Fortuitous Benefactor


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"What because we weren't looking horny."

"Yes," Maggie giggled. "Come on the kids will be stirring soon. We missed out on sex last night. Would you like to lick my pussy?"

"What without our leader being present?"


"God you are leading me astray your immoral cow."

Maggie laughed and said it was great seeing Kim emerging as a sensuous woman,

Kim frowned. "Most men would vomit if they saw me with my fingers and tongue in your pussy."

"Oh yeah, which ones are they?"

* * *

Ryan Aiken was happy with life. His billings were maintaining around the new high established just before Maggie and wee Judd entered his life. He'd adjusted to his new domestic situation by cutting his lunch break back to fifteen minutes to compensate for leaving work at 6:00, an hour earlier than previously.

Two females at the office and another couple working in the CBD that he had been dating occasionally had all given up on him since Maggie's arrival and that had eased pressure. A senior partner Seymour Richards had retired the previous Friday and a couple of hours ago the managing partner emailed everyone that Dakota Jennings had been appointed to replace Ryan as one of the three junior partners and Ryan had purchased Seymour's seat as a senior partner. There were drinks for everyone at 5:00 and Ryan had managed to get away just before 6:30 and was happy to find Judd and Anna had been kept up to see him, their mom's both being anxious to keep exposing him as a surrogate father figure.

After the kids were settled, their moms and Ryan drank two bottles of champagne to celebrate his elevation and they then fucked before having very late dinner. They agreed it had been a wonderful evening.

The following Monday morning Ryan's life received a new twist. His PA told him a Mrs Childs from the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services was calling urgently.

"Hi Brenda, what's up?"

"We have a case of a battered woman here, a Mrs Beau Parker. Her husband Pete went berserk earlier this morning and broke three fingers on her left hand and two on her right hand. The police brought her here and our medical team found she had several severe bruises on her body and that's when she confessed her husband had lost heavily at gambling recently and had beaten her several times. I want you to represent her in court in an hour's time and also to offer her refuge. With those two women I've met who reside at your hour would provide just the right company for her and her two children."

"Jesus Brenda I set out with the intention of having no one living with me and now you are attempting to dump three extra souls on to me."

"Would it overcrowd you?"

"Um no. As you know I have a large house and the two kids could occupy my study."

"Ryan then will you do it? Once her husband is jailed we will get her settled elsewhere. Actually I think she might appeal to you."

"Jesus Brenda, is that a professional comment?"

"I know you well enough to have said that off the record."

"Okay I accept that comment was to seduce me into taking mom and the two kids. Just don't count on that bastard getting jail if he's a first offender. If he draws Judge Wilbur Jones he might only get a suspended sentence and x-hours of community work."

"Oh god, Beau will be worried sick if he runs loose. She refuses to say but I believe he's threatened her with serious harm."

"Well if she testifies that the bastard threatened to kill her even Wilbur will send him to jail."

"Well good luck in trying to extract that testimony from him. I believe she doesn't want the kids to have a dad who's done time in jail."

"Well I'll do my best. I'll call Maggie to come in and sit through the court appearance and then take Mrs Parker to collect her things from her home and then settle her in at my place."

'She has everything she needs already. I went with her to her home this morning with one of our security guys. But her husband had spent the night in a cell pending his court appearance and so we were not hassled. She got everything she required for herself and for the kids including their favorite toys."

The woman had puffy eyes, little make-up and her blonde hair was disheveled but Ryan could see that the 33-year-old Beau Parker had a great body and had the features of a very good-looking woman.

"This is very good of you to represent me at short notice Mr Aiken."

"That's fine. Mrs Childs is a life-long friend of my mother's and therefore didn't have to turn the screw when requesting me to represent your in court. She wants me to take an interest in you from the outset because she's arranged for you to come and live in my home. I have two other women living with me and I know it's an unusual arrangement..."

"I understand. Mrs Childs briefed me at length."

"You don't have to stay at my home of course."

"I know but it sounds to be a lovely refuge. My children are Toni who is eight and Mike who is seven. It sounds they'll have room to run around in."

"Yes I have twelve acres including a little patch of woods and a stream running through the property."

"It sounds lovely."

Maggie arrived and after kissing her, Ryan introduced the two women. Maggie immediately kissed Beau and kept an arm around the distressed woman.

"My word Beau I'd anticipated Maggie would be just the right person for you and the children," Brenda said, kissing both women on the cheek and then boldly kissing Ryan on the lips and saying, "Thanks you wonderful man."

After the charges relating to domestic violence were presented in court, Judge Jones scheduled reappearance and released the defendant Peter Anthony Parker on bail. Parker was escorted away to be processed on bail conditions and that allowed Maggie to leave with Beau without her husband being aware what was happening.

Ryan and Brenda waved them off.

"So you got nowhere with Beau about any serious threats?"

""No Brenda. I asked her straight out and reckon her quivering bottom lip gave her away as a liar when she denied he'd made any such threats."

"Put yourself in her position Ryan and decide how you would react."

"I did and that was why I make a pretence of believing her. I must say Peter Parker looks really down, showing no sign of aggression that I could detect."

Brenda agreed but said she'd not liked the way he'd glanced at his wife. "It was the look of a man who was thinking you bitch."

A couple of hours later Maggie called Ryan and said the new arrivals had settled in well. They were now out looking at the horses.

"Keep an eye on them Maggie."

"I am. I'm out with them and had just wandered away to make this call."

"Good girl. Do you want me to give you a handgun?"

"No that would scare the kids. I'm packing a kitchen knife in case the asshole shows up here."

"Be careful Maggie. Attempt to avoid any confrontation but if it's unavoidable make sure he doesn't get the knife off you. Stab his right shoulder."

"Oh god."

"Right I'm coming home."

"No I'm okay. That was just me getting used to the thought of stabbing someone. I know not to stab him lethally. Um do you think he'll come here?"

"No I don't. He'd have to be a genius to work it out."

Maggie sighed and said that was a relief but they would remain alert.

She said, "He'll be going to jail on Friday after you've mauled him in court, won't he?"

"I would think so."

That evening Beau watched sullenly, her arms around her two children, as Maggie and Kim ran to greet Ryan and simultaneously hugged and kissed him affectionately.

"Hi Beau," he smiled. "Am I permitted to kiss you?"

Beau's breath caught and she turned pale.

"Come on Beau, not all men are brutal. You are secure here and I want you back to your normal self as soon as possible. Hi Mike, shake my hand and say hi Mr Parker."

The young boy held out his hand shyly and said, "Hi Mr Parker. We saw all your animals today and you dog licked me face. What is wrong with her eye?"

"Her name is Mollie and she was kicked in the face by a cow a long time ago and can't see out of that eye any more but she manages fine. She can be your dog while you are staying here if you like."


"I really don't know."

"That answer is almost as good as your mom saying yes Mike. We'll ask her again in the morning after we show her what a happy and kind dog Mollie is."

"Toni are you going to kiss me?"

"Yes because mommy won't."

Beau snorted, "I haven't said I won't, at least not yet."

Ryan grabbed Toni and she yelled in delight as he held her high above his head. She grabbed Ryan by his collar and pulled her head down and kissed him on the forehead.

"I like you."

"And I like you too Toni and Mike and mommy."

"Kiss him mommy."

Beau darted forward and kissed Ryan on the cheek and backed-off quickly.

Ryan said, "Beau you pour the drinks while Kim checks on dinner and Maggie and I settle the babies who look more than ready for bed. Kim will tell you what to pour. Come on kids, come and see the babies placed in their cots but please be very quiet. You might like to kiss them Toni but not on the lips and Mike you can shake their toys strung over their cots. They like watching that movement."

Everyone did what was asked of them.

Toni took Ryan's hand. "Can I call you Ryan?"

"That depends on what mommy says. Ask her during dinner when we will all be more relaxed. I think it's good that you like me."

"Well you are nice; that's why I like you."

Ryan walked off and glanced at Beau who looked less than pleased. Well, he thought, after the trauma she'd been through she would be rather off men and he'd asked her to pour drinks, ignoring the fact she had fingers on both hands strapped up.

Oh shit.

He was relieved to hear Kim say gently to Beau, "Come on, he's only trying to get you back on to normal keel as soon as possible. He knows you have been through hell."

Later at the table Ryan watched Kim cut up Beau's food to allow Beau to eat with a spoon. He sighed and thought what an asshole he'd been ignoring the after-affects of her trauma and her discomfort.

Near the end of the meal Toni asked her mom could she call Ryan by his first name and Beau, without looking up, dully said yes and Mike could too if that was okay by Mr Parker.

"Mommy are you going to start calling Mr Aiken Ryan?"

"I don't know," Beau said, and burst into tears.

Ryan immediately rose and said, "Come on kids, help me to take some special chow out to the horses and close the door to the henhouse."

"What kind of chow?" Toni asked, taking Ryan's hand.

Shortly after midnight that night Ryan answered a door knock and faced a distressed looking Brenda Childs and a policewoman.

"Oh Christ," Ryan said. "Something bad has happened. Come in. I'll get Beau."

"I'll fetch her,' said the arriving Maggie who was still tying her robe.

As soon as Beau was seated with Brenda and Maggie standing on both sides of her stroking her hair and arms the police sergeant identified herself and told Beau that Peter Grant Parker had been shot dead during an argument outside his home by one of two assailants who'd been arguing with him loudly over a gambling debt. Their raised voices had awoken two neighbors who'd witnessed the shooting and one of them identified the assailant's vehicle that was located by police outside a bar thirty minutes later and the two suspects were arrested.

"I am so sorry Mrs Parker," the police officer said and only then did Beau cry.

"Thank you. It's all over," she sobbed.

Two nights later Beau came into the day room from her bedroom and found a wall light on and Ryan, Kim and Maggie, all nude, in a tangle of arms and legs on one of the sofas.

"Oh hi Beau," said Maggie, lifting her head.

"Oh I apologize for intruding," Beau said sounding a little breathless. "Ignore me. I'm going to get a drink of water."

"Beau we don't think what we're doing is evil," Kim said and Beau smiled and said it looked like fun and wasn't Ryan such a perfect host.

Ryan said, "We had no wish to embarrass you."

"You haven't significantly and I'm not offended Ryan. Good night and you guys sleep late as tomorrow is Saturday. Toni will help me get breakfast."

Beau's behavior toward Ryan, Maggie and Kim next day appeared perfectly normal expect they all noticed Beau appeared to be slightly more relaxed and her smiles were, well, softer.


A month after the killing, with legal processes yet to conclude, Beau accepted Ryan's offer to stay on indefinitely. Her house had not yet sold and she had no desire to return to it and was aware as the sole beneficiary of her murdered husband's life insurance policy the insurance company had frozen action pending the decisions at the defendants' trial and the Coroner's Court findings.

"Yes I would like to stay. The children are well settled in the local school and we are all so happy here. You are such a kind man. But I'll only stay if you accept my payment of rent from the time of my arrival."

They were sitting out on the terrace. The babies were sleeping and Kim and Maggie had taken Toni and Mike over the fields to see the horses.

Sipping coffee Ryan said, "I shall only accept a modest rent from today if today is the day you decide to stay indefinitely."

"That's not fair on you. My children and I have been living on your hospitality for almost six weeks."

"Well that's my decision."

"Well it's a charitable decision and I object. How much rent for our two rooms and use of amenities and you providing food do you suggest?"

While Ryan considered that Beau, elbows on the table and palming her coffee cup in both hands, studied him. Finally he stated a figure.

"That's charity," Beau snorted. "I'll pay double that."

"No way."

"Yes or we'll leave."

Ryan picked up his coffee and looked rather cross.

Beau gave him more to think about. "And sex, what will be the arrangement about sex?"

Ryan spluttered coffee over the table and Beau giggled.

He returned with a paper towel grinning and wiping the mess said, "I've not heard you giggle until just then."

"I don't giggle; I laugh."

"I say you just giggled like a carefree teenager."

Beau wasn't backing down.

"I'm far from being carefree and I'm long passed being a teenager."

"I know but I also know you are now making a real effort to regain a normal life. You know I can't imagine you having sex with me."

Beau flared and said why not?

"You are off men for obvious reasons and you see me as being over-confident, too overly confident with women and..."

"Stop that. My children more than like you and I respect their judgment. Maggie and Kim adore you and have sex with you and acting a pig you even plunder them together. It seems to me they'd have to be desperate to want to do that but I believe my eyes and from that night when I saw you three together I recall neither of them looked desperate and whenever I see they around you they appear incredibly relaxed. And at evenings when you arrive home you three look exactly like a suburban husband and his two wives. They speak very favorably about you and are adamant you have turned their lives around."

"Well they're worth it."

"And I'm not?"

"Of course you are."

"Then when do we have sex?"

"Let my see your breasts."

Beau blushed hugely.

"What you mean right now?"


"For what purpose?"

"It will tell me you are serious about having sex with me and respect me sufficiently to be prepared to show me your tits."

"God this is primitive."

Ryan laughed easily and said did she mean sex wasn't primitive."

"Not for sophisticated couples it isn't," Beau said primly.

"What not even when they get down to it sweating and fingering?"

She giggled.

"Oh god I can still giggle!" she declared, sounding rather pleased and lifting her top and pulling her bra up at the same time to release a couple of pale and fat orbs centered with nipples that obviously were erecting sexually.

"Oooh very nice," Ryan smirked. "That's enough."

"No I like displaying for you but I'd like to trim my vulva before you see that."

"You mean your pussy?" Ryan grinned.

"You may call it my cunt if that makes you happy but be aware the vulva is not the woman's cunt."

"Um are you okay talking to me like this?"

"Yes very okay. I'm no prude Ryan and never have been."

"You have lovely breasts."

"Thank you. Come over and suck them. I wish to have confirmation you are serious about having sex with me."

One of the babies began crying.

"Saved by the bell," he grinned.

Beau said she would go to Anna. She stood and began stowing her breasts.

"Anna, you can tell that's Anna?"

"Yes her cry is both lighter and higher than Judd's. Come and kiss me before I go."

They kissed, softly and unhurriedly.

When Ryan went in her found Beau giving Anna a bottle.

He scuffed a foot and said rather awkwardly, "Um about sex, when can we fit it in?"

Beau blushed beautifully and giggled. "God you are something; the thought of you fitting into me makes me blush. I pose a problem because you'll have a busy schedule with those other two and I would only want to go solo with you."

"Maggie, Kim and I have sex twice or occasionally three times a week. The rule is we have it out here as bedroom sex is more intimate and I didn't want to risk either of them becoming romantically attached to me. If they are not happy about that they haven't told me. I'm thirty-seven and that's a little too old for them."

"Stand slightly behind me as I don't wish Anna to be looking at you. Show me your cock."

"What? You can't be serious."

"Oh but I am."

"I'm not erect."

"That doesn't matter."

Biting his bottom lip Ryan dropped his pants and pulled down his briefs.

"Oooh, very nice and very bald. Who shaves you?"

Ryan looked very embarrassed.

"I thought so. I guess Maggie."

Ryan said yes and it was Maggie who'd suggested it

"Okay you can put it away. It's the first totally bald cock I've ever seen and I think it's rather an improvement but your balls look very red. I can hear the others arriving back."

"Oh god."

Beau laughed watching Ryan almost unbalance in the rush to pull up his pants. She said she thought it was a very handsome penis and looked more than adequate to do the job.

Ryan looked close to panicking.

When the kids were in the kitchen having milk and a cookie Beau arrived in the day room with coffee. Both babies were on a rug nude and kicking in the sunlight streaming in through the open French doors. Judd had just had some juice and was now very happy.

Beau said, "While you guys were away I spoke to Ryan about having sex with me."

Ryan looked at the ceiling and Kim and Maggie laughed and glanced repeatedly between Ryan and Beau.

"That's okay by me," Maggie said generously.

"Me too," Kim smiled. "We'll have to get more protein into him."

"Um I was thinking of perhaps just one night a week, alone with Ryan."

"Good idea," Maggie said seriously. "We wouldn't want to kill the poor guy."

Ryan groaned and the women giggled.

"Welcome to the Ryan Aiken Athletic and Fitness Club," Kim cooed. "I'm sure Ryan will easily accommodate you because he has a great amount of downtime."

Maggie said she was surprised that Beau was prepared to have a man touch her ever again after what she'd endured.

Ryan in particular looked at Beau, waiting for the reply.

"Yeah will I'm rather surprised as well. But when I saw you three together that night and your faces looking ever so happy I was jolted into realizing what I was missing. Was his cock really in your butt Kim?"

"Um," said Kim coloring and they watched Ryan scuttle through the doorway.

Ryan returned an hour later from the neighbors leading a saddled pony and yelled, "Toni and Mike; look what I have for you."