Four Friends - The Beginning

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A retired gentleman and some extraordinary young women.
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"Are you really gonna ignore me all night?"

I should explain. I was at the bar like most nights, having a drink, talking to the bartender, reading. My wife had wanted to retire to a coastal, college town and after she died I couldn't think of anything else to do with myself. So, here I am.

"Well, you're with friends and, without knowing what they do or don't know, it seemed safer. I was just going to pay your tab, so you'd know I saw you."

Chloe was very smart, very interesting, and whom I occasionally paid to spend time with me. I'm not proud of it, but I'm too set in my ways to date, but not quite old enough to be done with human contact.

"It's so sweet of you to worry about my reputation, but they all know how I pay my bills. They also know you're a favorite. Your interests and history are frequent topics of conversation."

"I'm flattered, but I bet you say that to all the boys." I took a sip. "I also didn't think you'd want a creepy old man intruding on a well-deserved night out."

She leaned in and whispered, "But you're my favorite creepy old man."

Again, I should explain. I'm in my late 50's and, while I'm not in as good of shape as I'd like, balding, and grey, I'm not awful for my age. Most people think I'm at least 10 years younger. Chloe may be petit and look younger than her age, but she is in her late 20's which is a lot better than if she was an undergraduate. At least I told myself that.

"Guilty as charged." I turned toward her. "How was your week? Undergrads still being disrespectful?"

"I can't wait until this semester is over and I get rid of this bunch. A few of them are curious, but most --"

"Well, it's only a few more weeks - they'll eventually learn that ChatGPT won't teach them anything." I discreetly put a hand on her leg. "You should go back and blow off some steam. Let me know when grading is over - we'll catch up and I'll buy you a nice meal. Sushi?"

"I should start to have some time in about 2 weeks - I'll text you." She smiled. "Of course, maybe it's you who doesn't want to seem so familiar with a pretty young thing. Aren't you worried about your reputation?"

"I don't have a reputation, and even if I did, I wouldn't care what these people think of me."

"Stop flirting with me, old man. It might just work, and that is not why I came over." She looked back toward her friends and then leaned in. "I have a favor to ask of you."

"You know I'm highly suggestible."

"You see Katie over there - the one with the short blonde hair? We've been friends all through undergrad and grad. Terrible choices in men. Oh my god, I could tell you stories."

"You could but shouldn't...."

"Right. Anyway, she just confessed something to us that I'd like your help with."

"Me? I know why you tolerate me, but how could I possibly help her?" Katie seemed like the type of young woman who might not attract the bro crowd, but was beautiful and, based on my experience, was likely to only get more lovely with age. As usual, young guys have no idea what they're missing. I should know - if my wife hadn't approached me, I would've missed out on the greatest and most beautiful woman ever.

"Shut up and listen. She broke up with the most recent loser because she wanted to experiment a little, and no surprise, he was an asshole and incompetent. She's really crestfallen and losing faith that she'll ever find someone to play with. Says she'll settle for fantasy, but you know how I feel about that!"

I took a swig. "Ok, I'm afraid to ask - what does that have to do with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask. After hearing me describe some of the things we've done ...."

"Really, so all your friends know that I'm not just a creepy old guy, but also a pervert?"

"They know everything about you and me - sorry if that is a problem. They also know I love it." Again, she looked back and nodded to them. "Anyway, you're partly responsible for this predicament. She only admitted her interests to the boy toy after I described how much letting you tie me up relieved stress. Believe me, she needs some relief. The idiot claimed he knew what he was doing, but it was disastrous. Now she's sad, pissed off, and afraid to try again."

At some point during this Jack, the bartender, had slinked down the bar and was spending a little more time cleaning glasses near us than necessary.

"Jack, a little privacy?"

"Damn, just when it was getting interesting..." and moved away.

"So, a boy turned out to be a jerk and oversold himself? That's not exactly surprising."

"It's not, but I don't want her to give up. You're the one always saying how important curiosity is."

"Fine, trap me with my own words." Another sip and a deep breath. "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to come over and let her ask questions."

"You're want me to leave my lonely seat, on a Friday night, and sit with four attractive young women, in front of all these people, and talk about bondage?"

"I knew you were smart."

"Boy, hard sell. What about my reputation?"

"You just said you didn't have one."

"Good point. Ok - but if any of your friends want to me leave, just give a nod and I'll bounce." I caught Jack's eye. "I'm going over there - add their tab to mine and I'll pay before I leave. Ok?"

Jack nodded - was that a smirk on his face? -I headed over.

Chloe was already back at the table, giggling with her friends, waving me over.

"Everyone, this is David. David, this is Katie, Alexis, and Olivia."

I sat in the round booth, across from Chloe and next to Katie so my old ears could hear her over the music.

"Good evening. Sorry to ignore y'all earlier, but I wasn't sure how much of her life, and apparently mine, Chloe shares."

"Oh, we've heard all about you," said Olivia, who was pale, had strict but flattering dark hair and was wearing all black, "and complained that Chloe kept you all to herself."

"I am very susceptible to flattery - be careful. What has she told you, anyway?"

Chloe interrupted, "That is for another time - we brought you over to help Katie." Everyone looked at Katie.

"Hey, that's not fair - and a little embarrassing. Can't we work up to that in a bit?"

"Nope," said Alexis, who had mocha skin, bright green eyes and dark, curly hair. "We've already talked about our weeks, and we don't want to keep David up past his bedtime, do we?"

"Oh, it's going to be like that, is it? Chloe, you should've warned me about her."

"Sorry, but I figured you can take it."

"We'll get back to you later young lady," to which Alexis responded with a smirk. "You wish."

"Katie, your friends may not care if you are uncomfortable, but I do. If I've been lured here under false pretenses, I'm happy to talk about anything else you'd like or even leave."

"Smooth. You weren't kidding - he's dangerous." Katie collected herself, took a sip and said "Well, I guess I have a few questions, if you don't mind."

"I'm all yours - for what that's worth."

She looked me straight in the eye. "How much did she tell you?"

"Bad experience, poser boyfriend. Interest in bondage. Fear of disappointment."

"That about covers it. Wow. Ok." She took a deep breath and started. "So, I think I'm interested in trying - being tied up that is - but how do I decide whether to keep that in fantasyland or irl? And how do I figure out who isn't, as you say, a poser? And how did you learn? How did you know it was something you wanted? And is it all you do? Are there limits? Where do you buy the stuff you bought for Chloe - it's really beautiful - and how did you find that shop? And what..."

I put my hands up. "Hold on. That's a lot of questions and answering them could take all night. Take a deep breath and think - what is it that you really want to know, in the simplest terms?"

Alexis chimed in, "Ask him what you asked us earlier."

She gathered herself. "How about this? I know what porn I like to watch- how do I know if that's what I really, and how do I find someone I can trust to try it with?"

A good question, and not easy to answer. I hadn't thought about stuff like that in a long time - I knew what worked for me and had an intuitive sense of what other people wanted - or, more importantly, didn't want. With Chloe, what we did developed while getting to know each other and she was pretty direct about her desires; Katie seemed more analytical. I wondered if their areas of study correlated with their way of thinking.

"Much clearer, though I'm not sure I can be as articulate. First off, you're right to worry about bringing fantasy into reality - some things are better left the deepest recesses of our minds. On the other hand, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Life has taught me that it's better to explore uncomfortable things with someone whom you won't miss too much if things go bad. To be honest, it's one of the services good people like Chloe provide - a safe-zone to explore and learn."

"The sex workers of the world thank you for your kind words."

"My pleasure - but I really mean it. It's why going to college and learning from folks you don't have to see ever again works so well."

Katie looked pensive and, under her breath, said "never thought about it that way before."

Olivia, also looking thoughtful asked "So, you're saying that partners are not always the best people to explore frightening ideas with?"

"Succinctly put." I looked at all of them, "When you take a seminar, do you want your professor to be a friend or someone whose feelings you don't give a crap about if you disagree with them?"

Katie had an inscrutable look on her face. "You're not convinced, so let's try another tack. What were you hoping to get that you didn't from the boy?"

"Off!" came from the other side of the table.

Chloe jumped in. "Olivia, not helpful. And anyway, that's what you'd want. Don't put words in Katie's mouth."

After a minute, Katie spoke. "I guess I was hoping for a kind of relief from worrying about what others think, about what they want from me." She paused again, looking to her friends for support. "To let loose, be in the moment, not be the one in charge for bit." She looked embarrassed. "Does that make sense?"

"Perfectly. And considering grad school, who wouldn't want to worry less. What else?"

Alexis chimed in, "How about just being able to think about ourselves, without being responsible for someone else's enjoyment?"

"Well, I was asking Katie, but a release from responsibility can be freeing, even though some of us like that authority."

"'Release from responsibility - that is exactly what I want." Katie looked at me. "How did you know?"

"I've been around a long time." I took a sip of my drink and thought carefully about what to say next. "I like to concentrate utterly on my partner and their reactions. A good top - you know what a top is?" - all four of them nodded - "is not doing just what they want but understanding their bottom's desires. That is where most boys get it wrong - it isn't about them, it's about you."

"See, I told you girls - he's a keeper."

"Thank you, Chloe" reaching across the table and kissing her hand "you're pretty amazing yourself."

Olivia got up, moved to my end of the bench, hip checked me over - forcing everyone else to slide down- and pushed her crossed wrists toward me. "Ok, you've convinced me."

"Slow your roll girl. I am talking to Katie right now - you have to wait in line for a piece of this." Everyone laughed except Olivia, who looked perturbed as she went back to the other side of the table. "I appreciate your kind offer - and" looking at Oliva "I'm happy to get back to you later, but this is about Katie." I turned back to Katie. "Do you learn better from doing or watching? I can start with Olivia if you want to watch, but I suspect that isn't going to help."

"I have seen enough porn to know what does what for me." Katie looked at Olivia. "Thanks for offering, but I've always learned better by trying."

Olivia pouted for a moment and then laughed. "Just trying to be a good friend."

"Olivia, I can see that you are. I'm not going anywhere and Chloe always knows how to find me. I may need some rest, my early bedtime and all that, but I'll try to wake up if you need me. Ok?"

"Fine - but these girls knows that I'm not very patient." The girls laughed.

"That's good to know - delayed gratification for you then" I said smiling. "I can work with that." The other girls laughed harder, while Olivia blushed a bit. Guess I got that right.

I turned back to Katie, waiting until she looked back at me. "If you'd like, we could experiment here safely surrounded by your friends."

"I'm not sure - what did you have in mind?"

"I think show is better than tell. Yes or no - totally up to you. My feelings will not be hurt either way."

Katie looked at her girlfriends one after another, who all nodded. "Yes."

"Very brave." I looked around the table "Who is wearing a belt they can lend me?"

Alexis whipped off a thin leather one faster than I thought possible - got to keep an eye on that one. More slowly, but no less dramatically, Chloe handed me hers - wide leather with a big gold buckle. Olivia offered nothing.

"You can tell me to stop at any time and your friends will, I'm sure, protect you. We can stick with stop or, if you want to get into character more, you can choose a safe word. You've read enough stories to know what a safe word is, yes?"

"Yes. No safe word for now - just stop."

"Simple and direct. I prefer that as well." I collected myself, looked her in the eye and pitched my voice in a low, calm tone. "Put your hands behind your back."

There was no hesitation at all - I noted her response to authority for future reference. I wrapped Chloe's wide belt around her arms, just above the elbow, synched it and tucked the loose end. This pulled her arms together just enough so she couldn't use her hands without causing any pain. A sigh and widened eyes were her response.

I pushed a few hairs from her face to behind her neck, lingering at the nape. I ran my hand down the backs of her arms to her wrists and, taking Alexis's thin belt, I wrapped them together.

I waited to gauge if arms were enough. She looked at each of her friends one at a time, wide eyed, as if for reassurance. The table had gotten surprisingly quiet, everyone watching, as the din of Friday night at a college bar enveloped us. For a moment, I wondered how much Jack was paying attention to this corner of the bar. I'm going to have some explaining to do next time.

She looked at me, surprised. "This is different than my boyfriend...."

"Ex boyfriend" the other three said simultaneously.

I looked across the table, schussing them. "Better? Worse?"

A little unfocused, she said, "Different" Then, smiling at me, "and much more of what I was hoping for."

"I'm glad. Do you want a sip of your drink? Do you need help?"

She leaned forward, took a sip from her straw. That seemed to settle her down, give her confidence.


"There's more?" Katie asked, panic and interest mixing in her eyes.

"Not too much. But I think a little extra will give you more to ponder. Yes, or no?"

Again, a slight pause. There was rapt attention around the table, as if the five of us were alone - not in a public place.

"Yes, please."

"As you wish." I took off my belt, noting to myself that I needed it to keep my pants from falling down since my ass had disappeared years ago. Casually, so no one else would see, I looped it around her thighs, just above the knees and under her skirt. I pulled it suddenly tight, bringing her legs together, eliciting a quiet gasp.

She looked at me, wide eyed, a little disoriented - as if she couldn't reconcile what she was feeling against where she was. I love that look - surprise, pleasure, confusion, a little bit of rebellion. It excites me more than anything else. I'd seen it on Chloe's face the first time I tied her up.

I left my hand on her thigh, slowly moving it up and down. Bit by bit, the confusion faded away, left only by a slight flush of the cheeks and shallow breathing. She leaned into my shoulder.

"Ladies, what else shall we talk about while Katie relaxes?"

"I have so much I want to ask you after that little display" said Olivia "but I think maybe we should talk about something else?"

"That would be I good idea," I said - "Chloe, how's the dissertation going?"

We talked about their individual areas of study, about some of my weirder ideas, chattering along like old friends - while Katie sat quietly, seemingly in another world.

After another round of drinks, I excused myself to go to the bathroom, remembering to hold my pants up. When I reentered the bar, I could see the booth from a distance. If you didn't know, the four of them seemed like any group of friends out on a Friday night. If you looked closer, you might see one quiet friend sitting a little more upright, shoulders back and chest out, flush and maybe even sweating. But only if you knew to look.

I sat back down, and Katie leaned into me, this time laying her head on my shoulder. I could feel her warmth and smell her hair. I have to admit, I hadn't had this much fun in a while.

"Katie - can we talk, or would you like a little more time?"

"What, did you say something?" The other three laughed and I shot them a glance. They quieted down.

"I asked how you were, if you had any insights."

"Ah, well. Let me try to think." She lifted herself up straight, shook her hair back. "It's a little weird to say this considering how lightheaded I am, but I feel much clearer. This is exactly what I need." With an expectant look, she asked "What's next?"

"Next? Well, that depends, but nothing tonight. I am old and getting tired and you four still have a whole night ahead of you." I reached under the table and loosened my belt from her thighs.

"Wait, not yet, can't you leave it there a little longer?"

"I could, but won't. As Chloe knows, I have my way of doing things." I reached behind her and loosened the belt at her wrists "and that includes giving you time to think, making sure this wasn't just momentary insanity." I released her arms and watched her shoulder slump a little forward. Leaving the palm of my hand pressing against her upper back, just below the nape of her neck, I could feel how sweaty her back was. I couldn't help it - I leaned closer and took in her perfume.

Quietly, in her ear, I added "And lastly, I need you to consider any next steps with a clear head, after a night's sleep."

"I'm not sure I'm going to sleep tonight..."

We all laughed. "Oh, you'll sleep deeply, I promise, unless these people keep you out too late. Chloe, give her my phone number tomorrow if she still wants it." Looking at Katie, touching her shoulder, "Call or text if you'd like to talk." I stood up. "Ladies, have a lovely night and Chloe, as ever, you bless me with new experiences. Thank you."

With that, I walked to the bar, paid the tab to a smirking bartender and called it an evening.

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OnlyInMyMindOnlyInMyMind3 days ago

Really well written. Sexy but not crass. The women have personalities rather than being simply sex objects and, best of all, no-one was betrayed.

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Thanks for a nicely done story - I look forward to continuing the read!

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

This is the best start to a story series I have seen in a long time. This could go in a multitude number of directions. All the ladies at that table can potentially have their own experiences. Eagerly anticipated. 5 stars.

oldbutnottoooldoldbutnottooold26 days agoAuthor

Working on it for all of you. Soon - and at the moment at least 10 chapters. Glad people are intersted.

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Excellent work, nice balance. Not rushed, not slow. No explicit sex and yet still very erotic.

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