Fucking my Daughter's Boyfriend Ch. 02

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Mrs. Anderson gets into more trouble.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 10/08/2013
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It was midway through my daughter Cathy's senior year of high school. I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, and Cathy was in her room with Kent, her boyfriend, studying. A typical suburban scene.

After wiping down the counters, I went upstairs to Cathy's room. I know that Cathy and Kent fool around a bit, and being the conscientious mother I am, I knocked on the door. I certainly wouldn't want to embarrass my daughter by walking in on any hanky-panky!

I listened for any sounds of them jumping off the bed, rushing to put clothes back on, or anything like that, but all I heard was Cathy saying "Come in."

I walked in and sure enough, they were really studying, Cathy on the bed and Kent at her desk. "Hi kids, I just wanted to know if you needed anything before I turn in."

"No thanks," said Cathy, echoed by Kent's "No ma'am."

"I just have a couple more chores to do, and then I'm going to bed," I said. "Don't stay up too late!" I turned towards the door, but turned back. "Actually, I just had a thought! Kent, could you help me get something off the top shelf in the garage?"

"Mom, we're studying!" said Cathy.

"Selfish bitch!" is what I thought, but I said "This will only take about ten minutes, honey. Just to get a can of paint down so I can write down what kind it is, then to put it back up."

"Sure, Mrs. Anderson," said Kent, jumping up. "I don't mind."

Kent followed me down to the garage. I held the door for him, then closed and locked it. I heard his zipper, and then his belt buckle hit the garage floor. I bent over the car and pulled my slacks and panties down. My hands were shaking. I felt Kent's huge cock poking at me, trying to find my slit. I reached between my legs and grabbed it. Kent was rock hard. My hand barely fit around it. It was one of the biggest cocks I had ever had, and I have had a lot of big cocks.

I guided the head to my hot canal. I had been wet ever since Kent had come by to visit my daughter. He pushed it in, so far in! It was so good, I would have screamed, but Cathy was right upstairs, so I whimpered and grunted while Kent drove his huge monster in and out of me. He pumped without stopping for about five minutes, and then arched his back as he shot spurt after spurt of hot come deep inside me.

If Kent had one flaw, it was that he was too quick to come. The first round, anyway! There were advantages and disadvantages to sleeping with an 18 year old, but the fact that he could usually do it two or three times in a row, with a little encouragement, was a big plus.

Of course, it was also a little problem that Kent was dating my daughter, but I could definitely see the advantages in that, too. First of all, Kent's dick was too big for Cathy, and the poor girl couldn't even give him a blow job. A dick like that wouldn't go underused for long, and I liked to think that I was even doing Cathy a favor. If it wasn't for me, Kent would soon have gone off to greener pastures. As it was, all three of us got what we wanted. Kent got sex as often as we could get a little privacy, I got the huge cock I liked, and Cathy got to keep her boyfriend, none the wiser. Or so I thought.

Kent and I straightened ourselves out a bit in the hall mirror, and then went back upstairs. As Kent opened the door to Cathy's room, I called out to the kids "Good night, you two! Don't stay up too late! Thanks again, Kent," I added.

"No problem, Mrs. Anderson," said Kent. I shut the door a little quickly, as I just that moment felt a big glob of Kent's semen ooze out of me. It would have stained my slacks if I had given it a chance! I hurried to my room, peeled off my clothes, and jumped into the shower. I was wearing red lacy panties, and they were absolutely full of Kent's come. "It's a good thing Cathy never does the laundry," I thought to myself, as I soaped up.

I did my best to make Kent forget he was fucking a gal old enough to be his mom. Big boobs and a deep throat went a long way to help him forget, but I tried to wear sexy underwear and stay clean shaven for him. Not that he noticed much this time!

It was a few days later that my problems started. Cathy began to mope around the house. She became more and pouty and unhappy. Even worse, Kent wasn't coming around. I began to worry. What if they had broken up?

I confronted Cathy. "Honey, tell mommy what's going on." It took a while for me to get anything out of her, but it finally came out, with tears and sobs. Apparently. that last night Kent stayed over, Kent and Cathy had fooled around. Kent's cock was too big for Cathy to get it in her mouth, but it seems that Cathy licked it, and tasted something on it she didn't recognize. It took her a few days to realize that what she had tasted was pussy.

Cathy held me and cried. "Honest, mom, when I realized that I had been licking some fucking bitch's pussy juice off Kent's cock, I almost threw up."

""How would you have felt if you knew you had been licking your own mother's pussy juice," I thought to myself. If she and Kent had started fooling around a few minutes earlier, that pussy juice would still have been wet. That was so wrong. "Poor baby!" I said. "But are you actually sure that is what it was? Maybe he was working out, and the sweat..."

"No, that's what I thought at first, but the more I thought about it, the more sure I was. I can't believe that stuff came out of some gross snatch and there I was, licking it up like a stupid puppy."

"Shh," I said, as I smoothed her hair. "What did Kent say about it?

"I haven't spoken to him about it. I don't ever want to see him again. I'm sure he knows why."

I used all my powers of persuasion to convince Cathy to get back together with Kent, to not tell him what she had discovered, and to act as if nothing had happened. "You told me that Kent has a really big dick, and you two were unable to have vaginal intercourse. You can't expect an 18 year old guy to go without forever. The good news is that Kent really loves you. He wants to be with you, even without the sex! You can't blame him for slipping up once, sleeping with some girl he doesn't love just for relief!"

"But mom, I get him off with my hand all the time!"

"Oh honey, that's not good enough for a man. You know he has to have the real thing. I think it was good that he met someone who could deal with his size."

"Yeah, probably some fucking slut with a huge gaping pussy. Do you think he came on to her, or she came on to him?"

"I can't really imagine Kent ever looking twice at a girl besides you. She might have... talked him into it."

"Yeah, 'talked him into it.' She probably heard he had a big dick and threw herself at him. She was probably so wet that he could smell her dirty hole, and it was hard to resist. Do you think she just grabbed his dick through his pants and started rubbing it? Fucking horny slut."

Actually, some of this was uncomfortably close to the truth. I wanted to defend myself, but I couldn't really. "Well, she might have been lonely."

"Lonely my ass. She's probably one of those girls in the back rooms at the frat houses, spreading her legs for any moron with a dick. Or one of those girls who gets drunk in a bar and sucks off five guys in the bathroom. I bet she has big boobs that she shakes at the boys to try to get them to stick their cocks in her. Fucking loose slut!"

This got me a little angry. I was certainly not a loose slut like that, although I had normal desires. I could have been one of those women sucking cock in the bathroom, but I wasn't, for who? For Cathy! For her sake I had to be respectable, so at least she shouldn't begrudge me her boyfriend's cock once in a while, especially since she was hardly using it.

Still, being a mother means not always saying what you want, so I had to go along with Cathy. "Sure, honey, some back room slut that all the boys have had. Kent would never date her in a million years. Some baseball groupie that the whole team probably fucked. He couldn't get out of it. You know how boys are."

I have to admit I was making myself a little horny. Imagine a whole baseball team of boys with cocks like Kent's! But Cathy was comforted. We cuddled a bit, and I suggested that she not even say anything to Kent. She agreed, and went to bed.

Things went back to normal after that, with Kent and I being even more careful not to be discovered. Because of that, we were fucking less than we had been, which is probably partly why we got into trouble at the party.

Cathy wanted to have a party for graduation, and I was certainly willing to help host. She and I made plenty of munchies which we supplemented with big bowls of chips and pretzels around the house. I made sure there were all kinds of pop and plenty of ice. Kids began arriving shortly before sunset, and soon the house was dark and noisy, with kids dancing in every room.

I noticed Kent trying to catch my eye, but I made sure he did not. The last thing we needed was to have some friend of Cathy's catch us fucking in an upstairs bedroom! I was pretty damn horny, having gone about two weeks without Kent's cock up me, but I wanted Cathy to enjoy her party.

When the party was really in full swing, I ran up to my bathroom for a quick pee. When I came out, Kent was at the door. He pushed his way in and closed the door behind him, giving me a deep kiss that sent sparks all through me. But I pushed him away, saying "Kent, we can't now. All of Cathy's friends are here!"

"Please Mrs. Anderson," he said, "I'm so horny now, and you look so hot!" I was just wearing a black top and dark green slacks.

"Kent, you should be hanging out with Cathy!"

"Just a quick one, Mrs. Anderson, you see how hot for you I am." He took my hand and put it on his dick, which was completely hard and about to break out of his pants.

"Kent, we shouldn't," I said, but I was stroking his cock and trying to think of a reason why we shouldn't, just a quickie.

"Ohh, Mrs. Anderson!" I made a quick decision, locked the bathroom door, and unbuttoned my top. I squeezed some hand cream between my boobs and kneeled on the floor, keeping my bra on. By bending his knees, Kent could stick his huge monster between my boobs. My bra kept them pushed together. Kent moaned and groaned, and I loved seeing that huge head come up between my boobs. Kent began to tremble, so I I got my mouth around his big firm cockhead, and he unloaded spurt after spurt of come into my mouth.

Kent pulled his cock out from between my boobs, and I made sure to wipe all the hand cream off before giving it an affectionate kiss and putting it back in his pants. Kent slipped out, while I buttoned up my shirt and fixed my lipstick.

That should have been the end of it, but soon after I got back to the party, I sensed a strange vibe going through the house. I didn't know what it was, but people were whispering, the dancing stopped, and soon afterwards, the music stopped as well.

People began to leave, early, it seemed to me. I said goodnight to the ones I knew, and told them there was no reason to go yet, but they just muttered they had to go. Many of them left without meeting my eye, while others stared at me strangely. The only thing I could think of was that Kent had given us away.

When everyone was gone, Cathy snapped on the lights. "Thanks Mom," she said. "Thanks for ruining my party and making me a laughingstock." My eyes told her that I didn't know what she was talking about. "Go look in a mirror," she said, then went to her room and slammed the door. I went and looked in a mirror, and I was mortified.

In my hair, on the right side of my head, was a huge gob of semen. There was more that had dripped on my blouse. "Shit!" I thought. "That son of a bitch! Didn't he know he came before I got him in my mouth?"

I wiped my hair with a towel and threw the towel in the laundry. Then I went and tapped on Cathy's door. "Honey?" There was no answer, so eventually I went to bed.

The next day Cathy was icy. There was no way I could deny that one of the boys at the party had come on me. My only hope was that she wouldn't guess it was her own boyfriend. So I was kind of glad when she asked me who my new "boyfriend" was, making the quotation marks with her fingers. I was glad because it meant she didn't suspect, and I was free to choose to place the blame on anyone I pleased. Unfortunately, I couldn't really think of anyone appropriate who was at the party. I remembered there were a few black guys there, so I told her it was one of them.

"Great," she said. "My mother is such a big slut she doesn't even bother to ask my friends names before she fucks them. For your information, since Charles is gay, it must have been Ray you spread your legs for."

She got up and flounced out of the room, but before she was gone, I said "For your information, I didn't fuck him, I only gave him a blowjob!" She ignored me. I really had to think what a good mother I was to Cathy. I could have said that I gave him a titjob, but that might have made her feel bad about her breasts, so I changed it to blowjob at the last minute. You see how I was concerned about her while she was treating me like shit!

I figured everything would calm down after awhile. Cathy was more or less ignoring me, which was fine. Worse was that Kent wasn't coming by. I guess he was laying low so as not to be a suspect, which was probably smart. Still, I had gotten used to my fairly regular sessions with him, and I was missing the sex big time.

About a week and a half after the party, I was alone tanning by the pool. Cathy was off somewhere. The doorbell rang, and I had the sudden thought that it might be Kent. I rushed to the door and opened it. I was disappointed to see a stranger there, a young black man. "Mrs. Anderson," he said.


"I'm Raymond. Cathy's friend. Can I come in?" Then I recognized him, from the party.

"Oh yes," I said, "but Cathy's not here now."

"I know," he said, "I wanted to talk to you." Suddenly I remembered that I had told Cathy that I had sucked this young man's cock. But surely Cathy wouldn't have told anyone about that! She did, the little bitch.

Raymond came in and sat down on the couch. "You see, there is a rumor going around that you and I got, uh, somewhat intimate at the party last week. Now you know and I know that's not true. Still, the way you looked at the end, I would guess you were intimate with someone. Now, I may be wrong, but was thinking that you might have told Cathy you hooked up with me, because you didn't want her knowing who you did hook up with. Am I right?"

He was exactly right, but I didn't say anything. "Now, I hate to let a misapprehension like that continue, and it has been bothering me. But I figured out something that would make me feel better. If you and I were intimate, I wouldn' have to feel bad about people having the wrong impression about me, if you see what I mean."

It dawned on me that this twerp was trying to get a blowjob out of me! "Sorry Raymond," I said icily, "but you will have to go on letting people 'misapprehend'."

"No, I won't do that, Mrs. Anderson. I'll just have to tell the guys at school and Cathy that it wasn't me you were fooling around with." I was thinking furiously, but I had nothing to say. "Do you want me to do that?"

I had no answer, but he suddenly stood up as if to go, and I said "No."

"That's what I thought," he said. He sat back down on the couch. "It's not like you're too proud to fuck a high school student, right?" He put his hand on my boob and started rubbing lightly. "It's not like you're the kind of woman who wouldn't fuck someone you just met at a party, right? In fact, I think you are probably a major horny slut." He put my hand against his pants and I felt his hard cock. It wasn't as big as Kent's, but it was bigger than average. I made up my mind.

I stood up. "Raymond, blackmail will get you sent to jail. I am not, as you put it, a 'major horny slut,' but I will give you a blowjob if you will forget about this whole thing and go away."

"That would be a good start," he grinned. He unzipped his pants and pushed them down. He had a really goodlooking cock, although not as big as I would have liked. I pulled off my bathing suit top. What the hell, give him a little show! I kneeled down and took his cock in my hand. It was darker than the rest of him, and uncircumcised, but because it was hard the foreskin was not in the way. I took a good lick. Mmmm, it was good! I plunged my head down on it and started sucking with all my might.

Licking and bobbing, I interspersed focussing on the head with some deep throat work. Let this be a blowjob he will never forget! After about five or ten minutes, he pushed my head off his cock. I whimpered in disappointment. "Time to take off the rest of that swimsuit," Raymond said. "I want to see that pussy I've been smelling."

I didn't realize that I had been rubbing myself while I was sucking his cock, and my pussy was soaking. "You want me to put it in?" he asked. I bit my lip and nodded. "Get those panties off girl, don't waste my time!" he said.

I took my pants off and kneeled on the couch. He gave my ass a little smack as he stood behind me. "Damn, that shit is wet, girl!" he laughed. He was making me mad, but I wanted his cock, and he lost no time in putting it in. I don't think he was a virgin, he started to really bang away at me. Maybe it was because it had been so long since Kent was around, but I was so into it, it felt so good. I was panting "Yes! Yes!," and rubbing my clit with one hand. I came hard, squeezing his cock with my vaginal muscles, and that sent him over the edge. He grunted and shot blast after blast of hot come in me.

He pulled out and sat on the couch next to me. "That was real nice, Mrs. Anderson," he said. I look forward to seeing you again soon." He put on his clothes and walked out, leaving me exhausted on the couch. I was kind of squatting on the edge of the couch, just exhausted. I could feel his come dripping out of me. Suddenly, I heard the key in the lock. Shit! Cathy! I grabbed my bathing suit, swiped at the rug to clean any come that had dripped there, and ran up the stairs.

I don't think she saw me, running up the stairs naked with my suit in my hand and come running down my legs. It did occur to me how my life had changed. Little did I know how much change was yet to come.

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laurieklauriek5 months ago

Kat almost choked when she took in her mouth Jake's hard throbbing 9 inch long red hairy thick uncut cock

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Joey you are gorgeous and I can't wait to mung down on your rock hard bulging blood filled thick cut beef pole

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Eli beautiful boy I want to sit naked in a chair and push your mouth down on my hard throbbing thick cut cock which will deep throat you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is so horny and I am looking forward to tasting Eli's beautiful bulging 8 inch long very hairy thick cut cock

damianedamianealmost 3 years ago

This is so fucking horny and one of the hottest rock musicians is spunky Jon Bon Jovi who in his younger years looked fucking hot with his very long shaggy hair and gorgeous thick hairy chest - Jon is a real stud and when fired up would throw his wife on the bed and ram his hard throbbing 9 inch long jet black hairy thick uncut cock deep inside her soaking wet dark hairy cunt

damianedamianeover 3 years ago
The lucky schoolboy

Phillip Lamovie when in high school had the pleasure of fucking his big boobed blonde haired teacher Jan Dennis and one day after school Phil & Jan had coffee in Toorak and then went to Jan's house where they drank beer and pashed off on the sofa - this was followed by Jan removing Phil's shirt and rubbing her massive boobs against his beautiful thick jet black hairy chest and then Jan lied on her back with her legs spread wide open and Phil drilled his hard throbbing 8 inch long jet black hairy thick cut teenage cock deep inside her soaking wet blonde hairy cunt unleashing a tidal wave of molten bubbling cum

rem556rem556almost 4 years ago

This story needs another chapter where everything comes to light. Mom can actually teach Kent how to slowly teach Cathy to handle his mammoth cock. Ray can continue to pursue Mrs. Anderson, and in the end maybe mom, daughter, and Kent can be a loving cozy family.

damianedamianeabout 4 years ago
John & Leora

John Searle in his late teens wagged school to see his girlfriend Leora and they had real steamy sex and it got pretty rough when they had anal sex and as Leora spread her cheeks John would plunge his rock hard 8 inch long blonde hairy thick cut cock deep inside her arse and her arse muscles would contract and then be flooded with huge wads of molten bubbling cum

damianedamianeabout 4 years ago
Helen is hot

Helen Nicopoulos is a real hot chick and the other night her boyfriend Chris Kiskiras lied on his back with his hard throbbing 9 inch long jet black hairy thick uncut cock pointing north and Helen smeared her hot wet jet black hairy cunt with lube and then lowered herself on to Chris's blood filled beef pole until all 9 inches was fully inside her pussy and she then rode his cock like a horse as he filled her pussy with rivers of steaming hot milky white sauce

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
When is the next part coming out?

Story is one of the best freakiest stories ever. Please continue it

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Very hot stuff.

This is a very hot story line and I sure want to see more like this. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Highly enjoyable

These two chapters were great. I could visualize the house and the characters and look forward to more, please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
And to think . . .

I was rooting for this horrible mother in the first chapter. Oh well, on to the next story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Funny mom.

Way to go.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Uncalled for!

No one likes a small minded racist bastard. I hope karma rapes your asshole with a extra dry glass encrusted massive dick. That goes for anyone who is racist, I don't care what the color.

sassysasha89sassysasha89about 9 years ago

Keep the story going! What will Mrs. Anderson do next? When will she have Kent's cock again? What other lines will she cross?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Loved the story till the negro entered! 1*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

this story is so hot it leaves scorch marks. don't get burned.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
would love...

to see more of her escapades with Kent or maybe if Cathy got a new boyfriend, or both!!! lol

thanks !!

dirtyomandirtyomanalmost 10 years ago
Most enjoyable!

Thank You for such a nice fun story. I really enjoyed it, & look forward to more of Mrs Andersons activitys. Have to go read chptr#1 now. Thanks again.

peebudypeebudyalmost 10 years ago
still hot...keep going

I read this then went back and re-enjoyed chapter 1....Five stars each! Love how unabashed the mom is and her rationalizations for whoring with her daughter's BF and friend. Hopefully the next chapter has the daughter walking in on mom getting DPed by the BF and black friend, and she teaches the day how to handle big cocks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Very interesting!

Look forward to future adventures!

William smythWilliam smythalmost 10 years ago
Keep this series going.

This hot 5 star series should be good for several more fine chapters.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 10 years ago
Quirky narrative written utterly without remorse by a milf under the thrall of and near total self-absorption and lust !

I'm enjoying the frailties of all the characters in the story. The developing complications are borderline slapstick without diffusing original heat. More please !

chytownchytownalmost 10 years ago
Fun Read***

Thanks for sharing.

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