Forbidden Fertility Fruit

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A mysterious fruit allows for easy conception as well as...
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Spring break was always made out to be an insanely wild time. That has not been the case for me. Every year spring break was nothing more than a week off from school. There was never anything crazy about it. All I did was stay home or hangout with friends. I was not the partying type, so I was content. This year was only slightly different. For the first time in my life, I was going on a short vacation during spring break. It was my senior year of college and I felt like celebrating! My best friend, Ashley, begged me to do something big and go on a trip with her. I wasn't sure at first because I'd never hear the end of it from my mom. She was one of those moms that wouldn't stop talking if she found out you were friends with a girl. Ashley and I were just friends but that did little to stop my mom from acting as if we were a couple. I decided to lie and say the trip was with several friends just to avoid that whole fiasco.

The trip was to Mexico, except it wasn't to any of the stunning beaches like most spring break vacations. No, us nerds picked a new vacation destination that recently popped up. We were heading to a newly discovered temple believed to have been built by the Aztecs. It's possible that it was built by the Mayans but so far researchers are leaning toward Aztec. Either way it looked like an amazing experience.

I met up with Ashley at the airport. She was a short Asian girl with the skinniest, most petite body you could imagine. In fact, she would often get picked on for her tiny stature or for being as flat as a bored. That's mostly because you couldn't make fun of anything else about her. Ashley was a fashion major and she looked like one too! Every outfit she wore was absolutely adorable or breathtakingly beautiful. On rare occasions she would even look irresistibly sexy and that's a big compliment coming from me because I have always preferred thick girls with voluptuous breasts and curves; the opposite of Ashley. She was an expert with makeup. Sometimes she'd dabble in cosplay as her prowess in clothes and makeup could transform her into anyone or anything. I was lucky to be her friend. Despite me being the calculus major, I often had to turn to her for help. It was clear she was special.

"This is it!" Ashley exclaimed as we arrived at the tour. She brushed a lock of hair out of her face. Although her short black hair barely reached her shoulders it still got in the way. There was always a lock of hair that seemed to settle right in front of her left eye. It looked super cute but annoyed the hell out of her.

Large temples surrounded us on each side. They were clearly ancient, dilapidated, and overgrown with vegetation. It was a shame they weren't discovered earlier it may have been possible to preserve them better. Trees and vines split the stonework apart as years of neglect allowed nature to take over. They were smaller than the ones you see in pictures. I wondered what secrets they hid. Ashley poked me in the side. The tour guide was moving us along. We were coming close to the end of the tour for day one. Each day the tour continued as we explored new sites and learned more history of the area and ancient culture. The last part of the tour was a massive buffet-style dinner.

"What a cute couple! You two should try these out," one of the tour staff members beamed as he handed us strange fruit. Before I could correct the man that Ashley was just a friend, he was already helping the next couple. Ashley didn't care, she was too busy admiring the cute little spiky red fruit we were given. It matched her red crop top and the spikes were similar to those on the leather belt that ran through her white shorts.

"It's delicious! You have to try it," Ashley squealed with glee. We didn't even sit down and she was already eating her fruit. I didn't even know how to eat it. The spines on the exterior kept pricking me. When she noticed I was having a hard time, Ashley snagged the fruit from my hands and peeled it for me. It was truly incredible. Without exaggeration, it was the sweetest thing I'd ever tasted. By the time we made it to the table our little fruits were completely devoured. I couldn't wait to dig in. The best part of any vacation was always the food. Nobody talked for the first few minutes of our meal. Everyone was stuffing their faces with a little bit of everything. Except Ashley who only took a little bit of chicken and a small portion of rice and beans. I know she's tiny but I don't know how she could resist all that food back there.

Ashley was the first to speak up. "Where can I get more of this fruit? I don't see it out there?" she asked gently. At first the tour guide smiled. That was most people's first reaction whenever Ashley spoke as her voice was sweeter than candy. The tour guide's smile soon faded.

"You didn't eat that, did you?" the tour guide snapped.

Ashley looked scared for a moment. "Yeah, one of the staff members gave it to us," she protested.

"Who?" the tour guide looked around the table. The entire tour was seated along with all the staff members but the man who gave us the fruit was nowhere to be found.

Panic consumed Ashley. She looked like she had seen a ghost. "What's wrong? Is it poisonous?" she gasped. Ashley gripped my hand in fear.

The tour guide shook his head. "No, no, it's fine. It's just not on the menu. I don't know why a staff member would give that to you. That fruit was known to the Aztec as the forbidden fertility fruit. Obviously, nobody was allowed to eat it aside from a select few. Present day we try to preserve the tradition and restrict people from eating it," he explained.

We sighed in relief. Ashley let go of my hand. She was squeezing it subconsciously to the point that it started to feel numb. "Oh ok, sorry," Ashley gushed. It was pretty embarrassing to accidentally disrespect the culture you were trying to learn about.

"No worries, at least if the rumors are true you'll have no trouble conceiving," the tour guide joked. He wiped sweat off his brow and continued eating his meal. We didn't ask for any more explanations. Ashley and I were used to the staff people here mistaking us for a couple. The rest of the people on the tour were older couples so it was an understandable mistake. However, we still made a face when he said 'conceiving'. That was a bit much.

The rest of the meal was fine. Nothing tasted remotely as good as those fruits though. It was a shame it was offensive to their culture to eat them. I wondered who offered them to us in the first place. All around me people were wrapping up their meals and heading back to the bus. There was still no sign of that staff member. The long bus ride to the hotel quickly made me forget about the strange ordeal with those fruits. Once we arrived at the small resort, I was fully focused on checking in and unpacking. Nothing else crossed my mind. The rattle of suitcase wheels filled the narrow hallways. At last, we found our room. It was much smaller than we expected. Right away I noticed there was only one bed. It was almost a queen sized bed, though it was possibly smaller.

"I thought there would be two beds. I can call the front desk to see if there was an error?" I offered.

"Ok, I'll be in the shower," Ashley informed. She unzipped her luggage to get out a pair of pajamas. They were bright pink with little kittens on them. Definitely not what I expected from a twenty two year old but I wasn't judging. I spotted a slight blush on her face before she raced into the tiny bathroom. There was a small list of numbers next to a phone on the nightstand. I called up the front desk to explain the situation.

"It sounds like this is a two person room. A two bed room sleeps four people and is just about double the price," I called out.

"Screw that!" Ashley answered from in the shower. Her little voice could barely be heard over the rushing water and was muffled by the closed bathroom door. There was no way we could afford to upgrade rooms. I was fine sleeping in the same bed as her as long as she didn't hog all the blankets.

I took off my watch and placed it on the nightstand. My suitcase stared me down from across the small room. I contemplated if I should change while Ashley was in the shower or take a shower after her and then change. Almost mindlessly I began to change. There was no point as I should probably take a shower first. When I removed my shorts I was surprised to see just how erect my cock was. It was odd. How long was it like this? There wasn't anything that was arousing me. All of a sudden a wave of hormones washed over me. My erection began to throb with pain. It felt like I had to have sex immediately or I'd explode. I'd never experienced anything like it, not even when I was eighteen. This consuming feeling overwhelmed me. I had to take care of this problem before it grew too unbearable. Especially with my close friend currently in the shower, I didn't want to be around her while I was this horny. Strangely enough small, muffled moans could be heard from the bathroom. I lowered my boxers and tried my best to relieve the ache in my cock. It didn't work. If anything it got worse. Harder, faster, it didn't make a difference. Suddenly, the feeling intensified drastically. I could hardly breathe. Something was wrong. This feeling came out of nowhere and nothing could be done about it.

A sharp yelp broke my trance. Ashley had gotten out of the shower and was staring at my naked body. She didn't put on her pajamas yet. Instead, she had a towel wrapped around her wet body. Her eyes locked onto my throbbing cock. When I tried to cover myself with my hands I realized my dick was bigger than before. It was more erect than I'd ever been. Before I could apologize, Ashley's towel dropped to the floor. It was wrapped around her tightly, she had to have done it on purpose. No words were spoken. I stared at her naked body while she stared at mine. Her tits were so small but her nipples stuck out so much. They were dark and incredibly erect, making them look like Hershey kisses. Her belly was perfectly trim. She was the thinnest a person could be without looking like a skeleton. Her hips gave her body some much needed curves but besides that her ass, thighs and legs were all tiny, tight, and thin. Normally, I wouldn't be attracted to a girl this rail thin but she was no ordinary girl. She was my best friend Ashley Wong. She has the most heavenly voice, the most radiant skin, an angelic face, the sweetest smile, and limitless talent.

"D-did you just drop that on purpose?" I choked out. I could barely speak. My eyes struggled to maintain eye contact. They were pulled by the elegance of Ashley's naked figure.

"I thought it would be less embarrassing for you. Now we're even," Ashley blushed. She still didn't look me in the eye. We both admired each other's chest. It felt awkward. My friend who I was never interested in was suddenly naked and irresistible. I was terrified that the immense hornyness was going to make me do something I'd regret. Luckily, Ashley made the next move. She slowly walked up to me until she was inches away from my body. Her eyes sparkled as they gazed into mine. My cock pressed into her tiny belly as she came closer. Ashley's body was now pressed up against mine. Her erect nipples poked at me. She must have been feeling the same uncontrollable urges I was. I gave in and leaned down to kiss her. She instantly wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me close to her. It was different than any other girl I've made out with. We were way more wild. Our hands searched each other's bodies while our tongues explored each other's mouths. Everything we did felt urgent and primal. It was almost as if we were starving and this was what we had to do to survive. I'd never felt such lust before.

The more we gave in to these surge of desires the more we craved. It wasn't long until we could wait no longer. Ashley was so short and thin that I practically threw her onto the bed. My cock plunged deep into her tight pussy. She begged me to go harder. I pinned her down and thrusted like a mad beast. No matter how rough I was it wasn't enough for either of us; we simply craved more. The headboard of the cheap hotel bed sounded like it was going to bash a hole in the wall from all the rocking. For such a tiny woman, Ashley sure could take a pounding. It was like I was fucking her into the mattress and she only screamed for more. Nothing seemed to kill our libido. I sucked on her erect nipples and rubbed her silky skin. Ashley gasped and held my head against her small breasts.

"Fuck me! Oh God, fuck me harder!" Ashley pleaded. I stroked up and down her thin legs. My hands gripped the small curve of her ass. It didn't matter that she didn't really have an ass or tits, her pussy was so tight that I didn't even care. I picked up the pace and slammed my hips into hers. We moaned in unison. She dug her nails into my back as I drilled her. All she did was beg for more. Time flew by and neither of us were close to being done. We made love for hours in countless positions. We explored every inch of each other's bodies, constantly rubbing and kissing. After who knows how long, I finally felt myself near the end. A tingling sensation filled my balls while Ashley rode me reverse cowgirl style.

"I'm gonna cum," I warned. We weren't using any protection so it was right to tell her.

"Me too!" Ashley screamed. That was all she was able to say before slamming her pussy down on my cock bringing us both to an orgasm. I felt up her tiny tits from behind while I filled her with cum. A loud moan escaped from Ashley. Blast after blast of hot cum shot deep inside her tight body. My cock was a hose filling up her womb with endless amounts of seed. After a while I realized that the amount I was cumming and the duration of time it was taking was far beyond normal. Something was up, yet Ashley moaned and gyrated the whole time. "Oh fuck, you're cumming so much inside of me," Ashley gasped. She sounded lost in bliss. Her voice was exhausted and euphoric at the same time. All of a sudden, Ashley pulled my hands off from her tits and placed them on her tummy. My eyes went wide. It was not the flat, incredibly thin, stomach she had mere seconds ago. Somehow it was bloated outward and expanding each second. The feeling of her belly swelling in my hands was tremendously hot. It frightened me a bit though the pleasure of it diluted my fear. Every pump of cum made her tummy surge forward. I couldn't believe it. Ashley's belly was expanding because of me! I was literally overflowing her with cum!

"Yes, don't stop!" Ashley moaned. She bounced on my cock wildly. Her hands were glued to her growing belly. It kept getting bigger and bigger the more that I came. The tightening of her pussy indicated that she was climaxing again. I stroked her stomach as it filled with absurd amounts of seed. The last few blasts felt extra big as they flooded her womb. After going at it for what seemed like forever, we were both spent. Ashley collapsed onto her back. Her belly sloshed and wobbled. It stuck out from her tiny frame like a mountain. She let out an exhausted sigh as we laid in bed. The sheets were soaked from our endless sex.

"That was amazing!" Ashley panted. She placed a slender hand on her distended belly. I couldn't believe she wasn't worried. Her stomach looked like she was six months pregnant, yet she rubbed it without a care in the world.

Suddenly, it hit me. The tour guide said we wouldn't have any trouble conceiving after we ate that fruit. I was grossed out by that at the time but now I just had sex with my best friend and blasted her full of cum. He must have known this would happen. There was no way it was a coincidence. The fruit we ate altered us. It made us so hot and bothered we practically pounced on each other. That explains how I was able to cum for so long and how she was able to take it all. That weird fruit changed us. I placed my hand on Ashley's bloated belly. It was so squishy and soft, unlike before. I wondered if I had just gotten my friend pregnant. She clutched my hand and held it against her tummy. The same thought must have been circling her mind.

We fell asleep clutching each other. The next day we woke up bright and early for another excursion. Part of me wanted to ask the tour guide more questions about that fruit but it was so embarrassing. I'd never be able to tell anyone what happened. There was a slight issue that made it a hard topic to avoid. None of Ashley's tops properly fit her anymore. She was rail-thin and never imagined having to cover up such a large belly. The swelling had gone down a lot but not enough. Her poor shirt strained to cover her bloated gut. After trying each top she owned, Ashley settled for a black one that almost reached her belly button but left most of her midriff exposed. It actually didn't look half bad. People were definitely going to think she was chubby despite seeing how tiny she was yesterday.

Today's tour was much different than yesterday's. No matter where we went and what astounding feats of nature we saw, nothing looked as good as Ashley. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Unfortunately, so could a few of the other tourists. They took notice that the petite woman now had a plump belly that sloshed and jiggled. Ashley blushed as she caught someone staring right at her belly button. I held her close to me for reassurance. She knew she still looked hot, though it was odd for people to be checking out her stomach so much. There was something sexy about it. I liked all the attention her midsection was getting. It was as if people were admiring my handiwork. Obviously, they didn't know why her stomach was bloated but it still made me smile knowing I was the reason why she was getting so much attention.

In time, Ashley got past all the stares and people focused on the tour once it got underway. That was until around lunchtime. Everyone seemed to be eyeing Ashley's plate to examine what the hell this tiny woman ate to become so round overnight. Of course, being the thin woman she was, Ashley didn't eat all that much. This left silent looks of confusion on their faces. Wives had to quietly slap their husbands to remind them not to stare. At this point Ashley was used to all the attention her belly was getting. The tour guide nodded at me after lunch. His eyes darted from Ashley's exposed midriff back to me. He smiled and winked. He knew what happened. Nobody else knew why Ashley now had a round, plump belly.

We took a lot more pictures than the previous day. The both of us looked different in them. It's hard to explain, but we looked more like a couple. There was a subtle difference in the way we stood together, the way we smiled and posed. Our photos came out great and we were in more of them together. I even had my hand on her waist holding her tight. You could sense a real connection between us that wasn't present in our previous pictures. I wondered what we were. It was the fruit's fault that we hooked up, however, I found myself still entranced by her. Watching Ashley's cum-filled belly bounce around all day certainly didn't help. It was the only part of her stick-figure body that jiggled. I couldn't take my eyes off it. Sometimes she'd get excited about something and do small jumps in place like a little kid. Each time I was mesmerized by that plump bulge of a belly I had given her. By the end of the tour I was dying to rub it.

"I have to take a shower, it was exhausting lugging this gut around all day," Ashley complained. She took her shirt off right in front of me. I was surprised to discover she had not worn a bra today. Her tits were small though I didn't think she would go out without a bra. Before she entered the bathroom I noticed her nipples were erect as hell. Was she in the mood? I wondered if that's why she took her top off in front of me. To make sure I didn't miss out on any action, I followed Ashley into the bathroom. Luckily, I spotted her smirking in the mirror when she saw me follow. This gave me the confirmation I needed to continue.