Freak Ch. 01


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"Eric said that one can be a rough feeder, his bite is apparently quite painful. Which is no surprise really - he looks like a monster. More demon-like in his appearance than the other vamps, that's for sure."

It's the red eyes I assume, she's referring to, and the fact that he had four sharp fangs as opposed to the usual two I've seen on most vamps. I'd just assumed it was a variation, but maybe there's something more to it.

"It was fine," I shrug, "Maybe I'm just a tough cookie," I add.

Or maybe it's because I'm turning into some depraved blood-whore. Although I don't say that part out loud. While Eric doesn't seem to give a shit about faithfulness between us, I don't want Michelle knowing that the bite was almost orgasmic.

"Okay, well I'll put you down as his permanent feeder then." she looks at me again with suspicion, like she's waiting for me to react.

"Yep," I nod, "Okay."

Well, not okay. I don't know if I want to see the vampire again, but I also don't want to appear weak or unwilling to support the clan. I don't need to give any of them further reason to doubt me.


The next evening I find myself dawdling. Eight o'clock hits and I do everything I can to delay going to his room and feeding. I eventually make it there, and again knock tentatively on the door. Today he calls out,

"Come in,"

I jump at his voice, but quickly open the door and step into the room. Tonight he's sitting on a lounge I hadn't noticed in the room, again typing at a laptop.

"Good evening," I say, because it's actually what any normal person would say, and just because this guy has zero social skills, doesn't mean I have to carry on like I don't, "Are you enjoying your stay so far?"

I am genuinely curious to know, because it's important that we all get along.

"You're late," is all he says, ignoring my questions.

I frown, feeling frustrated and silly. Why do I bother with people when they just treat me like this? How do the others manage this type of nonsense and why do I seem unable to? What kind of alpha am I?

"Sorry," I don't know what else to say, "I was caught up..." I can see he's not even listening, attention focused back on the screen in front of him. So I just don't bother finishing the sentence. He either doesn't notice or doesn't care.

After ten awkward minutes of standing in silence and waiting, he finally puts the laptop away, leans back on the couch, and pats the space between his legs.

"Come," he says, just like last night.

The adrenaline hits me, and I don't know if I want to run away or run to him. I'm scared of how he makes me feel in my body. I don't even know if I want him to make me feel these things. Aren't you supposed know or at least like someone before they're allowed do the things he's doing to me?

I walk over, my feet feel like lead, and again, I sit between his thighs. I look over my shoulder, I wish I hadn't though. My eyes meet his and there's an incredibly tense pull. I realise his eyes aren't just red like I'd thought, they have flecks of gold and black which are startling and beautiful.

Obviously I'm crazy, because I go ahead and blurt that out.

"You're eyes are really beautiful," I say it like a nutjob. I think I might have confused him, because he's staring back at me frowning.

Righto, now that I've embarrassed myself properly, I turn back around, clear my throat and push my hair to the side, exposing my neck and wait. I try not to tremble, I make sure to keep my breathing even.

His arms come around me, again pulling my back against his chest, one arm wraps around my waist, the other on my neck, tilting my head to the side further. I feel so small and weak in his arms. It's a weird sensation - I'm a wolf, I'm stronger than most people, an alpha to boot. I shouldn't feel so breakable.

His fangs sink in and like yesterday there is a sting. The tension against my throat is tight, he's pulling the blood quickly and it's giving me a little bit of dizziness. The room spins slightly and I know if he wasn't holding me I'd probably fall over.

His hand is splayed across my neck, crushing, oppressive - more than any human would be able to tolerate. It should scare me, and it kind of does, but in a good way. The tension makes my body sing. And apparently that's what I'm doing.

"If you keep making those noises, I'm gonna' start thinking that you like me," he pulls back momentarily, before clasping his mouth back on my neck.

I bite my lip, having been caught out enjoying myself - evidently I was being more vocal than I realised and I wonder if there'll be no end to my embarrassment today. I can feel my face colour, which is an achievement of itself, considering how much blood he's seems to be taking today.

I keep my lips pressed together, making sure to keep my breathing as even as possible - although with the way he's crushing my neck it's difficult. Finally he's pulling back, retracting his fangs. Although he doesn't let me up, his hand moves to touch the flesh of my neck, no doubt investigating his handiwork. I know the flesh is probably already healing. In an hour the marks will be gone - I suppose it's a benefit of being a werewolf.

"Do you feed anyone else?" his voice comes out as a deep growl. So soft, I almost miss it.

"No," I pause, blinking, trying to think straight. Although it's hard with the way his hand is touching the skin on my neck. His hand smooths back down to hold my neck and he squeezes. It takes me by surprise, makes me breathless. I bite my lip, but there's no hiding the noise. The little sigh escapes from me.


Ok. what a weird thing to say. I don't know what the hell he's thinking about behind me, but I wonder if he's going to let me go. I try to ignore the part of me that doesn't want that to happen. I ignore the wolf inside of me frantically pacing up and down inside my body, yelling at me to mate. I've never had such a strong reaction to another person before, and I wonder if my wolf is confused.

The vampire's hand loosens its grip on my neck and his thumb gently soothes circles of pleasure against my the abused flesh. I release a sigh, but it's nothing compared to the moan that tears from my lips when his hand trails down my neck, over my breast and squeezes. I know my nipples are puckering in attention and the part of my brain that is telling me this is weird and he shouldn't be touching me has stopped working.

To my surprise and perhaps frustration, he doesn't stop there, his hand continues down my stomach and under my shirt. I wonder what the hell he's doing, but then he yanks the shirt up, sitting it above my bra. He's kissing the skin behind my ear, I realise, occasionally nipping at my lobe, it distracts me from what he's about to do next. Suddenly he yanks my bra down so hard, I can feel the straps snap, and he removes the thing completely, throwing it to the floor.

I want to protest, but all I can do is sit between his legs; frozen. I can feel male hardness pressing against my ass, and realise he's just as affected by this as I am - the feeling of him sends arousal straight through to my core, and I realise my clitoris is aching. It brings me both joy and confusion. What the hell is happening here?

His hand explores me like he owns me; like this a normal thing to do with a stranger. He brings both hands up now to caress and stroke my bare breasts, fingers tweaking and circling around twin nipples - I watch them continue to harden and enlarge under his care. The attention makes them sting, but I don't want him to stop. The more he pinches my aching nipples the harder my pussy throbs.

"Be still." he commands in my ear. I didn't realise I was moving so much, although it's hard not to with the way he's touching me. I watch a hand withdraw, it disappears behind me. I can feel and hear the rustling of fabric. With the other hand, he's hiking up my skirt, pulling the fabric to expose my underwear. I wonder if he can smell my arousal, because I embarrassingly can.

More rustling, ripping of fabric, my panties fall to the ground, and I briefly wonder how many items of clothing I'm going to lose today, although I'm more concerned with the ache between my thighs. His hand, now free from my underwear comes to rest on my naked pussy. Two large fingers bury into slick folds, exploring me, tracing ever nook and cranny until I'm crying in need. He begins spearing in and out of my heat, coating his fingers completely in my embarrassing wetness. His fingers come up to smear arousal between my thighs and up my ass hole, circling the little pucker and then travelling back down again and repeating the process a few times. It's a strange, pleasant sensation and I briefly wonder why.

But then...then I know why.

The next moment he brings me slightly upwards and then down to press the large head of his erection against my tight hole; no gentleness, no soothing, no holding back; just rough wrongness.

The man thrusts forward, cock pushing insistently into a place that is too small for such a large organ. The wetness barely helps, I know from all my drunken experiences with anal penetration that there should be a whole lot more lube down there. All I can do is gasp - I know I must look silly; mouth wide open while this guy buries his cock in my ass.

He feels thick, large and long; pulsing in the tightness of my rear. It should impossible, feels like it should be anyway, it's a violation that makes me burn and it certainly wasn't something I was expecting or necessarily even wanted.

His hand soothes back between my thighs, surprisingly gentle as steady fingers swirl around my clitoris. He simultaneously destroys my ass while making symphonies with the nub of nerves between my thighs and I'm back to writhing against him.

The hand that isn't busy with my clitoris moves to creep up and hold my neck, like a warning, but only safe.

It's a weird experience, but there's something thrilling and lovely about his hand on my throat. His hold tightens, it hurts to swallow, it hurts to think, but it's perfect - actually just what I need, because I can feel my pussy clenching, weeping desperately at his touch, at the restraint and strain of my breathing. He's controlling everything about this and all it does is send me reeling.

Pressure begins to build from all angles, from my ass, my throat, my cunt. His fingers work over my clit, scrubbing and circling the sensitive nub until I can feel myself getting closer to release. While his cock is merciless, his fingers are caring, dipping occasionally into my core to bring lubrication up to my clit, massaging the little nerves until I can feel myself edging closer and closer to release. It's all too much and it's perfect. The grip he has on my neck tightens further - I know if i'd been human I'd have passed out long ago, but this just makes my release quicken.

I can feel the orgasm shoot through me like a lightning bolt, hurtling across my body, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. It is like nothing i've ever experienced before. The pleasure is a blinding mix of breathlessness, control and release. I'm bucking, shaking, practically vibrating against him.

The vampire has to let go of my neck and grab me around the waist to stop me from launching myself off his lap, because that's exactly what my body does, it jumps, but the man's strong arm catches me around the waist and brings me slamming back down on him, back down on his cock. My ass feels like it's about to split in half at the rough penetration, and weirdly that prolongs and stimulates my release, my walls clenching rapidly at something that isn't there.

"Oh God," I can hear myself praying over and over again. There's not enough room in my brain to even process what's just happened.

Actually, I know what's just happened, I just let a strange vampire fuck me in the ass, and it hurt, and then it didn't. Then it was really fucking good; everything felt good from the way he speared into, to the way he gripped my throat, even the way his breathing tickled my ear felt perfect. Everything was so I good I came until I almost launched myself into the air like a bloody bird.

"You think you have another one in you?" His voice his deep, guttural in my ear. His words are a promise I didn't know I needed to hear.

I release a noise that's half scream, and half moan. What I'm trying to say is 'Yes, I will have as much as you want to give me' but it comes out as more of a unintelligible 'Enghph'. I can't control my mouth, let alone any other part of my body. He has that control and it makes me feel wild.

He seems to understand though, because his hand goes back to bury into the flesh of my sex, two fingers curling inside of me; fucking me. His cock is still rooting up into my ass like it's trying to spear right through me, and I can feel my asshole respond, clenching against the intrusion. His other arm still has me securely in place, lest another orgasm threatens to launch me off him.

A third finger joins his other two inside of me, and I can hear sloppy wet noises as his fingers thrust, bringing me towards the edge of another blinding orgasm. Slapping and schlicking noises fill the room, I don't think I've ever been so pleasured, and I know my throat is hoarse from breathing, moaning and begging.

He pushes up into me - one painful thrust that is so hard it burns. I come again, and this time my own orgasm is accompanied by his; liquid shooting, filling my passage until I'm full and satisfied. For a moment all I can hear is the blood in my ears, and my heart beating in my mouth.

I take deep gasping breaths of air, as if I'm breathing for the first time. The scent of sex fills my nose and mouth. My head is lulling about against his chest, my eyes fluttering, barely able to stay open, and I wonder if that was as intense for him but I guess it's hard to know because it's too hard to turn my head and look at his face.

There's a pat on my thigh and I feel him withdraw from me. The sensation is weird and wrong, cum already drooling from my abused hole. It seems to feel empty suddenly as the violation leaves, but not entirely unpleasant.

"I'll see you tomorrow evening." Is all he says, placing a kiss behind my ear and pushing me up off him, I stumble for a moment but manage to find my feet. I can hear the sounds of fabric rustling, and a zipper being closed.

I remember to pull my skirt and shirt down, I don't know where my underwear is, but I suspect it's in tatters on the floor somewhere. I can't think properly. All I need to do is locate my room and go to bed.

I can think in the morning about what the fuck just happened.


A.N: Here I am with a new story that I have no business posting. I'm sorry, it had to happen. Updates on AIL and TM are this week also.

Hope you enjoy this new one. It's pretty much smut focused, plot minimal. And yeah, more slap n tickle than my others. Let me know what you think.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

One of my favorites. I keep coming back to it. Thank you.

FreeTheDancingLlamasFreeTheDancingLlamasabout 4 years agoAuthor

Correct. It's non-con/rape. Hence the story tags. It's in the bdsm category as their relationship becomes a slave/master BDSM relationship later on as the story develops.

SraulersSraulersabout 4 years ago

That didn’t seem like BDSM... more like non-consensual rape. bDSM generally has protocols, rules, safe words... none of that here. She wanted to protest, but panicked and froze. Rape plain and simple.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
More of this please

This was quite refreshing. I like the minimal plot approach. I think there's no need for a huge build up. But at same time there's a lot of details in the scenes which makes it a pleasure to read and imagine. Do continue please. I can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading this but I love it. More, please? :3

FreeTheDancingLlamasFreeTheDancingLlamasabout 4 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the comment. Absolutely. I already have a few chapters written and will post them through.

darkravenwolfdarkravenwolfabout 4 years ago
Loved it.

I would love to know if you plan to write a sequel to this one or even turn it into a series.

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