Fulfilling Grandpa's Ambitions


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I heard him speak. "Your show is on."

"Sorry grandpa," I said, "but it was really the last show I wanted to play. I wanted to make you nice and hard for when I came out and did this for you."

"I see." He said.

I listened to the show. It was about at home birth.

"Music to conceive by." I joked as a woman labored in the background.

"Mmm." he said.

We sat there for a little while longer, his soft cock was still firmly in my pussy.

He spoke again. "How much longer do you plan to stay on top of me?"

"I told you grandpa," I replied, "I'm not letting you up until I'm sure that I'm pregnant."

"I see." He said.

We stayed like that through the entire show. It sounded interesting, but I couldn't watch because I was otherwise occupied holding his cum inside me. Eventually my muscles became sore, and I found myself involuntarily relaxing my pussy.

He looked at me "You feel like you're pregnant now?" He asked.

"I just can't keep holding it up, its slipping out." I said

"Its okay, you can relax." He said. "It has had more than enough time. Even now your fallopian tubes are filled with millions of sperm. If your egg is going to get fertilized, I'm sure it already has been. Now you just have to wait for implantation, then you will officially be pregnant."

My grandpa clearly knew what he was talking about, so I relaxed. I felt the juices that I had been holding inside leak out around his flaccid member. I pulled myself off of him. My legs were like jelly. I stood in front of my grandpa, sticky with the fruit of our orgasms. I watched him look at my naked lower half, not as a grandpa to a granddaughter, but as a man to a woman. I felt dirty and used, but in a good way. I thought about the baby that was going to grow inside me, inevitable from the choices that I had made today. I felt butterflies fluttering around my stomach, I was giddy.

"Oh god grandpa," I said, "I'm going to have your baby!"

He stood up and rubbed my flat stomach. "Thank you." He said.

I could see he was getting hard again.

"Looks like your pecker is ready to give me another shot, grandpa." I said as I grabbed it, pulling on it a little.

"What can I say?" He said while rubbing my stomach. "Thinking about this little belly growing big with my child just turns me on."

I almost had an orgasm standing there as my pussy gushed fluid, wanting to be put to the use it was made for again.

"Oh grandpa," I said and let go of his cock. "I want you to plow me." I said as I sat down on the floor. "Plow my fertile field." I said as I spread my legs and laid back.

I heard his bones creek as he knelt down on the floor, positioning his hips between my spread thighs. My birth canal leaking his spent seed and my arousal. I thought about the millions of sperm already inside me, and felt my body release more of its reserves of water for further lubrication. I hadn't noticed my grandpa positioning his cock at the entrance to my hole, so I was surprised as I felt it slide in me again as he lowered his body on top of mine.

"Oh yes!" I shivered as he penetrated me.

He pulled out a little then thrust in deeper than before. He massaged my cervix with his tip, and I thought about how his cock was waiting with the materials to build a baby. Going up my birth canal to my womb, to deliver the material, filling me up for many months to come. The thought alone was too much. I was at the edge as he slid back out. When his downstroke touched the back wall again I exploded in ecstasy. My entire world collapsed to nothing more than his cock in my pussy, and my need for his cock to let loose deep inside me. It finally did so after a moment or an eternity, I couldn't tell which, and my little whore of a body let go of the hyper focus. He sat there laying on top of me. I felt filled. He eventually pulled out and stood up. Our mingled juices dripping from his soft penis.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

"No thanks, I'm fine." I said, staying put on the floor as I let his sperm do its work.

I had dozed off on the floor. My grandpa had put a blanket over me and there was a pillow under my head. It was fairly dark. It must have been the middle of the night. My pussy felt sore from the pounding it took and slimy from the cum it received. I thought about my fertile little egg being subjected to this mix, and the heat rushed to my battered pussy. It was ready for another round. I stood up, my thighs burning from my earlier exercise. My body was a little sore from sleeping on the floor. I rubbed my belly, imagining the life that was going to ride within soon. I went to my grandpa's room. He was asleep in his bed. I joined him, cuddling up close to him. I undid his pajama bottoms, seeing his limp penis sitting there. I started massaging it.

"I want your dick in my ovulating pussy." I whispered in his ear. "I want you to put a baby in me."

I don't know if he heard me, but his cock had gotten pretty hard. I straddled his body and penetrated myself with his member. I was so wet with his slime that I didn't have to worry about lubrication. I started rocking on him, and then felt him flex below me. For a second I thought I had just startled him awake, but then I felt warmth down in my depths, and I knew I just made him cum within seconds. I relished in the feel of him filling me with his warm spunk, and sat there on his cock for a few minutes. Eventually I pulled myself off his meaty skewer. I mourned the precious drops that fell out of my chalice as his dick was withdrawn. I rubbed my butt up against him. I grabbed him by the hands and pulled him to a spooning position with me. I held his hands over my womb, which I hope was filled with life even now. I went to sleep with him wrapped around me.

I woke up late. The spot my grandpa had slept in was cold. He'd been up for a while. I smelled like cum and pussy. I had dried spunk on my legs, my pubic hair was matted from dried sex juice. I needed a shower. I needed to study. But even more than those, I had a deeper need. I needed to be pregnant.

My window of ovulation was passing. I wasn't going to let it pass without getting filled at least once more.

"Grandpa!" I yelled at him.

My grandpa hated it when people yelled across the house. He'd never dream of doing it himself. I heard him coming down the hall. I threw the blankets off of me and pulled up my cum stained shift.

"What is it sweetie?" He asked as he entered the room.

"Fuck me grandpa... Fuck your baby inside of me..." I begged him.

He pulled down his pants.

"Yes grandpa, put your seed in my womb. Fill my uterus to bursting." I told him as I spread my cum encrusted legs wide, opening my arms to receive him.

He came over and grabbed my legs, forcing them even further apart. He roughly shoved my labia apart with his cock, jamming it to the hilt with one hard thrust. It felt like my groin was being ripped open. I felt him slam into my back wall. It hurt and I wanted to ask him to stop, but I was baby crazy.

"Pound me..." I begged him. "I want your baby inside me..."

That seemed to encourage him, as he pushed against my legs. He opened them wider than they should have gone, and he pounded his hard cock into my deepest depths. It felt like he was battering down the gate of my cervix. Even though it didn't feel good, I felt myself cumming. I felt something deep inside me give way, and suddenly I heard a strange sound. I realized what it was, it was me. Moaning like a whore as I felt what I was sure was his penis inside my uterus. I continued to moan as his dick swelled up and coughed deep into me. I shuddered as he pulled his cock out of me and let my legs relax. I felt stressed, battered, and strangely satisfied. The feeling of his warm cum was deep inside me. I know my ovulation was about up and that my fertile day was effectively over. I was pretty sure that the egg was fertilized, and that the zygote was formed. As long as it implanted I would be pregnant.

"Thank you for impregnating me grandpa." I told him.

I saw his dick twitch, although it didn't get hard again. My legs didn't feel like they were going to work, I think my grandpa pulled a muscle when he pulled them apart. I didn't want him to know that he hurt me, so I decided not to mention it. I used a different reason to get him to get me what I needed for the day.

"Grandpa, I want to give your sperm a chance to work on my egg, so do you think you can bring me lunch and my books?" I asked.

"Sure." He said and went to go get them. He came back with a plate of food and my books. He put my books on the bed next to me and handed me the plate of food. I put the plate on the bed next to me, and grabbed a book. I pretended to study for a bit until my grandpa left. When he was gone I attempted to stand up, and found it too painful to move. I gave up my desire to get clean. I touched my stomach above my uterus, rubbing my currently tight, but soon to be pregnant belly.

"I hope you don't stretch me as badly coming out as your daddy did putting you in." I told to the zygote I was sure was there.

After a few hours I managed to limp my way back to my room with my book. I tried to take a shower, but was unable to remain standing long, and it turned into a long soak in a bath instead. I managed to wash the stale cum off of me, but I still smelled like used pussy.

A shower the next morning hadn't gotten rid of that smell, and I was still limping. My friends at school recognized the symptoms of a well fucked body. I told them I had passionate sex with a man from Australia over the weekend. No I never got his name as I was too busy with my legs up over my head. Yes I'm such a slut. No I'm not on the pill, I'm on the shot. Yes I'll get tested for STD's later today.

My friends took me out and I got STD tested. Apparently my Australian was clean.

My legs mostly recovered, and my smell started fading away. Knowing I was pregnant helped me concentrate in class. I was eager for the confirmation, and bought one of the early detectors. I was crushed when it showed me negative. I knew that it might not have had enough time though and waited two more days, and got another negative. I figured the last sex act made it so the baby couldn't implant. I was depressed but ready to try again. Somehow this planning distracted me from my natural cycle though, and I was 5 days late when I realized I hadn't seen my monthly. Waiting for the third test was excruciating, as I was afraid my hopes were going to be dashed again. Then the little plus sign showed. I was ecstatic!

I was pregnant!

I was pregnant...

The reality of it hit me. I was pregnant with my grandpas child. I rubbed my flat little stomach that I worked so hard to maintain, remembering the shirt and pillow. The shirt still wasn't the same.

When it was stretched it lost some of its elasticity. I let myself cry for a few minutes, mourning the loss of the life that my baby craziness killed. I said goodbye to my flat little perfect stomach even though to outward appearances it would look the same for a few months yet. I accepted that the child was a reality regardless of the incest. I felt all the little fears and concerns that gnawed away on the edge of my consciousness fall off. The reality of the pregnancy took away their ability to affect my decision.

The tears were shed for the woman I could never now be, and I allowed myself to feel the person I would become. I was a mother! I got just what I wanted! I rubbed my stomach containing my precious baby. I needed to tell the father. I got a small platter with a cover that would hide what was inside. I put my positive pregnancy test in it. At dinner I brought it to the table I told him he couldn't have any until we had eaten. After we had eaten I asked if he wanted desert. He replied in the affirmative, so I told him to help himself, gesturing towards the tray. He lifted the lid and looked at the white plastic stick with a plus sign for a second, then realized what it was. He went over and hugged me.

"Thank you sweetie, you have no idea how much it means to me." He said.

"No, thank you grandpa. I really wanted to be pregnant with your child." I replied.

I felt his dick through both of our clothes, rock hard.

"Careful." I said. "That is how I got pregnant in the first place."

"Sorry." He said, pushing away.

I grabbed his hand. "It's ok grandpa, I have you baby inside me. I won't tease you by denying you the body that you've already filled." I said as I pulled his pants down.

"Besides," I said as I breathed on his cock. "I heard a pregnant woman taking cum from the father makes a baby more healthy."

I wrapped my lips around his shaft, taking it into my mouth. I gently probed the opening that shot so much potent seed into me with my tongue. Then I let it drift, circling around the mushroom head of his circumcised penis. I tasted his musk. The flavor reminded me of all the times growing up he held me in his arms.

I swirled on my memory lollipop, enjoying the texture and flavors that went with it. I rubbed the length of his penis as I sucked on the head. I heard him breathing heavily. I wanted him to feel okay with what we were doing. I pulled back.

"Pregnant ladies also get horny." I said, stroking him as I spoke. "And who's going to fix that for me except you?"

Then I deep throated his shaft, taking him in the best I could. It was something I worked on with Bob, and I was glad I could use the skill on my baby daddy now. I don't know if it was the dirty talk, or my deepthroating skill, but he went off quickly, blasting his semen at the back of my throat. I made sure to swallow every drop, just in case that rumor of my baby's health was true.

Me and my grandpa had sex fairly regularly as I grew bigger and bigger with his baby. My stomach seem to be stretching much larger and faster than it should have been though, and that's what I learned an important lesson. Young fertile women and fertility drugs shouldn't mix. My grandpa was getting four. My poor little flat stomach felt like it was constantly on the edge of being ripped open. I developed enormous stretch marks that no amount of oil could have prevented. I lamented my inability to wear a bikini ever again, until I realized there were maternity bikinis. Stretch marks dont look out of place on baby swollen bellies. My grandpa really liked it too, and i smelled used again fairly regularly through the summer. I went into labor a month early. I had my babies naturally and drug free, although at one point I had to threaten to walk out of the hospital for them to respect my wishes.

I had two boys and two girls. They had all their fingers and toes and responded well to the usual examination. Four healthy, if a little early, babies. I'm afraid to say that my stomach looked a fair bit worse than my poor shirt. After I had about six months to heal, me and Grandpa tried again. This time I didn't use drugs, and I'm really hoping that the baby now growing inside of me doesn't have a bunch of companions in there. Of course if it does it will have plenty of room after all the stretching its siblings did to me. When this one is born I'll probably have another shortly afterward too. I don't know how many I'll have, I guess it depends upon how long my grandpa lives. One thing is for sure though, he won't have any regrets when he goes.

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LetsxploreLetsxploreover 1 year ago

Not bad. Exciting. But I think if I had a grand daughter she would definitely have to seduce me and I'd have to use protection.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Hot story I hope you do more like these.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I’d love a story of once the children were born and how things are living together raising them. The sneaky sex a couple has to find time for.

Stormgod59Stormgod59almost 6 years ago

This was an absolutely hot treat. Want more from you.

Muddy9Muddy9about 6 years ago
Loved it!

Granddaughters really are made for fucking their old grandpa's cock!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

MY granddaughter was nine when she lost both parents at 18 she wanted my babies

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