Free Ride


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Chapter 2

My own moans of pleasure welcomed me out of my orgasmic haze as I felt a friendly tongue exploring my tender pussy. I was lying boobs down on the floor of the shower with my legs spread. I guessed I hadn't been here too long, or else someone would have carried me off to my bed to recover. The tongue probing my nether lips was unrelenting, and I tilted my ass a bit to give better access to my mound.

Who ever it was giggled girlishly as I repositioned myself, but didn't stop licking for a moment.

"Okay, Ana, get onto your hands and knees and then tilt your pussy down once I'm licking you again." Kylie chimed. She must have been waiting for me to recover, and I didn't let her wait long for my own compliance.

As I got back onto my knees I wondered what this was about, but I wasn't going to leave Kylie waiting. As soon as I felt her tongue in my pussy again, I tilted my ass down and felt something shift inside my pussy. I realized that it was all the cum from those guys and that Kylie was going to eat it. I lamented the fact for a moment, but let the gooey flow continue right out my channel and onto Kylie's waiting tongue.

"I think that's all of it you greedy little pig." I sneered as I felt the last drops run out of me. Kylie gave me one big lick and then pulled back and came around me. She was smiling widely, and bent in to kill me. I pressed my lips to hers and soon our tongues and a couple dozen guy's seed was flowing between our mouths. I savored the tastes and we kept our lips locked for a small eternity before parting again.

"So, how did you like it?" Kylie asked playfully.

"It was great, how long have I been missing out?" I certainly wouldn't have missed out on this kind of fun by choice, and was kind of shocked that Kylie hadn't told me. We were closer than sisters since being turned into coed sex toys and I couldn't believe that she would keep something this good to herself.

"I was just introduced yesterday after Western Civ. Of course I got about forty guys and you only got 23 but I didn't hear you complaining." Kylie beamed. The glint in her eye told me she was fondly remembering her initiation to this little technique.

"How could I? I was too busy cumming to worry about anything other than screaming for more! Was this a plan of yours?" I asked. Even after her transformation Kylie hadn't stopped being Kylie. She still had her fun little schemes and surprises, though now most of them involved me in strange sexual positions. I never had reason to complain though, since I was usually moaning out in pleasure thanks to her efforts.

"No, but when I noticed a whole bunch of guys watching you sucking off Josh, I figured you wouldn't mind." Kylie replied, standing up and helping me to my feet.

I wobbled up and let her support me for a moment as I adjusted. My body was still weak from the sweeping orgasms and now I could feel the tenderness all about too. My pussy ached a bit and my breasts felt like they had whiplash, something I supposed was to be expected from my new bust.

"Thanks, Kylie, I don't know where I would be without you." I reached over and hugged her. We stood there naked and dripping for a moment, breasts to breast. I felt amazed for a moment that I didn't even feel the need to make use of Kylie's lovely little body for a change. For the first time in weeks, I was actually sexually sated, and it had only taken 23 guys to do it I giggled to myself.

"Hey girls, you two up for some action?" Charlie Robins asked as he strolled into the showers. I hadn't even noticed that Kylie and I had been alone, but it was just the two of us in here with Charlie.

"Sorry, Chuck, we've had our fill for the morning, you'll have to check in later." Kylie replied.

"No problem, I'm sure I'll be welcome down in the women's shower." Charlie said before turning around and walking back out of the shower. He would be welcome too, he was actually a pretty popular stud among us girls, both well equipped and skilled. Normally, I wouldn't have spread myself for him without a second thought, but I was actually sated, and simply let Kylie drag my exhausted body back to our room.

It wouldn't be until that afternoon that I would really consider the irony of taking a nap this early in the morning, but I was too tired. As soon as Kylie had me back in our bed I was asleep and dreaming.

Chapter 3

Just like every other weekend since my virgin party I spent the rest of the weekend fucking sucking and licking anyone who would have me. Which was pretty much anyone who wasn't already busy. Class work hadn't been an issue since the first days at school and my classes were split between sex ed and normal humanities style classes.

That was one of the strange things of this new life, going in and having a lecture on ancient Greek civilization, classical music, or literature. It was so oddly normal, that it was strange to my new sex oriented way of thinking. Every once in a while I remembered how Mr. Reiner said that I would be trained to be a good wife to Marty, not just his sex pet. Rationally, I knew that meant that this new existence I'd found wouldn't last forever, just until they had me ready for my next phase of training to be a good wife. The normal classes were a part of that, giving me a background in things to talk about in polite conversation. I giggled just thinking about the reaction some snobby socialite would have if she knew that the refined and cultured Ana was nothing more than a brainwashed sex toy.

Of course I knew that I wasn't quite brainwashed. Certainly, they'd had a managed to change some parts of the way I thought, but deep down I was still me, aside from the complete lack of sexual inhibition and my fixation with my fiance. Still, I couldn't do much more than enjoy the days and wait for whatever training I was would receive next.

Chapter 4

As winter progressed little seemed to change, classes went on and so did the fully traditional after class activities which seemed to consume more time every day. Not that I minded, I was acing all my classes except for my sex training classes, and I needed all the practice I could get. There wasn't any trouble getting people together for cramming sessions either, and it was certainly a lot of fun.

It wasn't until the warmer days of spring came that I suddenly felt a new shift in my warped little world. I had been looking forward to these days since late fall, I'd be able to go out dressed properly again, not all buttoned up to keep warm. It wasn't until I was actually tying my blouse under my braless breasts on the first warm day of April that I began to feel strange.

"Kylie, do you think this is a bit too revealing?" I asked, posing slightly to give my roommate a pretty much unobstructed view of my large tits through the opening in my blouse.

"No more than when you wore it last fall, aside from bigger boobs. Why do you ask?" Kylie asked as she donned her own revealing outfit, a skintight top and panties mini skirt combination that had my pussy dripping just thinking about it.

"I just feel kind of exposed, almost like when I first came here." I answered. In my first weeks, I'd slowly come around to this more liberal form of dress, but it had felt strange then, just like I felt now.

"I know what you mean, I know I've been looking forward to getting out of my winter wrap too, but I just don't quite feel comfortable dressed like this." Kylie stated, running her hands down her sides. "I need something classy but it can't hide anything from the customers and this just looks trampy."

"You're doing it again!" I giggled. Every day Kylie seemed to slip further into her new business attitude, of course her business was to be a high-class prostitute for the academy.

"Well, at least I'm not going on about my fiance all the time!" Kylie shot back. For a moment I could see the real Kylie's fire in her eyes. Neither of us had really been able to fight our conditioning, especially since it had been so insidiously planted all around. Still, Kylie managed to spark genuine outrage at her fate occasionally. Unlike me, she was being subjected to a fate that would never have been acceptable to her, and that helped her, but it wasn't enough to really break free. I had always hoped to get married, though certainly not under these circumstances, and I figured that my own conditioning had long since co-opted that desire to aid in building my current subservience to my fate.

"Sorry, Kylie, you know I can't help it." I tried to soothe her.

"I know, I just remember sometimes who I was before becoming Kylie the happy whore. Too bad I can't keep angry, it might keep me from wanting to skip my morning classes for a good romp with my roommate." Kylie beamed as her eyes lustfully roamed my exposed flesh. As always, the fire turned to lust, and we'd actually missed a few classes fucking away Kylie's anguish.

"Yeah, too bad we don't have time today, but I think we're going to have to go clothes shopping." I blushed under her gaze. I stood back for a second as I actually realized I was holding my arms over my breasts to impede Kylie's view. "Am I really doing this?"

"I wish you weren't, your new shy streak is really getting me hot." Kylie stood up and quickly closed the distance between us. She stopped when she'd pressed her tits into mine and then looked up into my eyes. "And we aren't going to be making it to our morning classes today."

I don't think I'd turned so many shades of red since I'd lost my top at the beach last summer. This time, though, I was also so hot that when Kylie bent in and kissed me, I forgot everything about my classes and let the morning fly away in my roommate's arms.

Chapter 5

It took us most of the day to pull our twisted flesh apart and finally get on to more important things. We got dressed as best as we could, but I still wasn't very comfortable. I was able to pull out a knee length skirt from my original wardrobe, but my new bust made it impossible for me to wear any of my old shirts without looking indecent. Finally, I sucked it up and tied a blouse under my tits and went with Kylie off to the school store. Kylie hadn't been as bad off as I had, she just didn't like her clothes. I actually was embarrassed to be parading around like I was.

"I never thought I would see that shade of red in you again." Kylie giggled as we strolled towards the store.

"I can't help it, I feel like everybody's looking at me and especially at these." I held my hands under my jiggling breasts. "You know the worst thing though?"

"No, what?"

"I'm so turned on right now that I'm trickling down my leg." I whispered back. I couldn't believe it, but I was getting hot just because of my embarrassment.

"Wow, Marty must like his girls shy." Kylie giggled.

I would have been blushing even deeper if I could have. Just the thought of being dressed like this in front of my beloved would have been enough to leave me swooning. "I sure hope so."

Thankfully, we made it to the store quickly and I went straight to shopping. We weren't alone, I could swear that most of the student body was doing pretty much everything that Kylie and I were doing. Everyone was shopping for clothes, and for the most part they were far more modest than the common attire we all had been wearing.

This didn't really cut down on my embarrassment though. I was still strutting around with my loose top, giving far too good a view of my almost naked tits to guys. All the while, my pussy was just boiling. Finally, I'd found a couple of nice dresses that seemed to meet with my new sensibilities and I stumbled my way over to the dressing rooms.

I quickly raced into the first unlocked stall. I swept in, and closed the door behind me. Just as I began to let out a sigh of relief and I turned from the door and bumped chest first right into a half naked guy. My eyes swept over his naked chest and I felt my burning need claim me. My embarrassment earlier had charged me up, and now that I was in easy reach of a near naked man in a somewhat private place I lost all control. I reached down and undid the knot in my blouse and pulled it open so he could get a good view of my tits. With a shirk of my shoulders, I stood before him with my chest heaving naked to his leering gaze and I look up at him.

"Hi there, I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, but since we're both here, I hope you don't mind if I share the space." I panted as I just rode my arousal. Around here there wasn't much doubt about what the coeds were willing to do. We still had to do our little dances, I guess, but we knew our roles. I was certainly ready to play mine too, my pussy was dripping and just aching to be used.

"Not at all, so long as you don't mind sharing your hot little ass." He smiled, his eyes not even moving from my heaving bosom.

"I thought you'd never ask." I giggled and slid my skirt off my hips and let it fall around my feet. I quickly spun around and squeezed my back to his chest. I reached around and hooked my fingers into the elastic of his boxers and pulled them down, sliding myself down his body as I freed his tool. I stood up again, and reach for his hands and gently held them over my breasts. I cooed as he gave me a quick squeeze as I rubbed his shaft rubbing against my ass. "Now why don't you fuck me, stud?"

"Anything for a lady." He said, giving me another pleasant squeeze before running his hands down to my hips. I knew what was next and quickly bent forward and grabbed onto the top edge of the stall and spread my legs for him. I felt the head of his shaft probing my tender folds a moment later and wiggled as best I could to help him.

I gasped as I felt him slip the tip of his cock into me. I tried to push back and slip him further in, but he held me tightly in place. He slipped his cock back out of my gates and ran his head over my nether lips again. I could feel him spreading my steaming folds teasingly, and all I could do was mew with mounting frustration.

"Oh, god, please, just fuck me!" I screamed as I tried to wriggle out of his iron grasp and impale myself on his tormenting shaft. Still, it wasn't any use, he had me, and seemed intent to continue teasing my anxious flesh. Outside of a couple classes I hadn't been this worked up before, and I was quickly loosing my grasp on any self-control I had left.

I don't know just how long he kept teasing me. My senses quickly wrapped around every spurious touch on my aroused flesh. I begged between my pants, screaming to be used as loudly as I could while he ran his cock over my pussy. He even humped my nether lips a few times while I whined for more.

"What do you want?" He finally asked, his cock still teasing me.

"Fuck! Please!" I cried. My pussy was aching to be filled and I was sobbing from the torment as I still held onto the top edge of the stall.

"And who are you?" He asked.

"Ana, your slut fuck toy bitch!" I sobbed. "Please, fuck me!"

"Why are you here?" He laughed.

"To let you ram your hard cock into my pussy and let you fuck me like the bitch in heat I am! Please, just use me, fuck me!" I screamed as he suddenly tightened his grip and rammed his shaft into me up to his balls. I felt my world rock under me as a climactic wave rolled across my flesh. All his teasing had brought me to a pinnacle I hadn't expected and now I was quivering from my release with his shaft lodged firmly in my depths.

"How did you like that?" He asked as I he grabbed my waist and pulled me up till my back was resting against his chest. He reached under my arms and began gently fondling my breasts and teasing my nipples.

"It was great, thank you." I cooed, wiggling my ass a bit and squeezing down a bit on his shaft in thanks. I giggle slightly as I felt him twitch inside me in response.

"You have very nice breasts, Ana." He complimented while rubbing my wonderful mounds. I was really beginning to enjoy this encounter, a nice warm-up, wonderful orgasm and now a cock in my pussy and two gentle hands on my breasts.

"Thanks, I grew them for my fiance, he likes his women with big boobs." I felt myself glow slightly just at the thought of Marty. I held his hands over my chest as he continued to play with me.

"A man after my own heart." He replied. He let go of my right tit and ran his hand over my stomach, rubbing my smooth tummy as he went. His hand then slipped between my legs and I moaned as he found my aroused little clit with the tip of a finger.

In moments he was playing my body like a fiddle, rubbing squeezing and pumping while I shamelessly cried out in passion. He knew just how to keep a girl going, and rolled me through orgasm after amazing orgasm, all with his shaft firmly seated inside me.

"Aren't you going to fuck me?" I panted in a rare moment of calm between his attentions. I had lost all track of time, but it felt like he had been inside me forever, and aside from a few accentuating pumps, he hadn't moved to fuck me. It wasn't that I didn't like the attention, rather I found it unsporting not to give him some pleasure after so skillfully playing me.

"My mistress has given me explicit instructions not to fuck for my pleasure, but I am to please any woman who crosses my path. I'm also not allowed to cum unless in her wonderfully tight pussy or at her command." He said.

"Oh, that kind of sucks." I replied, wiggling myself on him a bit.

"That's okay, my mistress is a great woman, and she even let me take her oldest daughter Sara's cherry this Christmas. Sara's going to be my plaything when my mistress isn't using me." He beamed. "Sara's a great little fucker too, thanks to a special extension program she's been taking here."

I just shuddered a bit at that thought, a woman doing this to her own daughter. An unexpected thrill ran through me as a fleeting thought considered how nice it would be to send our daughters to the academy once they'd grown up. I knew just how terrible such a thought was, but what should have been outrage just came out as pure lust. I shuddered as another orgasm ripped through me.

"Well, bad boy, you may not be able to come, but I would just love to feel you pumping into me for a couple of orgasms of my own, if you don't mind." I moaned.

"Of course I don't mind. I am just a boy toy after all." He replied as I bent over again. I positioned myself for a good fuck and grabbed onto the top of the stall again. No sooner had my fingers grabbed onto the top edge than he began fucking me. "Oh, yeah, just like that! Give it to me!" I moaned as he plowed into my steaming pussy. He was well hung, and thanks to countless classes he knew how to use it. I was soon bouncing on his shaft as he rammed into me with a wonderful fury. It wasn't long before I was lost in my own passion again, crying out as he played with my flesh. I was his instrument, and he rolled me through another series of heart stopping orgasms.

Finally, I'd used up the last of my strength and my hold on the edge slipped. He caught me before I had the chance to fall, and I swooned for a moment in his arms.

"Okay, Ana, I think that's enough for today. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I really need to be going unless you insist I stay." He said as he held my quivering flesh to his chest. His cock was still rock hard inside me, but I knew it would be right for me to keep him any longer.

"You can go. I want to thank you for a great time, I'm sorry you couldn't have enjoyed it more though." I replied, savoring these last moments with him inside me.

"I had fun too, don't worry. I could hardly feel bad about giving a beautiful girl like you a good time." He said as he pulled himself out of my dripping passage. I moaned as I felt my pussy shrink back and my nether lips close around his retreating shaft. This was always the worst part, those first moments of being unfilled, again after such a passionate fuck.
