Fortieth Birthday Surprise


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With a horny supermodel mashing her tits into my chest and her pussy into the base of my dick, and my dick gripped between her ass cheeks, I didn't think keeping my dick nice and firm would be a problem.

"Mr Jones, you need to help too. You'll see that although your hands are partially restrained, if I spread Miss Stephens' thighs a bit more like this then you can support them to help her maintain position."

She'd managed to roll each of Amy's thighs outwards and put my hands in such a position that my palms were facing upwards, wrists still attached to the spreader bar under my bum, and the little finger on each hand sitting in the crease between the top of her thigh and her pussy with the thun]mb on the outside of th thigh so I had a good grip. I wasn't quite sure what I was feeling but when I strained a bit more and pushed my little fingers together and curled them, I felt the big slippery pussy lips that Debbie had described earlier and then felt both fingers slip together into the entrance to her pussy.

Amy moaned and pushed her pussy harder into me. I pulled my fingers out quickly back to where Debbie had placed them, but not quick enough to prevent Debbie noticing.

Amy, are you teasing Mr Jones? That's not very kind considering he's only in this position because of you. "

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. I've been trying to get my boyfriend to fuck me in this position for weeks and he won't, and now I've got a big dick between my legs and his fingers in my pussy, and I'm not allowed to do anything about it"

"well, I've got an idea. First I have to punish you again for breaking the rules, but then I think we can find a way forward, and seeing as there are extenuating circumstances, I am only going to smack you with my hand. Do you accept my punishment?

"Yes, Ma'am"

"There will be twenty smacks. After each one you will say the number and then 'thank you ma'am'"

"Yes, Ma'am"

"Mr Jones will need to help me by holding you extra tight so you don't slide off him and hurt yourself"

"Yes, Ma'am"

She re-arranged my fingers back so that the tips of the little and fourth fingers on each hand were inside the entrance to her pussy, with the third finger in each case slid into the groove between the inner and outer lips. It was a little uncomfortable, but I didn't want to be responsible for any additional damage to Amy. "I don't want to damage you either, Mr Jones, so I'll just need to re-arrange you a little." She took a firm grip on Jean-Pierre and tried to push him down and around under Amy's thigh, first on one side and then on the other. She couldn't get him to bend well enough to her satisfaction, so, grabbing hold of Amy's ankle spreader bar again, she pulled Amy upwards, at the same time pushing Jean-Pierre down towards my stomach. This had two immediate effects; firstly, Amy's pussy began to slide out of my fingers; I tightened my grip involuntarily to try and hold on, but I only succeeded in pulling her lips more apart. Secondly, as Debbie pushed Jean-Pierre down the tip slid past her asshole, down the crack between her legs and into the opening between her pussy lips that I had accidentally pulled open with my fingers. Debbie held on to Jean-Pierre to make sure that he didn't penetrate Amy, but then let go, leaving the shaft squashed between her pussy lips, still held partially open by my fingers, and the tip I imagined somewhere close to her clit. Amy by this time was already rocking her hips to rub her pussy against Jean-Pierre, who was responding by getting even harder

Debbie held on to the spreader bar while she started to administer the punishment. As she delivered each smack, she forced Amy's pussy lips down so they wrapped further round my shaft, releasing pressure on the spreader bar and causing her to slide down and brush her clit over the head of my dick, and as she raised her hand for each stroke the other one pulled up on the spreader bar, reversing the action.

Smack! "One, thank you Ma'am."

Smack! "Two, thank you, Ma'am"

Smack! "Three! Thank you, Ma'am"

I kept as still as I could, but even so, the slippery movement was getting to me. Amy was humping me with little thrusts of her pussy and clit against Jean-Pierre's helmet; I could feel my balls tightening and knew I would have to come soon whether I wanted to or not.

Debbie had other ideas. "I don't believe it" I heard her say. She stopped the spanking and reached in between Amy's legs, sliding a finger along each side of Jean-Pierre. "Amy was still mewing and rubbing herself off on me..

Again using the spreader bar has a handy tool, Debbie lifted Amy's feet high in the air, breaking the contact between cunt and cock. With her hands still handcuffed behind her back this meant her upper body and face were pushed even harder against my chest. Debbie lifted and pulled some more, holding Amy high to avoid Jean-Pierre then slid her down my body. When her breasts came up against Jean-Pierre, she lowered Amy to leave her kneeling on the ground at my feet. This trapped Jean-Pierre under her tits, so Debbie put an arm round her and pulled her backwards and reached down to pull Jean-Pierre up to a more comfortable position with the balls between Amy's breasts and the helmet just under her chin.

"You cheap slut." Debbie shouted at her. "You ungrateful selfish whore."

Amy cringed. "I'm sorry Ma'am. I couldn't help it"

Smack! I felt the impact right through me. Amy gasped and jerked in shock, giving Jean-Pierre another nice rub in the process.

"You forgot to count -- we'll have to start again. "

Debbie pulled Amy up to a standing position. "You stay there." She came over to me. "Out of consideration for your modesty, I left Mr Jones in a more severely restrained position when you turned up, as I didn't think it was proper that a decent married man like him she see you nude, but I think with your behaviour you've lost that right. I'm going to make him more comfortable, then I'll deal with you."

She untied the band that had been holding my head back against the picnic table, the one she had put there to immobilise me for the close up show earlier. Then she helped me into am ore upright position again. She didn't seem particularly bothered to do this by standing between my legs and reaching forward with her nude body to get her hands behind my shoulders. As she braced herself to lift my weight and locked her legs and hips, her pussy pushed forward, and once again Jean-Pierre, finding himself in intimate contact, rose to the occasion.

I felt dizzy for a second, after being held lying stretched out for so long. Looking at the sun, I figured it must be somewhere around 12:30 and I had hardly been able to move for 2 hours. Debbie must have realised that I was a bit unsteady so she stayed there for a couple of minutes, arms around me and hips firmly pushed into mine. Then she gave me a good long drink from her water bottle before returning to Amy.

"Look at this, Mr Jones" as she marched Amy to stand in front of me. "Just because she's frustrated that her boyfriend won't fuck her, she thinks she can use you instead. I told her you're a happily married man, but she just couldn't control herself. Look," she said, squeezing them gently between thumb and forefinger of each hand, "her nipples are all erect, and look down here" moving around behind Amy and putting a hand around each side of her waist and down to her pussy, "her cuntlips are all puffy, and if I ease them apart like this" she demonstrated, and slid a finger inside, "she's all wet. Look at her clit " her fingers slid upwards inside, "it's poking out like a real little prick. She certainly needs a good smacking now."

She turned Amy round away from me and had her stand about ten feet in front of me, then pushed her head down to the ground, so I could see the back of her pussy, and her upside down head and tits framed in the triangle made by her legs and the spreader bar.

"Count", she commanded, and as Amy counted out each smack with a dutiful "Thank you, Ma'am" after each one, Debbie covered her ass and the backs of her thighs with red hand marks. When she finished , Amy was in tears. Debbie stood her back up.

"There, there, Amy, it's all over now. I'm sorry that I had to do that to you. She kissed her gently on the cheek. "How does your ass feel?. Would you like me to make it feel better?"

Amy nodded.

Debbie knelt down behind her and started gently kissing Amy's sore ass, murmuring soothing words to her as she went. "Looks like I caught your pussy and your ass hole a few times," she said, "Let me see what I can do to make it feel better. Bend over for me again." She started putting little butterfly kisses on Amy's asshole, then moved to her pussy, and when Amy moaned in approval she pulled her pussy lips apart with her thumbs and slipped her tongue inside.

"Would you like to have an orgasm, now, Amy?"

Amy nodded again.

"Let's show Mr Jones , shall we? The he won't feel left out, even though he can't come."

She turned Amy to face me again, and wrapping her arms around from behind, slowly finger-fucked her to climax.

"There's a good girl, Amy. Make as much noise as you like, let yourself go, there's no-one else to hear you."

Amy was getting all flushed, and panting harder and harder.

"You're getting close now, Amy, I can feel your cunt trembling, so let it happen."

Debbie's fingers were moving faster and faster now.

"Uh -- h -- uh, uuuuuuuuuuugh". Amy let out a long wail, the release of all the tension that had been building inside her. Debbie stayed with her arms around her, then gently lowered her to the sand.

"You have a rest now," she said. "Let me release your handcuffs from behind you, then you can lie down."

She tucked her uniform shirt under Amy's head to make her comfortable, then left her there, sleeping, spread out in front of me on the sand,

She came over to me. "Well, that was an interesting few minutes, wasn't it? What do you think of our supermodel now?"

"She's not so bad. Just another horny kid who wants to get laid. She doesn't seem as bad as the papers show her. I expected worse with a dominating father like Stephens. "

"She's nicely made , though, isn't she?"

"Well, physically she's as perfect as anyone I've ever seen."

"And what about her pussy?"

"Well, the look of the lips showing like that is very sexy, and wrapped around Jean-Pierre, and the movements she was making, I couldn't have lasted another five seconds."

"I noticed."

"And yet she's still a virgin. I bet she'll be phenomenal when she gets a little practice."

"It's strange that her boyfriend wouldn't oblige, don't you think?"

"Yes. I expect, knowing Stephens' reputation,, that he set her up with someone in his own pay, just to make sure she didn't.."

"Isn't that a denial of her human rights?" Debbie, ever the shrink, had the habit of asking the oddest questions.

"Yes, but I can see his point. I bet lots of guys would like to get in there just for the bragging rights -- I popped the supermodels cherry -- and that wouldn't do much for her human rights or self respect."

"So what she probably needs is to get started with a kind, experienced, discrete lover who won't be possessive and will let her go when she's ready."

I could see her point. "How would she find someone like that without her father knowing?"

"I don't know. If you were offered the job, would you take it?"

"Part of me would certainly want to."

"I can see which part." Jean-Pierre was clearly all for a few fucks with a supermodel, no commitments, just his style.

"If it was you, don't you think you would get too attached?"

"No, I don't think so. Morals and current relationships aside, I don't think I could or would ever want to be a permanent or public partner of someone so high profile."

We were both quiet for a few moments looking down at the naked sleeping body at our feet.

"Also," I said, "There are two very beautiful sexy bodies in front of me, but only one of them seems to me to have a beautiful sexy mind attached to it."

"I wasn't fishing for compliments."

"I know."

"You are a lovely man; you could have fucked us both today, and no-one else would have known, but you didn't. Your wife is very lucky to have you."

"Not as lucky as I am to have her."

"Which brings me back to the question I asked you earlier -- are you completely truthful with your wife? What, for example, will you tell her about today? That several women wanted you to fuck them but you refused? That you nearly shot your load over a tied up and defenceless young girl?"

"She's twenty, and I was more tied up than she was. She was only on top of me because a naked sexy twenty-six year old ranger put her there."

"Thirty-five actually, but thanks. You get my drift. What is the truth? What would you think if Kate told you she loved you but -- or maybe and -- she wanted more variety in sex than any one person, even you, could provide?"

I was still thinking of an answer when she fired another one at me. "Would you tell her that you wanted to have sex with me and Amy, but it was only out of love for her that you didn't?

"Yes, that's something to be proud of."

"Does Kate cook for you at home?"

"Usually, yes. Sometimes I cook for her, and sometimes, if our schedules don't match, we take care of ourselves."

"I bet you like romantic dinners at home, just the two of you."


"But you also like going to restaurants, or to friends' houses for dinner?"


"And if Kate was invited out while you were away, you'd want her to go, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, of course."

"Is Kate the best cook you know?"


"Would you leave her for a better cook?"


"And yet you've turned down two healthy tasty snacks today because you think that Kate wouldn't like you having them."

"Now you put it that way, it does seem odd".

"Would you change your mind if you knew that Kate had tasted them first?"

Finally, the penny dropped. "This isn't hypothetical. You and Amy know Kate?"

"Bingo! Eureka! He's got it!"

"So this is all just one big joke. Well you had me, I admit, so let me out of here before Kate gets here."

"That's not quite so easy. You see, things didn't go quite to plan. My boss really did go off with the keys and the radio, so we really are stuck here together for a while, just the three, or should I say four, of us"

"Four, who's the fourth?"

"It's me of course," came Kate's voice from behind me. "Happy Birthday darling."

"Kate! Thank goodness you're here. How did you get past the ranger station?"

"I've been here since yesterday lunchtime. You know that important job I told you about, the one that might make me late, well this was it. I've been watching at filming you since yesterday evening, and I'm very proud of you. I'll tell you all about it later, but first it's time for your birthday surprise. I'm going to blindfold you for a moment."

A silk scarf was tied around my head from behind, and I could hear various furtive and excited whisperings and movements.

Then "Are you ready? Three, two, one go!"

The scarf disappeared behind me. There, standing in front of me, not two feet away, was Amy, now minus shackles and handcuffs, and wearing her bow tie bikini and her piercings.

Her nipples were erect and her pussy lips looked fuller and juicier than ever. Jean-Pierre showed his appreciation in the usual way.

"See, we've even gift-wrapped your present for you," came Kate's voice from behind, and then she and Debbie started singing "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Paul (and Jean-Pierre), Happy Birthday to you."

As they finished they pulled me back so I was lying down again, Amy climbed onto the picnic table, straddled my face in the sixty nine position, and said "What we both need is a good fucking."

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nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star - I could not get past the first page - this was a really bad idea

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

So dumb that it hurts your teeth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ohhh come on

You seriously had to stop there. two more paragraphs for the end, and everything else just left to the imagination. Come on.

Ducky7Ducky7over 5 years ago
I sure hope Kate can take her

Birthday surprise... His lawyer is working in it now....

pastaman47pastaman47over 5 years ago
You had me

At first I wasn't sure where this was going but it had me reading further and further. I started to think about all the different endings and then figured that the wife being in on the whole thing, would be the sexiest way to end this story. This story was so well written that a reader would almost have to believe that it is in fact a true story. This has to be one of the best stories that I have read. I would love to see more from you and anyone else that may have assisted you.

jasjonjasjonover 9 years ago

Also stupid and ridiculous.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
What he really needed?

Was a wife that wasn't crazy. Get away from these women as quickly as possible.

Bitches Be Crazy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Stupid Bunch of Women

If a man did what these stupid BITCHES did he'd be had for rape. As for the lesbo author no wonder you write these fantasies because no-one would know what a sick cunt you really are!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago


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