Friends with Benefits Pt. 16

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Amanda follows Eva to the break room.
2.7k words

Part 16 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/11/2024
Created 03/12/2024
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Frustrated, and still horribly pent up, I sort myself out before following Eva out into the rest of the office. She's absolutely adorable, but she's also such an awful tease. Every interaction I have with her just makes it increasingly more difficult to distance myself, and it's not even like I want to in the first place.

I walk through the office, gazing across cubicles over to the cream-colored walls adorned with bulletin boards pierced with deadlines and announcements. The biggest and brightest announcement being a bright orange piece of paper brightly displaying the Halloween escape room event Lindsey has planned for all of us.

From where I stand I watch as Eva pushes open the door to the break room. She pinches her upper and lower lips between her teeth in a cheeky grin that she just can't hold back. Her strawberry waves have a bunched up mass on the back of her head and I hurry to go correct that, amongst other things.

But the moment I take my first step I'm stopped in my tracks by Lindsey greeting me once again. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself as I watch the door swing closed, Eva disappearing behind it.

"Oh, Amanda, funny running into you again," Lindsey greets me, a wide smile spread across her face. She stands up, flicking back the cap on the bottle she was using to water the plant.

I chuckle lightly. "Ah, yes, it is. You've been taking good care of that plant," I comment, gesturing to it.

Lindsey smiles, brushing her hair behind her shoulder. "Oh, you flatter me. Well, while you're here, I just wanted to let you know that that lady that came in asking for you, well, she's still here in the parking lot. I wasn't sure if you'd want to go out and meet her. That's fine if so, she just can't come in here, as you know."

Cold blood trails its way through my veins, chilling me to my core. Slowly, I nod my head. "Uh, yeah. I'll go talk to her."

Exaggeratedly Lindsey nods her head. "Good good. Make sure you let her know the rules. And don't be out too long. We need you here," she emphasizes lightheartedly.

A friendly laugh escapes my lips, masking the freezing hot grip fear and anger has wrapped me in. "Will do."

And with that I wrap up the conversation and begrudgingly make my way to the parking lot rather than the break room where I just know Eva's being all smug about our previous interaction, thinking she's gotten away with it.

The exit is in view, and the fear that had held me so tightly seems to have completely evaporated, replaced with something different instead. Something that makes my teeth grind and fists clench. Something that drives me to tell her off once and for all so I can finally just be right where I want to be and with who I want to be with.

I waste no time in composing myself as I instantly shove the door open and step out into the chilly autumn air. My eyes dart across the parking lot in search of her familiar figure, eager to get this whole thing done and over with.

Soon I see her as she emerges from beside her car, clearing her throat before a sickening smile sews its way across her face. "I knew you still cared," Vanessa sighs.

Holding up a finger I instantly shut her down. "That's not what this is, don't get it twisted." I take a deep breath before heaving it out. "I need you to get this through your head, Vanessa. You and I aren't ever going to be anything ever again. You need to leave me alone."

Vigorously Vanessa shakes her head, her face twisting into a pained grimace. "No, no." Her fist clenches. "You know what I have," she snaps.

I nod, shocking even myself with how calm I'm remaining. "We both know that if you were to release those you would have done so already." I ball my hands into fists before relaxing them again. "And don't act like releasing those wouldn't look bad on you too."

Vanessa tilts her head to the side, slowly losing her composure. Her voice lowers as she speaks, "I might not be able to release those but you know I can make your life a living hell. For both you and your side bitch."

I step closer to her, steeling myself. "Try anything and I will proceed legally."

"You know that was nipped immediately the last time you tried something stupid like that."

I take a deep breath. "Try me," I challenge, crossing my arms across my chest. "I can more than afford a lawyer now. A good one too." I quirk up an eyebrow at her, almost daring her to try and say something back. My eyes never leave hers and just barely I can see that confident mask she dons cracking, revealing the desperate woman beneath. "Show up one more time and I will make sure you won't be able to come anywhere near me again." Her eyes are glassy, frozen pools. So cold and cruel. "This is goodbye. For good."

Her eyes shine as tears well up in those icy pools, her lip quivering and brows creasing. Her mask falls, pulverized, her face now clearly displaying the pain of her shattering heart as it etches across her face. And yet I can feel nothing for this shadow of a person I once loved.

I turn to walk away and back into the building, but Vanessa quickly reaches out and grabs my arm, her nails digging into my skin.

"Amanda, please," she squeaks, her voice strained from suppressing a sob that breaks past her quivering lips mere moments after her plea.

"I'm cutting you off. For good." I inhale a deep sigh. "This is best for you as well as it is for me."

With one final glare and no words said I shake her off before hurrying back into the building. A loud, piercing shriek can be heard from the other side of the door and I shake my head.

I glance at one of the security guards behind the front desk who raises his eyebrow at me.

"The woman out front, please remove her from the premises."

"Yes ma'am," the guard says back to me, standing up from behind the desk and heading towards the door.

"And please inform her from this point forward she is banned. I'm going to go have Lindsey fill out the paperwork for that. Thank you."

After informing Lindsey of my decision and hearing her agreement, I start making my way to the break room hoping Eva is still there.

As I walk there the events that just occurred fully settle in. It's like a massive weight has finally been lifted off my chest. It's liberating almost. I'd been so scared for so long, unable to actually do anything. It'd been gnawing away at me knowing that at any moment those pictures could be released. And they still could, but I can't stand the torture of her being able to hold that over my head anymore.

At this point even having the photos released feels more freeing than still having to worry about them.

I need to be able to live my life without my skin crawling at the idea of Vanessa being able to stride in and ruin it at any moment.

Feeling a million times lighter due to that weight being lifted off my chest I hurry to the woman I crave more than anything.

I push open the door to the break room and find a half-eaten muffin in Eva's mouth, small crumbs speckled around the corners of her lips. Her eyes widen when she sees me, a pink flush instantly dusting itself across her cheeks. Apprehensively Eva gulps as I twist the lock of the door as it closes behind me.

"I was starting to think you weren't going to follow me," Eva chuckles nervously, placing the muffin down on the table.

"I'm sure that's what you were hoping," I tease as I stalk towards her, eyeing her like I'm starving and she's my next meal. Nearly true... I lightly set aside her hair and move my lips so that they brush lightly across her ear as I speak, the action causing little goosebumps to bubble up across her previously smooth skin. "Door's locked, Eva. Don't think you're safe just cause you ran off in here."

Her face pales, nipples hardening and perking up beneath the thin fabric of that dress she's wearing. I kiss her cheek, my hand gliding down her arm, and looping around her waist feeling her curves through the thin fabric as I press her against me. A small squeak escapes her as I grip her ass in my hand, one of my fingers tapping the butt plug that's still inside.

"Just because we're at work doesn't mean you're safe," I hum, my fingers gripping the seam of her dress. Slowly I start to bring it up, revealing her pantyless parts, then up her pretty tummy, before exposing her glorious tits with perky pink nipples pointing right at me. "Open your mouth."

Desire swirls in her eyes and is made crystal clear with her body's reaction. I can already see the shimmering of the wetness that's beginning to form between her thighs.

Eva giggles, mischief laced all throughout it. "Someone mad I licked her to the edge? Baby wanna finish?"

I've never wanted to dominate, and own, and cherish, and love, and absolutely mercilessly fuck a woman more than I have Eva in this very moment. Pinching her cheeks with my hand I force her mouth open and shove her pulled-up dress in it, effectively gagging her and muffling the moan that arises from my fingers brushing against her swollen clit.

Circling her clit I tease the little nub as I pepper little kisses down her neck. As light as the flutter of a butterfly's wings I allow my lips to glide over those perfect nipples, nearly drooling to take them in my mouth. But I wait, torturing me as much as her.

I slip my fingers into her weeping pussy, curling them to press against the spot that makes her melt. Her eyes glaze as she mindlessly rocks her hips as I please her with my fingers.

I flick a nipple with my tongue, making her shudder beneath me. I flick it once more before engulfing it in my mouth, sucking on the bud and quickening the thrusts of my fingers. Eva squirms beneath me as I move my free hand to toy and twirl around her other nipple.

Even as I feel the walls of her pussy start to spasm and contract around my fingers I keep going, curling, and feeling, and thrusting. She's so beautiful as she finishes, shuddering and spasming in sync with the pulses in her pussy from the orgasm. Her tits bounce and jerk with her sharp movements, hips thrashing desperately to give her some time and space after being pleasured so thoroughly.

But I keep going, continuing to thrust in my fingers. With one last squeeze to her tit I trail my other hand down and place my fingers over her throbbing clit. I start circling my fingers over it, finding the perfect pace and pressure that makes Eva's eyes roll back in her head and eyes fill with tears.

"Feel good. Eva? Is this what you wanted, what you were asking for?" I taunt, using my mouth to remove her dress from her mouth. I lock my lips to hers for a quick moment before awaiting her answer.

Eva gasps, miniature moans and broken sounds sputtering past her lips.

I thrust slowly and deep, torturing her with the rise of another orgasm, but I hold her on that brink, refusing to let her tip over the edge.

"You're my little tease, Eva," I murmur seductively. "You tease me and tease me, and then you just run off." I pinch her clit, making her squeak. "It's almost like you're begging for this."

I stare at Eva, entranced by her beautiful blissed-out face. Completely flushed, her lips parted as little gasps breeze past them. She shakes her head at my statement, denying the obvious.

"Don't lie, Eva," I sing, curling my fingers to pleasure deep inside her. "Beg, Eva."

Eva groans, tilting her head back and to the side, trying to hide her face in her strawberry waves. "Please, Amanda. Please let me finish."

I shake my head at her, continuing to rub her clit and pump her pussy just enough to keep her on the brink but not let her tip.

Eva whines, fists balling as she uses them to balance herself against the table. "Amanda, please let me finish, please. I need it so bad."

Quirking an eyebrow I make no effort to change what I'm doing. I shake my head, earning an exasperated sigh from Eva. "You're not getting to finish, Eva."

A pinch to her clit makes Eva mewl, her face contorting from the pained pleasure. "I need to, Amanda. Please." She thrashes her hips up, trying to get something more, but all that does is make me withdraw completely. Frustrated and hopelessly needy Eva cries out. "You can't do this to me, Amanda. I need you."

My heart flutters at the words, loving that last sentence. 'I need you.' So fucking perfect.

"Finish what you started," I whisper to her.

Eva immediately registers the statement, dropping to her knees and eagerly reintroducing her lips to my pussy.

She licks, her tongue flicking my clit, lips providing a perfect suction on it. I rock my hips, eager to finish after all the events of the day. The frustration of being left on the edge, of dealing with my ex, of trying to complete the load of work I was assigned. The desire I hold for Eva, her teasing rendering me helplessly needy.

It doesn't take long before I come undone, convulsing as my pussy pulses against her tongue. I grip her hair in my hands, holding her close against me as I ride out my orgasm.

Eva presses one final kiss against my heat before standing back up, licking her lips as she does so.

I place my hands on her hips, smiling at her. "That was good, Eva."

"Good enough you'll let me finish now?" she asks hopefully, squirming.

I chuckle, kissing her cheek. A familiar feeling resurfaces, swirling in my stomach. It's been so long since I've felt it that I'd nearly forgotten it. Fear, hope, love, anticipation, it all swirls inside of me as I answer her request. "Maybe after I take you to dinner tonight?"

The moment the words leave my lips my heart slams against my chest. Maybe she's moved on, wanting to be nothing more than friends with benefits. I can't even blame her after brushing off her advances. It's no fun to have your feelings toyed with.

Shock is clear in her eyes, a blink has it morphing into pure glee. "I'll hold you to that," Eva replies, smoothing out her dress as she nibbles her lower lip.

Exhaling a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding I wrap my arms fully around her torso, pulling her in for a hug. I kiss her cheek then pull away.

"That was a pretty long break," I state, glancing over at the clock.

"We can still make it longer," Eva teases, but a small glimmer of hope still shines in her words.

I shake my head, grabbing her hand as I lead her back to the office. My heart pounds as I walk back, every glance I get filling me with the wonder if anyone heard anything that went down. The thought of our co-workers learning of our activities in there frightens me as much as it turns me on.

I close the door to the office, slumping down in my chair and Eva down on the little sofa. My fingers type away at my keyboard sorting through documents and chewing away at the work. I can't stop myself from the constant glances I steal at the clock, yearning for it to finally be time to bring Eva to dinner.

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MigbirdMigbird25 days ago

You have created a series that resonates — characters and storyline; but mostly for me Amanda and Eva as a pair. Not to get personal, but interesting to me that my set of comments on this series first at chapter 7, then 11, 12, 14. Not sure what that means other than captured by your creativity and characters. You know — could end right now and would love it, but … . Regardless, looking forward to more of your creative imagination.

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