Four Blessings Pt. 01


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"Aiden Tallen" Elder Silvia intoned. The steel of her voice caught Aiden's attention and his eyes flicked to the Elders. They were wide and moist and looked to be on the verge of breaking down.

"Please calm yourself Aiden, I am here for you. Let me explain these Blessings to you. I do not think you know what Grex is nor Augmentation..." Resting her arms on the podium the Elder took a breath and then gave him a sort of embarrassed smile. "Grex, for lack of a better word is a harem. A Harem which can, to my knowledge, be any person or race regardless of gender. I do not know the maximum number but as the stars on your symbol count thirteen I would think that's a good guess but I do not know for sure. From what I have read, a harem is formed with at least three people including the Blessed. Once copulation is achieved, magic or race traits are shared between your mates; that may be strength, swiftness, charisma, or any number of things. You will also receive some of these attributes, though they will not be as strong in you as in your bonded mates"

Aiden was looking on in horror staring wide eyed at the Elder, for her part she grimaced and shrugged at Aiden. There wasn't much else he could do about that one, he could choose not form his harem but it will be difficult for him already. She wasn't even sure a human would be inclined to bond with him given his other Blessings. Life would be... difficult.

"I am sorry Aiden, that is all I know of that Blessing, it is rare but not nearly as much as the Augmentation. The Augmentation Blessing will passively enhance the traits that you and your bonded share, you will need to experiment with that if the time comes. As for the Daemon Blessing, I am afraid Aiden that this will be a problem for you your whole life. Many believe that symbol is a curse and next to the Beast Blessing that will cause many humans to act negatively around you." she eyed him then "The Daemon Blessing itself will allow you to communicate with monsters and demis of the Daemon type more intuitively, they will also find you more comfortable speaking with or being around you. It will take some time for both the Beast and Daemon Blessings to show their true nature. When Harold was young he was not able to communicate with any Beast, some of the docile farm animals would understand him intuitively though"

Aiden was looking at his arm in his lap like it had betrayed him. Elder Silvia reached over and pulled the sleeve of his tunic down. "Aiden please do not let any of the villagers see your Blessings, I am sorry to say this because I believe you are a good hearted person who does his best for his family and community," she stood up and hugged his head to her stomach combing through his hair with her nails. "However I think it best if you left the village tomorrow morning, earlier if possible. For your safety and the villages"

Aiden looked up shocked then angry his cheeks becoming red, tears rolling down his face. "Why?" he whispered hoarsely.

Still stroking his hair she looked into his eyes. He saw the guilt there and her voice was filled with anguish as she spoke, "You know I love your mother, and I would do anything for your family. So I will tell you this to make it easier for you when you speak to her. The village will not welcome you here anymore, they will consider you cursed and back luck. They will grow to dislike you and blame their troubles on you. That would only be the beginning, the Bailona Legions will hear of it eventually, they will come to investigate. They... do not treat Daemon Blessed kindly, too many have used that Blessing to perpetrate evil though it is not inherently so.

"The Boayers wouldn't do that, no one would tell the Legion!" Aiden challenged.

Smiling Elder Silvia said, "No they wouldn't they are a good family, unfortunately I can not say the same for every villager here or the farmers on the outskirts. The gods know the Stechers alone are bad enough. The rest are a superstitious lot, especially regarding Daemons. Though there is said to be large populations of demi towns and cities that have many peaceful Daemons. I have worked with them myself in Balon. For my part I believe they are just as good or evil as any human. It's easy to put the blame on the disliked or hated, most humans I fear have this fault. As for non humanoid Daemons... they can be just as vicious as any beast and are just as likely as misunderstood.

"What if I hide them?" he asked

"They will not stay hidden forever, someone will become curious and eventually force the issue on you. If you are caught with these Blessings having lied they will be all the more wary and that leads down worse roads."

Aiden looked down at the ground tears still streaming down his face, "So what do I do then? Are they not expecting me to come out there and present our Blessings?"

The Elder shrugged and smiled "I have something in mind but it will take a bit of lying and a possibly bit of coercion, we'll see. Stay here love, I need to speak with Alexa."

As the Elder walked out of the stone room Aiden sighed and stood up. He felt lightheaded and his stomach dropped. He threw up all over the podium and then fell to the floor his vision going black.

Chapter 3

Alexa and Taya both looked down at the sleeping Aiden, they had brought him home and laid him in his bed. They glanced at each other, worry reflected in each other's hazel eyes. Elder Silvia had come out to the crowd with Alexa stating that Aiden had become ill and needed to go home but not before stating that his Blessings were Husbandry, Beast, Fishing, and Adventurer. The village cheered for the twins, many patting Alexa on the back and shaking her hand. Hiding their worry behind a facade of smiles Taya and Alexa carried Aiden home while Alexa explained what the Elder had told her and what Aiden's Blessing truly were.

There was a knock at the door of their home and both women started. Taya looked at her daughter and said, "Please fix a tea setting for three I will get the door." Alexa gave her a quizzical look headed for the kitchen.

Taya opened the door to Elder Silvia. Her face looked drawn but she smiled and hugged Taya. Silvia whispered in her ear, "It is good to see you my Taya, how is your son?"

Taya smiled, kissing Silvia cheek, "He's still sleeping, he must have been extremely distraught."

Silvia grimaced, "I am sorry I couldn't do more my love. I had to act quickly you understand, don't you?"

"I know, he can not stay in the village can he? Is that why you told the villagers he had the Adventure Blessing?" Taya asked.

"Yes I thought that would be the easiest excuse, he will need to leave tonight. The villagers would just believe he left to go to register with the guild. They will find out sooner or later. Not only that the Legion will eventually look into anyone with the Daemon Blessing, there will be a target on his back for some time. He will need a guide, do you have someone in mind?"

Taya led Silvia to the table as Alexa set down the place settings. Once all three women were seated Taya spoke, "I do have someone, I will need to change my plans for Alexa though." Taya smiled at her daughter. Alexa just looked confused.

"Alec and I were friends with a Dryad that lives across the river we still keep in contact. I was going to have her escort Alexa partway to Blackwood Fort but I think I will do that myself now." Taya said, "Silvia would you be able to stay at my farm and keep an eye on things until I get back? The animals will need tending."

"Of course"

"Thank you my love"

Alexa quirked an eyebrow at that, before she could say anything though Taya continued, "Alexa, when Aiden wakes I will need to say goodbye and then you will escort your brother across the river, just walk east through the forest for a few hours. The Dryad will find you quickly, though you will not see her. She will lead you through the forest, stick to the open foliage that almost seems like a path. Her name is Diane. Tell her to help Aiden as best she can, and to stay out of too much trouble..." a rueful smile twitching at her lips, "She will recognize his Blessings. Then say your goodbyes and come back home. We will be leaving for Blackwood Fort as soon as you get back."

"Why do you want to leave so early mom?"

"It will draw suspicion away from your brother being gone and the village will think he just traveled with the both of us." Taya looked to Silvia "You will need to cover for us while we are gone my love."

Silvia smiled back squeezing her hand, "Of course, please do not worry about things here. Take care of your daughter and get to Blackwood Fort safely. I'm sure your brother-in-law will provide an escort back."

Alexa shook her head and said, "What the fuck? Are you two together now?"

Taya and Silvia looked at each other blushing and then back to Alexa shrugging and nodding sheepishly.

Alexa was going to ask more when Aiden stepped into the dining area and groaned out, "Any more tea? My head is pounding."


Blinking the sleep from his eyes he followed Alexa along the bank of the river. He wanted to go home to his bed and sleep to curl up and never wake up again. The so called Blessings on his arm an ink stained reminder of his self imposed banishment. His goodbye with this mother stilled made him choke up, his chest felt bruised from crying. She told him to send Diane every few months to check in. She also warned him that Diane was different but was a good friend and trustworthy. His mother said she would come to visit him in the forest between planting and harvesting seasons if possible.

Staring at the back of Alexa's head her straight black hair flowing down to her black cloak. She already looked the part of a ranger and he smiled to himself. He could easily see her decked out in the Ranger's black leather garb, armed to the teeth and moving unseen in the forests. He was happy for her and it gave him something to latch on to as he thought of his own unknown future.

A series of boulders provided them with a natural bridge to cross the river, white rapids whipping between the large stones. The river increased in speed here as it approached a bend, a few other streams leading into it. The types of trees became more varied once they crossed into the Dryad forest, the river drawing an obvious line between the two lands. Pines, Oaks, and Blackwoods were the majority. As they trudged on, the forest became denser and they were forced to navigate around brambles and ivy. For hours they walked navigating over streams between the hilly terrain that butted up against the Heritage Mountains. Eventually they came to a somewhat flat plain at the top of a hill that was surrounded by thick foliage and a variety of massive trees that looked like sentinels.

Alexa stepped into the clearing and then stopped, her hand came to rest on Aiden's chest. Aiden looked to his sister wondering what she saw, as he turned towards where she was looking a shadow detached itself from the forest and approached them. Stepping into the moonlight was one of the most elegant creatures Aiden had ever seen. The Dryad, for that is the only thing she could be, looked for the most part to be human. It was difficult to tell in the moonlight but her skin had a green tinge to it. She held up a lantern and unshuttered it, revealing long wavy locks that were a deep brown like soil. Her eyes were a dark green though he could see streaks of brighter colors there. She was taller than Alexa maybe six feet, her breasts were gigantic, twice the size of Alexa's, bigger than his head even. Her hips flared out wide and shadows played across her well toned stomach. Leafy braids that reminded him of hemp held up her breasts, while a shawl hung from her hips and draped to one side.

She had an infectious smile that made the twins smile in return. Her entire demeanor seemed to shake Aiden out of his depressing thoughts. Alexa reached out her hand and said, "You must be Diane, my name is Alexa Tallen, this is my brother Aiden Tallen"

Diane bowed her head and took Alexa's hand, "I know you both, I have seen you on the banks of the river as well. It is good to finally meet the progeny of Taya and Alec." Then she looked to Aiden with a raised eyebrow still smiling, "I thought I was escorting only the daughter through my woods to Blackwood, Taya didn't say anything of Aiden."

As Alexa began to explain the change of plans to Diane. Aiden took a look around clearing and noticed several yurt-like homes that were made out of the stumps of enormous Blackwood trees, the biggest seemed to be at least a hundred feet wide. It looked like it could contain several rooms. The trunk looked to have been cut off or fallen long ago. He could not see much of her forest home in the light but he still let his eyes wander lest they stare at Diane's provocative physique.

Diane was listening to Alexa explain what happened and Aiden's Blessings. She also listened to the life magic around her and could feel Aiden's arousal towards her. She smiled inwardly, this was going to be so much more fun than escorting Alexa she thought as her own arousal began stirring. Diane had seen the nude boy in the river just earlier that day and had watched as the big idiot humans had bullied him. She had considered intervening when the boys had dropped him to the bank. His nude performance in the river prior to that left imagination running though. Diane found him to be cute and sexy, he looked just like his sister though shorter and his figure was almost womanly. He had a juicy little butt, and while his "manhood" was small and cute. She didn't think he would need it much if her guess was right. A frantic smile seemed to flash across her face before she tamped down on her building excitement.

" finally we made our way here." Alexa said, finishing the story. "Will you help our family, care for him I mean?"

"I will do my best to take care of your brother, even more I will seek a way to make him happy and maybe live a secluded life a seclusion away from most people if we can help it. Tell Taya her progeny is in my care and I will not fail."

Alexa nodded and then looked to her brother grabbing him by the shoulder she brought him in for a tight hug. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders she breathed in the scent of his hair, very similar to her own. She smiled and then brought him to arms length.

"My twin" Alexa started choking on the words "I love you, please take care of yourself. Write me when you can, I will send my letters to mother. If you get a chance to sneak back home that is. When I make Ranger I will come find you, okay?"

Aiden smiled, this goodbye might be worse than his mother's. Alexa was his twin and they had grown up side by side in almost everything. "Show those Rangers who's boss my twin. I know you will be great and we will see each other again." They both stared into each other's eyes another moment, their mirrored faces communicating much more than words ever could. Alexa hugged Aiden once more, waved to Diane and edthen ran into the forest silently disappearing into the shadows of the trees.

Turning to Diane, Aiden felt his face flush, he wasn't often alone with beautiful women outside his mother, Elder Silvia, or Alexa and that was much different. The other girls in the village didn't seem to think much of him, to them he was just cute and kind, a friend but nothing more. Looking at Diane he couldn't help but feel inadequate, his eyes flicked from her breasts and hips then her eyes and found that she was staring straight at him with a rueful smile on her face.

"Come" she said, turning walking away and making a come hither gesture over her shoulder. Taking a deep breath he hurried after the Dryad and her swaying hips.

Chapter Four

Diane beamed broadly, looking down at the boy curled up in the furs of her bed. She had fed him a light meal before he passed out, they hadn't even had a chance to speak before his head hit furs. She had stripped him mostly for selfish reasons, but she would give him some excuse if he asked. Diane just wanted to peak, eventually she fell asleep too right next to Aiden. She didn't want to rush anything or scare him off, he will be scared enough when the time comes she thought grinning to herself.

Daylight eventually seeped in through the open windows of her room. A gentle breeze brought the smell of the forest pines and dew. The mornings were still cold and winters touch clung to the forested hills.

Diane rested on her elbow staring at the porcelain boy, the sun played over his skin, his straight black hair spilling out around his head. He curled deeper in the furs and yawned. Smiling, Diane came to a decision and couldn't hold back any longer. Her Nymph urges encourage her. Slowly she peeled the top layers of furs off the boy, her green eyes drinking in everything. Finally Aiden was uncovered and completely nude, luckily it was still moderately warm from their body heat and the dregs of last night's fire.

She studied his figure, his arms and legs tucked under his chest. Exposing his ass and what lay between. She lowered her head to look without touching, not willing to wake him just yet. His little pink puckered hole sat between the valley of his plush white butt. His manhood hung flaccid between his legs, the dumb human from the river wasn't wrong, it was small, dainty even, feminine in a way. He was smooth down there as well, the only pubic hair sat above his penis in a little black tuft, he was otherwise bare. It looked so cute and she really wanted to seem to watch him cum.

Smirking, thanking all the gods for this chance she inched her face towards his tiny puckered anus. He had a sweet smell about him, river water and the blackberry scented soap his mother made. Slowly she began to lick lightly at his hole, she waited a few seconds to see if he would wake and then started in again. This time she licked from the base of his little ball sack to his hole, each time she reached his hole she would prod it with the tip of her tongue, it would take more force to enter his channel but for now she was just having fun. As she continued to pass over his taint until she noticed he penis getting hard. He was still asleep as his member stood to attention, Diane giggled quietly to herself trying not to disturb his sleep too much.

On the next pass to his sack she went all the way to his small penis, barely longer than her pinky finger and as big around as her thumb she could easily fit his member and sack in her mouth and so she did.

Aiden woke with a start feeling a wet warmth on his penis, at first he thought he peed his bed but when he looked down he saw Diane's head. Lifting his leg and turning on to his back he saw everything. Diane's fierce green eyes were staring up at him mischievously, she was smiling around is cock. Her lips pressed to the base, her tongue was writhing over his balls and shaft. He shivered involuntarily staring down at her, his breath caught and his legs stiffened as he came. Continuing to focus on the Dryad's mouth and eyes as he spurted.

Diane felt the little spurts of his seed hit her tongue and she swallowed. She was loving how small he was. She could barely stand it, she wanted things to escalate quicker. Thoroughly scrubbing his cock with her tongue and sucking him tight. With a popping sound she released his member, "wh-what why?"

Diane, a grin still plastered on her face replied with an innocent tone, "I think you're cute and I like you, simple as that!" She pushed herself to her knees exposing herself to him, her massive breasts hung in front of him. "Do you like them Aiden?"

Aiden did, he really liked them, he also liked how she said his name and sent a small shiver up his spine. Looking down and to the side he nodded. Aiden hadn't got a good look at her last night but in the light of the son she looked beautiful and exotic. Her green skin was smooth and flawless. Plump lips, high cheekbones, and startling green eyes snagged his own hazel eyes.