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The creature sniffed the air around me and turned jerkily. I got the idea that something was wrong with it. Then I noticed the bullet holes in its side. The bullets hadn't killed it and they probably wouldn't, but they had sure as hell slowed it down. I realized that it was heading for the bathroom. I'd made a big mistake. Scent transfer is obviously two ways. Shit, how was I supposed to know that kind of thing?

I'd been smart in telling Drea to wash every trace of me off of her body and clothes. Unfortunately ,when she'd rubbed her huge tits against me she'd left some of her own scent on me and the creature was pissed.

It lumbered towards the bathroom and smashed a huge fist into the door which threatened to come off of its hinges. Drea's scream pierced the night.

"Nadja, no!" I yelled. "She doesn't mean anything to me. She's one of them. We'll let her take the fall for all of this." She looked at me and slammed a huge hairy fist into the door again. In the distance I heard a police siren, several of them in fact.

"Nadja, go," I said. "I'll meet you in the morning." She turned towards me and looked at me. As if she was trying to see if she had heard me correctly.

"Remember what you told me," I said. "We're mates, until we die. Now go!" She leaped from the room. I don't know where she went but it couldn't have been down the stairs because just as she was going out I heard the sounds of the police coming up the stairs. Three of them entered my apartment, guns drawn, only a few seconds after she'd gone.

They scanned the room, eyes peeled, looking at and into every crack. I let my head roll back as if I was unconscious. Suddenly there was a sound. It came from the bathroom. the cops all turned towards the sound.

"Who's in there?" shouted one of the cops. "Come out with your hands up."

Drea opened the door slowly and even more slowly stepped into the room with only a towel around her. "I have to hold onto the towel or it will come down," she smiled. "We wouldn't want that, now would we?"

One of the cops was even cracking a smile. "No ma'am," he smirked, though it was obvious exactly what he wanted. Drea was working her magic. I was pretty sure that if I gave her enough time she'd lure the cops into a gang bang. They'd all fuck her and probably let her go. Not that I cared but it was time for me to wake up.

"Oh," I groaned. I looked around the room. "Good you caught her," I said. "Where are the rest of them?"

The cops suddenly got their heads out of their asses and looked at me not Drea.

"What's going on?" they asked. "Who are you?"

"My name is Jack Silver. I live in this apartment. That woman is..."

"I'm his fiance," said Drea.

"She's my ex fiance," I said. "We're not getting married."

"We're having a fight," she said. "But we'll get over it. I love him."

"She loves me so much that she and her brother and his biker friends were trying to extort money from me," I said.

"We weren't...At least I wasn't trying to..." she added. "It's not what it looks like."

"Sir, what happened to all of these guys?" asked one of the cops.

"Officer, after I told them I wouldn't give them any money, one of them knocked me in the back of my head with something," I said. "I've been unconscious since then."

"You're lying," she screamed.

"Officer, check the ID on that one. He's her brother. Check the back of my head, I have a lump on it the size of a baseball the way it's throbbing. I'm sure if you look around you'll find whatever they hit me with too. As a matter of fact, there's a better way. Check my phone log. You'll see that the last call I received was from her. I recorded the call. She called me to tell me that my truck was on fire. They did that to lure me out to the parking lot. If you check the security cam footage in the parking lot you'll probably see them knock me in the head, then you can start asking her questions for real because you'll know who's lying."

The first cop looked at the back of my head. He immediately called for an ambulance. "He's not kidding, Grant," he said. "Somebody knocked the shit out of him. Go check that parking lot footage."

"Okay," screamed Drea. "He's telling the truth. But I wasn't trying to get any money from him. My brother was, but I just wanted him back. I really do love him. I'd do anything to get him back. I just came along with them so maybe I could make sure that they didn't hurt him. I had no idea that he'd summon his giant dog beast to kill them all."

I looked at her like she was crazy. "My what?" I asked.

"Drea, What did Gus want my money for?" I asked.

"He was going to buy a half million dollars worth of drugs. He'd get two or three times that amount on the street," she said.

"Drea, do you ever use any of Gus' drugs?" I asked her.

"Well, only to relax," she snapped.

"And our break has been stressful on both of us hasn't it? Have you..." I asked.

"Only a little," she snapped. "I'm not high."

"Then why, while your brother and all of his friends were being ripped to shreds by my giant dog beast would you be taking a shower in the apartment of a man you are no longer involved with?" I asked.

"Because you told me to," she snapped.

"Yeah sure," I said. Even the officers were starting to look at her strangely.

"Mr. Silver, do you have any idea of what happened here?" asked one of the cops.

"None," I said. "They whacked me in the head when I said I wouldn't give them any money and when I woke up you guys were here. I didn't tell this skank to take a shower in my house. I just spent a lot of money moving in here to get away from her. I even paid the last month's rent on my old apartment just so I could legally leave there. There's no way I wanted her here, let alone naked in my shower. And the last time I checked I didn't have a giant dog beast. I'd check her for traces of drugs if I were you."

By that time the ambulance had gotten there and they were checking over my head. They also finally untied me. I stood up and made a big show of falling down again as if I could barely stand. They took me to the hospital. I was checked over and told that I should probably stay overnight for observation. I called my lawyer and he was able to explain to them that I'd recently come into a large sum of money. They also checked my job and found out that I'd recently broken up with Drea and she'd been practically stalking me ever since.

The building manager of the old building also let them know about the parties Drea had held with the bikers and how when I'd come home from work, I'd moved out immediately.

When the cops put it all together, they decided to charge Drea as an accessory to all of the crimes, including the assault, kidnapping and extortion. Her brother and his biker buddies had pissed off several rival clubs and gangs and the police decided that one of those gangs was probably training some large breed of dogs to attack and had used them against the gang. Since the same things had happened in the alley behind the restaurant a little while ago they now had a picture or at least a theory of what happened both times.

They thought that the bikers had been following me from the restaurant and had run into the other gang. Then, when they tried to extort the money from me the other gang had used that time to wipe them out. I was lucky I was unconscious or they might have set the dogs on me too.

I gave a statement and the police were done with me. I told them that I'd had too many incidents lately since I'd inherited the money and I was going to move away to another area where things might be safer for me. They understood.

I was released early the next morning. The first thing I did was to head for the restaurant. Nadja was already there. She was bringing a tray out of the kitchen and she dropped it. The sound of breaking dishes echoed throughout the restaurant. She looked over at me and put her hands over her mouth. Her face was sad.

I crooked a finger at her and she slowly came over to me. I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled into me.

"Is this a goodbye hug?" she asked. Because you really didn't have to..."

I silenced her by putting one finger across her lips. "Yep this is a goodbye hug," I said. Her face fell.

"Tell all of these people goodbye," I said. "You and I are leaving. We're moving some place better."

She threw her arms around me and hugged me like her life depended on it. "But what about...?" she began.

"We'll work it out," I finished. "We'll buy a property with a lot of acres of woods and some game on it."

I kissed her cheek and noticed that the hair was gone. I rubbed it. Her cheeks were as smooth as a baby's behind.

"The full moon has passed," she said. "No fur until next time."

And that's what we did. We bought a large property in California with over a hundred acres of forest. We lived, we loved and we were happy. There were deer on our property, lots of them. There were all kinds of small animals and even a few wolves. Over the next two years it seemed like wolves from all over the region came to live on our property. I guess I thought that it would bring a form of security because just in case Nadja ever got out of control or made a mistake whatever happened could always be blamed on one of them.

Nadja and I were crazy in love. We were together every second of every day except for the nights during that thirty six hour period every month when the moon was full. Nadja was the sweetest, happiest woman I'd ever been with. She loved taking care of me and I loved taking care of her in return.

Our sex life was fanfuckingtastic. We just never got enough of each other. She went after me every chance she got like, pardon my pun, a bitch in heat. I loved having those thin wiry legs wrapped around my waist and her just begging me to fuck her harder. It was just like in our shared daydream.

Nadja's pussy was so tight and so wet I just loved it. It also seemed to be able to milk every drop of semen from me. I lost count of the number of nights that we slammed ourselves against each other almost violently, ending up tangled in each other's limbs drenched with sweat and each other's secretions. We'd wake up the next morning instantly aroused and start all over again.

We loved being together and we shared our interests with each other. She loved watching me wash or work on my silver 09 Mustang GT. The car was outfitted with everything possible. It had the biggest supercharger available. I'd gutted the engine and replaced everything with stronger forged parts. The car put out over six hundred horsepower and it was hard to keep tires on her.

On the other hand, Nadja simply loved taking me deep into the woods and showing me things that no one had ever seen before. She never got lost. When I mentioned it to her once she just smiled as if I'd said the silliest thing possible.

"How will we find our way home?" I asked.

"We are home, silly," she said. "We own everything you can see, but the house is that way."

As I've said, the only times we were really apart were the nights during the time the moon was full. Sometimes it was only one night. Other times it was two, but never any more than that, and even then, only during the night hours. As soon as the sun came up, she'd find her way back to me. Sometimes she'd be covered in mud, grass and dirt. Other times she'd be covered in the blood from some animal. There were a few times that she came home with a dead small animal in her mouth and dropped it by the porch as some kind of strange gift for me.

But I always greeted her the same way, a big hug and a long shower. She was always a little cranky just before she changed and of course the hair, or fur, gave it away. But she was usually the most cheerful being on the planet once it was over.

Nadja, just like the rest of us, did have her faults. It was very dangerous for us to make friends. Men were okay. She never showed even the slightest interest in any man except me. There were times when we met or ran into guys who were the handsome, leading man type guys. After what had happened with Drea, I always watched her carefully. There were even a couple of times when guys made passes at her. She simply laughed at them and told them that she already had a mate. The worst was when a local politician didn't take no for an answer. He reached somewhere that he shouldn't and ended up flat on his back on the ground. He was surprised that my skinny little wife had decked him so easily.

The problem with friendships was that Nadja was very territorial. Wolves mate for life and a large part of her was wolf. It didn't have to be an attractive woman for her hackles to rise. when the sixty-eight year check-out clerk at the supermarket told me I was cute, Nadja had to be restrained. No woman, female teen or girl, regardless of age or beauty, could approach me without Nadja's bared teeth and evil intentions coming out.

One thing we didn't have to worry about was Drea. She'd pled guilty and got a deal. She was serving ten years. I guess my history with relationships isn't very good so I'm always on guard. Nadja does her best to reassure me that we're permanent but it's going to take awhile. I still have trouble believing that this goddess of a woman loves ME. But everything she does proves it. Yesterday we were having a picnic, deep in the woods on our property. Since there wouldn't ever be anyone on our property without our knowledge Nadja had taken off her clothes and was lying beside me taking a nap. I was staring at her as usual. Since she'd grown her hair out, she was even more beautiful than when we'd first met. She'd also filled out a bit from eating with me and not just when she was starving. I loved looking at both the curves of her body and the features of her face. Sometimes she watched me watch her through slit eyes and I never knew she was watching me until she laughed or gave it away.

"What are you staring at, Jack?" she'd asked.

"The most beautiful thing ever," I said.

"Well if you like my body so much, maybe you should use it," she'd smiled and I did. Anyway, we take things one day at a time and this morning Nadja came to me and she looked really troubled. "Jack," she said. "There's a problem."

"What's wrong Nadja?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure we're pregnant," she said.

"Nadja, that's not a problem," I told her. "That's a blessing. I love you and I'll love our child too."

"But what if it's..." she began. She hesitated. "...Like me?"

"Then I'll have two people that I love and have to worry about for thirty six hours every month instead of one. Whatever happens we'll manage."

I'm very sure that we will. when two people love each other as much as we do, it's hard for life to bring you down.

The End.

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TassieTykeTassieTykeabout 1 month ago

Great SOH. enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Read an extended version on another website, a better story. I can't believe he was cucked again in that version, this time by a wolf. Nadja would hurt/kill any other woman no problem if they got anywhere near him, Jack should have shot the wolf while it fucked Nadja as a werewolf to show her the same courtesy. Both over all a good story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Very well written and plot development. Characters were developed well, also. Grammar and word usage were spot on. I vacillated between four stars and five, and settled on five stars.


LechemanLecheman4 months ago

Still loving this story and have lost count of how many times.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Love the possible reference to the book Nadya. Great book with its own sex scenes!

fishgetterfishgetter5 months ago

Cute, like an adult fairy tale. ;)

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Great story. Nadja was cool. Great ending. He actually did Drea a solid by saving her out of respect for the memory of rhe love he once had. Still no way she does 10 years for those charges. A defense attorney could easily parrot a defense for her regarding the last phone call, her muddle 'confession', his being assaulted. She would plea down to little time or even probation. But otherwise story was excellent.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Humorous and original as well as entertaining and well written. Really liked this one. BardnotBard

DeanofMeanDeanofMean7 months ago

i kinda want to hear about tyhe next generation as well

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Check all the Writer's Workshop criteria for good composition, including character delineation and plot development at a logical sustained pace.

That only leaves the issue of creative imagination sufficiently broad to not only dream up such a combination of romance, uninhibited lust stretching across the span of TWO women's hyperactive libidos (not to mention the other waitresses in the diner)--both of whom either wanted to be or actually did end up as "Loving Wives" to the MC, and a modern rendition of "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest" in a love story just quirky enough to qualify as a female version of "Beauty and the Beast".

Loved it. How can it be that those critical of "Fur" fail to appreciate its unique qualities?

Just keep writing. More please.


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Fantasy, not romance wrong catagory

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Determined the author is a Trans and femi-nazi Good grief the fem take on so many of their stories has to be a woman trying to be a guy and doing a poor job portraying a real man.

KaeyoKaeyo10 months ago

If you are wealthy California is NOT where you want to be.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Woderful imagination and wonderfully told.

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