Fourth Vector Ch. 50


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Despite the talk with Masud, Jack got the impression it was still going to take some time for the realization to set in with the new monarch. That was quite all right for Jack. Masud seemed to be wary of the power that was now in his hands, which was a good sign to Jack. Power was best preserved in the hands of those that were afraid of what they could do with it. To that end, he knew Masud wouldn't be like his predecessors and launch the country into darkness once more.

On the night that the fleet was due to depart Andalucia for Picardy, the new High Clan King Masud pulled Jack to the side to say a personal goodbye.

"You know, I wear the crown unwillingly because you are twice the king that I am," said Masud, gesturing to the new symbol of his position. "Andalucians will never forget their Tur'hava."

"And I'll never forget Andalucia," vowed Jack. "I'll just be a short distance away in Galicia if you ever need me. And I would hope that if you decide to make an honest woman out of Yadira, you'll send me an invitation?"

Masud beamed with a grin. "You'll be the first to know. I promise you that."

Jack chuckled and embraced the man. "I hope you have a peaceful and prosperous reign then, King Masud. May the gods watch over you."

"Yes, Tur'hava, may they watch over us as they have watched over you."


The Andalucian people took the change in leadership better than Jack expected. He figured there would be more tension amongst the populace with the unusual way the kingship was exchanged but it seemed that most recognized that Masud was the kind of leader they could unite behind.

Though it seemed they would miss their Tur'hava, Jack had a good feeling that the country would prosper after he'd left.

The next leg in the journey would see them travel to Daban in Picardy, and that was where a good portion of their forces would break off. So far, only the small Sorellan contingent of their army had been dropped off, which only made up a few battalions of the overall force. With this next stop in Daban, the Picards, Nax, Carinthians, and all but a few Swabians would break off to go home.

The only Swabians staying behind to continue to Galicia were Ambros and the young Cpl. Arnold Perera. Perera was responsible for the body of Pvt. Brian Mikkelson, and his first obligation to his friend was making sure he was buried in Galicia per his final requests.

Jack was only too happy to oblige that request and it was the reason why Ambros and Arnold would be transferring over to the Destiny for the last leg of the journey.

For now though, the arrival into Daban was the most celebrated event yet. The entire city turned out to see the homecoming of the victorious force, complete with welcome home banners and streamers. It was a festivity that Jack hadn't seen in some time, and it made everyone in the force that much more grateful to arrive in the city.

"I think a lot of soldiers are going to have a great time tonight," said Greg from Jack's side as they stood on the docks. "They are going to get discharged and start drinking right away."

Jack chuckled. "They earned it. I'm sure the people of Daban are in for a wild night."

"Hopefully not too wild," said the voice of General Neil Fagan, the commanding officer of the Picard Army. The general's ship had disembarked close enough to the Destiny to put him next to Jack and Greg. "After all, just because the war is over doesn't mean we can completely disband the army."

"What are your plans for the Picard Army now, Neil?" asked Jack. "I'm sure there are a few things you'd still like to do."

Neil started to nod. "True, and the army has been through the grinder these past few years. Perhaps with peace now, I can reorganize it the way I want it to be, so it's best suited for our defense. We can only thank the gods and our allies that Picardy is still alive today to even be in such a position."

"We can also thank their commanding general," added Jack with a grin. "You've done well commanding this army, Neil. I don't know if anyone else would have met with the same success."

That compliment touched the Picard general. He offered his hand to Jack. "Thank you, Jack. I can truly say I'm going to miss you."

"And you as well, Neil. Good luck with everything," replied Jack. "And I hope we never have to go to war together again."

Neil chuckled. "Me too, Jack. Me too."

With the dispersal of the army into the city, the commotion at the docks finally started to die down. Jack and his friends made their way into the main city palace, where Aedan and Ciara had already gone ahead to prepare a welcome. Their first night in Daban was marked by a feast for the ages as all the remaining heads of state gathered to celebrate their victory and the return to home.

For that feast, Jack, Kat, and Abigail were placed next to Aedan and Ciara. The most notable thing about the dinner was how Ciara kept watching her young son, Prince Davin, eat on his own.

She started off with a pout as he brought a piece of meat to his mouth and started to eat. "My baby is all grown up now! He doesn't need me for anything. He can take care of himself, feed himself, and he doesn't need his mama as much as he did before."

"He's becoming a man now, Ciara," said Aedan with some pride, ruffling the hair on his son's head. "He can't be a baby forever."

Ciara stuck out her bottom lip. "But he'll always be my baby."

Kat decided to jump into the mix with some good-natured teasing. "You know, you could always have another one if you miss having a baby around. I'm sure Davin could use a sibling!"

Quite surprisingly, both Aedan and Ciara started to immediately clam up. Aedan refused to meet anyone's eyes while he took a long sip from his glass. Ciara turned a shade of red and struggled with a response.

Kat noticed the reaction immediately. "I didn't expect you'd be that unfavorable to having another child!"

Finally, they all saw why the Picard monarchs had their reaction. Ciara let out a small smile.

"We weren't going to tell anyone for some time but I've recently found out that I'm pregnant again. Davin will be a big brother next year."

That small admission kicked off a wave of mostly silent celebration. Jack, Kat, and Abigail toasted the news and vowed to keep it quiet until the monarchs were ready to be public with the information.

"How does it feel to be a father again?" asked Jack to Aedan. "Feel better about the second one than the first?"

Aedan gave him a face that wasn't very confident. "Your second child is due any time now. You're going to have to tell me if it's any easier than the first time around."

Jack chuckled and patted the man's shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll give you all the intel you need."

While Jack was busy talking with Aedan, his wives had concentrated most of their attention on Queen Reina of Carinthia, who was in rare form that night. Always one to enjoy the finer things in life, Reina seemed particularly happy and that was attributed largely to the fact that Dustin was now firmly by her side--the first public appearance of the two together.

And judging by Reina's affectionate behavior, there was no doubt that some kind of relationship had blossomed between the two.

"I'm looking forward to going home to Polana," said Reina happily as she squeezed Dustin's hand. "I'm also looking forward to some plans I have when I get back."

Abigail raised an eyebrow. "What kind of plans would that be? Something with wedding bells, I'm guessing?"

Reina grinned triumphantly. "I think I've finally found my next husband! A man that matches my desires and meets my needs. All of my needs."

The implication was lost on no one, and even as Kat and Abigail blushed at hearing that, Dustin beamed with pride.

"I guess now's the best time to mention that I'm not going back to Galicia," said Dustin, looking back at Reina. "I'm going to Carinthia, and I think I'm going to be there for some time."

"Congratulations to both of you," said Kat, finally recovering. "I'm glad you were able to find happiness with each other."

Reina sighed happily. "Me too."

The dinner lasted for another hour as the conversations broke down to more individual contributions. Once everyone was talked out and finally sated, they separated to make for their sleeping quarters.

The next morning would see the departure of the Carinthians, Nax, and Swabians, and Jack saw off each individual component from the docks as they left. The Carinthians were the first to leave, and Jack made sure that Dustin knew he'd always be welcome in Galicia should he ever want to come back.

"Thank you, Jack," said Dustin, embracing him. "I think I've found my place in life. I'm going to give this relationship with Reina everything I have. She's a hell of a woman."

Jack started to chuckle. "So I've heard. You two be good to each other, and I mean it--if you ever find yourself near Galicia, stop by and see me."

"You've got it, my friend."

The rest of the Carinthian delegation was soon off, departing the city with the Nax hot on their tails. Jack shook hands with King Gaius, who was finally starting to show signs of his humanity more than a year after his freedom.

"Can I talk you into staying a while in Millpond?" asked Gaius. "I know the city has been largely cleaned up since the Swabian occupation."

"Perhaps after the baby is born," replied Jack. "I can't exactly be ditching my wife so close to the birth."

Gaius chuckled and nodded. "I understand completely. You're always welcome in my country, Jack. And thank you for everything you've done."

The departure of the Nax was much smaller than the Carinthians, only occupying a single ship to transport the less than a thousand soldiers back to the island. The biggest departure of the day would go to the Swabians. Jack was joined by Ambros, who saw off the majority of his armed forces. The forces that were leaving today would be under the command of Admiral Sevolz since Ambros was staying with Jack. The admiral met them on the docks right before it was time to go.

"You know, I never thought I'd see the day when we were leaving Picardy like this," said Sevolz, a grin on his face. "Especially with all that happened."

"It's a different world out there now," said Jack. "A lot of things have changed for the better."

"That is definitely true," replied Sevolz. "And I have to say that there's more honor in this last war that we fought than the one before it. It's nice to not be the lepers of the West for once."

"With any luck, we might be able to cast off that reputation for some time," said Ambros. "My desire for the rest of my rule is cooperation and friendship with our neighbors. We've all seen enough war."

"This is true but I hope you won't say that too loudly to the Swabian lords," joked Sevolz. "They just might start a riot."

Ambros chuckled. "Let them. I'll remind them who really rules in Swabia. They need frequent reminders of who's really in charge but I'm certain they'll be no trouble."

"Of that, I have no doubt," replied Sevolz. "But it will be good to get home once again."

"Make sure the palace understands that I'll be home in another few weeks," replied Ambros. "I just need a brief stop in Galicia and then we'll take the first ship home."

Sevolz nodded and saluted, a gesture that was reciprocated by Ambros. With the last goodbyes being said, the Swabian contingent to the army, the second largest by the sheer number of men and ships, departed from Daban that morning.

Ambros was oddly quiet as the last ship left his line of sight. Jack patted the other man's shoulder. "Wishing you were going home with them?"

Ambros nodded. "I could have gone but I figured it would be worth it to make sure young Cpl. Perera completed his task. I think the symbol of what he's doing is larger than both of those men. Don't you think?"

Jack smiled as he understood the larger meaning behind Ambros' words. "I really do, Ambros."


The rest of the force didn't remain in Daban for very long. Jack stayed one more night before departing with what remained of the Western Army the next morning, with intentions to go to Marmora in Apulia next. The much smaller force said their goodbyes to Aedan and Ciara before departing on a northwesterly course, making for the Slot between the two countries.

The journey was largely uneventful, with much calmer weather than what typically appeared in the Slot in the spring months. Abigail was now approaching her due date and was becoming very uncomfortable, with her movements being greatly restricted.

"I can't wait to get this kid out of me," she groaned one morning as she tried to roll over but failed. She gave Kat a helpless look. "Can you make him come out any quicker?"

Kat gave her a queer look. "What do you think I could possibly do?"

Abigail shook her hands. "I don't know. Maybe talk to my belly and coax this baby out? Tell him that it's much nicer in the real world than in my womb. Just tell him anything so I can get my body back!"

Kat giggled and looked over at Jack. "You know, I've heard that having sex can actually make a pregnant woman induce labor."

Abigail perked up considerably. "Seriously? Does that work?"

Kat shrugged. "No idea. Perhaps we should give it a test though? Jack, would you like to test our theory?"

Of course, there was no way he could turn that offer down. The rest of the trip to Marmora largely occurred with the three of them locked into their personal quarters, but as they arrived in the city, Abigail was no closer to going into labor.

"You know, it's probably a good thing," she conceded as they docked in the city. "I didn't want to give birth in Apulia. I'd rather wait until we got to Galicia."

Jack could only shake his head in response. "Now you tell me. I'm surprised you didn't figure that out sooner."

Abigail gave him a wicked grin. "I figured it out from the beginning but I didn't want to spoil a good thing. We've never had better sex in my opinion. A girl's got to get some while she still can."

Jack could only laugh as he looked out on the city of Marmora. Just like Daban, a joyous population came out to see the return of the victorious army and there was no end in sight to the celebrations.

That evening, Jack was invited to another dinner, albeit much smaller, with Santino and his wife, Giana. The feast was excellent, made all the better by having some of the best wine the country had ever produced. During the conversation with Santino though, the Apulian Director brought up an interesting goal.

"You know, Jack, my term in office will end next spring," said Santino after taking a long sip of wine. "And I've given it a lot of thought. I'm done with politics."

That was surprising to Jack and he raised an eyebrow. "You? Done with politics? I never thought I'd see the day, Santino."

"Me too but there's a larger reason why," explained Santino. "I've already been the Director. I've already gotten to the height of Apulian politics. What can I do now? Be some mayor in some small Apulian city? Why would I do that? It doesn't go any further up from here so my retirement will be the right thing to do, however, I know how I'm going to spend all my free time."

"How's that?" asked Jack.

Santino grinned. "I'm going to write about our adventure. I'm going to tell the story of both wars--the Fifth Swabian War and the Javan War. I realize I'm one of the best-suited to write it because I witnessed most of it. I have my journal to fall back on and I'd love to be the one that shaped the way history is recorded. What do you think about that?"

Jack raised his glass of wine. "I think if anyone was well-suited to writing an official history of the wars, you would be him. You might want to consult with Bill as well in your task. He's a history lover and I'm sure he could help you fill in some color."

Santino nodded his head quickly. "Bill, yes, I will do that. The man has a sharp mind and this is a project that could use multiple brains. I will make sure I ask him too!"

Of course, Santino's vow came minutes later after he cornered Bill and asked him for his assistance. Bill looked slightly bewildered at first until he caught Jack's eyes and Jack nodded to him. From there, the two men sat down and discussed their next project together, which was bound to be a fruitful one.

The next morning, the last major contingent of the Western Army was set to break off. The Samarans under Hendrick Tysen would be crossing the Slot to go home, and Jack saw off Hendrick before he boarded his ship.

"You don't have plans to retire too, do you?" joked Jack to Hendrick, referring to Santino's decision the night before. "I don't know what I would do without having you in control of Samara."

Hendrick chuckled. "Did you forget that we only have power for one year only? I've already stayed well past my term in office. I was allowed to do so because of the war prosecution but I intend to relinquish my office once we reach Dobele."

"Any regrets about that?" asked Jack. "It's going to be different not having you there as Tribune."

"No regrets, surprisingly," replied Hendrick. "Samara wasn't meant to be ruled by one man. It's just not our custom. Though it has been nice to have the power, I can recognize when it's time to give it up. After all, we finally have peace now. It's time that we return to our ancient customs. The threat is over."

Jack extended his hand to Hendrick. "And may that threat never arise again."

"It won't," said Hendrick confidently, wearing a grin. "Not while you're around, Jack. It's been the honor of my life to serve with you. I'll never forget you."

The two men embraced warmly.

"Keep in touch, Hendrick," replied Jack. "And come visit us in Galicia someday."

"Count on it, Jack," said Hendrick. "We'll see you soon enough."


With the departure of the Samarans, the only forces left with Jack were his battle-tested Galicians. The fleet left Marmora the next morning, transiting in a northwesterly course along the rest of the Slot before coming upon the city of Arezzo, just up the coast from Marmora. Jack gazed out on the Apulian city that had once been the last free ground in all of Apulia. The war had definitively turned after that battle, and nothing was the same ever again.

From that city, the fleet continued its course around Apulia until it made its way southwest to Kalmar. It took nearly a week to transit the distance but finally the city was spotted on the seventh day.

Any Galician that had a spare moment moved to the main deck to watch the city as they moved toward the harbor. Jack was still of the opinion that Kalmar was the most beautiful city in the world--the quintessential city on a hill. The Galician Castle was the perfect backdrop against the blue horizon, providing the warmest of welcomes for the country's weary warriors.

In the entire city, there were a few faces that Jack was dying to see. He saw them after docking when his main group finally arrived at the Castle, finding Evelyn holding a baby that didn't look so young anymore.

Jack and Kat ran just a little faster than everyone else to reach their son, finding that John was looking much older than they remembered.

"Oh my baby, I missed you so much!" shouted Kat with excitement as she peppered John's cheeks with kisses. She hugged Evelyn fiercely as well in the process.

"He's not such a baby anymore now," said an excited Evelyn. "He's been talking for months now and putting together sentences." She turned her head to look at John. "Go on, John. Who's back today? Who just kissed you?"

John pointed at Kat and said, "hi, Mama."

Kat smiled as a tear fell down her face. "Hi, my love. Mama missed you so much."