Fox, Satyr, Dragon Pt. 02


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"Yes, sweetie?"

"How common is it for a Dra to get tangibly stronger over just a few months?"

"If they're actively training their core and fein, like you are, then it's expected. At your age, the change can be exponential." Branigan said. "Why?"

"Lucas wasn't this strong before."

Sasha frowned. "You were kicking his ass."

"Not as easily as you'd think." Natalia said. "He's gotten stronger since we dated. And he's not the type to train."

"Well. He could have taken a potion, but there's signs for that. There's no other way other than training." Branigan said. "Unless he went and got turned into a demon's familiar or was outright possessed. The latter is extremely obvious. It causes visible, physical changes. We'd know."

"Former then." Natalia got up and leaned forward in interest. She was promptly - but gently - pushed back down by Sasha. "What if he's a familiar?"

"Natalia, the only demon in the area capable of doing that is locked up. We've talked about this." Branigan pointed at his chest. "The last time it was able to enact control over humans, six years ago, it went straight for the innocents in Foxden. Much easier targets and you know that." Branigan put his hand down. "Considering the chains are intact and there haven't been outbreaks in Foxden, we know it isn't this one."

"A new demon then?"

"Again. We'd know. There haven't been any signs." Branigan said. "Lucas trained, Nat. Simple as that."

"Hmm." Natalia frowned, then sighed. "Yeah. I guess you're right."

"Be back soon." Branigan left.

After she was sure he wouldn't be coming back, Natalia spoke. "Sasha... Would you really have let Jack kill Lucas?"

Sasha's glance was neutral and her tone was the same. "Yes."

"But Sasha..." Natalia's mouth opened and shut as she struggled to find the words. Sasha wasn't a murderer and neither was Jack. Right?

"If it means protecting anyone that I consider mine," Sasha said. Her blue eyes looked to be made of ice shimmering behind hot, angry tears. "I will personally kill anyone. So of course I'll let it happen."

"You can't just kill people like that!" Natalia exclaimed. "Who are you to decide what's right and wrong?!

"I didn't say it was right to kill Lucas." Sasha said. "I'm saying I would let it happen or I would do it myself if it means keeping what's mine safe. Lucas was dead to me the second he put that shard through you. He was trying to kill you, Natalia. Do you understand that?!"

"I do!" Natalia said. "Lucas needs therapy! He's an angry and controlling maniac-"

"That damages everyone he comes across. How long do you think it'll take Glen to recover from the abuse?" Sasha asked. "Actually nevermind what I said before. In Lucas' cases, it is the right thing to kill him. There is such a thing as being too compassionate, Natalia. "

"Just like there's such a thing as being too callus, Sasha." Natalia spat, wrenching her shoulder away from Sasha's hand. Her girlfriend hadn't stopped touching her since she had woken up. "Where's your humanity?!"

Sasha didn't budge from the bedside. Instead, she poured Natalia another glass of water. "Lying in the infirmary in front of me with stitches on her back and stomach."

Natalia's lips thinned and she took the glass. She took a few deep breaths before responding. "I won't always be there to keep you in check. You and, apparently, Jack."

"Then we'll need you to stick around until we become half as kind as you." Sasha said. "And after that as well."

"Only half?"

"Yes." Sasha said. "We'll be making you more reasonable with your compassion."

"Compassion with caveats isn't compassion."

"Maybe." Sasha shrugged. "But it keeps good people alive."


Branigan opened the main infirmary door and allowed Jack in. They stopped their entrance upon seeing Lucas' parents in the wide hall. His father was pushing him in his wheelchair. From Lucas' tilted head, he seemed unconscious.

The Rice family stopped. The father's face held shame while his fists held anger as they clenched the handles of the wheelchair. The mother's demeanor was only regret. She was the one that approached. "I am Alice. Lucas' mother." She gestured at her husband. "Samuel. Lucas' father."

Branigan subtly stood in front of Jack. "We know."

Alice noted the move and her ears reddened. She bowed her head. "You don't have anything to worry about from us."

"I find that hard to believe." Branigan said, looking at Lucas.

"We saw Glen. His arm is broken." Alice said. "And Headmaster Blackvine informed us of Lucas'...."

"Harassment of Natalia and Sasha." Jack finished for the woman as she didn't seem to be able to say it. Jack's skin crawled from having Lucas so near and her fingers itched to curl up into fists and finish the job. "And attempt to murder her by putting a stone stake through her gut."

"Yes." Alice said. Behind her, Samuel's shame increased. "Thank you for not pressing charges."

"Or killing him." Jack said.

Alice nodded.

"You're welcome." Jack said, the words dripping out of her like they were acidic. "Keep him away from us."

Alice and Samuel heard the unsaid warning and nodded. The two parents, with their demon of a son, left the infirmary.

"Lucas wasn't unconscious." Branigan said once the Rice family was gone.

"Yeah. Unconscious people don't clench their whole bodies like that."

"Mmm." Branigan rubbed his face, attempting to rid himself of the day's exhaustion. "Thank you for controlling yourself just now."

"Few more seconds and I would have snapped."

"I'm sure."

"Look at you standing in front of me all protective." Jack said dryly. Then she squeezed his hand with a small smile. "Thank you."

"Of course." Branigan said. "Come on. Nat and Sash are waiting for us."

Chapter 24: Bleeding Heart

Balraj exited the coffee shop, chimes ringing behind him as the door swung shut. He sighed heavily. The cloud cover hid the morning sun, dimming his mood in a manner that even the hot coffee wafting its steam up to him didn't help. With the clouds came lazily falling rain and Balraj entertained the notion of casting a spell to keep himself dry. But it had been a long night. Even a fresh Balraj had trouble with his fein obeying his scope and intent.

He balanced the drink carrier in one hand and took his umbrella out. Alina's insistence that he take one on his coffee run had paid off. He smiled. "Thanks, love."

He set off with a slight spring in his step so he could return to his wife's clinic. There were no patients to see until the afternoon so he was helping her with the piles of paperwork. His own would have to wait.

"Hurry your pace up and we can walk together, lad." Balraj said. He heard the feet of his stalker scrape to a stop. Balraj faced him, recognition dawning on his face. "You're that Lucas kid. One of Bran's students."

The handsome student with a wispy mustache and brown curly hair parted in the middle made eye contact briefly before turning away. He had bags under his eyes, stubble a few days old, and his clothes were stained and wrinkled. "What about it?"

"You look like hell." Balraj said. "You alright?"

"I'm fine." Lucas said. The demon exerted some control. "Just need a place to stay."

"Hmm." Balraj pursed his lips. He remembered this student hitting his boyfriend and Branigan's hostility with him. Still. The boy had evidently been homeless for a few days. "Aren't you in school anymore?" Balraj watched Lucas' jaw clench. "Ah. Touchy subject. Come on then. My wife's clinic is just down the street. There's even a shower you can use."

"Thanks." Lucas muttered.

"You from this town?"

Lucas grunted.

"What about your parents? Can't they help you?"

Lucas stumbled and actively turned his face away from Balraj. "They're gone."

"Gone?" Balraj frowned. Then his face fell in understanding. "Oh. I'm so sorry, Lucas."

The demon inside Lucas giggled as it remembered the blood. "Mmm."

"I'll stop with the questions." Balraj said. He wondered at Lucas' sudden shudder and suppressed cough. A laugh? No. The boy had been homeless. He probably caught something. "For real this time."

As promised, Balraj left Lucas alone with his silence. He pointed him toward the patient shower as Alina came out of an examination room, her white coat folded over a shoulder.

"Who is..." Alina watched Lucas hurry into the shower. "This?"

"Lucas. A student from Foxcastle." Balraj said. "He's come upon some hard times."


Balraj shook his head.

Alina covered her mouth. "Oh no..."

"Yes." Balraj nodded, then lowered his voice. "I'll call Bran later. There must be a reason why Lucas isn't in school."

"Who knows what's going on in the poor thing's head with his parents dead?" Alina murmured.

Balraj nodded in agreement. "Yes. I know he's a troublesome kid, Bran has told me some things, but... Who knows? I didn't know his parents were dead. Maybe that's why he's like this."

"Like what?"

"Some issues at school. I'll tell you later." Balraj said. "Regardless, I couldn't just leave him out there."

"Of course not!" Alina agreed.

They both silently sipped their coffee. Some vitality returned to Balraj and he quietly asked his wife a question that had been nagging at him. "Has Simran called?"

A smile spread on Alina's face. "You fuss over Heyan more than I do."

Balraj scowled. "I was asking about Simran."

"Who happens to be watching Heyan." Alina's smile remained. "She called earlier. Heyan is doing great."

"Does he miss us?"

"Sure." Alina said. "He misses us and is eagerly awaiting the exhibition tomorrow where he'll be reunited with us and his godfather."

"I know you're lying." Balraj said. "But this is a lie I like so I will accept it."

"It has only been two days without him, Bala." Alina laughed and hugged the tall, pouting South Panasian. "We had work to catch up on and a baby wasn't helping. What's family for but to help us when we need it? And Simran dotes on him more than we do. Heyan can enjoy a little spoiling when he's too young for it to make him a brat."

"I can agree to the logic of things without liking it."

"I know, Bala. I know." Alina kissed his cheek. "Just one more day."


"I can't do this." Lucas hunched over in the shower as cold water blasted him.

Oh? You were not so hesitant for Alice and Samuel. Killing them wasn't even my idea.

"They deserved it." Lucas said. "You saw them bowing their heads to Branigan and Jack."

They did. The demon crooned in agreement. Just as Balraj and Alina deserve it. Do you hear them out there? Happily gushing about their son while you're here. Miserable from getting expelled from school. Your whole future is up in smoke just for hitting a petulant boyfriend a few times.

Lucas silently listened.

It would have been perfect if the child was here but... The parents will have to do. Imagine the pain you will see on Branigan's face later today when he learns of what happened to his dear Uncle Balraj and Aunt Alina.

Lucas smiled. It was Branigan's fault his reputation had been ruined in the first place. The damned librarian just had to play hero.

Yes, Lucas. A damn hero. Makes us both sick with their saccharine values. Let's watch those morals crumble once true pain hits him.

"Today." Lucas straightened. "We hit him today."


"And I won't be held responsible?"

Why would you? You serve Me.

Lucas nodded.

I have given you strength. I will give you more once you do this for me. This last favor.

"Favor?" Lucas raised an eyebrow. "You always make me-"

Encouragement for an occasionally hesitant ally. That is all, Lucas. Your potential is all here. I am merely stoking the coals. I chose you for a reason, Lucas. Countless others I could have picked. But I needed a powerful Dra. Now go, Lucas. It's all almost over. Finish it.

Lucas turned the shower off. He dried himself with a spell before getting dressed and stepping out of the room.

"Ah." Balraj said once he saw Lucas. "I knew a shower would help. You look better already!"

"Yes you do." Alina smiled. "Have you eaten, Lucas?"


"Then I shall order us all some breakfast." Alina clenched her hands together. "What are you in the mood for?"

"South Panasian."

Chapter 25: Rend

"Gaaaaaaah." Natalia adjusted the line of diffusers for the third time. "Tomorrow can't come fast enough."

Branigan watched her fuss with the display board covering the main parts of Sasha's experiment process and results. They were the last ones in the auditorium still messing with their booth and it wasn't even their booth. Sasha had left with Anette to get them all ice cream.

"Hey I think that letter D is upside down." Jack said from the floor. Her sword was at her side with the fresh coat of polish she had given it to pass the time while Natalia worked.

"What?!" Natalia panicked and scanned the display board. "Which one?!"

"Just kidding." Jack snorted.

"Damn it, Jack!" Natalia punched the table. "Ow!"

"It all looks great, Natalia. Even Sasha is satisfied." Branigan said.

"Yeah. My dad's gonna love it tomorrow." Jack said. "And I may not be officially part of this, but he'll know my work when he sees it." Jack's smile turned smug. "Take that Headmaster."

"Still sucks." Natalia said.

"Yep." Branigan said. "Has Neil told you three the security phrase that unveils the safety bubble? In case something goes wrong?"

"He has." Jack nodded.

"And you all know not to re-cast your wards in case they interfere with a student's experiment? I've even got mine off right now."

"Yes." Natalia said.

"And do you-"

"Am I the worried one or you?" Natalia asked.

"I was going to say," Branigan said blithely. "If you know I love all of you."

"Aww Bran." Natalia sat on his lap.

Jack winked at him. "No you weren't."

"Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't." Branigan shrugged and bumped his forehead against Natalia's jawbone. "I love ya."

"We love you too." Natalia kissed his cheek. As she pulled back, she saw someone over Branigan's shoulder that twisted her stomach into a tiny knot. "What the hell is he doing here?!"

They all stood in a hurry and faced Lucas. He looked haggard but otherwise completely healed from Jack's assault. Branigan made Jack and Natalia stand behind him. Ready to cast a spell at a moment's notice, Branigan spoke. "What do you want, Lucas?"

"I just come with gifts." Lucas held up a sack. "That's all."

"You can shove them up your ass." Jack growled, pushing against Branigan's arm.

"Don't be like that..."

"You try another mesmer and I will tear your tongue out." Jack snapped. The seductive tendrils of the mesmer Lucas had tried to cast snapped away from their minds.

"Cool it, Jack." Branigan said, keeping his arm held out in front of her. "What's in the sack, Lucas?"

"Catch and find out." Lucas tossed it. He lazily diverted the spells Natalia impulsively threw at it. "Cool it, Nat."

"Don't open it, Bran." Natalia said. Sweat beaded on her hairline and down her spine. The sack felt threatening even unopened. "It's a trap."

"There's no trap spells. Nothing." Branigan said. Even a library book filled with next to useless information had more protective spells than this sack. It was completely mundane. "It's just a sack."

"Don't do it, Bran." Jack said. "My gut doesn't like it."

Branigan's gut told him the same thing. But he was holding the sack by its bottom. He could feel past the thin, rough cloth. And when he pulled a hand away, its palm was wet, slightly red and sticky. His mind brought him to the worst conclusion. "No."

"Bran." Jack said. "Don't!"

Branigan opened the sack. Jack tried to tear it from him, fearing a spell going off, and the ensuing struggle resulted in the contents of the sack tumbling out onto the floor with two dull thunks half a second apart from each other. The three of them couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Lucas leered like a naag. "I would have brought the heads but... These weighed less."

One hand was large, dark brown, and had a golden ring on its thumb. The other hand was a lighter brown with long, slender fingers with polished nails. A wedding ring glittered past the dried blood.

"Balraj?" Branigan sounded lost and confused. He fell to his knees and picked up the hands. "Alina?"

Natalia covered her mouth and sobbed. "No."

"No." Branigan cradled the hands close to his chest. Hundreds of thoughts clogged his mind, all clamoring for attention but nothing lucid making it through. "No."

Jack was first to notice the black wisps rising from Branigan. His chains were growing faint. "Branigan calm down! The chains-"

"NO!" Branigan screamed, his voice reverberating. "Balraj!"

Lucas cackled. "He's dead! Him and his wi-"

"YOU!" Branigan stood up, clenching the hands to himself. No sadness could be found in Branigan. Only fury and raw, violent hate. A Dra's emotions could only be felt if a spell is cast. A demon's...

Lucas' smile failed as a wave of emotional fallout struck him like a hurricane. He wet himself and fell to the floor. He began crawling backwards on all fours. He tried to reach for the strength the demon had given him. Nothing was there.

"Branigan try to calm down!" Natalia pleaded. "The chains are failing!"

"GRAAAAAAAA!" Branigan roared demonically and lunged forward, dropping the hands. Black scales were forming on his skin and shredding his clothes.

Jack stepped in front of him and tackled him to stop him. She screamed at Lucas as the scales cut her. "RUN YOU IDIOT! WE CAN'T CALM HIM DOWN WITH YOU HERE!"

"What the hell is happening?!" Sasha screamed. She and Anette had finally arrived. "What is..." She cursed as Lucas shoved her aside and sprinted down the hall. "Lucas?!"

The air in the auditorium tore in random spots, appearing as black scars in the air. Massive spiders with scythes for forelegs came swarming out.

"The demon is free!" Anette exclaimed, recognizing the familiars from six years ago. There were much more now. She cursed and began killing the ones that came near her and Sasha, but many made it past her. Sasha joining in stemmed the flow.

"FINALLY!" A voice came from Branigan. Its husky, feminine voice echoed over itself. "Go tend to our friend, my little loves! He has served his purpose."

"No." Branigan wrenched control back. "What have I done...." He remembered the hands and his partially demonic face became anguished. He let out a keening wail that scratched everyone's eardrums. "No."

"The demon is free, Bran." Natalia grabbed him but didn't get too close. Fear and despair tried to take control of her but she held them at bay. Emotions could be felt later. Branigan had to be helped now. "What do we do?!"

"Free..." Branigan began coughing uncontrollably. Hot, black blood spurted from his mouth as his teeth turned to fangs. "Too late...Nothing..."

"Nothing?!" Jack exclaimed, stomping a familiar to death. It dissipated into a cloud of smoke.

"Noth..." Branigan bellowed in agony as leathery wings tore out from between his shoulder blades. Sweat streamed down his face in waves. Impossibly, a calm expression settled on him. A resignation. He looked at Jack. "Well... One...Thing..."

"What?!" Jack saved Natalia from being attacked from behind. "WHAT, BRAN?"

"Souls are... connected." Branigan paused as the demon tried to regain control. Once he could speak again, he did so with clenched claws. "Mine... and its. Prison. My breath... its own."

"You're not making sense, Bran." Natalia cried.