Gaia's Champion Ch. 11


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"Maybe you should grow it out?" she asked cutely.

"Have a thing for guys with beards?" Jason chuckled.

"I don't know. Maybe?" she replied while batting her eyes at him.

"I'll leave it for now. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't. I just hope that it grows in evenly," Jason replied. "You ladies ready to leave?"

"Yeah, but we were discussing that we'd like to get some dinner first," Elizabeth stated. "Fucking like pornstars is hard work and leaves you feeling ravenous."

Jason guffawed at this, as did Amy, while Phalmina and Xaera looked on, confused. Elizabeth took a beat to explain what she meant, and the Gaian women looked both appalled and... intrigued.

"There are women who get paid... to fuck while others watch? I knew that whores were a thing, but I never thought they'd be paid well for it!" Phalmina replied, awed and a little jealous.

"Times have changed. So, where are we headed to get some grub?" Jason asked.

"Well, I spotted a Subway on the way here. I was thinking we could stop there and get our eats from there. Oh, and don't worry Jason, I got this," Elizabeth offered.

"You sure?" Jason asked. "I can afford it."

"It's all right. Consider this me repaying you, for trusting me with your biggest secret," Elizabeth smiled.

Jason learned long ago to never argue with a woman who offered you something. Especially if it was free food, as turning her down was a surefire way to get your ass chewed out. They all walked out of his apartment and stepped out into the night less than a minute later. Taking a deep breath, Jason led the way to the Subway, as he knew which one that Elizabeth was talking about.

It didn't take them long to get there, and thankfully, the Subway wasn't busy. Elizabeth an Amy stepped inside to order food for everyone. They came out several minutes later, with subs and drinks for everyone. They picked up a meatball sub specifically for Xaera, with extra cold cuts and a light bit of veg added to it.

The group found their way to the park in short order, meandering through it towards Xaera's cave. Taking care to avoid bumping into anyone, Xaera led them to a set of benches that were clustered near her hidden home. They chatted as they ate their dinner, every one of them ravenous after the day's events.

The girls were bubbling over with excitement, eager to see what Xaera's home looked like. Jason had to admit that he too, was curious about how Xaera had been living since she was sent here. Being alone for all that time couldn't have been good, but then again, she was part troll. Maybe she enjoyed the solitude, but it was clear that she was enjoying the company of everyone there.

He looked at how she was interacting with Elizabeth and Amy and couldn't help but smile. They way they were getting on, you could almost swear they were long time friends. Phalmina had also fit in with the lot of them, yammering with them like it was the most natural thing in the world. Both human women had taken this all in stride, just rolling along with it.

In truth, Jason was glad that he'd found such open minded people while off at camp. Though he was initially leery of trusting Elizabeth and Amy with this secret of his, Jason was glad that he did. Even though he had to cast the spell to be certain, he already had good feelings about these two.

His other friends... he wasn't so sure of, even though he'd known them for years. Most of them were still very much into the communities and such that they'd grown up in. Such communities could be... cliquey and they were often wary of people who didn't fit in. Jason, being such a person who never fit in anywhere, kept his distance, having endured more than his fair share of hostility and rejection.

He brushed the memories away and finished his sub, letting the past be the past. He looked to his new friends, happy to be a part of something for once in his life. The girls had finally finished their food and were still talking as Jason stood up.

"Garbage ladies? Let's keep the park clean you know," he said to them as he gestured to the garbage can nearby.

Nodding, they all finished their drinks and ditched their trash, before letting Xaera lead them into the brush. They walked away from the beaten path and into the wild spot where Xaera had first found Jason and Mina only a day ago. To them, it seemed like a lifetime ago, as Xaera led the group deeper into the cluster of trees and bushes.

"Here we are," Xaera told them, as she stopped by a large boulder, which was half buried in the ground.

"But... there is nothing here," Amy said.

"That's because my home is beneath this," Xaera said, tapping the boulder with her hand. "Stand back. I don't want to accidentally squish anyone now."

Everyone did as she asked and backed away, as she bent over and gripped the boulder, pulling it out of the ground. It came away with little issue, revealing a rocky cavern entrance going down. Jason was impressed at Xaera's strength, hefting such a stone with ease like she did.

"Here I thought I was strong! Looks like I'm not as strong as a troll!" he chuckled.

'As strong as I may be, I can't hold this thing up forever. Everyone in!" Xaera told them. Wasting no time, they all descended into the cave, with Phalmina leading the way. Jason brought up the rear, just in front of Xaera, who stepped in while precariously balancing the boulder, so it would slide back into place.

"Ok, it's more than a little dark in here. Anyone got a light?" Elizabeth called out from the inky blackness that surrounded them.

A bright light flashed on, illuminating the cave that they all stood in. Jason held his cell phone aloft, the flashlight on it active. Elizabeth had a 'D'oh!' moment, before she fished out her own phone and switched on the light. The cave area they stood in was a little cramped, but roomy enough to move about. The grey stone walls were bland and uninteresting, making for a dismal place.

"This is where you've been living all these years?" Amy asked, feeling a little sorry for Xaera.

"Here? Of course not! My home is further in, if you'll follow me," the troll woman told the rest of them. Shrugging, Jason followed Xaera down, deeper into the cave that she called her home. The lights bounced off the grey walls, before the tunnel widened, turning into a large cavern.

"This... is your home?" Elizabeth asked, a little startled at what she saw.

The cavern was littered with all kinds of items, from tables and chairs to all kinds of newer electronics. Though a lot of what was collected was junk and no longer working, the ambiance of the place was one of... belonging. Much of what was there was far older than most of them, Mina being the only exception. Despite the apparent age of the items, they were all well-kept.

"Is there something wrong with it?" Xaera asked.

"No, it's just... I never thought of a troll to be so... tidy!" Elizabeth replied, taking in the way everything was arrayed.

"Oh, all trolls are supposed to be slobs?" Xaera asked, irritated.

"The lore on trolls as humans know them is... sparse. So, much of what we know, or think we know, is based off old legends and myths," Elizabeth clarified.

"Honestly, I know some humans who are right slobs. You remember that one guy from school Liz? Donald, who everyone called Donny boy?" Jason asked.

"Oh yeah! That dude was a total pig! You remember how that guy ate?" Elizabeth cackled.

"Ugh! Don't remind me!" Jason groused.

"Can we keep our focus please? Xaera, where is the portal stone?" Phalmina asked.

"This way. I made my home away from it, just in case anything, or anyone ever came through," she replied.

Xaera then led the quartet past the main cavern of her home and led them to one that was much smaller. They all walked down a large tunnel, that grew progressively smaller as they moved. As they approached, a bluish light started to emanate from the walls surrounding them. The deeper they went, the brighter it became, which negated the need for Jason and Elizabeth's cell phone lights.

"What is this?" Amy asked.

"This is Gaia's energy coming through the stone here. It's a sign of something that once exited here and one day, can be again," Mina said with a smile on her face.

"This never happened here before," Xaera said, looking at the walls with awe.

"That's because we are here now. Because our magic is now calling to the stone and the magic that lies dormant here," Mina explained.

"There's magic here?" Elizabeth asked as she followed Xaera.

"Yes. This was once a grove, dedicated to the followers of Gaia. Life was strong here, but when man came and changed the land, much of the power that flowed here stopped coming. Those who tended the grove either died, left or embraced the Long Sleep of Gaia," Mina went on.

"But there is still magic here? How?" Amy wondered, walking with the rest of them.

"Gaia's magic lives everywhere. It can never be scrubbed away, not as long as Gaia lives. It will sleep, sure, but magic never dies. We are here," Mina stated.

"How could you tell?" Xaera wondered.

"The stone. I can feel it calling to me, it wants to be awakened," Phalmina told her.

Xaera nodded, the call of the stone making perfect sense, as it was also calling to her. The cave they stopped at seemed more like a carved alcove than a proper cave. There were several small standing stones, that ringed the squat dais in the center of it. Phalmina smiled and squeaked happily as the surrounding light grew brighter as they neared.

"I can feel a... pull. Almost like a... need, to do... something," Jason said out loud.

"That's the magic of this place, asking for our help to restore it. Xaera, Jason, join me in the chant, so we can open the stone and connect this grove back to Gaia's power," Phalmina told them.

Nodding, Jason walked to where Mina directed him, as did Xaera, moving to where she was needed. Phalmina then started chanting, the words spilling from her lips weighted with Gaia's power. Once the words were spoken, she repeated them, marking the exact cadence and pronunciation of the words. Green energy gathered along her hands and feet as she continued speaking the words.

Jason and Xaera paid attention to each word and syllable spoken, then repeated them, to ensure they had them right. Jason joined Mina in the chant first, with Xaera a minute behind him. Their respective magics poured from their own beings, locking in sync with Mina's, as it lit up the cavern around them.

Elizabeth and Amy watched in stunned wonder, taking in the magical ritual happening before their eyes. Runes formed out of the magic, and one by one, they all fell to the ground, settling onto it. Only the runes didn't disappear, they stayed right where they fell, etched into the stone underneath their feet.

The very moment a rune hit the ground; lines appeared around them. These lines glowed with the blue light that surrounded them, but then changed, blending in with the green energies of Jason and Phalmina. Xaera's yellow runes further deepened this change, taking the now teal color to an emerald. As the colors changed, so to did the light grow ever brighter.

Jason, Phalmina and Xaera were now chanting in unison, their focus solely on the stone dais they faced. Magic flared out of it, as more and more runes fell to the ground, feeding their power to this disused grove. The runes stopped falling and glowed almost as bright as the noonday sun. The chant reached a crescendo before the magic then burst outwards, swathing them all in its gentle light.

"It is done. The magic is restored, and the portal stone is now open," Phalmina stated, wobbling as she stood. Jason rushed over and helped the fairy to the ground, aiding her in sitting as she appeared more than a little lightheaded.

"You OK Mina?" Jason asked, concerned.

"I'll be all right. I just need a moment to collect myself before I can try standing again. When you're a conduit for that much magic, you do get winded," she replied.

"Like running a marathon then?" Amy wondered.

"Something like that," Phalmina stated.

"You OK Xaera? You look a bit like Mina right now," Elziabeth asked her.

"I'm fine. Just really hungry," the troll woman told her.

"But you just had a monster sized meatball sub! How can you still be hungry after that?" Elizabeth asked.

"Troll metabolism. They can eat three times what a human does and often do. Plus, a first-time magic wielder will always experience some side effect of using their magic. In Xaera's case, she's just very hungry," Mina said as Jason helped her up.

"So, where does this portal go then? To the grove in the mountains?" Amy asked.

"Yes. Why? Did you want go and see it?" Mina asked.

"Um, yeah! I'm sure that Xaera would also like to go and have a look and meet the other fairies," Elizabeth gushed, excited at the prospect of going to a place where fairies lived.

"Jason, you will have to take us there. My mind can't focus in its current state," Phalmina told him.

"So, how do I do that?" Jason wondered.

"Stand in the center of the stone and focus on where you want to go. Visualize it in your mind, believe that you are there, and you will be," Mina explained.

"All right. Is there anything that everyone else should be doing?" he asked.

"We should all join hands, as only you and I have been there. By joining hands, we will all be taken with you," the fairy replied.

Everyone did as she instructed and held hands, completing a circle. Jason closed his hands and imagined the mountain grove in his mind's eye. The way the light hit it at the right time of day, bringing out the greenery of it. The cool and restorative pool at its center. The orange tree that he planted as a seed, which was now sturdy sapling. The fairy women of Emalia and Daelina living there.

"Something is... happening!" Elizabeth cried out in alarm.

Jason paid her no mind and kept his focus, making the sight, smell and taste of the grove his priority. He pictured it like he was there, standing in it right then. What he did not see was the green energy surrounding the five of them, taking away all sight of the cave they stood in. Seconds later, the energy flared and then winked out, taking Jason, Phalmina, Elizabeth, Amy and Xaera far away from it.


Daelina was lounging around by the pool, munching on a wild blackberry from a nearby patch. Her and Emalia had left the grove briefly, to look for any kind of food and were lucky enough to stumble on the cluster of bushes. There were supposed to be other bushes in the vicinity, of other berry types, but it was late and both women were tired.

Emalia sat across from her, stuffing a piece of berry in her mouth when the energy of the portal stone flared to life. Both women yipped and squeaked in surprise at this, in disbelief at what they saw. They believed that the stone network was closed but were pleasantly shocked at this development. Especially when three pulses followed the stone lighting up, which meant that a visitor, or visitors were coming through.

The stone's energy brightened, and a short column of energy emanated from its center. It was an opaque lime green, burning brightly and full of magic, but then it faded, showing who it was coming through the stone. They both spotted Jason and Phalmina in the stone and squeed in delight at their arrival. The other three women who came with them were of interest, but if they came with Jason and Mina, then they were friends.

"Phalmina!" Emalia cried out as she flitted up and enlarged herself to human size, embracing her friend.

"Good to see you too Ema!" Mina said, hugging her friend back.

"Hello... Jason?" Daelina asked.

"Yes, that's me. You must be Daelina. Pleasure to meet you," he said, taking her hand and kissing it. Lina's wings fluttered as she took in the handsome Druid, her mind running rampant with all kind of naughty ideas.

"Hello!" the blue skinned woman said, interrupting Daelina's daydreaming. She peeped in alarm as she saw the troll looming towards her with a smile.

"Xaera, don't scare her," Mina chastised the troll woman.

"I'm not trying to scare her," Xaera mumbled as she backed away slightly.

"You made friends with a troll?!?" Emalia asked, at a loss for words.

"Half troll," Xaera corrected. "I'm part human, but still have many of the strengths and weaknesses that all trollkind share."

"This is... unheard of! A troll who isn't aggressive or evil??" Daelina breathed, still getting over the shock of it.

"Not all trolls are evil. And this particular troll is a very... loving kind," Jason said warmly. Xaera blushed fiercely, her face turning navy blue in embarrassment. Ema and Lina's jaws fell open as they processed Jason's statement.

"Girls pick your jaws up off the ground now. There are a couple of others I would like to introduce you to," Phalmina told them.

The fairy women started, and introductions were made to the human women, which surprised and delighted both fairies. They were complimented on how gorgeous they were, which caused them to blush. Elizabeth especially was eyeing the fairies, Emalia in particular, taking in the ebon haired fairy's curvy form.

"So, you found a portal stone?" Daelina guessed.

"Yes, we did. In fact, it was Xaera here who led us to it, since it was in her home," Mina told them. Both fairies turned to Xaera who just smiled and wondered how it was she came to live in such a place. The troll woman then regaled them with her tale, how she grew up, where she lived and how she'd been living for all these years.

"You poor thing! Being alone for that long?? You must have been lonely!" Ema said, wrapping the woman in a hug. Xaera was surprised by the gesture, but accepted it happily, hugging the fairy back.

"Just know, that if you ever want someone to talk to or just be around, you can come and visit us here any time you want," Daelina told her, extending the invitation gladly.

"Thank you! That means a lot to me!" Xaera replied, sniffling a little as she smiled.

"So, this stone, its in the center of the city? The humans know nothing of it?" Daelina asked.

"Nope. If any did know of it, they are long dead. It stands in an underground grove, where the magic was dormant. Now, because of Jason, Xaera and I, the magic has returned and soon, life will as well," Phalmina told them.

"Wait, Xaera helped? How?" Emalia asked, flabbergasted.

"Can you not sense it?" Mina asked with a smirk. Ema looked at her friend, confused, before she glanced back at Xaera. Once she focused on the troll woman, her magic was easy to see, which shocked Emalia to her very core.

"Xaera wields... magic?!?" Ema breathed.

"That she does. Potent stuff too, I might add," Jason snickered, which earned him dirty looks from both Mina and Xaera.

"A troll mage! This is... amazing!" Emalia enthused.

"Just being here, among fairies and creatures I thought to be myth, is amazing!" Elizabeth gushed taking in the grove and everything in it.

"Are these oranges OK to eat?" Amy asked, eyeing the tree with interest.

"They should be. Jason was the one who brought that tree into being just a week ago," Phalmina stated.

"A week ago?!?" Elizabeth asked incredulously.

"Yup. Took an orange from his pack and planted it, testing his new power as a Druid. Even I was surprised that he was able to grow a sapling from a seed so quickly," Mina replied.

Wide eyed with wonder, both women approached the tree and picked a ripe orange off it, before tearing into the fruit. They moaned pleasurably as the juice and pulp flooded their mouths. Not even a moment later, they polished off the fruit they had eaten and picked another from the tree. They also tossed a couple to Xaera, who was more than happy to dig in.

"You two really like oranges I assume?" Jason chuckled.