Fourth Vector Ch. 50


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Jack started to chuckle. "Well, it looks like I'm no longer needed here. It seems you have a good grasp of affairs and I'm just going to get in your way. Perhaps it's time we finally sailed for home."

Michael paled slightly. "I didn't mean it like that, Jack. You can stay for much longer, but I will say that my granaries will be relieved that they don't have to feed your army anymore. They've already gotten a reprieve with the departure of the Tyroleans."

Jack waved his hand. "I'm just having fun with you but I do plan to get moving shortly. There is one thing that I'd like to ask of you before I leave. A favor if you will."

Jack took a moment to explain what he wanted while Michael listened on. It was a huge request and Jack wasn't sure if Michael would be willing to indulge him but the young man just smiled when Jack was finished.

"That can definitely be arranged for what you've done for us," said Michael. "And you're in luck. She'll be back in Belfort in another two days."

Jack couldn't contain his grin. "Now that would be just incredible."


"What is this surprise, Jack?" asked Abigail as Jack led his two wives to the docks in Belfort two days later. "You're being awfully tight-lipped about this whole thing!"

"You'll just have to wait and find out for yourselves," said Jack, having a terribly good time with this.

For the last two days, he'd kept the details of his special request with Michael secret. Though Jack was still surprised that he'd managed to get it pushed through, he was most excited that today was the day he could showcase it to his wives.

"I really don't like when he gets like this," said Kat to Abigail, following along behind him. "It's not right when he knows something we don't."

"This better be good," grumbled Abigail. "And why are we heading to the docks? Are the ships ready to depart? Because that would be the best news I've heard all day."

Kat giggled. "Are you that ready to get back to your new homeland?"

"I'm that ready just to put this war firmly behind us," said Abigail before clutching her pregnant stomach. "Plus I really don't want to be on the high seas when I go into labor. I want to be in a real hospital."

"I promise that you will be," said Jack, laughing at their chatter. "And this is about going home. In fact, it's about how we're going home."

"How we're getting home," repeated Abigail before it seemed to dawn on her. "Wait a minute, does this involve the Destiny?"

Jack shook his head. "The Destiny is gone, remember? I figured that we could use another ship to get us a ride home though."

At that moment, the group stepped out onto the main docks where a new ship came into sight. The ship was one of the deadliest vessels in the Javan Navy, part of the Revenge-class that had proved so formidable during the battles with Reynolds.

However, two of the vessels had been sunk as a result of the battle. It was only as Jack received access to Javan Navy archives that he found out that his forces sank the Ruthless during the battle, while the first ship, the Revenge, sank during heavy waters as she was towed to Aberdeen.

The last two ships followed the same pattern with their naming. The Renown and the Repulse were the only two left, and part of Jack's request to Michael had been to receive one of the ships to replace the destroyed Destiny.

It was a request the new monarch was able to honor, and that was the reason why Jack and his wives gazed out on the intimidating form of the former Repulse as she rested in Belfort's harbor.

"It's one of the deadliest warships in the entire world," said Jack as his wives gaped at seeing the ship. "And now it's ours. Michael is going to lend us the crew until we can get our own men trained on it, but she'll accompany us back to Galicia. And I intend for her to be our new flagship."

"Oh my god, Jack," muttered Abigail as her hands gripped the railing. "It's a beautiful ship. It's made even better that it's not firing on us."

"We really didn't take anything as part of our spoils of war," said Jack. "Once I pointed that out to Michael, I think he was all too willing to part with the ship as long as we didn't take anything else."

Kat pointed to the hull. "Jack, it looks like the name has been removed. I thought you said she was called the Repulse?"

Jack smiled. "I did say that, didn't I? I figured she could use a new name."

Abigail looked at him. "What name are you going to give her?"

"Seeing as the name's available, I was going to call her Destiny," said Jack, pulling his wives close. "It only seemed appropriate to call her something that had been honored so much."

Tears appeared in Abigail's eyes. "Destiny is a good name for a ship like that. That would be simply incredible, Jack."

"Very fitting," replied Kat, nodding her head. "I wasn't ready to live in a world without a Destiny in it just yet. I'm glad we'll get her back."

"Me too," said Jack. "Come on, let's go see our new ship."

All three of them walked up the gangplank to the vessel, taking time to explore. Because it was larger than the Destiny, it was much roomier, and the commander's private quarters were amongst the biggest that Jack had seen yet. Settling into those quarters, Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu.

He remembered the first time he settled into the Destiny, thinking it the greatest ship afloat simply because she was his ship. In a way, he felt a very similar feeling now. Though there was nothing that could replace the original Destiny, this ship would do nicely in honoring the memory of such a worthy vessel.

There was one more thing that needed to be done still, and that was putting a commander in charge of the Destiny. And since Abigail would need some time away from the ship when she gave birth, Jack thought of one other officer in particular who would serve the new Destiny well.

That man was Cory Renner. The former head of engineering of the original Destiny received a brand new promotion to go with his new position. He would be supported by Kyle Abrams on weapons division, and Jack was still looking for a replacement for Stephanie on operations division (although everyone agreed that Stephanie would be nearly impossible to replace).

For now though, Jack just wanted to get settled on their new ship before they were due to depart. He also wanted to make sure his wives were happy about their new acquisition, and judging by their reactions, they were grateful for this new vessel.

Abigail showed it most succinctly by hugging him tightly after they settled into their new quarters.

"Thank you, Jack," she whispered against his chest. "Thank you for this. I thought all my time with the Destiny was now firmly in the past. Now I get a brand new ship. In a way, it's like I get to start over again."

Jack held her tight. "I know nothing can replace the original Destiny but I'm hoping this comes pretty close."

She kissed him tenderly. "Don't worry, this is going to be just fine. This is perfect, Jack."

If perfect was good enough for her, it was certainly good enough for him too.


By the next day, just about everything was in place to depart back for the West. The new Destiny was fitted out and fully stocked, with many of the survivors of the original ship joining their Javan counterparts so they could learn the ship. Thankfully, the battlecruiser was large enough for the old sailors to join, and the conditions wouldn't be too cramped for the trip across the ocean.

That morning, Jack saw the majority of the transports get a head start in the journey, leaving Belfort for the western horizon. Their first stop would take them to Quiller's Cove, at which point they would divert to drop off each nation's contingent in their respective homelands.

A sizeable warship escort went with them at Jack's insistence. Even though the world was now at peace, he refused to leave them completely vulnerable. The last thing he needed was to see something happening to his victorious army, even if it was by accident.

With the army having departed already, the only ones left in Belfort were the leaders. That particular evening, Jack was able to sit outside of Javan naval headquarters looking out on the harbor. Joining him were Dustin, Greg, and Lindy. Of course, it was Dustin who insisted on raiding Bancroft's former office, finding several bottles of premium spirits with which to drink that night. The four men looked out on the balcony at the remaining ships of the Western fleet and enjoyed each other's company.

"You know, I just might miss Java after all," said Lindy, taking a long sip of his drink. "I prefer the spirits here to the wine from Apulia. This stuff is harder and has more of an edge to it."

Greg started to laugh. "Don't let Santino hear you say that. He'll take that as a personal slight if Apulian wine isn't the finest alcohol to be had in the world."

Lindy shrugged. "Santino doesn't have to know that I'm smuggling half of Bancroft's alcohol collection back with me. The only people that have to know are my friends!"

"I'm sure if you asked Michael nicely, he might find a way to send you some bottles across the ocean a few times a year," said Jack. "It might be the easiest way to keep fully stocked."

Lindy looked like he hadn't even considered that. "That's a damn good idea, Jack. I might just do that!"

Jack chuckled and turned to look at Dustin. "What about you, Dustin? Think you'll miss Java once you're back home in Tyrol?"

Dustin's response caused everyone to look at him in shock.

"That's the thing, Jack. I don't think I'm going back to Tyrol," admitted Dustin quietly.

"You're joking," said Greg, staring back at him. "Why wouldn't you go home? You've been fighting for so long that you've earned some time in peace."

Dustin chuckled to himself. "I'm not going back to Galicia to fight a war. There's still peace over there too."

"You know what I mean though," said Greg. "I thought you'd be happy to get back to Tyrol after all this time."

Dustin shrugged. "Tyrol will always be there for me. It's not like I won't ever go back but as for right now, I feel like my place is in the West."

"Is it because you're leading the air force?" asked Lindy. "Do you feel an obligation to stay?"

Dustin didn't answer the question right away. Instead, he looked directly at Jack, a knowing gaze passing between each man.

At that moment, Jack understood why Dustin wasn't going back to Tyrol, and it had nothing to do with the air force.

It was because of Reina. Though Jack had only caught them once, it wasn't hard to notice that Dustin's demeanor as of late had been particularly uppity. No doubt that was caused by the Carinthian Queen.

"I have my reasons," said Dustin finally, a satisfied grin appearing on his face. "Let's just leave it at that for now."

"Suit yourself," replied Lindy, still oblivious to the real answer.

Jack took a moment to have a laugh to himself. He wasn't about to blow up Dustin's cover, but he also knew it was probably best if the conversation took another turn right about now.

Jack looked over at Greg. "What about you? You're not going to surprise us too with plans to stay in Java, right?"

Greg started shaking his head right away. "Not a chance. Besides, I think your sister would kill me if I said I wanted to stay. I couldn't keep her away from her family."

"What about your family though, Greg?" asked Lindy. "No desire to stay here with them a bit?"

"I don't have much in the way of family here anymore," said Greg quietly. "It's what makes being a soldier easy--knowing there's nothing left waiting for you back at home. I've chased conflict after conflict for my entire career, and I've been lucky enough to find a woman who wants to be part of my life. That's good enough for me. It's reason enough to go back to Galicia. Frankly, I'm not sure if I'd ever come back to Java again."

That was a little surprising to Jack. He knew that Greg didn't come from much but he at least figured that the man would want to see someone, anyone, while he was in Java. The fact that he just wanted to move on was telling enough, especially since it meant embracing his wife and her family.

Though truthfully, Jack breathed a sigh of relief. Greg had been one of those people with him since the very beginning. Jack had been understanding but disappointed that Luke was going to retire from the navy, and he was already short on old friends coming back to Galicia with him.

Mostly, he was profoundly grateful to have another very familiar face going with him.

"Well, screw all of you guys. I'm staying in Java," said Lindy, a shit-eating grin on his face as his outburst caused everyone to start chuckling. "What? None of you believe me?"

"Not even close," said Jack, still laughing. "Even if you couldn't take the alcohol with you!"

Lindy started to nod his head. "You're right about that. I can't leave Galicia. Best place in the world if you ask me. Though, I am growing fonder of Belfort. It's a nice city, beautiful and fitting for a capital. I will miss going on my morning runs here."

"I bet you'll miss those runs once you get back to hilly Kalmar," joked Jack. "Then you'll really be missing Java!"

All of the men started to laugh, which soon precipitated another round of drinking.

"At this rate, I won't be in any condition to run tomorrow, so I have all of you to thank for that," said Lindy, raising his glass again.

"Hey, what else are friends for?" asked Dustin.

"What indeed?" raised Greg. "I hope that we'll have many more nights like this ahead of us once we get back home. This is quite a way to spend an evening."

Jack couldn't agree more. "It's always great to do this with good friends."

"Good friends indeed," echoed Lindy. "And Dustin, of course."

"Hey! Watch it now, Lindy!"

Their laughter rang out into the night.


The next morning, Jack was certainly feeling the effects of the alcohol from the previous night. His head was bothering him, and his throat was hoarse and scratchy from the merriment.

Though Jack was hurting internally, his wives seemed to enjoy the chance at poking fun at him.

"You were quite animated when you came to bed last night," teased Abigail. "I've never seen you stumble that much."

"Stumble is putting it nicely," said Kat with a giggle. "You practically fell into bed."

Jack groaned and covered his eyes. "I'm getting too old to drink like that."

"I'll say!" joked Abigail. "You know, you're not exactly twenty anymore, Jack."

"He's much closer to forty after all," added Kat, struggling not to laugh.

"Are you two done?" growled Jack, causing the girls to laugh. "My head is throbbing and now I'm the butt of your jokes."

Kat wrapped her arms around him. "It's all in good fun, my husband. It's not often we get to see the drunken Jack so it's quite a change in pace."

"You probably won't see him for quite a while," he grumbled. "I don't care how much liquor Lindy sneaks in with the fleet. I'm not touching a drop of it for a long time!"

Of course, his wives thought that was greatly amusing, and Jack ended up breaking his vow the next evening but for now, there was only one last thing that he had to do.

It was finally time to depart Belfort for home.

The last remaining ships of the Western fleet were fully loaded with their crews and supplies, and their friends had all gathered to see them off. Jack met so many familiar faces on the docks of Belfort.

Luke and Kim were there, giving hugs to everyone that they'd fought with for so long. For Jack, it was one of the hardest moments to see off his long-time friend, knowing it was going to be some time before they saw each other again.

Walt McKenzie and Jason Clark were there as well, the two men having already thrown themselves into the rebuilding of the navy. Walt seemed like a man twenty years younger than his real age, his enthusiasm for his new role dominating every bit of his personality. Even Clark seemed to have turned a corner. The mouse that had always been in Bancroft's shadow suddenly found that he was worthy of the spotlight as well, and Clark had been doing an exceptional job at helping Walt put the fleet back together.

It was a fitting career for two men who had dedicated their entire lives to the high seas.

Stan Lucas was there too, flush with a new wardrobe and a new lease on life after moving into one of Bancroft's mansions. The dour commodore was flourishing with his retirement, and Jack knew that he had a long vibrant life ahead of him in peace.

Joining all of them on the docks were all those Javans that had fought with Jack and chose to stay in the country rather than returning to the West. Those remaining marines, nearly 850 of them after the Battle of Mobust, had been discharged and given a small fortune for their service. After a heavy career of fighting, most of them chose to stay in Java and give peace a chance.

None of them missed the opportunity to wave off their old commander, the one that they had nearly sacrificed everything for in a bid to do what was right.

They were also joined by many of the crew members of the Javan ships still left under Jack's command. Of all the Javan ships still fighting with Jack, only the Centurion would be returning to the West, its crew to train Galician replacements before they would ultimately come back to Java with the crew of the new Destiny.

That meant that for the first time in years, Jack would be leaving the Valiant, Stardust, Maddox, Wickes, and Hutchins behind. Though it was a bittersweet feeling to be leaving without them, Jack at least knew that he wouldn't need the ships any longer.

All the fighting was now over.

The last two figures that came to see off the fleet were King Michael and Queen Sarah. The Javan monarchs embraced Jack warmly just before he could board the Destiny.

"Thank you for all that you've done for us, Jack," said Michael as the two men separated. "If not for you, I don't think any of this would have been possible."

"We've really achieved a great thing," said Jack, agreeing with him. "And I feel like I'm leaving Java in excellent hands."

"In novice hands," said Michael, holding them up for emphasis. "But I will always try to do the right thing."

"I know you will, I have no doubt in you," said Jack before casting a grin at Sarah. "Besides, I'll just get Sarah to poke you if you start doing something stupid. Right, Sarah?"

Sarah giggled. "Right you are, Jack. I'll keep a close eye on him."

"Perfect. Goodbye, you two. Take care of Java for me."

"We will. Goodbye, Jack!"

With the last farewells being said, Jack boarded the Destiny and made for the bridge. He found his wives there already, as well as Greg, Vera, Bill, and Lisa. With the city waving them off, there was only one thing left to do.

"Let's get moving," said Jack, a lump in his throat. "It's time to go home."


It was already late summer by the time the Western fleet departed Belfort. With their sights turned west, they began the last stage of their journey--the long trip home.

Unlike the first crossing, the trip across the ocean was uneventful this time around. There was no enemy fleet seeking to sink them on the way back, only miles and miles of open ocean without any landmarks in sight.

It took a good four weeks to make it to Quiller's Cove, which was now quite empty of vessels and soldiers. It was the first time that Jack had made it there without the presence of Stan Lucas, and he found that the small base had none of the usual charm without him.
