Four Nights in Suite 425 Pt. 01


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I then failed that final test too. I just couldn't help it. For reasons I couldn't understand I just had to see for myself the way that...

Calla's apparition had since turned back around to face me and Sherri's apparition again and, still clad in just her bikini top, she had also since widened her stance to accommodate the way both of her hands were then busy down between her thighs doing exactly as Sherri's apparition had said.

But it was the look of rapture etched across her beautiful face that pushed me right to the edge. Rapture which I knew was in response to masturbating like she was to the sight of her mother and a stone-cold big-tit hottie masturbating together. Or rather I suppose it was rapture in response to the way that mother and daughter were then partaking in a girls-only three-way masturbation session with a stone-cold big-tit hottie.

At least someone else lost control before I did though. Namely my partner in the next bed over. Which I was alerted to when she let out a shriek of pure joy before:

"I'm cumming! Oh fuck! I'm cumming so hard!"

Which I could see too as a wet spot suddenly appeared in the crotch of her bikini bottom and started to spread. But my gaze was then averted elsewhere again when Calla's apparition let out a shriek of pure joy herself and, just as I cast my glance in her direction...

"Oh fuck Mommy! I can't help it! Now I'm cumming too! Mommy I'm cumming too!"

Which made my pussy explode at once around my triplet of fingers. And in direct response to the knowledge that Calla's apparition had just cum all over her fingers too.

Then the orgasm that tore through my body was like few others I had ever experienced before. In fact, both in terms of it's level of intensity and how long it lasted, it may have even been the most powerful one I had ever achieved via the act of masturbation.

A surge of raw pleasure exploded outwards from within the deepest recess of my womanhood and flowed like electricity through every nerve in my possession while, at the height of it's hold over me,

I must have wailed like a banshee for ten seconds straight as, at the same time too, I was flopping around atop my bed like a fish out of water.

And thus getting off to the mental image of my very own daughter getting off herself. And while making an absolute mess down inside my bikini bottoms as a result.


But I must report that I felt nothing but shame by the time I had returned to my senses. Or more to the point a level of shame that I never even knew existed before.

There are certain lines that should never be crossed afterall. Even in thought. Yet I had just gone skipping right over one of the worst lines possible and, I might add, one I had always believed should never be crossed by anyone under any circumstances whatsoever.

Nor did it matter to me why I had done what I had just done. No excuses. As far as I was concerned, the fact that Calla had manipulated me into behaving as I had was completely inconsequential to the matter. I was still the adult in the relationship afterall and, as such, needed to establish certain boundaries as the responsible party. But I had clearly failed to do so and, because of which, was then paying the price in shame for that oversight of mine. Shame at the memory of how I had woven my very own daughter into a sexual fantasy of mine that I then used to get myself off.

The only silver lining was the fact that, thankfully, no one knew of my shame other than me. And that's the way I wanted it to stay. Forever.

And I needed to remove my bikini at once. Especially my bottoms. The way it's crotch was soaked through and through as a result of what I had just done was only serving as a constant reminder of my shame. So I tore it and my top off too before I climbed out of bed and stashed them both away inside the suitcase of mine I was only using for dirty laundry by then. Or hiding the evidence I suppose.

Otherwise as upset with myself as I had ever been before, I then decided to take a shower as a way of trying to cleanse myself of my shame.

Which turned out to be a cathartic experience too. Truly. I wound up sorting a lot of things out while I stood in that little stall and soaked my naked body from head to toe. And not the least of which being the sudden realization of what exactly Calla had been up to lately.

That other 10 percent of things in reference to her certain feelings towards other girls? I couldn't believe I had missed all the clues she had been throwing my way since the start of our trip. Like the way she had performed a bare-bottom booty-dance right in front of me for example. That should have been a sign. And again when she had dubbed it to be, "more her loss than yours," in reference to my decision not to pursue Sherri as a possible romantic partner. And that's to say nothing of the way she had kicked things off on our plane ride down by dubbing me to be a "Queen" after first stating that she would only consider sleeping with other women who meet the highest of criteria. So bottom line, although far beyond my ability to understand why, I then knew for certain that Calla was wishing to lose her same-sex virginity with her very own mother.

Which I was completely against of course. It was my stance instead that everything needed to end right then and there before something happened that we could never take back.

There was a problem however. A big one in fact. Namely the way I had been behaving in response to Calla's advances towards me. Or rather the way I then realized that my actions of late were clearly being mistaken by Calla to mean that I was open to continuing along the path that she was then leading us down. Nevermind the fact that I had been in the dark about her true intentions all along. And also nevermind the fact that she had resorted to hypnotizing me in order to plant the seeds of those intentions into my head in the first place. No matter. I had put up virtually no resistance whatsoever either way and, because of which, I knew that Calla would only continue to try enticing me into going along with her intentions for the foreseeable future. So I had to put my foot down once and for all. And sooner rather than later too. Like at the first possible chance.

Otherwise I had to give Calla her proper due on a couple different points. (Only to myself of course.) Like the way she had started everything off by getting me to confess to being a bit bi-curious before then honing in on the fact that there's a specific lesbian-type fantasy that does it for me the most. Not bad considering the fact that she was touching upon perhaps my biggest secret with all that. But she had then upped her game even more by befriending and then introducing me to hands-down one of the best-looking women on the whole ship. But only in order to distract me with thoughts of possibly acting out that fantasy of mine with a knockout like Sherri so she could hypnotize me into viewing her instead as a potential sexual partner. Diabolical yes. But also highly effective. Look at the results afterall. I had just laid in bed and made myself cum to the specific mental image of Calla cumming herself. Only that wasn't all.

If only the orgasm I had just experienced was of the run-of-the-mill variety. At least then I could have told myself that, no worries, I had merely cum in response to the thought of Sherri cumming herself and not to the thought of Calla cumming instead. But no. The orgasm I had actually experienced was more of the mind-blowing and scream-inducing variety that also made my pussy squirt like crazy. So I knew there must have been a reason for that.

Why my climax had scaled to such a lofty summit the likes of which I had only been able to reach before with an actual partner. So the question then became: What exactly was different about that fantasy sequence I had just used to get myself off as opposed to all the other times I had indulged in it before?

So there was that too. The fact that a part of me was actually into it I mean. Into misbehaving with my daughter like she was into misbehaving with me. Sexually. There was no denying that fact no matter how hard I tried. The memory of the way I had wailed out in ecstasy while making an absolute mess in the crotch of my bikini bottom to the mental image of Calla masturbating to completion herself was still too fresh in my mind.

And which also gave me some clarity in reference to something else too. Namely the way my subconscious had picked up on Calla's certain intentions before I had come to realize so consciously instead. Hence all those tests which I kept failing. Including that final one meant to see if I could withstand viewing Calla as she had since come to view me as an object of sexual desire. And we all know how that turned out.

No matter. That didn't change anything however. Not one bit. Wrong is wrong afterall. So I remained determined to let Calla know at the first possible chance that things had gone too far between us already and, most importantly, we needed to put a stop to everything at once.

So I stepped out of the shower then feeling a whole let better about things than before. I had a much better understanding about everything then just for starters and, more importantly, had since come up with a plan of action for going forwards. The shame was still there of course. And a bit of guilt too. At the memory of what had happened in my bed a short time earlier I mean. But those feelings were at least offset somewhat by the knowledge that I was about to put my foot down so nothing of the sort could ever happen again.

But I wasn't yet ready to face Calla so soon after everything that just happened. So seeing how the pool was off-limits to me for the time being, I clad myself first in a bra-and-panty combo instead before I put my sundress back on too.

Because that nap was out of the question by then. It just didn't feel right to return to the scene of the crime so shortly afterwards was all. So shortly after...

Nothing. Nothing had happened. I just took a nap. That was it. And oh yeah. I had a bad dream. One where my subconscious made it clear to me what Calla's behavior towards me of late really meant. It was hazy in hindsight and I couldn't really remember much of what actually happened but, yup, that's how I came to all my certain realizations about everything concerning Calla in the first place. Only because of that frazzled dream I had. Just that and nothing more.

I had to get my story straight afterall. Heaven forbid Calla should find out what had really lead me to all my certain realizations instead. I would have really had my hands full then trying to get her to call everything off. So much so in fact that I was worried she might have even been able to...

Nope. I wouldn't let my thoughts go there. I was going to demand of Calla that she cease with her inappropriate behavior towards me and, more importantly, I was not going to take 'no' for an answer.

But in the meantime I remembered how a little birdie had told me earlier that the nickel slots onboard were hitting so, with visions of a brand new Lamborghini dancing in my head, I then headed off to see for myself.


Where I spent the next hour or so bouncing between being up a whopping 10 bucks and being down a whopping 10 bucks. So I guess the celebratory glass of champagne I ordered in advance was a little pre-mature. Oh well. It was still a cheery experience what with all the pretty lights and everything. And it was also fun the way all of us playing from the same bank of machines kept ourselves entertained by listing off our likes and dislikes about everything pertaining to our cruise thus far.

Then I got a text from Calla asking if I was still asleep. To which I texted back: 'Nope. Had a bad dream. Tell you about it later. In the casino now. What's up?'

She then called me instead and, come to find out, was on her way back to our cabin to change into clothing more suitable for the wine bar onboard that she was about to hit up with a couple of new friends she had met at the pool and, "Want to come join us for a while? They're dying to meet my super-cool mom."

And seeing how it didn't look like that Lamborghini was in the cards for me anyway by then, "Sure. Why not? I'll start heading that way myself here in just a bit."

Where Calla then introduced me to a trio of girls in their early twenties who turned out to be a pair of sisters and their cousin on vacation together with over a dozen other members of their extended family. And yes. All three were certainly attractive by any objective measure. Each was blessed with a pretty face just for one thing and, keeping in mind that all three were wearing some type of sundress at the time same as me and Calla, the sisters were both tall and athletically-built brunettes while the cousin was a blonde who was shorter and shaped a bit more curvy instead. Otherwise I'll just say this. Although none of those three may have been quite in Sherri's league in terms of overall looks, still, under wildly different circumstances of course, I would have been extremely intrigued at the prospect of getting to act out that fantasy of mine with any of those three.

But my focus instead was on keeping my guard up against whatever Calla was up to then. I mean I smelled a rat. It was just too much of a coincidence that she was introducing me to a trio of good-looking girls who just happened to be related to each other in light of all the certain realizations I had just made. However...

The hour that followed was exceedingly pleasant as the five of us grabbed a table and bantered back and forth over our glasses of wine like we had known each other for years. Or rather like Calla and I had known the other three for years I suppose. Either way, our fun only ended when it was time to go our separate ways for dinner. And there were hugs all around and promises made to hang out together again at some point before our final parting.

A bit later on during the walk Calla and I then took to the main dining hall, I must have given her a certain look or something because, "What?" she asked. "What is it?"

"Nothing," I replied. "But we need to have a little talk after dinner. And I mean first thing in our cabin immediately afterwards."

Without hesitation, "Does this have something to do with that bad dream you had?" she asked.

"It has everything to do with that bad dream I had," I replied. "And that's all I'm saying about the matter for now."

Then the dinner that followed was every bit as pleasant as the little get-together we had just left beforehand. The food was terrific (like it was all cruise long really) and the company was even better. Mostly Calla and I rehashed the highlights from our trip thus far and discussed our plans for the night.

Which basically followed the same template from the night before. Except that our ship was scheduled to reach our destination of Grand Turk sometime around sundown where we would remain anchored just offshore until first thing in the morning. So although I didn't care how late Calla stayed out, I reminded her that she still needed to be up and ready to go for our 8AM departure call.

But we had an appointment to keep in our cabin before anything else.

Where Calla first used the flat-screen to stream a station playing reggae music, "To celebrate the fact that we're officially in the islands now, mon." So the conversation that followed was scored underneath by the likes of Bob Marley and his contemporaries.

The conversation that started when Calla then turned to me and asked, "So how bad was it anyway?"

Meaning my dream of course. So I replied with, "Bad enough that we have to talk about it now."

Then like it was nothing, "Let me guess," she said. "You were having a pleasant dream involving Sherri when... Poof... She morphed into me instead."

Which hit so close to the mark that I didn't have a comeback at the ready. I mean she would have seen right through any immediate attempt at deflection afterall. But it didn't really matter much in the end anyway when...

"I figured as much," she continued. "So something like what happened yesterday then. You know. When you flashed me your boobs with your high-beams activated after I hypnotized you with my backside into thinking that I was Sherri instead. And now you're upset because you can't even think about that fantasy of yours anymore without also thinking about me."

And I couldn't think of anything to say in my defense that Calla wouldn't have been able to counter with ease. So all I could do was listen instead when she continued:

"And you've surely come to realize by now that I've been toying with your thoughts on this matter all along for a very specific reason. Which is why you called this little meeting. To tell me 'no.' Or maybe just 'thanks but no thanks.' It's the same thing either way. Mother isn't interested in exploring her sexuality with Daughter like Daughter is interested in exploring her sexuality with Mother."

So she was still a step ahead of me even then. And in hindsight I should have realized that she would be. But it could have been a whole lot worse however. Although nothing like the way I had planned it out of course, well, at least we had reached the crux of the matter quickly and without argument.

Then speaking in the most authoritative mom-voice I could muster, "I'm not even judging you about any of this Calla," I stated. "Not in the least. Human sexuality is an extremely complicated matter involving thousands of different variables that no one understands completely. But you need to stand to reason that this idea you've hit upon goes against all acceptable norms for some very good reasons. There's certain psychological aspects involved for example that I'm sure you've yet to even consider."

Which she let sink in for a few seconds before, "Fair enough," she replied. "But you might have a change of heart once you hear what exactly lead me to that idea in the first place."

Then in a much softer tone of voice from before, "I already know," I countered. "And I'm truly flattered that you find me to be as beautiful as you do. And I find you to be absolutely beautiful too. But that doesn't change the fact that we're related. And in the closest way possible at that. You spent your first nine months living inside of me afterall. So this all has to come to an end at once."

Calla then smiled and said, "Now you're more like 95 percent of the way there. And congratulations on that. But forget about being able to figure out the final part on your own though. You're going to need my help there."

I then shook my head and said, "Calla this isn't a game."

"Oh but it is though!" she exclaimed. "A sex-game in fact. You're not the only one present who fantasizes about what sort of fun things a pair of girls can do together afterall. But my go-to fantasy of choice is really quite kinky. I'm willing to bet even way more kinky than yours. And just so kinky that I would never even dream of confessing it to anyone other than someone I happen to trust implicitly. But lucky me. I just happen to implicitly trust the most beautiful woman I've ever met before too."

So it would have been one thing had Calla been lying about that last part. But I knew it to be true that she both trusted me implicitly and held my looks in the highest esteem possible. Which at least made the first part of her statement a little easier to bear. But still, "Out of the question Calla," I declared. "No mother and daughter should ever discuss their sexual fantasies in detail together. And especially so when those fantasies are lesbian in nature. It goes back to the whole psychological aspect I just told you about."

"Tell me the truth," Calla fired back. "What happened after Sherri morphed into me in your dream?"
