Fourth Vector Ch. 15


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"And she just exploded? Just like that?"

Luke chuckled on the other end of the command radio. "She sure did. We must have hit their munitions room. It just went up. The force was strong enough to blow the entire ship apart."

Jack listened to the results of the battle as Luke went through it all piece by piece. It was already the late evening, and his force was still camped on the field of battle, the scene of the army's victory from yesterday. They had originally meant to march out this morning, but some of the marines had found a way to smuggle in some stiff drinks, and as a result, were in no condition to march this morning. Jack permitted them the day to recover before they set out for Septhada in the morning.

"What about that enemy destroyer? Did you ever locate it after it got into that fog bank?"

"I sent two destroyers and theStardust after it," said Luke. "The fog was pretty heavy, but it started to dissipate around midday. They found the smoking destroyer not long after and sent it to the bottom of the seas."

"So the entire task force is gone," whispered Jack. "All of it."

Luke chuckled on the other end of the radio. "Did you expect anything less from me?"

"Not at all," said Jack with a laugh. "I'm just relieved they're gone. I'm thankful for both of these battles. Our position here now is more secure than ever, and a good portion of that is all thanks to the men."

"They did remarkably well in this last battle, Jack. They shot well, they followed orders well, and this is the result. It was a hell of a battle, Jack."

"We really bloodied the noses of our enemies today, Luke. I imagine the Swabians in particular will be looking to avenge this defeat. Especially after we left none alive."

"If they are so willing to follow their countrymen into the grave, so let them," scoffed Luke.

Jack chuckled again. "I'm really glad you're back, brother. It didn't feel right doing half of this shit without you."

"Likewise, Jack. Although I have to say, I'm not looking forward to spending a lot of time in this desert country."

"I don't think you'll have to. My tasks here are just about done. Remarkably, after the battle, those clans that had gone silent on us started communicating again. Of course, they blamed it on not receiving my couriers, but now that they've seen us come out on top, they are loyal once more. With those enemy clans being destroyed, Andalucia is at peace. It's time for us to move on."

"Thank god for that, Jack. Where we going next?"

Jack chuckled. "Patience. Let's meet up to celebrate the victories. Can you send the task force back to that beach we originally met at tomorrow?"

"You bet I will."


The next day, Jack, Kat, Greg, and a squad of marines left the army camp at midmorning to head to the beach where they'd first rendezvoused with the reinforcements from Java. The rest of the army was under the temporary command of Dustin, and beginning the long march back to Septhada. They'd set out right at dawn, hoping to make the trek back to the capitol city in the next week.

For now though, it was time for another brief reunion with the victors of yesterday's battle, already being called the Battle of the Andalucian Sea by the sailors. Jack thought it was a fitting name, well-deserving of the respect that it garnered from that fight. He also thought it was a damn miracle that they were able to trounce their enemies in two back-to-back battles and completely remove them as threats to the country.

If that wasn't evidence of their mission being watched over by higher power, he didn't know what else was.

As with the last time, Jack and the group slipped through the small gully onto the beach itself, finding the task force at anchor just off the coast. The ships looked proud after their victory, and some of them, like theHorton, wore their battle scars with satisfaction.

Unlike the last visit, all the commanders were waiting for him on the beach when he arrived, many of them wearing ear-splitting grins in celebration. Even Mike Cutter of theStardust was grinning, an unusual sight for the man.

Of course, the best view for Jack was the look on Abigail's face as she came bounding up to see them. She pushed into his arms before he even neared the rest of the group, her dark locks slipping under his chin.

"I missed you," she said softly, her voice small against his chest.

"I missed you too. You did great yesterday from what I heard," replied Jack.

"We really did it, Jack. TheDestiny put up a great fight."

"Just like I knew she would," he said with a chuckle.

Almost as soon as she was out of his arms, she visited Kat next. The two women embraced each other with wide smiles and easy laughs before Abigail was able to greet Greg as well.

"Well it looks like someone really missed you, Jack," said Pete, motioning to the clearly embarrassed Abigail. It was new ground for her. For so long, she'd tried to conceal her emotions from everyone else that to let them out so easily for all to see could be hard for her. In that moment, Jack hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her close, saving her any further embarrassment.

"As I missed her," he said proudly, kissing her lips and then beaming with a smile. Several of them gave him knowing looks at the display of affection, no doubt wondering just how far it went.

One of them in particular, Mike of theStardust, looked back to Kat as well. Jack wondered if he'd put together that he was with both of them. Such a relationship was clearly against Javan customs, but if Mike thought so, he held his tongue. After all, today was a day of celebration.

For the next half hour, Luke regaled all of them with another run-through of the battle. It was now the third time that Jack had heard it, yet he still enjoyed the tale just as heartily as the first time around. Such a victory would be well-celebrated at the Admiralty, but up until that point, he didn't know just how celebrated it would be until Abigail handed him a dispatch.

"This came in just for you this morning. I don't think Admiral Bancroft realized you weren't onboard the ship so I waited until I saw you to give the good news."

Jack took the dispatch and quickly scanned it.




"Commodore," said Jack breathlessly. "But that's two ranks up. He's pushing me over the rank of captain to commodore."

"Well-deserved for everything you've accomplished," said Abigail with a beaming grin. "Keep reading, there's more!"


"And you as well," said Jack as he turned to look at her. "Congratulations, Commander!"

She giggled slightly and tapped the paper. "Keep reading, Jack!"




"The Naval Cross," whispered Jack. "You realize one of those hasn't been given out in almost twenty years?"

Pete started to grin. "Personally, I think it's the least they could do, seeing as they didn't see it fit to give me a promotion out of it."

They all laughed at that, even Mike, who swatted at Pete's stomach. "That's because you were just promoted six months ago!"

"Still," said Pete. "It was a damn fine victory!"

"That it was," agreed Jack. "Well, this is momentous. In the space of a few minutes, I've gone from only vaguely knowing about the Naval Cross and the last recipients of it, to now standing in the company of several of them. I've never been more proud of this group, or more proud of this task force."

"You can say that again, Commodore," said Luke with a sly grin. "To think, just when I caught up to you in rank, you had to spring forward two more. How the hell am I going to catch you now?"

"Just keep winning battles like that, Luke. I'm sure you'll be there in no time," said Jack with a laugh.

"So what are we going to do now, Jack?" asked Pete finally. "With the Occitanian threat over to the Vector, do you think we'll go home now?"

Jack shook his head. "The Occitanians may be gone for now, but we have a lot of land left to explore. I doubt the Swabians are going to take this loss well, and I'm going to surely need your ships in the days ahead. I'm thankful for having your ships back in my task force."

"I think that sounds like a good plan to me," said Mike. "I wouldn't mind seeing more of this Vector. Hopefully the other lands aren't as bleak as Andalucia."

"Not if we go to Picardy next, right, Jack?" asked Abigail. "That was our original destination before this side excursion."

"Yes, Picardy is next," said Jack before catching the eye of Kat. She smiled at him warmly and nodded her head.

"Before we go, I want you to sail your ships to the city of Methusa on the Northwest coast. It's the best port in the entire country and the most logical sailing point to Picardy. Wait for me there while I finish our business in Septhada, and then we'll get underway."

"Sounds like a plan to me, Jack. I'm anxious to see what's next," said Pete.

"Make that two of us," added Mike.

"What about you?" Jack asked Abigail as the other men started talking amongst themselves. "Do you want to come back to Septhada with me? Or are you going to stay on theDestiny?"

She thought about it for a moment before responding. "I thought I might stay this one on theDestiny. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed being on the ship, and I'm not ready to go back on land again. I'd love to be with you, but we'll have plenty of time once you reboard in Methusa, right?"

"Plenty of time," he confirmed, kissing her softly. "I can't say I won't miss you."

"As I will you," she replied. "I'll just have to ask Kat to take care of you for me."

As close as Kat was, she heard that request and beamed in response. "I'll take good care of him. I promise."

"That settles that," said Abigail triumphantly. She kissed him one more time. "I'll see you when you get to Methusa, my love."


Two days later, the army was still on its course to reach Septhada, and it was currently traveling through the central highlands of the country. Kat couldn't help but try to observe the features of the country as they went through it. For so long, she was used to traveling with just Jacob and making sure they navigated a safe passage through the countries of this part of the world. She was trained to always notice distinct landmarks to guide her path, and even though right now she was just following the army as they moved, her old instincts never quite settled down.

She imagined she was one of the only few in the whole column that still worried about threats. By the looks of the faces of the men as they marched, still high off their recent victory, they didn't have a care in the world. And why would they? This army had been so triumphant in the last few months, defeating all challengers and securing the country for themselves and for Jack's rule moving forward.

Jack's rule.

The words still gave her goosebumps every time they crossed her mind. Of all places, she would have put Andalucia nearly last on the list of countries where he'd be ruling yet here they were. They were right on the cusp of something truly great. Something that would fulfill words that had been spoken long ago.

She turned to look at Jack as he walked just a ways behind her. She knew he hated everything to do with prophecy—the loss of freewill, the idea that your actions were predetermined. But just about every move that he made since he entered the Vector had been guided by that prophecy whether he knew it or not. And if he did what she thought he was going to do in Septhada, there would be no more doubts about his true identity.

"You look deep in thought."

Kat turned her head to find Vera walking quickly to catch up to her. The young woman settled in by her side and had turned to look up to her face.

"Just thinking about the country," said Kat evasively. "I won't miss all this sand and heat when we leave."

"You and me both," said Vera with a giggle. She grabbed some of her hair. "I feel like my hair will never be the same after all this time in Andalucia."

Kat laughed with her. "You'll enjoy Picardy when we get there. There's no sand except on the beaches and the temperature is moderate year round. It's a lovely place to be, as well as to have a home."

"I've been to Picardy once with my father when I was fourteen," said Vera. "It was a terrible trip for him, and half of his cargo spoiled. I remember how mad he was about it, and how we had to leave with a shipment of cheap Samaran trinkets just to get out of the country. But I also remember how every day seemed to be perfect. I remember the look of the boys there. There's something oddly attractive about red hair and freckles."

Kat grinned. "If you like those features, you'll really enjoy your time there. It's such a nice country. Can you see now why I made it my home?"

Vera nodded quickly. "Of course. Especially considering all that's happened in your past back in Galicia."

Kat remained quiet for a moment. For the longest time, she'd never even considered going back. She knew if she tried it, she'd likely be caught by the regent and most likely executed. It wasn't like she could exactly hide out to escape notice either. Her face was known throughout the country, and no doubt someone would hope to tip off the regent's men to her whereabouts in order to collect on the fat bounty he had on her head.

Would that still hold true though with Jack's arrival? Now, things didn't look so bad. And if he was who she thought he was, perhaps a homecoming back in Galicia didn't have to look so unlikely?

"Who knows what the future holds?" she said finally, regaining Vera's attention. "Maybe things have changed, Vera. If Jack goes to Galicia, I certainly won't stay behind."

"If he goes," Vera stressed. "Who knows if he actually will."

"I think he will eventually," said Kat firmly. "There's too much at stake for him not to. He may not know it himself yet, but I bet it's crossed his mind. Galicia is his destiny."

"You always leave me with the impression you know more than you're letting on," said Vera with a small grin. "Is there something you're not telling us?"

Kat took a moment to collect her thoughts before responding. "I know I've told you little about the actual quest I've been on for the last three years. It had to be that way on purpose. I don't relish having this burden, but I do truly believe that things are starting to come to a head. Events are moving by really quickly right now. I really hope to be able to tell you more here soon, but I can't do it until I'm sure. It's just too important, Vera."

"I didn't expect all of that," said the other woman quietly. "I know it's a burden, but perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if you could just let out the stress. Talk about it with others?"

"I'd love nothing more than to do that. And I hope the day comes soon when I can."

Vera nodded. "I understand. I don't like it but I understand. I won't pry any further until you're ready."

Kat gave a sad smile. "I hate that I have to keep this away from all of you. Especially you, since you've become one of my closest friends."

"The feeling is mutual," said Vera with a matching grin. "And I'll try not to hold it against you. Maybe!"

Kat laughed and circled her arm around the other woman's waist and pulled her close. "You're so understanding!" she teased.

The two women carried on their chatter for the next half an hour before Vera slipped away. Kat had been enjoying the conversation and noted the loss of it as soon as Vera was gone. Still feeling talkative, she slowed down to allow Jack to catch up, coming in tight against his side.

"There you are," he said warmly as he looked at her. His headgear covered most of his hair, but a good portion of his face was free. At this time of day, it was just too scorching to go anywhere in this country without it. "I could hear you and Vera laughing up here."

"Just some girl talk," she said evasively. "It feels good to laugh again now that this country is at peace, and we don't have to worry about any threats from the clans."

"Or Swabians," Jack added. "Although who knows if they might try again here. I doubt Lord Avila will be too pleased about his defeat."

Kat nodded. "He'll throw a fit about it, I'm sure. His people in charge of the island will almost certainly die for their failures. He'll probably send new blood."

"What keeps men willing to work for someone like that? Where any setback could mean your life?"

Kat shrugged. "Most people just see the good things that can come of it. Like the gold. Working for the Swabians keeps your purse so heavy that many of them don't think of the consequences until it's too late. Once it happens, there's little you can do about it anyway."

"That country is an enigma to me," said Jack. "I'm surprised the entire Vector hasn't banded together to destroy them."

"They did once," said Kat. "Almost five hundred years ago during the Fourth Swabian War. The Galician king wielded a mighty alliance of Apulia, Naxos, Picardy, and Carinthia against the Swabians who were trying to expand their lands once more. Some of the worst fighting took place on Naxos but the Swabians were eventually pushed back. It all ended with the siege of their capitol city, Dagobern."

A memory in Jack's head clicked at that moment. "Dagobern. I've heard that name before. That Swabian envoy we met when we first landed in Andalucia. Berimund was his name. He mentioned something about a Sack of Dagobern, but he said it was during the Fourth Galician War."

Kat nodded. "Same war. The Swabians called it the Galician War while we called it the Swabian War but it was the same conflict. And yes, they all cry victim about what happened during the siege of the city."

"What happened?"

"The same thing that always happens to soldiers when victory is imminent and one thing stands in their way. The city was brutally sacked when the Galician and allied armies took it, a fact the Swabians will never cease to remind you about. However, there were lots of tragedies committed by the Swabians during the conflict. Killing prisoners, dirty attacks, and the like. During the siege, they delighted in torturing prisoners just to taunt the besieging army, so it's of little wonder they went a little berserk once the walls were finally breached."

"I can only imagine," said Jack as he reflected on it. "What started that war if you don't mind me asking?"

"The Swabians were trying to incorporate Naxos into their empire. The Nax were tightly allied with Galicia, mostly due to their small size. They needed a large country to protect them, and being as the Swabians and the Galicians were traditional enemies, it was the logical choice. When their diplomacy failed, the Swabians attacked the island without warning. They nearly took it over too before the Galicians could get an army in place to help defend it."

"From there, the Galicians called in on their traditional allies to help. Apulia and Picardy sent men to fight, and since the Galician king was so respected, he got aid from Carinthia as well. They managed to push the Swabians off of Naxos, defeat their fleet at sea, and then surround their capitol in order to end the war."
