Four Inches


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Kristi gurgled her laugh, and motioned with the glass of wine in her hand. "I came with a friend that's a computer sci nerd," Mr. Stiffy started to go to "at ease", as I heard her say that. I started to say something inane, when she continued, "She talked me into it, because the people here aren't so much arrogant assholes as the Greek people. And I've heard stories about unattached women that go to their parties."

She? She talked her into it? My cock was at attention again. I hadn't even noticed until I started to take a step towards her. Oh my God, I saw Kristi glance down, then do a double take. Her eyes widened, and I swear I saw her pupils dilate. I didn't have chance in hell of trying to rearrange things so as to not be so obvious.

"Well, I'm really glad you're here. We've, well, I've missed you at the after class discussions. So you were invited to one of the Greek parties?"

She smiled and turned towards the food tables. I moved to stay with her. "Yeah, one of the junior frat guys was trying to get me to go, but I think he was trophy hunting, and I don't need that kind of crap. So, here I am."

We made it to the food, and she picked up a little sandwich of something; I couldn't take my eyes off of her, my brain couldn't seem to pick a point to stare at. Her eyes, her tits, that lovely expanse of smooth (so smooth) belly flesh, that slit in the skirt, the legs running down from under it, her hair, her eyes. I was getting dizzy.

I saw her eyes flick down again, and she suddenly seemed to get nervous. I realized she'd picked up the food to have something to do with her other hand. Kristi took a large sip of her wine, then drew a deep breath. Now I was really dizzy. That breath did things with her breasts that should be illegal.

"Look, I'm sorry about avoiding you. I know it's silly, and you deserve better, but hey, we all have to fight our little hang ups. I really owe you an apology. I have been stupid, and my roommate has been giving me no end of grief over it. It doesn't help that she's six foot two, and has a personal thing about being too tall, even though she's putting herself through school modeling. She's told me stories about some of her dates, and says that being taller than a guy shouldn't be a show stopper. If it was, she would never go out, according to her."

Just then, Dave and Sandy, Paul and Janine came over to the food table, and the guys started to scoop up plates of nibblements.

"Hey Ken," said Sandy, "who is this fair lady I find you here with?" Janine was trying not to snort her beer.

"Hi, this is Kristi," I said. "She came with a comp-sci major, and well, I don't know where she is, but I need to thank her." Kristi smiled.

Sandy looked Kristi up and down, and obviously approved her outfit, then smiled and said, "So you're Kristi. We've never met, but I know your dorm-mate. How is Michele, I haven't seen her in a while. I hear she's heavily booked at the agency, and is going to have to choose school or modeling. Tough choice!"

Dave was grinning, and Janine was still fighting with her beer. Paul was just standing to the side, trying to play it cool. The girl's plan was starting to form in the back of my brain, what of it that wasn't trying to corral my eyes.

"Hey, we were just getting a little fortification, then heading over to the pool to work off some alcohol." said Dave. "We were just going to collect Ken here so he could go change."

Sandy winked at me, then smiled at Kristi, "If you brought a suit, maybe you would like to join us?"

Kristi looked at Sandy, then at me. I could see wheels starting to turn behind her eyes, (those gray eyes). "Sure, sounds like a good idea. I'll go find Kate and let her know what's up, and meet you at the pool."

I told you she was smart. But hey, I can claim complete innocence in this scheme.

Kristi turned and smiled at me and said she would be right back. As she walked away, those hips and legs were doing things that made me forget my name. (Oh man, that slit...)

I heard the sound of a slap as Dave said, "Holy shit." Janine lost the battle of the beer, and broke out in giggles. Paul just looked at me and asked if I was going to be able to put on a swim suit. Janine giggled harder. That made her tits cross the line to illegal.

Sandy was laughing at Dave, the slap more for form than anything else. "Come on guys, we better go change and get down there before we lose momentum." She looked at me and blew me a kiss. "Kristi really is a knockout, isn't she. If it wasn't for the lunkhead over here, I might have to chase that myself." My jaw dropped open; Dave was whooping, Paul was grinning, and Janine was just trying to breathe. "When I found out who her roommate was, I knew we had it sewed up. My father helped Michele get started at the modeling agency, and Janine knows Kate, the friend that convinced her to come."

The pool room was dim, and there were about twenty couples and assorted single men lounging around eyeing the candy. We had just got there, and I had immediately hit the water, because I couldn't stand around holding a towel to my crotch forever. Mr. Stiffy the wanna be soldier was fighting a winning battle with my suit. The afterimage of Kristi walking away was still making me blind.

Speaking of, Kristi and another girl, who had to be Kate, walked through the door into the pool room. Every eye of every guy, and not a few of the women, locked onto the girl with the black hair and the slit skirt. We all started to get dizzy. My soldier was out doing himself for standing inspection parade.

Kristi walked over to the chairs where Sandy and Janine were laying out their towels and stuff, introduced Kate, a vivacious brunette with blue eyes, pert nose, and at least D size tits. The few extra pounds she carried seemed designed to support those massive mammaries.

Then I did go blind, or the scene that played out was so burned into my retina's that nothing else was going to make an impression for months. Kristi kicked off her sandals, then started slinking (yes, slinking!) that purple skirt down over her hips, Mr. Stiffy was saluting with everything he had. I was starting to worry about clouding the pool. The skirt finally made it over the hips and hit the floor. Besides revealing those legs that just wouldn't quit, it also uncovered her belly button, which had a diamond stud just to one side of it. The purple bikini bottom that had been hidden under that skirt wasn't a thong, but it was so close I don't have a clue what to call it. How about the best piece of near nothing that I've ever seen. The strip of cloth that ran down her pubes, disappeared between her legs and reappeared near the top of her butt crease in back covered the outer lips of her sex, but looked like it was showcasing them at the same time. There was total silence in the echoing pool room by now.

Then Kristi reached for the bottom of her top, and slowly, slowly, lifted it up and over her head. The bikini top matched the bottom, in that while still legal, and covering everything that needed to be covered, left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Have I mentioned I have an excellent imagination? It failed utterly. The triangles of cloth were attached to tiny strips of material that wrapped around under her arms, wove around and joined the one that went behind the neck. That top caressed those glorious breasts, gave the nipples a place to strut, and did absolutely nothing to support them. In my dictionary under the word "pert" is a picture of those perfect, perfect tits. A perfect handful, more than a mouthful. And those nipples were announcing their presence to every eye in the room.

The most amazing, wonderful, heart stopping, orgasm inducing thing about Kristi's whole performance, was that she had found me in the pool, turned to face me, and locked eyes with me. They never left me the entire time she stripped on the pole, without the pole. Then she casually gathered her hair back into a pony tail, and flat dove into the pool. Everyone in the place took a breath, except me. Venus without the half shell rose from the water in front of me. "Hi!" she said.

Some indeterminate time later, it was determined that we needed more alcohol, and a bite to eat. Dave and friends had joined us in the water, and some mild grab-ass had followed, as everyone used the cover of the dim lighting and water to get in a little fore play with wandering hands. Of course, I touched nothing, somehow not even myself. Venus, Kristi was here and talking to me, and Hell was just around the corner if I screwed it up again. We talked about the class, finals, and then Kristi started relating some of Michele's dating stories. I could tell some things were being left out, but hey, PG-13 was good. The upshot was, she was trying to deal with the height thing, She had said several times that she owed me an apology. I kept saying forget it.

"Let's get out and join the others," Kristi said. I colored up, "I really can't, uh, get out of the pool right now. You go ahead and I'll catch up." Kristi looked down into my eyes. "Can't, huh. And why would that be?" I felt her hands grab my thighs and she pulled herself down under the surface. There was a burst of bubbles, and her head popped back up, and she was gasping for air. Her eyes were definitely dilated.

I have read stories about guys getting erections that "grew down their leg". Come on and get real. If mine tried that, it would snap off. Let's just say a good portion of Mr. Stiffy was poking up above the suit waistband trying to introduce himself. Apparently he just had.

The walk back to the game/lounge area where the food was found Sandy and Janine next to me when Kristi and Kate excused themselves to the ladies room. Sandy said it looked like things were going well, and that Kristi really seemed to be into me. Janine snorted, and when I looked at her, she giggled and said maybe it would be the other way around. I turned radioactive again, and said something about Right, like that was ever going to happen.

It was Janine who grabbed my arm and said, "Look, have some self confidence, and go with it. Kate says Kristi knew something was going on, but Kate wouldn't spill. Kristi went out and bought that whole outfit for tonight. So she's invested in this, and from what I see, she is trying to prove something to herself, as much as you." Janine may come across as somewhat of an air head, but that is just protective coloration. There was a brain in that head, and green eyes that didn't miss much.

"That, and I think she likes what she sees," grinned Sandy. "From the little I've seen, if it wasn't for the lunkhead, I might have to get a little of that myself." Her eyes rolled down to my swimsuit, and I groaned and re-wrapped a towel around my waist. So much for getting things under control.

Food and drink weren't allowed in the pool area, so we hung out in the lounge area with snacks and drinks. I had gotten glasses of a California Merlot for Kristi and I, and she smiled. "I didn't know you liked wine, or is it just to impress me."

"No, actually I prefer it, there is such a variety, and most beers are too hoppy for my taste," I replied. "But Dave gives me shit about it, and beer is easier to judge intake with."

Kristi was about to add something, when Kate bounced up. "Hey, they've got the lights mostly off on the outside pool, and there are a whole bunch of people skinny dipping out there. You guys want to go join in?"

I turned bright red again, and looked at Kristi. My hind brain was screaming Go For It! While the fore brain was twisting my guts into knots. She paused, and got a distant look in her eyes, and I noticed in the lower lighting, that they were on the white side of the spectrum. She looked between Kate and I, and put on an insolent grin. It said "I dare you" all over it. "Sure, I'm good if you're game"

So much for the stupid towel around me; soldier boy was clawing his way out of that. Right then, Dave sauntered up. "Hey people, the rest of us are heading out to the outside pool to cool off. Thought you'd like to know."

Cooling off, right. The woman of my dreams wants to go get in the all together with me, and I'm so nervous I'm about to puke.

I looked up into Kristi's gorgeous eyes, and to my amazement, behind the bravado, I could see that she was as nervous as I was. A sense of calm descended on me. I found myself taking a great, giant breath, and putting my arms around both women, I said. "Sure, lets go cool off. It will be fun."

Kate went and grabbed their things from the the inner pool area, and came back over and put her arm back around me and we headed out the double doors to the outside. I had a handful of Kristi hip flesh, and other than my right hand, the rest of me was numb.

"Breath, fool," Kate whispered into my left ear. Their hips were rubbing mine as we walked out into the noise of fifty or sixty people doing sexy, silly things in the Olympic sized pool. Some idiot with more booze than sense slipped off the end of the three meter board right about then and splatted into the water.

Kristi started laughing and said, "That hadda hurt!" The ice was broken and we found Dave and friends, and put our stuff down. Dave was grinning like a fool, and Sandy had a thoughtful look about her. They were already naked. I didn't even notice.

Kristi turned to me, reached out to the towel at my waist, and I could see her fingers trembling. She hesitated, staring down at my crotch, and whispered, "Can I unwrap you?" I couldn't speak, but managed to nod my head yes. Her fingers grasped the edges of the towel, and pulled. Sandy, Kate, and Kristi all sucked in a deep breath, and I swear I saw Sandy wipe her mouth. There was a good two inches of Mr. Stiffy poking up above the band of my suit; and boy was he happy. I heard Kristi I moan, and her hand shook and reached, but she pulled it back.

"Holy shit, dude, where did you get that!" exclaimed Dave.

I was in radioactive mode again, so did the only thing I could think of. I dropped trow and ran and jumped about six feet out over the heads of some people at the pool edge and hit the water. I heard a splash, and Venus reappeared treading water next to me. I have no clue how she got that top off so quickly. Didn't care. My eyes were glued to the most perfect pair of tits I'd ever seen, internet porn included.

I damn near drowned as I felt a hand reach down and grab hold of my cock, and give it a gentle tug. This can't be happening, I kept thinking. Kristi had a distant, dreamy look in her eyes, that were back to ice blue, and she was breathing heavily as she tread water.

"Does this count as a date?" she asked. "I still really owe you an apology." She started moving to the edge of the pool, towing me by my steel dick. We grasped the rim, and her oh, so shapely legs wrapped around mine. She was leaned back away from me, and her perfect, Granny Smith apple sized tits were poking up and out at me. Her nipples were swollen and blood red, about 1/2 of an inch long, centered in deep pink aureole's and the most beautiful things I'd ever laid eyes on.

I reached out, slowly, my hand shaking so hard I could hardly control it. I hadn't been this close to a naked girl since I was twelve, and that had been a cousin. I touched the back of her neck, hesitated, then drew Kristi to me and our lips met.

Our breath gusted into each other like a storm front. Kristi pulled back for a second, stared into my eyes, then clamped her lips to mine. I felt her tongue poking at my mouth, and I let it in. I didn't have any practical experience at this kissing thing, so I just tried to relax and follow her lead. Next thing I knew, out tongues were dancing around and over each other, and I was getting electric shocks straight to my groin. I think Kristi was too.

We both let go of the edge of the pool to wrap our arms around each other. Her legs were like a vice around mine. We slipped under the surface of the water, and didn't notice. Until we started to gasp for air. We broke the kiss and the surface at the same time, out chests heaving. My cock was planted firmly between out bellies, and that heaving was doing marvelous, dangerous things to it.

I started to hear clapping and whooping from the pool deck, and Dave was giving me a thumbs up, and Sandy and Janine, and some others were laughing and giving high signs.

I gripped the rim of the pool with both hands, and Kristi wrapped her arms around my neck. Her legs were still clamped around me, and I could feel the base of my cock rubbing on her mound from the wave action, her diamond stud poking me just under the helmet of soldier boy. We were just staring into each others eyes. Suddenly Kristi pulled herself to me and put her head on my shoulder, which felt good. But those soft, firm tits with those 1/2 inch nipples were boring holes in my chest, trying to reach my shoulder blades. Mr. Stiffy was sending me happy signals, and I knew I was approaching the point of no return.

I somehow disengaged Kristy from me, got some space between our bodies. Her arms were still clasped tightly around my neck, but I had one hand on her hip holding her hips and associated parts out away from Mr. Stiffy. The overwhelming urge to cum slowly faded. "If this is a date, sign me up for a million more. If that doesn't cover the rest of my life, I'll contact a lawyer in the morning. If I'm still alive. Kristi, you're killing me here. Please, please feel free to continue." I gave her a half grin, and holding her nethers away from where I wanted them was the hardest thing I'd ever done. Pun intended.

While this had been going on, Sandy and the rest had jumped into the pool, and I heard them teasing and torturing each other. We were kissing again, and Kristi's legs were trying to close the gap I was so painfully holding open. She grinned, then began gurgling, and I felt her hand reaching down to my dick again, but this time she just lightly stroked it with the tips of her fingers and nails. I felt no trembling now.

"How about we start out with five hundred, just to see if we're compatible."

I tilted my head forward, and brushed her lips with mine. "This isn't fair, Kristi, I'm keeping us from drowning, your teasing the hell out of me, and I can't return the favor."

Her lips lightly touched mine, and I felt her nibble on my lower lip. "I know, so where do we go from here?"

Good question. Expense be damned, but I didn't think there was a room left by now. "I know where I'd like to go from here, but I think we're too late..."

Kate to the rescue. She was was squatting on the edge of the deck, and it says something about my focus that I didn't even pay attention to the near naked pussy winking at me next to my head. "Guys!" she squealed. She was waving something in her hand. "You won't believe this, but Steve and Stephany are having another fight. She took his car keys and took off. Steve and Jim are going to try to catch her!"

Kristi broke eye contact to look up at her, "So? What's that got to do with us? They're always fighting about stupid stuff."

Kate giggled. "Well... Steve was grabbing Mary and she was grabbing him, and Steph caught them. She's real pissed. While Steve was trying to get his clothes on to go after her, I just happened to find this room key laying around." That's what she was waving around. "It's paid for and everything. You wouldn't happen to know anyone that needs to get a room, would you girl?"

I couldn't breathe, my cock got even longer and harder, and was reaching out rub across that little landing strip at the top of Kristi's pubes. I was blushing merely pink, it's tough to go red when eighty percent of your blood is stuck in your dick.

Kristi caught her breath, then got a calculating look as her eyes met mine, then bored a hole in the water. "Yes, yes Kate, I think we do."