch her. Her hair is dishevelled, face flushed a deep red, eyes drooping, half closed.

She stretches her arms, fingers spread. Her voice quivers, 'Mmmmm.....ooooh fuck mister.......but you are good at that!'

'Mmmm, thank you, you're worth the effort.'

'Do I have to go now?' She asks, pouting.

I laugh. 'No chance, you're not getting away that lightly.'

'Oh goody.'

Standing, I smile, and pat the table-top. 'Bend over Nicky.' Her eyebrows lift as I turn and step over to a chest of drawers. I look back over my shoulder, she hasn't moved but is watching me a little apprehensively. 'I'd never hurt you Nicky,' I smile again, 'it's all fun and frolics here.'

'Hmmm.' But she stands and bends over to rest her elbows on the table, she has her back to me but is looking over her shoulder, trying to see what I'm doing.

I turn towards her but hide my hands, and what I'm holding, behind my back.

'Naughty, face away Nicky.' She pouts, but does as I ask, wiggles her bum at me, a silent, but delicious, protest.

I put the contents of my hands in my pockets and step up behind her, reach down the sides of her thighs, slowly inch her dress up, it catches on something, I reach around and confirm my suspicions, her cock is already thickening and lifting, her dress is snagged. 'Mmmmm, you are a very rampant creature.' Her bum gives yet another little wiggle and she giggles.

I wrap my hand around her cock through her dress; just a couple of long, slow wanks, it leaps in response. I let go and untangle her dress, finish lifting it and lay it across her back.

Stepping away from her I take in the view, one I doubt I'll ever tire of. Those long, long legs crowned by a perfect bum, and her stance is just right; the cheeks of that perfect bum are spread to show the puckered little ring of her anus and just below that, her tiny balls. All so very......yummy.

There's only one thing you can do with something so yummy........

Dropping back down to my knees, trousers definitely ruined, I lean forward and lick the base of her spine, the insides of her buttocks, feel the change in texture as my tongue flickers across the tighter, puckered skin around her anus; her bum squirms against me. Run my tongue in a circle around the ridges, nibble at it, a slow spiral in, find the tightly clenched centre.

I hold her thighs and press my face between her buttocks, press the tip of my tongue into that tight ring of muscle, push in as far as I can then short thrusts, reaming her, press my teeth against her, push in even further, squirrelling the very tip of my tongue against the squishy walls.

I pull out and sit back. Her thick, hard cock is pointing towards the floor with a long fine string of pre-cum hanging from the tip. I gather it all on the end of my finger and lick it off; mmmm, sweet.

Leaning back in I push my face between her thighs and suck her ball sack into my mouth; her balls are so small that I can get them both in at the same time. I suck against them, roll them around with my tongue. I start to massage her cock with both hands, wanking and squeezing it until I hear her growling, her bum and groin begin to squirm, her knees tremble. She's close again but I don't really want her to cum quite yet, want to tease her just a little bit more but, just as I'm backing off, it happens. I'd taken her too far and I feel the first glob of cum pump down her cock and spray onto the floor. Her balls might be working overtime but there's obviously only so much they can do and, after the second, smaller wad, her cock begins to soften.

I push myself to my feet. She's breathing hard, her head down on the table. But, just because she's just cum yet again, I'm not going to change my little plan, I haven't finished with her yet.

I reach into my pocket, take out the object that's been weighing it down; a stainless steel butt plug. It's one of a set of three that I've had for quite some time, bought online on a whim, but never actually used. I've been waiting for the right......person. This is the middle sized of the three; it's only 4cm at its widest, so not large but it's different in having quite a long bulbous tip; rather like a stubby finger, that then flares out to that 4cm wide, quite long, body, the neck is narrow but has vertical ridges all the way around, the base is, again, different in having a ring through which you can hook a finger.

Reaching back into my pocket I take out a tube of lube and squeeze some around Nicky's sphincter, she doesn't know what's coming but she knows something is, her bum wiggles in anticipation. After applying more lube to the plug I press the bulbous tip up against her, it slips in quite nicely but then, as the plug widens, the resistance begins.

A little more lube and I press it forward, feel her begin to give, twisting it with the ring I ease it further in. She groans at the intrusion, at the stretching of her body. I stop pushing, she relaxes and lets out a breath. And, as her muscle softens, I push and twist against her, the plug slips in with a plop. She gasps and groans.

I step to the side and, taking her hand, get her to stand upright.

Her dress drops into place as she takes a slight staggering step.

She's slightly wide-eyed. 'Oooohhhh, that feels ......strange.'

'Haven't you had one before?'

'Nooo, feels different to know.'

I smiled. 'We're going upstairs now. OK?'

'Mmmmm, yes please.'

She took a hesitant step, gasped, then took another.

Turning, I led her out of the room and up the stairs.

Into my bedroom.

I let go of her hand to let her walk past me as I closed the door.

'Oh wow, now this is a bedroom.' She'd stopped in the middle of the room, facing the bed, then turned full circle.'I expected something much more.......masculine?' She paused, I stood behind her. 'This is.......unexpected. I don't know what to say except that I like it. And that bed......a four-poster. Oh my god! I've never seen a real four-poster before.'

I step up against her back, put my hands on her waist and kiss her long neck, she shivers and pushes back against me. Brush my lips up her warm soft skin, nibble her ear lobe, whisper, 'It's a very old bed and I've made some small......adjustments, but I think I'll save those for another time.'

I step back and slowly unravel the two dress straps from around her neck. Equally slowly I peel the dress down off her stiff nipples, down until I reach a bit of a sticking point. Her dress is now lying across her, once again, erect cock. This girl sure is overloaded with hormones. Growled into her ear. 'I swear Nicky, that thing has a spring.'

She giggled. 'I know, soooo hard to control.'

The dress material has no stretch in it so it's stuck between her gorgeous bum and equally gorgeous cock, a delicious place to be I know but it had rather spoiled the flow. But I'm not one to complain, certainly not in this situation. So once again I reach around her, lift her dress and press her cock flat against her tummy. This allows her dress to drop off her taut bum, down those long, long legs to the floor. Bending down I lift each foot in turn to then stand with it in my hand. It weighs mere grams, I can't imagine what the delicate fabric felt like to wear.

I laid it carefully across a chair.

'On the bed Nicky.'

She didn't say anything, just kicked off her shoes, climbed up and flopped onto her back. As she'd climbed up I'd caught a brief glimpse of the butt plug peeping out from between the cheeks of her arse, it made my cock twitch.

It was the first time I'd seen her fully naked, it had been well worth the wait. Her long body stretched out, one knee slightly raised, her boobs lying flat on her chest and that cock......that cock was back in all its rampant glory. It was truly insatiable!

I stood at the side of the bed and undressed.

Nicky watched me, a slight smile on her face.

I straightened from taking off my underwear and looked at her. 'Not bad.' She said.

I grunted. 'Is that all I get? All the hours I put in and all I get is 'Not bad'.'

She laughed. 'Shut up and come and put some hours in over here.'

I grinned. 'Minutes more like.'

'You're still talking David.'

I looked her up and down again. 'Yes, how silly of me.' I climbed up, joined her in the centre of the bed and kissed her full on the mouth.

She moaned as my tongue pushed between her lips. I can taste wine and dessert as our tongues play tag.

I break our kiss and begin to explore her body. I trace her lips with my tongue, follow the ridge of her nose to the corner of her eye. Brush my lips across her eyelashes, then her thick eyebrows, the soft skin at the side of her eye: a faint beat under my lips. Follow the swirling shape of her ear, toy with the lobe, flick her earring.