Forever Weekend at the Lodge


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Approximately six teaspoons of seed made its way down Caleb's throat and into his stomach. Jack grabbed hold of Caleb's locks again and demanded he tightened his lips as he fine pulled from within, squeezing out every millilitre which Caleb gladly accepted. Jack finally pulled out and knelt down to Caleb, licking off every residue of cum that was escaping from his mouth. Jack whispered something in German before kissing him on the cheek and pinching the other. He then went down and began to return the favour by taking attentive hands towards Caleb's groin and well as bending down and licking over his cage. Mark bent Caleb over Jack and he wrapped his gloved arms around Jack's gut, resting his head upon the small of his back, moaning girlishly as Mark switched to hind legs as he pushed his cock between Caleb's other cheeks. He thrusted slowly to the tune of Jack's stroking. The sensation drove Caleb near insane.

"NO, please guys! It's too good. I can't take it!" he screeched.

Meanwhile, Cindy's time on the ass chair had taken all the wind out of her, so came Mindy's turn equipped with an equally rotund belly.

"You can lick me there if you want. I don't care about the noise."

Well on his way to ejaculation, Leif took his moment and licked thoroughly Mindy's hole as she farted long and hard into his mouth, much to the tee-heeing of the amassed crowd who were jacking and sucking each other all the meanwhile. Each time she opened up and blew into his mouth, the nerves tightened on his prick and he edged closer.

"This is the big one Leif. Get ready, said Mindy.

Leif got faster and faster with his stroking. Mindy wanted to let it all out with one thrust so she raised up her legs and reached for her tiptoes to hold herself in position. Her centre of gravity was now as heavy as it could be and she let out the mother of all bombs directly into Leif's open mouth, orgasmically moaning as she did so, lasting twelve seconds. Leif shot hot streams up in the air, which then landed onto Mindy's back. Mindy put her feet to the ground again and stretched her back out on the chair. She then stood up and walked to the couch and crashed out face first to the accompanying cheers of all witnesses. Lanie knelt beside her.

"Mindy. Oh, Mindy, that was so rad what you did there!"

"Ah, yeah. I'm awesome. Mindy said in an exhausted tone."

"Hey Mindy, can I uh..," Lanie said she pointed to the cum streams on Mindy's back.

Mindy didn't even have to open her eyes and turn her head round to what Lanie was pointing it, which was all the better for her as she had barely the energy to speak. She sighed, "Sure. Do it now or it'll get cold."

"Yes Mom," Mindy said.

She then held her hair and ran her tongue up the white streams as Mindy's fingers and toes waltzed slowly.

"The guys have cum all they can for now. Caleb, what are you going to do with all those medals around your waist?" said Rhona.

With now a show to put on for his amassed audience, Caleb knelt on the bed and dragged out a bulging spunk balloon from amongst the legion that formed his now full belt of pride. With himself drooling at the mouth and forwarding to his audience an aching and yearning with his face, he emptied the contents of the condom across his glittered chest. Many of the cheerleaders were already fingering themselves frantically at the sight. The team stroked and massaged their dicks also, even if they were raw red by this point. Caleb turned and emptied another semen sack across his ass. It ran down like melted icing sugar across his cheeks and into his crack. Leif joined him on the bed to give his own performance. He began by dumping a huge load onto his tongue and swallowing it without pause. The two then poured three or more sacks of jizz onto each other's gleaming chests and stomachs. They then spread out their legs and rubbed the silvery goo into their bodies.

Their audience, so captivated by their display, greatly desired collectively to equate it's lewdness by prodding each other's assholes and rolling sticky tongues across the nearest available patch of flesh. Caleb and Lief concluded their act with a creamy cum kiss with much viscus drenched tongue. Cum also was flying amongst the patrons. Upon backs, within holes, across faces, the cheerleaders and the team nonetheless found themselves awash within a blizzard of jizz despite the weakly held pretence that they were the gatekeepers of the pleasure dome. Their tongues were flapping like happy dogs and their eyes stretched up to show graciousness towards the goddess of eros and her hyper happy daughter, the queen of lewd.

Chapter 13

The party had winded down. Some had already left out of exhaustion. It was only now the hardcore which remained.

"I mean, what else can we do to you two Caleb? You've taken our cum in all of your holes. You've licked us from head to toe, drank litres of our piss and farts upon farts as we ripped our assholes into your faces."

"That's just it. Your assholes. Caleb said nervously. I..."

Leif looked at him and smiled. Caleb smiled back. He then turned back to the high school team.

"We request your shit. Shit on our bodies and into our mouths. I see some of you holding your bellies. They are lined with steaming hot turds no doubt and we want the be smothered in those fecal treasures. Our faces covered and our mouths filled from cheek to cheek, straight from your smouldering mines. We ask for your ultimate filth, seasoned veterans of the fuck."

"I go further than Caleb. Why don't we just fuck and all shit where we may? The feeling of a tall, soft, hot egg poking it's way through our walls, pressing against our cum tubes and stretching our most sensitive nerve endings is a sensation i have always fantasised about experiencing whilst fucking another," Leif said

"I have never heard such a fowl request so eagerly omitted. And my clit is throbbing just as the promise of what would await us if we so permitted ourselves," Lanie said, her legs twitching.

All the guys got erect and the girls were tweaking their bright red clits.

"OH GOD! If i don't shit right now, i swear my ass is going to explode," said Tina.

Bewey clapped his hands. We have not a moment to lose. Caleb, Leif, your first meal awaits you between Tina's quaking cheeks. Kneel behind her and await her gift.

Tina was secured by Lanie, who hugged her tightly and lapped her tongue all over her neck and shoulders. Tina held onto her with an immovable grip, panting, her drool running down Lanie's back.

"Oh god, this is so embarrassing. But it feels so good at the same time," waid Tina.

"Concentrate on nothing but pushing everything out Tina. Run it all from all your holes, your pee, your snot, your saliva, anything to deliver the largest uncut turd for our brave adventurers," said Bewey

"I'll do my very best. I promise I will shit all that i have onto our little scat elves," Tina said.

Zack and Mark both held onto Tina's legs so that her entire weight was being carried for her and so there would be only the most crucial muscles she would have to concern herself with.

"It's coming. Oh god, there's so much of it. It is more than two men can consume," said Tina.

"I will gladly eat your shit Tina. But my hole is also backed up. You will receive my scat afterwards," Janie said

"Of course Janie. I would love to eat your shit. I've never felt so wild in like forever," Tina then started to moan deeply.

Tina peed on her floor. Zack and Mark caught it in their hands and drank it Her drool dripping onto the floor from Lanie's asscheeks was at a constant drip was being licked off by Cindy. The mucus flowing from her nose was being sucked out by Mindy who had cupped her entire mouth over it. Jeremiah took to her tears and ran them off her cheek with his tongue. With Bewey parting the asscheeks and the three eagerly waiting below, only Tina's red rose prolapse was visible.

"I still can't go," Tina bemoaned.

"She's not there yet. I know what will get her there," said Caleb

Caleb tongued Leif. They sucked on each other's slithery lances. Jack held a mirror to Tina's face, angled down so she could see the two boys swapping spit. She moaned.

"So h.. So hot. They're drinking each other without respite. Hold on you two, my best dish.. The best I've ever given..."

Slowly and with consistency, a thick, solid trail of faeces emerged from Tina's tiny sphincter. Caleb, Leif and Jane knelt behind Tina and opened their mouths. The density was thick and little smearing occurred as Caleb caught two coils in his gullet, with a cut away planted across his nose. A wide eyed Leif stuck his tongue out to feel the warmth still emanating from the waste as it slid into his mouth. With the two boy's cheeks filled, there was still plenty left for Janie. Mouthfuls of piss, snot and drool were emptied into the three partakers by the initial recipients to wash down the heavy set turds. Jeremiah did the honours of wiping Tina's now auburn crevasse with slow meticulous licks. So strong was his tongue, Tina squeezed out one last morsel as her colon had never had so much space to breath.

Jeremiah chewed and swallowed it and then proceeded to go back in with force and tongue fuck Tina's ass. The boys and Janie were all frigged and their throats massaged as they chewed on Tina's effluence and viscus. Zack opened Leif's mouth and saw he had swallowed Tina's massive load. He sucked his tongue and licked the flecks off of his teeth. His ass was straight in Caleb's face. All hesitation was gone from Caleb and when an asshole prompted an opportunity, Caleb took it. As he was chewing on the last mounds of shit in his mouth, Caleb reached out his hand and put two fingers into Zack's well lubricated asshole and started banging him.

"Now you get it Caleb. All holes are your domain in the pleasuredome. Take what's yours," said Bewey.

"Someone piss in my mouth," requested Janie. Jack obliged her. With his piss, the last chunk of Tina's load dropped into Janie's gut.

"Now it's your turn Tina," said Janie.

"Of course, but i need my pussy and ass filled while it happens. They're itching like crazy," Tina pleaded.

"I'll take this hole," Jeremiah said as he slid his tongue out of Janie's now spotless button, spanking her as he did so.

"And I'll take the puss," said Joey. "Get a good view of Tina taking it all in. Man, that'll be great."

"Well get them in then you guys. I can't take the wait any longer," said Tina

Jeremiah and Joey took positions and planted both their swords deep in Tina who started pinching her nipples. Her tongue started wagging out of her mouth. Her eyes were at the ceiling.

"Janie's going to shit in my mouth. I never thought i would want something so bad," she said

Janie swaggered over to the riding Tina. She stepped over Joey and spread her cheeks in front of Tina's face so that they were eye to eye.

"Make my ass wet and you can receive your meal Tina."

"With pleasure"

Tina fluidly lapped up Janie's button which electrified her, evident by her gentle gasps.

"I want Tina to have my shit too. I'm gonna do it in her hair and then smear it all over with myself with what I have plundered my bowels onto her," said Lorna

"Oh yes. So dirty. I've never done anything so dirty. This is all so new," Tina said.

Lorna turned her ass back to Tina and linked hands with Janie.

"This way we'll know when we'll both go can go and we can truly smother her," said Lorna

"You're an evil genius Lorna," giggled Janie.

Butting the smalls of their backs together, Janie and Lorna, holding hands, stretched out their bowels whilst Tina knelt underneath them, waiting for Jesus, watching their open buttholes eagerly awaiting them to commit nature. Jeremiah gave head to Lorna which eased her flow. Janie squeezed out pure dirt onto Tina's face and mouth. Lorna, with a clown's grin, shat out a larger if less dense specimen on top of Tina's head. It was dough like texture drooped down onto her torso and legs. From head to shoulder, Tina was truly covered in turd bombs. Just as Lorna said, She squatted on Joey's back and proceeded to body paint with the shit. She rubbed turds between her face and Tina's, coating them both. She ran the turds hanging from her shoulders down onto Tina's breasts and torso. As Joey and Jeremiah continued to drill Tina, she held onto Lorna. They pressed the dirt between their bodies and grinding on each other, further covering each other.

"Looks like you got left out Lorna baby," said Jack as he stood over Lorna and shat out a large steaming coil onto her head.

Tina laughed out loud. Miffed, Lorna reeled Jack back in and spread his cheeks and sucked the remaining shit off his hole, even picking at areas she could not get to with her finger. She then smacked Jack hard on the ass and pushed him away.

"I can't even begin to imagine how I look," Tina said as she panted.

"Save it for when you are truly presentable. This Lino is not near enough covered for us," replied Lorna.

"Dirty little secret time Lorna. I played with my poop a lot when I was younger. My mom sent me to a counsellor because of it."

"And what did they say?"

"You'll grow out of it," Tina replied

The girls were both in hysterics. Tina was jiggling up and down upon Joey and Jeremiah's dicks. Lorna tongued her as the guys both spurted into her. So loose and eased were Tina's muscles that the cum simply dropped out onto their pubes, only to be smeared in by Lorna and Tina as they continued laughing.

"My turn Caly," said Rhona as she grabbed Caleb by the arm and laid him on the floor. He got a full upside down view of Leif fucking Mark. Rhona squatted over Caleb's face.

"My mystical powers do not stop with summoning the spirits of the lands. I can summon as well as cobra to grow out of me. Take it all in your mouth Caleb and you will be rewarded greatly."

Caleb opened his mouth. Rhona parted her legs wide as she squatted so that he could see the whole thing. A large, meaty shit with the appearance of a horse cock slid out of Rhona's now caesium of a sphincter. A straight arrow of piss shot across the room from Rhona's cunt as her muscles were stretched to breaking point. She began to sweat. Caleb paced himself and bit off small chunks and swallowed them near whole.

The task seemed never ending as Caleb was now at his fourth bite with no foreseeable end to the monster turd. Rhona's groans were the lewdest and most primal sounding that he had ever heard. At last, the shit was complete and fully exited Rhona's gaping black hole. Caleb could see Leif taking his dick out or Mark and kneeling for his turds. Two were pushed out and fell into his mouth and he chewed upon them with vigour. Suddenly, seeming disaster. The monster turd dangled vicariously over Caleb's mouth, too big to fit in. With care and precision, Caleb chowed down on the massive shit and broke it up between his teeth. Cheek to cheek filled with shit, Caleb chewed with care and swallowed chunks at a time until one huge concluding gasp of relief emerged from him.

"Well done. Very impressive," Rhona said. "But we're not done yet."

The second turd, just as large as the first, sank into Caleb's mouth and became engulfed between his lips. Caleb chewed more and more and his cheeks expanded more and more and then little by little sank inward. Caleb savoured her shit this time, chewing longer and rolling his tongue around her great mass. He even cleaned her asshole upon completion and opened his mouth for more.

"You beautiful warrior," she exclaimed.

Rhona smiled at him and licked his forehead which was orgasmic to Caleb. She seemingly had all the keys to his body.

"Such a magical woman. My body is hers entirely. She has so many answers for me. Whatever it takes, I'll learn them," said Caleb to himself

Rhona squatted again and shit all that was left out of her while fingering herself raw for Caleb's amusement. Caleb, with ease, sucked upon, chewed and gulped down the last of Rhona's cobra as he gazed upon the top down vision of her dream babe acting most true and base.

"You are truly a disciple of the fuck Caleb," said Rhona

"With your kind face and limitless will, i was invincible. I have never felt more alive. Whatever it can be Rhona, let me be by your side," Caleb said

"Caleb. It's been an honour of mine to teach you about yourself and the bond we have with this nature. I would like very much to have a companion in you."

"Rhona. I'm free. I'm truly free, and it's thanks to all of you. Thank you," said Caleb

"Now, your reward"

"My reward?"

Rhona and Caleb stood up. Rhona started to look a little anxious.

"Yeah, well, it was a fifty fifty chance that you could pull it off. I knew you could do it and all but, well, you deserve this anyway."


"Caleb. Your belly is still full, isn't it?"


Caleb started to blush, as did Rhona. She then started to rub his erection with her knee whilst twiddling her thumbs behind her back. Eye contact was suddenly a problem.

"How would you... like to lay a big, long, wet, stinky turd on my face?"

"Wow. Um, ah..."

Rhona then grimaced at him and snickered.

"I'd rather you eat it."

"Huh?" Rhona said as her eyes widened in amazement..

"In fact, I'd rather you take a seat in that recliner and hold a silver platter under your chin as all the guys and the girls here shit on you and me and we swallow it all together."

"Um.. Ha,ha. Caleb. I don't have a strong stomach. I don't know if I can eat that many turds."

Caleb laughed,. "What?! Rhona is backing down? From a commitment no less?"

Rhona folded her arms and huffed, "Fine"

Caleb pulled in his fist, "Yes, this is gonna be awesome." Caleb clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention

"Now guys. You have your first scat bukkake volunteers. Me and Rhona."

A plethora of hushed tones and a-gasps filled the room

"Ladies and gentlemen, your scat prom queen and your scat prom king," Caleb said as he raised Rhona's arm with his, much to Rhona's bug eyed bewilderment.

"If you're happy and you're pooping, that's the best you can do. The best you can be," Rhona shook her head after she heard Caleb say that. It garnered a standing ovation nonetheless.

"We need a silver platter and a line forming in front of the recliner," instructed Caleb.

Caleb then rushed to the recliner and patted the seat invitingly whilst looking in Rhona's direction. Rhona sighed and got into the chair.

"I think you're stretching my generosity out a little thin Caleb," Rhona pouted.

"Well, you're not going to back out on a commitment are you Rhona?"

"No. Never."

"Then sit there and eat shit," said Caleb

"Watch it little man."

Zack handed the platter over to Rhona. She stared at it.

"There we are. I even made it all nice and shiny for ya. Not that it'll stay that way for long though," Zack laughed as he took his place in the line. Rhona looked down at the line.

"Nine people. I'm gonna swallow the shit of nine people so that Caleb will retain what I have taught him. Fair is fair. But I am going too far to prove a point here, isn't i? Aren't i?" Rhona inquisitions herself.