Form Russia - Without Love


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Yahontov arrived with two other male operatives and an underground doctor. I let them in the condo holding Wilson's Makarov pistol with suppressor in my right hand behind the door while waving them up the stairs with my left hand. Once they were all inside I closed the door and shot all four of them in the back of the head, with another kill shot for each when they were down. I did the best that I could to remove any traces of me, poured alcohol over the places where I had touched things, and then lit the place on fire as I exited out the back door wearing one of Wilson's trench coats and hats.

As I casually walked away from Wilson's condo - where flames didn't start shooting out of the building until I was several blocks away at my car - the old English axiom "in for a penny, in for a pound" popped into my head.

While Parker and I always had a good sex life, that night I wasted him as I fucked and sucked him until he was a zombie - a very happy zombie when he passed out more than fell asleep. I got a good night's sleep myself. The next day I took off work and went to the headquarters of the FBI in Washington, D. C., wearing a disguise.

When the guard at the reception area asked what I wanted I was blunt. "I'm a Russian spy with information critical to the United States. I want to see the head of counterintelligence."

The guard looked at me skeptically. I flashed him a grin and said "Do you really want to be responsible for passing up critical information about Russian spies in the U. S. How long do you think that you'd keep your job?"

Two minutes later a male and a female agent were at my elbow. They searched me but found only two of the floppy disks from Wilson's computer and my wallet - I had left my knife at home. I had also left what I determined was the most important floppy disk obtained from Wilson, as well as several floppy disks will all of the information I had ever given Wilson, safely hidden in my backyard.

The two agents led me to a windowless interrogation room where they told me I was being video taped. I talked for ninety minutes straight to the agents, telling them most of what I knew, how I had been unsuccessful in getting any information from Parker, and what I wanted.

The female agent left for ten minutes and came back into the room with the deputy director of counterintelligence and two other agents.

I told them about the other floppy disks that I had, how I had fallen in love with Parker, how I had no ideological attachment to Russia, and that I wanted them to figure out a way to protect me and Parker.

They brought lunch in, we chatted for another couple of hours, and then I wrote out the contract I wanted them to sign. When a couple of their agents came back with a report about what had occurred at Wilson's condo that matched my story exactly they made a few changes to my proposed contract and the director of the FBI and I both signed it.

That night when Parker got home from work the deputy head of counterintelligence and three agents were waiting for him with me. As part of my agreement they gave me forty five minutes to talk to Parker alone in our bedroom. He was flabbergasted, but I do believe that I was able to keep him from going ballistic by convincing him that I was cooperating with the FBI because I had fallen in love with him. I promised to tell him everything over the next month (except, of course, for the fact that I had fucked Wilson and Yahontov).

When Parker and I returned from our bedroom we ordered Chinese delivery and all of us sat around our kitchen table talking. After dinner I led two of the agents into my backyard and dug up the remaining floppy disks and handed them over. Two agents rotated staying in our living room that night. I started my penance with Parker by giving him the most enthusiastic blowjob he had ever received in his life and then talked dirty to him as he fucked my tits. After the titty fuck I snuggled up to him and we soon both were in dreamland.

The FBI thought that it was best that Parker go into work the rest of the week, along with an agent posing as a scientist from the West Coast who had all of the proper credentials. I resigned from my job over the phone, was debriefed further at FBI headquarters while Parker was at work, and after three days the FBI essentially knew everything that I did.

With the FBI listening in I got a brief phone call from an obvious Russian high-up operative using code words asking me to meet at an overlook on the George Washington Parkway that Sunday. I agreed. The FBI had time to populate the area with agents and equipment, and wired me with the most sophisticated listening device of the time. Of course the plan was somewhat thwarted when the high-up operative - a woman known only as "Anna" - and her bodyguard arrived and insisted that I get into their vehicle and ride with them. The FBI had prepared for that contingency, however, and had a tracking plane and vehicles available. Since you could only go one way on the G W Parkway from the overlook the trailing cars merged on and off as convenient to keep tabs on the car that I was in.

"What do you know about the fire at Wilson's condo?" was Anna's first substantive question.

"What fire?" I asked, playing dumb.

"The day that you were supposed to meet with Wilson he and four others were killed at his condo and the place was set on fire," she replied, unperturbed.

"What the fuck?" I snapped. "There was nothing on the news about it."

"But you were there on the 14th, weren't you."

"Yeah, in the morning; when I left the place was still standing and only Wilson was there, no four other people. Who were the four others?"

"Not important," Anna replied. "Have you been contacted by law enforcement in the U. S.?"

"No - why would I have been? No one knows that Wilson is my handler and I doubt that any information he kept at his condo would identify me. Have you heard chatter than I am under suspicion?" I aggressively responded.

Anna and I talked for another fifteen minutes as we drove North to the Beltway and then over the Cabin John bridge into Maryland. When we got to a remote location in Potomac, Maryland I said the safe word - "Sycamore" - and the FBI closed on us within two minutes after that. As they did the bodyguard drew his pistol but I stabbed him in his hand, causing him to drop it. I actually saved his life by doing that because a sniper in one of the trailing vehicles would have killed him if the gun was in his hand when the sniper got out of his vehicle.

Since the FBI was sure that the Russians would know that Anna had been meeting with me, I would no longer be safe on a long term basis.

Parker was initially resistant to going into witness protection. Four things convinced him.

I like to think that the most important one was that I used my very best seduction techniques on him - including telling him that I was going off birth control and wanted to start popping out the three kids that he had been pushing me for over the last year.

The second thing was that he could still work on weapons development (with his new identity and a little plastic surgery) at another facility out West.

The third thing was that the government could fake our deaths. I wasn't really needed to testify against the Russians since all of the information I gave them could be substantiated in other ways and since the higher-ups would ultimately never see a courtroom but would be exchanged for our spies in Russia and other Eastern European countries.

The fourth thing was that Parker's parents could come to see us using government planes and vehicles three times a year.

So now, in 2020, I'm a jubilant fifty one year old mother of three wonderful children and grandmother of two grandchildren, married to the love of my life, and in a completely happy monogamous relationship. I can't give you my present name or location because even after all of these years and the death of Parker's parents by natural causes the government still considers it dangerous. The FSB has a long memory, and after Anna's capture and the prisoner exchange of which she was a part, despite my apparent death they might still be looking for me.

I have a better life than I could ever have dreamed of when in that orphanage in Russia. I'm still from Russia, but now WITH love!

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DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah23 days ago

I thought this was an excellent choice of character for this story. Her lack of emotional connection could be chalked up to her Queen’s Gambit-y upbringing until Parker softened her defenses.

I’ve only known one Ukrainian woman and she was a mail-order bride. I’m not sure what she thought life would be like here, but she was unprepared for rural USA. She had an ‘80s suburban as a vehicle and would complain, ‘I didn’t know I would have to drive tractor.’ Her Natasha Badenov accent gave her extra sauce. I found her to be stoic but fatalistic and tough as hell. She finally tired of the turnips her husband would feed her and split for parts unknown. I wished her well.

This has nothing to do with this story. Maybe you might use her character in a future tale.

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundasson4 months ago

I like happy endings :)

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

That was fun. A sexy spy story very unexpected and yet very entertaining

jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago

Really well done. This has to be one of your top stories Amy.

AliSFakinamingtonAliSFakinamingtonalmost 4 years ago

When I read a "Loving Wives" story I expect:

1) A story that's usually better written than those in most other categories ("Romance" is second place)

2) A story that is usually more emotionally engaging than the stories in other categories.

3) A story that is MUCH more likely to give me tears than the stories in other categories ("Romance" is, again, next most likely to sadden me).

This story didn't make me cry, and after reading several melancholy "Loving Wives" tales tonight reading a happy ending was VERY welcome.


SevMax2SevMax2about 4 years ago
First amyyum story in a while that..

..that didn't smack of double standards against men. That's progress. I actually liked it for a change. Granted, Parker had every reason to be pissed, but Nancy worked hard to atone for lying to him and trying to use him for information all those years.

amyyumamyyumabout 4 years agoAuthor
For AlexB37

That is AWESOME; I wish I had known before I wrote this and I would have used you as an expert consultant. It's been a while since I took Russian -- and I never went to spy school -- so I apologize for the error. You should write your own story -- please!

AlexB37AlexB37about 4 years ago
Great story, well wrtten. 5*

Interesting story, well written and basically true, it happens. I have couple of comments - "zhenskaya seksual'naya psikhologiya" is " female sexual psychology".

It would have been more correct to use Russian term legend instead of the resume.

I am talking from experience having married a Russian operative after her defection. I had a very happy 27 years with her before she succumbed to cancer.

GeorgeAndersonGeorgeAndersonabout 4 years ago
Enjoyed it!

Thank you for writing and posting. I had no chance against your protagonist, either: I liked her from the beginning. Like Beast, I'd have liked to know a little more about her feelings as she began to fall in love with Parker. I don't understand how anyone can construe this story as political: but there's a lot I don't understand.

Thanks again,


tazz317tazz317about 4 years ago

is that each agency has long arms, big bucks and memories forever. TK U MLJ LV NV

CaOldDogCaOldDogabout 4 years ago
5* Great Story

Very entertaining and well written - thank you for a wonderful story!

boatbummboatbummabout 4 years ago
Cute Little Fantasy

A fun read, thanks!

DFWBeastDFWBeastabout 4 years ago

Thanks Amy! Another entertaining story! Would comment that the only thing really missing was emotion, but since your MC was pretty much an emotionless operative... well DUH! LOL!

Thank you again!


amyyumamyyumabout 4 years agoAuthor
Hey kuroneko_dk and others -- there's no politics here

So you think that Putin tells the truth? Xi? Trump? No matter where you fall on the political scale all four leaders mentioned are liars; that is fact, not political rhetoric. Sorry if fact offends you -- maybe you should become good buddies with Putin or Xi.

Sorry for the misspelling in the title.

Cheers, Amy

AutistAdventurerAutistAdventurerabout 4 years ago
original and fun to read

I find it amusing that calling all politicians liars, in a story about international espionage was 'enough politics' for one reader to leave! It's international espionage, what did they expect? You were neutral and repeated the very old joke about being able to tell when a politician is lying by their lips moving. :)

Your story was original, it was fun, and it was as always, very well written.

Thank you yet again for sharing your imagination.

saxman1947saxman1947about 4 years ago
Good story, but....

...keep in mind that when you get political, you risk alienating half of your potential audience. I am already avoiding two authors who can't seem to keep the politics out of their stories.

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